#include 'Stix.st'. ################################################################# ## MAIN ################################################################# ## TODO: use #define to define a class or use #class to define a class. ## use #extend to extend a class ## using #class for both feels confusing. #extend Apex { } #extend SmallInteger { #method getTrue: anInteger { ^anInteger + 9999. } #method inc { ^self + 1. } } #class TestObject(Object) { #dcl(#class) Q R. #dcl(#classinst) a1 a2. #method test999 { ^self.Q } } #class B.TestObject(Object) { #dcl(#class) Q R. #dcl(#classinst) a1 a2. #method test000 { ^self.Q } } #pooldic ABC { #KKK := 20. } #pooldic SRX.ABC { #JJJ := 1000. } #class MyConsole(Console) { #method box: origin corner: corner { | tmp | self setCursor: origin. self write: '+'. (corner x - origin x - 1) timesRepeat: [self write: '-']. self write: '+'. tmp := Point new. (origin y + 1) to: (corner y - 1) by: 1 do: [ :i | tmp x: origin x y: i. self setCursor: tmp. self write: '|'. tmp x: corner x. self setCursor: tmp. self write: '|'. ]. tmp x: origin x y: corner y. self setCursor: tmp. self write: '+'. (corner x - origin x - 1) timesRepeat: [self write: '-']. self write: '+'. } } #class MyObject(TestObject) { #dcl(#pooldic) ABC SRX.ABC. #method(#class) main { | v1 v2 | v2 := 'have fun'. v2 at: 0 put: $H. System logNl: ('START OF MAIN - ' & v2). v1 := MyConsole output. v1 clear. v1 box: 0@0 corner: 80@20. v1 write: S'hello, 월드 이거 좋지 않니\n'. v1 write: S'하하하하하하하하 좋아좋아 可愛くってしょうがない(^o^) ほのかちゃん、しおりちゃん元気そうだね! 久しぶりに見た。しおりちゃんどうしたのかな?좋아 하라하하\n'. v1 close. self main2. System logNl: (9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 * 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888) asString. System logNl: (9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 - 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888) asString. System logNl: (8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 - 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999) asString. System logNl:(820186817651640487320479808367534510238779540102526006236474836166734016865205999870833760242352512045225158774173869894826877890589130978987229877889333678492731896878236182891224254464936050871086340438798130266913122427332418216677813151305680453358955006355665628938266331979307689540884269372365762883678113227136498054422414501840232090872158915536978847443767922315217311444711397048331496139248250188991402851129033493732164230227458717486395514436574417275149404197774547389507462779807727615 * 765507696474864454832447821143032209556194237429024272487376513755618415740858933212778176226195677908876814855895611901838419364549855580388081219363378099926549770419687104031809304167273647479680584409544921582452247598843590335565958941218635089801691339265287920342381909847353843571491984747541378691432905678660731517460920201717549951480681654501180257614183394160869490681730637245109396396631700176391975994387097927483353281545628136320635813474136122790139443917922910896873631927820545774) asString. System logNl:(-820186817651640487320479808367534510238779540102526006236474836166734016865205999870833760242352512045225158774173869894826877890589130978987229877889333678492731896878236182891224254464936050871086340438798130266913122427332418216677813151305680453358955006355665628938266331979307689540884269372365762883678113227136498054422414501840232090872158915536978847443767922315217311444711397048331496139248250188991402851129033493732164230227458717486395514436574417275149404197774547389507462779807727615 * 765507696474864454832447821143032209556194237429024272487376513755618415740858933212778176226195677908876814855895611901838419364549855580388081219363378099926549770419687104031809304167273647479680584409544921582452247598843590335565958941218635089801691339265287920342381909847353843571491984747541378691432905678660731517460920201717549951480681654501180257614183394160869490681730637245109396396631700176391975994387097927483353281545628136320635813474136122790139443917922910896873631927820545774) asString. System logNl: S'\0\0\0END OF MAIN\0AB\0\0\0C\0\0\0'. ##v1 := Stdio2 open: '/tmp/1.txt' for: 'w+'. v1 := Stdio2 new open: '/tmp/1.txt' for: 'w+'. (v1 isError) ifTrue: [ System logNl: ('Error in opening a file....' & v1 asString). ] ifFalse: [ ## v1 puts: 'hello'. v1 puts ('hello', 'world', 'good', C'\n', C'\t', 'under my umbrella 123.', C'\n'). v1 close. (*v1 format(10, 20) isNil ifFalse: [ 'Beautiful life' dump. ].*) ]. nil isNil ifTrue: [ 'NIL NIL NIL' dump. ]. (Apex new) notNil ifTrue: [ 'APEX NIL NIL NIL' dump. ]. self varg_test (10, 20, 30, 40, 50) dump. self varg_test2 (10, 20, 30, 40, 50) dump. self varg_test3 (10, 20, 30, 40, 50) dump. thisContext vargCount dump. thisContext vargCount dump. ((2305843009213693951 bitAt: 61) = 0) ifFalse: [ System logNl: 'Test 1 failed'. thisProcess terminate ]. ((-2305843009213693951 bitAt: 62) = 1) ifFalse: [ System logNl: 'Test 2 failed'. thisProcess terminate ]. ((2r1000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 bitAt: 120) = 0) ifFalse: [ System logNl: 'Test 3 failed'. thisProcess terminate ]. ((-2r1000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 bitAt: 16rFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0) = 1) ifFalse: [ System logNl: 'Test 4 failed'. thisProcess terminate ]. 0 priorTo: 200 do: [:i | | k | k := 1 bitShift: i. ## (k printStringRadix: 2) dump. ((k bitAt: i) = 1) ifFalse: [ System logNl: 'Test 5 failed'. thisProcess terminate. ]. ((k bitAt: i - 1) = 0) ifFalse: [ System logNl: 'Test 6 failed'. thisProcess terminate. ]. ]. 2r100000000_10001111_01010000 dump. 16rFFFFFFFF_12345678 dump. } #method(#class) varg_test() { 0 to: (thisContext vargCount - 1) do: [:k | (thisContext vargAt: k) dump. ]. ^999 } #method(#class) varg_test2(a,b,c) { 0 to: (thisContext vargCount - 1) do: [:k | (thisContext vargAt: k) dump. ]. ^a } #method(#class) varg_test3(a,b,c,d,e,f) { 0 to: (thisContext vargCount - 1) do: [:k | (thisContext vargAt: k) dump. ]. ## ^b * 100 ^f } #method t001(a) { a isNil ifTrue: [^E'1']. (a = 20) ifTrue: [^error]. (a = 10) ifTrue: [^10]. ^a. a := error(10). [ a = error(10) ] ifTrue: [....]. } } #extend MyObject { #method(#class) main2 { System logNl: KKK. System logNl: SRX.ABC.JJJ. System logNl: JJJ. System logNl: -200 asString. } }