## ## TODO: is it better to inherit from Object??? ## or treat Exception specially like UndefinedObject or Class??? ## #class Exception(Apex) { #dcl signalContext handlerContext messageText. #method(#class) signal { ^self new signal } #method(#class) signal: text { ^self new signal: text } #method handlerContext: context { self.handlerContext := context. } #method messageText { ^self.messageText } #method __signal { self.signalContext := thisContext. ((thisContext sender) findExceptionContext) handleException: self. } #method signal { | excctx excblk retval actpos | self.signalContext := thisContext. excctx := (thisContext sender) findExceptionContext. [excctx notNil] whileTrue: [ excblk := excctx findExceptionHandlerFor: (self class). (excblk notNil and: [actpos := excctx basicSize - 1. excctx basicAt: actpos]) ifTrue: [ self.handlerContext := excctx. excctx basicAt: actpos put: false. [ retval := excblk value: self ] ensure: [ excctx basicAt: actpos put: true ]. thisContext unwindTo: (excctx sender) return: nil. Processor return: retval to: (excctx sender). ]. excctx := (excctx sender) findExceptionContext. ]. ## ----------------------------------------------------------------- ## FATAL ERROR - no exception handler. ## ----------------------------------------------------------------- ##thisContext unwindTo: nil return: nil. ##thisContext unwindTo: (Processor activeProcess initialContext) return: nil. thisContext unwindTo: (thisProcess initialContext) return: nil. ('### EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED #### ' & self class name & ' - ' & self messageText) dump. ## TODO: debug the current process???? " ##Processor activeProcess terminate. thisProcess terminate. } #method signal: text { self.messageText := text. ^self signal. } #method pass { ## pass the exception to the outer context ((self.handlerContext sender) findExceptionContext) handleException: self. } #method return: value { (self.handlerContext notNil) ifTrue: [ Processor return: value to: self.handlerContext. ]. } #method retry { ## TODO: verify if return:to: causes unnecessary stack growth. (self.handlerContext notNil) ifTrue: [ self.handlerContext pc: 0. Processor return: self to: self.handlerContext. ]. } #method resume: value { ## TODO: verify if return:to: causes unnecessary stack growth. ## is this correct??? (self.signalContext notNil and: [self.handlerContext notNil]) ifTrue: [ | ctx | ctx := self.signalContext sender. self.signalContext := nil. self.handlerContext := nil. Processor return: value to: ctx. ]. } #method resume { ^self resume: nil. } } ##============================================================================ #extend Context { #method isExceptionContext { ^false } #method isEnsureContext { ^false } #method ensureBlock { ^nil } #method findExceptionContext { | ctx | ctx := self. [ ctx notNil ] whileTrue: [ (ctx isExceptionContext) ifTrue: [^ctx]. ctx := ctx sender. ]. ^nil } #method unwindTo: context return: retval { ## ------------------------------------------------------------------- ## <<private>> ## private: called by VM upon unwinding ## ------------------------------------------------------------------- | ctx stop | ctx := self. stop := false. [stop] whileFalse: [ | eb | eb := ctx ensureBlock. (eb notNil) ifTrue: [ | donepos | donepos := ctx basicSize - 1. (ctx basicAt: donepos) ifFalse: [ ctx basicAt: donepos put: true. eb value. ]. ]. stop := (ctx == context). ctx := ctx sender. ## stop ifFalse: [ stop := ctx isNil ]. ]. ^retval } } ##============================================================================ #extend MethodContext { #method isExceptionContext { ## 10 - STIX_METHOD_PREAMBLE_EXCEPTION in VM. ^self.method preambleCode == 10. } #method isEnsureContext { ## 10 - STIX_METHOD_PREAMBLE_ENSURE in VM. ^self.method preambleCode == 11 } #method ensureBlock { ## TODO: change 8 to a constant when stix is enhanced to support constant definition (self.method preambleCode == 11) ifFalse: [^nil]. ^self basicAt: 8. } #method findExceptionHandlerFor: exception_class { ## find an exception handler block for a given exception class. ## ## for this to work, self must be an exception handler context. ## For a single on:do: call, ## self class specNumInstVars must return 8. ## basicAt: 8 must be the on: argument. ## basicAt: 9 must be the do: argument (self isExceptionContext) ifTrue: [ | bound exc | ## NOTE: if on:do: has a temporary varible, bound must be adjusted to reflect it. bound := self basicSize - 1. ## TODO: change 8 to a constant when stix is enhanced to support constant definition ## or calcuate the minimum size using the class information. 8 to: bound by: 2 do: [ :i | exc := self basicAt: i. ((exception_class == exc) or: [exception_class inheritsFrom: exc]) ifTrue: [^self basicAt: (i + 1)]. ] ]. ^nil. } #method handleException: exception { ## ------------------------------------------------------------------- ## <<private>> ## called by Exception>>signal. ## this method only exists in the MethodContext and UndefinedObject. ## the caller must make sure that the receiver object is ## a method context or nil. Exception>>signal invokes this method ## only for an exception context which is a method context. it ## invokes it for nil when no exception context is found. ## ------------------------------------------------------------------- | excblk retval actpos | ## position of the temporary variable 'active' in MethodContext>>on:do. ## for this code to work, it must be the last temporary variable in the method. actpos := (self basicSize) - 1. excblk := self findExceptionHandlerFor: (exception class). (excblk isNil or: [(self basicAt: actpos) not]) ifTrue: [ ## self is an exception context but doesn't have a matching ## exception handler or the exception context is already ## in the middle of evaluation. ^(self.sender findExceptionContext) handleException: exception. ]. exception handlerContext: self. ## ------------------------------------------------------------------- ## if an exception occurs within an exception handler block, ## the search will reach this context again as the exception block ## is evaluated before actual unwinding. set the temporary variable ## in the exception context to mask out this context from the search ## list. ## ------------------------------------------------------------------- self basicAt: actpos put: false. [ retval := excblk value: exception ] ensure: [ self basicAt: actpos put: true ]. ##(self.sender isNil) ifTrue: [ "TODO: CANNOT RETURN" ]. ## ------------------------------------------------------------------- ## return to self.sender which is a caller of the exception context (on:do:) ## pass the first ensure context between thisContext and self.sender. ## ## [ [Exception signal: 'xxx'] ensure: [20] ] on: Exception do: [:ex | ...] ## ## ------------------------------------------------------------------- thisContext unwindTo: self.sender return: nil. Processor return: retval to: self.sender. } } ##============================================================================ #extend BlockContext { #method on: anException do: anExceptionBlock { | exception_active | <exception> "thisContext isExceptionContext dump. (thisContext basicSize) dump. (thisContext basicAt: 8) dump. ## this should be anException (thisContext basicAt: 9) dump. ## this should be anExceptionBlock (thisContext basicAt: 10) dump. ## this should be handlerActive 'on:do: ABOUT TO EVALUE THE RECEIVER BLOCK' dump." exception_active := true. ^self value. } #method on: exc1 do: blk1 on: exc2 do: blk2 { | exception_active | <exception> exception_active := true. ^self value. } #method ensure: aBlock { | retval done | <ensure> done := false. retval := self value. ## the temporary variable 'done' may get changed ## during evaluation for exception handling. done ifFalse: [ done := true. aBlock value. ]. ^retval } #method ifCurtailed: aBlock { | v ok | ok := false. [ v := self value. ok := true. ] ensure: [ ok ifFalse: [aBlock value] ]. ^v. } } ##============================================================================ #class NoSuchMessageException(Exception) { } #class PrimitiveFailureException(Exception) { } #extend Apex { #method(#class) primitiveFailed { ## TODO: implement this ## experimental backtrace... | ctx | ctx := thisContext. [ctx notNil] whileTrue: [ (ctx class == MethodContext) ifTrue: [ (ctx method owner name & '>>' & ctx method name) dump ]. ## TODO: include blockcontext??? ctx := ctx sender. ]. '------ END OF BACKTRACE -----------' dump. PrimitiveFailureException signal: 'PRIMITIVE FAILED'. } #method(#class) cannotInstantiate { Exception signal: 'Cannot instantiate'. } #method(#class) doesNotUnderstand: messageSymbol { ## TODO: implement this properly NoSuchMessageException signal: (messageSymbol & ' not understood by ' & (self name)). } }