/* * $Id$ * Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Chung, Hyung-Hwan. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include typedef struct stdio_t stdio_t; struct stdio_t { STIX_OBJ_HEADER; FILE* fp; }; static int pf_newinstsize (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs) { stix_ooi_t newinstsize = STIX_SIZEOF(stdio_t) - STIX_SIZEOF(stix_obj_t); STIX_STACK_SETRET (stix, nargs, STIX_SMOOI_TO_OOP(newinstsize)); return 1; } static int pf_open (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs) { stix_oop_char_t name; stix_oop_char_t mode; stdio_t* rcv; #if defined(STIX_OOCH_IS_UCH) stix_oow_t ucslen, bcslen; stix_bch_t namebuf[PATH_MAX]; stix_bch_t modebuf[32]; /* TODO: dynamic-sized conversion?? */ #endif rcv = (stdio_t*)STIX_STACK_GETRCV(stix, nargs); name = (stix_oop_char_t)STIX_STACK_GETARG(stix, nargs, 0); mode = (stix_oop_char_t)STIX_STACK_GETARG(stix, nargs, 1); #if defined(STIX_OOCH_IS_UCH) /* TODO: error check on string conversion */ ucslen = STIX_OBJ_GET_SIZE(name); bcslen = STIX_COUNTOF(namebuf) - 1; stix_oocstobcs (stix, name->slot, &ucslen, namebuf, &bcslen); /* TODO: error check */ namebuf[bcslen] = '\0'; ucslen = STIX_OBJ_GET_SIZE(mode); bcslen = STIX_COUNTOF(modebuf) - 1; stix_oocstobcs (stix, mode->slot, &ucslen, modebuf, &bcslen); /* TODO: error check */ modebuf[bcslen] = '\0'; rcv->fp = fopen (namebuf, modebuf); #else rcv->fp = fopen (name->slot, mode->slot); #endif if (!rcv->fp) { STIX_DEBUG2 (stix, "cannot open %s for %s\n", namebuf, modebuf); return -1; /* TODO: return success with an object instead... */ } STIX_DEBUG3 (stix, "opened %s for %s - %p\n", namebuf, modebuf, rcv->fp); STIX_STACK_SETRETTORCV (stix, nargs); return 1; } static int pf_close (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs) { stdio_t* rcv; rcv = (stdio_t*)STIX_STACK_GETRCV(stix, nargs); if (rcv->fp) { STIX_DEBUG1 (stix, "closing %p\n", rcv->fp); fclose (rcv->fp); rcv->fp = NULL; } STIX_STACK_SETRETTORCV (stix, nargs); return 1; } static int pf_gets (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs) { /* return how many bytes have been written.. */ STIX_STACK_SETRETTORCV (stix, nargs); return 1; } static int pf_puts (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs) { /* return how many bytes have been written.. */ STIX_STACK_SETRETTORCV (stix, nargs); return 1; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ typedef struct fnctab_t fnctab_t; struct fnctab_t { const stix_bch_t* mthname; const stix_bch_t* pfname; int variadic; stix_pfimpl_t handler; }; static fnctab_t fnctab[] = { { "_newInstSize", STIX_NULL, 0, pf_newinstsize }, { "close", STIX_NULL, 0, pf_close }, { "gets", STIX_NULL, 0, pf_gets }, { "open:for:", STIX_NULL, 0, pf_open }, { "puts", STIX_NULL, 1, pf_puts } }; static stix_ooch_t voca_open_for[] = { 'o','p','e','n',':','f','o','r',':','\0' }; static stix_ooch_t voca_open[] = { 'o','p','e','n','\0' }; static stix_ooch_t voca_close[] = { 'c','l','o','s','e','\0' }; static stix_ooch_t voca_newInstSize[] = { '_','n','e','w','I','n','s','t','S','i','z','e','\0' }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static int import (stix_t* stix, stix_mod_t* mod, stix_oop_t _class) { stix_pushtmp (stix, &_class); stix_genpfmethod (stix, mod, _class, STIX_METHOD_CLASS, voca_newInstSize, 0, STIX_NULL); stix_genpfmethod (stix, mod, _class, STIX_METHOD_INSTANCE, voca_open_for, 0, STIX_NULL); stix_genpfmethod (stix, mod, _class, STIX_METHOD_INSTANCE, voca_close, 0, voca_close); stix_poptmp (stix); return 0; } static stix_pfimpl_t query (stix_t* stix, stix_mod_t* mod, const stix_ooch_t* name) { int left, right, mid, n; left = 0; right = STIX_COUNTOF(fnctab) - 1; while (left <= right) { mid = (left + right) / 2; n = stix_compoocbcstr (name, fnctab[mid].mthname); if (n < 0) right = mid - 1; else if (n > 0) left = mid + 1; else { return fnctab[mid].handler; } } stix->errnum = STIX_ENOENT; return STIX_NULL; } #if 0 /* TOOD: concept of a argument_check fucntion? * check if receiver is a certain object? * check if receiver is at a certain size? * etc... */ static int sanity_check (stix_t* stix) { } #endif static void unload (stix_t* stix, stix_mod_t* mod) { /* TODO: close all open handle?? */ } int stix_mod_stdio (stix_t* stix, stix_mod_t* mod) { mod->import = import; mod->query = query; mod->unload = unload; mod->ctx = STIX_NULL; #if 0 #include 'Stix.st'. #import 'Console'. /* GRAMMER ENHANCEMENT */ fun abc (a, b, c) <----- this style, register C style method { } fun abc: a with: b c: c <----- smalltalk style { } abc->def (a, b, c) <------- use -> as an c style method indicator abc abc: a with: b c: c #endif return 0; }