refactored exception handling code a little

This commit is contained in:
hyunghwan.chung 2016-06-26 15:03:12 +00:00
parent 0988fc99f8
commit de965baab7
7 changed files with 399 additions and 459 deletions

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@ -1,10 +1,3 @@
#class Exception(Apex)
#dcl signalContext handlerContext messageText.
## To be extended below.
#class(#pointer) Context(Apex)
#dcl sender ip sp ntmprs.
@ -14,133 +7,10 @@
#method isExceptionContext
#method isEnsureContext
#method ensureBlock
#method findExceptionContext
| ctx |
ctx := self.
[ ctx notNil ] whileTrue: [
(ctx isExceptionContext) ifTrue: [^ctx].
ctx := ctx sender.
#method findEnsureContextAbove: sentinel
| ctx |
ctx := self.
[ ctx notNil and: [ctx ~~ sentinel] ] whileTrue: [
(ctx isEnsureContext) ifTrue: [^ctx].
ctx := ctx sender.
#method hasSender: context
| s |
(self == context) ifTrue: [^false].
s := self.sender.
[ s isNil ] whileFalse: [
(s == context) ifTrue: [^true].
s := s sender.
#method isDead
^self.ip < 0
#method terminate
self.sender := nil.
self.ip = -1;
#method terminateTo: prevctx
| ctx sctx |
(self hasSender: prevctx) ifTrue: [
ctx := self.sender.
[ctx ~~ prevctx] whileTrue: [
sctx := ctx sender.
ctx terminate.
ctx := sctx.
self.sender := prevctx.
#method resume: retval through: context
| ctx |
self isDead ifTrue: ["TODO: cannot return" 'CANNOT RETURN' dump.].
ctx := context.
[ ctx notNil ] whileTrue: [
| donepos |
donepos := ctx basicSize - 1.
(ctx basicAt: donepos) ifFalse: [
| ensblk |
ctx basicAt: donepos put: true.
ensblk := ctx ensureBlock.
thisContext terminateTo: ctx.
ensblk value.
ctx := ctx findEnsureContextAbove: self.
thisContext terminateTo: self.
#method unwindTo: context return: retval
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
## <<private>>
## private: called by VM upon unwinding
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
| ctx stop |
ctx := self.
stop := false.
[stop] whileFalse: [
| eb |
eb := ctx ensureBlock.
(eb notNil) ifTrue: [
| donepos |
donepos := ctx basicSize - 1.
(ctx basicAt: donepos) ifFalse: [
ctx basicAt: donepos put: true.
eb value.
stop := (ctx == context).
ctx := ctx sender.
#class(#pointer) MethodContext(Context)
@ -188,104 +58,6 @@
#method isExceptionContext
^self.method preambleCode == 10.
#method isEnsureContext
^self.method preambleCode == 11
#method ensureBlock
## TODO: change 8 to a constant when stix is enhanced to support constant definition
(self.method preambleCode == 11) ifFalse: [^nil].
^self basicAt: 8.
#method findExceptionHandlerFor: exception_class
## find an exception handler block for a given exception class.
## for this to work, self must be an exception handler context.
## For a single on:do: call,
## self class specNumInstVars must return 8.
## basicAt: 8 must be the on: argument.
## basicAt: 9 must be the do: argument
(self isExceptionContext) ifTrue: [
| bound exc |
## NOTE: if on:do: has a temporary varible, bound must be adjusted to reflect it.
bound := self basicSize - 1.
## TODO: change 8 to a constant when stix is enhanced to support constant definition
## or calcuate the minimum size using the class information.
8 to: bound by: 2 do: [ :i |
exc := self basicAt: i.
((exception_class == exc) or: [exception_class inheritsFrom: exc]) ifTrue: [^self basicAt: (i + 1)].
#method handleException: exception
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
## <<private>>
## called by Exception>>signal.
## this method only exists in the MethodContext and UndefinedObject.
## the caller must make sure that the receiver object is
## a method context or nil. Exception>>signal invokes this method
## only for an exception context which is a method context. it
## invokes it for nil when no exception context is found.
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
| excblk retval actpos |
## position of the temporary variable 'active' in MethodContext>>on:do.
## for this code to work, it must be the last temporary variable in the method.
actpos := (self basicSize) - 1.
excblk := self findExceptionHandlerFor: (exception class).
(excblk isNil or: [(self basicAt: actpos) not]) ifTrue: [
## self is an exception context but doesn't have a matching
## exception handler or the exception context is already
## in the middle of evaluation.
^(self.sender findExceptionContext) handleException: exception.
exception handlerContext: self.
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
## if an exception occurs within an exception handler block,
## the search will reach this context again as the exception block
## is evaluated before actual unwinding. set the temporary variable
## in the exception context to mask out this context from the search
## list.
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
self basicAt: actpos put: false.
[ retval := excblk value: exception ] ensure: [
self basicAt: actpos put: true
##(self.sender isNil) ifTrue: [ "TODO: CANNOT RETURN" ].
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
## return to self.sender which is a caller of the exception context (on:do:)
## pass the first ensure context between thisContext and self.sender.
## [ [Exception signal: 'xxx'] ensure: [20] ] on: Exception do: [:ex | ...]
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
##^self.sender resume: retval through: (thisContext findEnsureContextAbove: self.sender).
thisContext unwindTo: self.sender return: nil.
Processor return: retval to: self.sender.
#class(#pointer) BlockContext(Context)
@ -472,207 +244,8 @@
#method restart
ip := source pc.
#method on: anException do: anExceptionBlock
| exception_active |
"thisContext isExceptionContext dump.
(thisContext basicSize) dump.
(thisContext basicAt: 8) dump. ## this should be anException
(thisContext basicAt: 9) dump. ## this should be anExceptionBlock
(thisContext basicAt: 10) dump. ## this should be handlerActive
exception_active := true.
^self value.
#method on: exc1 do: blk1 on: exc2 do: blk2
| exception_active |
exception_active := true.
^self value.
#method ensure: aBlock
| retval done |
done := false.
retval := self value.
## the temporary variable 'done' may get changed
## during evaluation for exception handling.
done ifFalse: [
done := true.
aBlock value.
#method ifCurtailed: aBlock
| v ok |
ok := false.
[ v := self value. ok := true. ] ensure: [ ok ifFalse: [aBlock value] ].
ip := self.source pc.
## TODO: is it better to inherit from Object???
## or treat Exception specially like UndefinedObject or Class???
#extend Exception
#method(#class) signal
^self new signal
#method(#class) signal: text
^self new signal: text
#method handlerContext: context
self.handlerContext := context.
#method messageText
#method __signal
self.signalContext := thisContext.
((thisContext sender) findExceptionContext) handleException: self.
#method signal
| excctx excblk retval actpos |
self.signalContext := thisContext.
excctx := (thisContext sender) findExceptionContext.
[excctx notNil] whileTrue: [
excblk := excctx findExceptionHandlerFor: (self class).
(excblk notNil and:
[actpos := excctx basicSize - 1. excctx basicAt: actpos]) ifTrue: [
self.handlerContext := excctx.
excctx basicAt: actpos put: false.
[ retval := excblk value: self ] ensure: [
excctx basicAt: actpos put: true
thisContext unwindTo: (excctx sender) return: nil.
Processor return: retval to: (excctx sender).
excctx := (excctx sender) findExceptionContext.
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
## FATAL ERROR - no exception handler.
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
##thisContext unwindTo: nil return: nil.
thisContext unwindTo: (Processor activeProcess initialContext) return: nil.
('### EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED #### ', self class name, ' - ', self messageText) dump.
## TODO: debug the current process???? "
Processor activeProcess terminate.
#method signal: text
self.messageText := text.
^self signal.
#method pass
## pass the exception to the outer context
((self.handlerContext sender) findExceptionContext) handleException: self.
#method return: value
(self.handlerContext notNil) ifTrue: [
Processor return: value to: self.handlerContext.
#method retry
## TODO: verify if return:to: causes unnecessary stack growth.
(self.handlerContext notNil) ifTrue: [
self.handlerContext pc: 0.
Processor return: self to: self.handlerContext.
#method resume: value
## TODO: verify if return:to: causes unnecessary stack growth.
## is this correct???
(self.signalContext notNil and: [self.handlerContext notNil]) ifTrue: [
| ctx |
ctx := self.signalContext sender.
self.signalContext := nil.
self.handlerContext := nil.
Processor return: value to: ctx.
#method resume
^self resume: nil.
#class NoSuchMessageException(Exception)
#class PrimitiveFailureException(Exception)
#extend Apex
#method(#class) primitiveFailed
## TODO: implement this
## experimental backtrace...
| ctx |
ctx := thisContext.
[ctx notNil] whileTrue: [
(ctx class == MethodContext)
ifTrue: [ (ctx method owner name, '>>', ctx method name) dump ].
## TODO: include blockcontext???
ctx := ctx sender.
'------ END OF BACKTRACE -----------' dump.
PrimitiveFailureException signal: 'PRIMITIVE FAILED'.
#method(#class) cannotInstantiate
Exception signal: 'Cannot instantiate'.
#method(#class) doesNotUnderstand: messageSymbol
## TODO: implement this properly
NoSuchMessageException signal: (messageSymbol, ' not understood by ', (self name)).

stix/kernel/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
## TODO: is it better to inherit from Object???
## or treat Exception specially like UndefinedObject or Class???
#class Exception(Apex)
#dcl signalContext handlerContext messageText.
#method(#class) signal
^self new signal
#method(#class) signal: text
^self new signal: text
#method handlerContext: context
self.handlerContext := context.
#method messageText
#method __signal
self.signalContext := thisContext.
((thisContext sender) findExceptionContext) handleException: self.
#method signal
| excctx excblk retval actpos |
self.signalContext := thisContext.
excctx := (thisContext sender) findExceptionContext.
[excctx notNil] whileTrue: [
excblk := excctx findExceptionHandlerFor: (self class).
(excblk notNil and:
[actpos := excctx basicSize - 1. excctx basicAt: actpos]) ifTrue: [
self.handlerContext := excctx.
excctx basicAt: actpos put: false.
[ retval := excblk value: self ] ensure: [
excctx basicAt: actpos put: true
thisContext unwindTo: (excctx sender) return: nil.
Processor return: retval to: (excctx sender).
excctx := (excctx sender) findExceptionContext.
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
## FATAL ERROR - no exception handler.
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
##thisContext unwindTo: nil return: nil.
thisContext unwindTo: (Processor activeProcess initialContext) return: nil.
('### EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED #### ', self class name, ' - ', self messageText) dump.
## TODO: debug the current process???? "
Processor activeProcess terminate.
#method signal: text
self.messageText := text.
^self signal.
#method pass
## pass the exception to the outer context
((self.handlerContext sender) findExceptionContext) handleException: self.
#method return: value
(self.handlerContext notNil) ifTrue: [
Processor return: value to: self.handlerContext.
#method retry
## TODO: verify if return:to: causes unnecessary stack growth.
(self.handlerContext notNil) ifTrue: [
self.handlerContext pc: 0.
Processor return: self to: self.handlerContext.
#method resume: value
## TODO: verify if return:to: causes unnecessary stack growth.
## is this correct???
(self.signalContext notNil and: [self.handlerContext notNil]) ifTrue: [
| ctx |
ctx := self.signalContext sender.
self.signalContext := nil.
self.handlerContext := nil.
Processor return: value to: ctx.
#method resume
^self resume: nil.
#extend Context
#method isExceptionContext
#method isEnsureContext
#method ensureBlock
#method findExceptionContext
| ctx |
ctx := self.
[ ctx notNil ] whileTrue: [
(ctx isExceptionContext) ifTrue: [^ctx].
ctx := ctx sender.
#method unwindTo: context return: retval
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
## <<private>>
## private: called by VM upon unwinding
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
| ctx stop |
ctx := self.
stop := false.
[stop] whileFalse: [
| eb |
eb := ctx ensureBlock.
(eb notNil) ifTrue: [
| donepos |
donepos := ctx basicSize - 1.
(ctx basicAt: donepos) ifFalse: [
ctx basicAt: donepos put: true.
eb value.
stop := (ctx == context).
ctx := ctx sender.
#extend MethodContext
#method isExceptionContext
^self.method preambleCode == 10.
#method isEnsureContext
^self.method preambleCode == 11
#method ensureBlock
## TODO: change 8 to a constant when stix is enhanced to support constant definition
(self.method preambleCode == 11) ifFalse: [^nil].
^self basicAt: 8.
#method findExceptionHandlerFor: exception_class
## find an exception handler block for a given exception class.
## for this to work, self must be an exception handler context.
## For a single on:do: call,
## self class specNumInstVars must return 8.
## basicAt: 8 must be the on: argument.
## basicAt: 9 must be the do: argument
(self isExceptionContext) ifTrue: [
| bound exc |
## NOTE: if on:do: has a temporary varible, bound must be adjusted to reflect it.
bound := self basicSize - 1.
## TODO: change 8 to a constant when stix is enhanced to support constant definition
## or calcuate the minimum size using the class information.
8 to: bound by: 2 do: [ :i |
exc := self basicAt: i.
((exception_class == exc) or: [exception_class inheritsFrom: exc]) ifTrue: [^self basicAt: (i + 1)].
#method handleException: exception
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
## <<private>>
## called by Exception>>signal.
## this method only exists in the MethodContext and UndefinedObject.
## the caller must make sure that the receiver object is
## a method context or nil. Exception>>signal invokes this method
## only for an exception context which is a method context. it
## invokes it for nil when no exception context is found.
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
| excblk retval actpos |
## position of the temporary variable 'active' in MethodContext>>on:do.
## for this code to work, it must be the last temporary variable in the method.
actpos := (self basicSize) - 1.
excblk := self findExceptionHandlerFor: (exception class).
(excblk isNil or: [(self basicAt: actpos) not]) ifTrue: [
## self is an exception context but doesn't have a matching
## exception handler or the exception context is already
## in the middle of evaluation.
^(self.sender findExceptionContext) handleException: exception.
exception handlerContext: self.
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
## if an exception occurs within an exception handler block,
## the search will reach this context again as the exception block
## is evaluated before actual unwinding. set the temporary variable
## in the exception context to mask out this context from the search
## list.
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
self basicAt: actpos put: false.
[ retval := excblk value: exception ] ensure: [
self basicAt: actpos put: true
##(self.sender isNil) ifTrue: [ "TODO: CANNOT RETURN" ].
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
## return to self.sender which is a caller of the exception context (on:do:)
## pass the first ensure context between thisContext and self.sender.
## [ [Exception signal: 'xxx'] ensure: [20] ] on: Exception do: [:ex | ...]
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
thisContext unwindTo: self.sender return: nil.
Processor return: retval to: self.sender.
#extend BlockContext
#method on: anException do: anExceptionBlock
| exception_active |
"thisContext isExceptionContext dump.
(thisContext basicSize) dump.
(thisContext basicAt: 8) dump. ## this should be anException
(thisContext basicAt: 9) dump. ## this should be anExceptionBlock
(thisContext basicAt: 10) dump. ## this should be handlerActive
exception_active := true.
^self value.
#method on: exc1 do: blk1 on: exc2 do: blk2
| exception_active |
exception_active := true.
^self value.
#method ensure: aBlock
| retval done |
done := false.
retval := self value.
## the temporary variable 'done' may get changed
## during evaluation for exception handling.
done ifFalse: [
done := true.
aBlock value.
#method ifCurtailed: aBlock
| v ok |
ok := false.
[ v := self value. ok := true. ] ensure: [ ok ifFalse: [aBlock value] ].
#class NoSuchMessageException(Exception)
#class PrimitiveFailureException(Exception)
#extend Apex
#method(#class) primitiveFailed
## TODO: implement this
## experimental backtrace...
| ctx |
ctx := thisContext.
[ctx notNil] whileTrue: [
(ctx class == MethodContext)
ifTrue: [ (ctx method owner name, '>>', ctx method name) dump ].
## TODO: include blockcontext???
ctx := ctx sender.
'------ END OF BACKTRACE -----------' dump.
PrimitiveFailureException signal: 'PRIMITIVE FAILED'.
#method(#class) cannotInstantiate
Exception signal: 'Cannot instantiate'.
#method(#class) doesNotUnderstand: messageSymbol
## TODO: implement this properly
NoSuchMessageException signal: (messageSymbol, ' not understood by ', (self name)).

View File

@ -283,6 +283,7 @@
#include ''.
#include ''.
#include ''.
#class FFI(Object)

View File

@ -128,6 +128,8 @@
#define __PRIMITIVE_NAME__ (&__FUNCTION__[5])
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static STIX_INLINE void vm_gettime (stix_t* stix, stix_ntime_t* now)
@ -1495,12 +1497,10 @@ static int prim_basic_at_put (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
return 1;
static int prim_context_goto (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
stix_oop_t rcv;
stix_oop_t pc;
stix_oow_t pcw;
/* this primivie provides the similar functionality to MethodContext>>pc:
* except that it pops the receiver and arguments and doesn't push a
@ -1509,21 +1509,20 @@ static int prim_context_goto (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
STIX_ASSERT (nargs == 1);
rcv = STIX_STACK_GET(stix, stix->sp - 1);
if (STIX_CLASSOF(stix, rcv) != stix->_method_context)
#if defined(STIX_DEBUG_VM_EXEC)
"Error(%hs) - invalid receiver, not a method context- %O\n", __PRIMITIVE_NAME__, rcv);
return 0;
pc = STIX_STACK_GET(stix, stix->sp);
if (!STIX_OOP_IS_SMOOI(pc) || STIX_OOP_TO_SMOOI(pc) < 0)
#if defined(STIX_DEBUG_VM_EXEC)
STIX_DEBUG0 (stix, "prim_context_goto: PRIMITVE ARGUMENT IS INVALID\n");
"Error(%hs) - invalid pc\n", __PRIMITIVE_NAME__);
return 0;
@ -1560,9 +1559,8 @@ static int __block_value (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t rcv_blkctx_offset, stix_ooi_t
if (STIX_CLASSOF(stix, rcv_blkctx) != stix->_block_context)
/* the receiver must be a block context */
#if defined(STIX_DEBUG_VM_EXEC)
"Error(%hs) - invalid receiver, not a block context- %O\n", __PRIMITIVE_NAME__, rcv_blkctx);
return 0;
* you can't send 'value' again to reactivate it.
* For example, [thisContext value] value. */
#if defined(STIX_DEBUG_VM_EXEC)
"Error(%hs) - re-valuing of a block context - %O\n", __PRIMITIVE_NAME__, rcv_blkctx);
return 0;
if (STIX_OOP_TO_SMOOI(rcv_blkctx->method_or_nargs) != actual_arg_count /* nargs */)
/* the number of argument doesn't match */
#if defined(STIX_DEBUG_VM_EXEC)
/* TODO: better handling of primitive failure */
STIX_DEBUG0 (stix, "PRIM BlockContext value FAIL - NARGS MISMATCH\n");
"Error(%hs) - wrong number of arguments to a block context %O - expecting %zd, got %zd\n",
__PRIMITIVE_NAME__, rcv_blkctx, STIX_OOP_TO_SMOOI(rcv_blkctx->method_or_nargs), actual_arg_count);
return 0;
@ -1866,9 +1861,9 @@ static int prim_processor_add_timed_semaphore (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
/* soft error - cannot represent the expiry time in
* a small integer. */
"Error - time (%ld) out of range(0 - %zd) when adding a timed semaphore\n",
(unsigned long int)ft.sec, (stix_ooi_t)STIX_SMOOI_MAX);
"Error(%hs) - time (%ld) out of range(0 - %zd) when adding a timed semaphore\n",
__PRIMITIVE_NAME__, (unsigned long int)ft.sec, (stix_ooi_t)STIX_SMOOI_MAX);
return 0;

View File

@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ static int ignite_1 (stix_t* stix)
STIX_ASSERT (stix->_nil != STIX_NULL);
STIX_ASSERT (stix->_class == STIX_NULL);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------
* Class
* The instance of Class can have indexed instance variables

View File

@ -815,7 +815,7 @@ number:
else if (flagc & FLAGC_SIGN) tmp++;
else if (flagc & FLAGC_SPACE) tmp++;
numlen = nbufp - nbuf;
numlen = (int)((const stix_bch_t*)nbufp - (const stix_bch_t*)nbuf);
if ((flagc & FLAGC_DOT) && precision > numlen)
/* extra zeros for precision specified */

View File

@ -893,7 +893,8 @@ enum stix_log_mask_t
STIX_LOG_MNEMONIC = (1 << 8), /* bytecode mnemonic */
STIX_LOG_GC = (1 << 9),
STIX_LOG_IC = (1 << 10) /* instruction cycle, fetch-decode-execute */
STIX_LOG_IC = (1 << 10), /* instruction cycle, fetch-decode-execute */
typedef enum stix_log_mask_t stix_log_mask_t;