changed test-004.moo

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hyunghwan.chung 2017-10-31 15:08:58 +00:00
parent 8baf88b070
commit c86018a644

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@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
## TEST CASES for basic methods
#include 'Moo.moo'. #include 'Moo.moo'.
@ -5,54 +8,37 @@
################################################################# #################################################################
## TODO: use #define to define a class or use #class to define a class. class MyObject(Object)
## use #extend to extend a class
## using #class for both feels confusing.
extend Apex
{ {
var(#class) t := 20.
} method(#class) test_terminate
extend SmallInteger
{ {
method getTrue: anInteger | a s |
{ s := Semaphore new.
^anInteger + 9999. a := [ self.t := self.t * 9.
} s signal.
Processor activeProcess terminate.
method inc self.t := self.t + 20 ] fork.
{ s wait.
^self + 1. ^self.t
class TestObject(Object)
var(#class) Q, R.
var(#classinst) a1, a2.
class MyObject(TestObject)
var(#classinst) t1, t2.
method(#class) xxxx
| g1 g2 |
t1 dump.
t2 := [ g1 := 50. g2 := 100. ^g1 + g2 ].
(t1 < 100) ifFalse: [ ^self ].
t1 := t1 + 1.
^self xxxx.
} }
method(#class) main method(#class) main
{ {
'START OF MAIN' dump. | tc limit |
Processor activeProcess terminate.
'EDN OF MAIN' dump.
tc := %(
## 0 - 4
[self test_terminate == 180]
limit := tc size.
0 priorTo: limit by: 1 do: [ :idx |
| tb |
tb := tc at: idx.
System log(System.Log.INFO, idx asString, (if (tb value) { ' PASS' } else { ' FAIL' }), S'\n').
} }