added Stream.moo
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@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
class Stream(Object)
method(#class) new
## you must use dedicated class methods for instantiation
self messageProhibited: #new.
method(#class) on: object
^self subclassResponsibility: #on:.
method contents
^self subclassResponsibility: #contents.
method next
## return the next object in the receiver
^self subclassResponsibility: #next.
method nextPut: object
## insert an object at the next position in the receiver
^self subclassResponsibility: #next.
method nextPutAll: collection
collection do: [:elem | self nextPut: elem ].
method atEnd
^self subclassResponsibility: #next.
method print: object
object printOn: self.
class PositionableStream(Stream)
var collection.
var(#get) position.
var readLimit.
method(#class) on: collection
^self new __on collection.
method initialize
super initialize.
self.position := 0.
self.readLimit := collection size.
method __on: collection
self.collection := collection.
method contents
^self.collection copyFrom: 0 to: self.readLimit
method next: count
| newobj i |
newobj := self contents class new: count.
while (i < count)
newobj at: i put: self next.
i := i + 1.
method peek
method atEnd
^self.position >= self.readLimit.
method isEmpty
^self.position == 0.
method position: pos
##if (pos >= 0 and
method reset
self.position := 0.
method setToEnd
self.position := self.readLimit.
class ReadWriteStream(PositionableStream)
method next
class ExternalStream(ReadWriteStream)
## mimic java's interface...
interface ByteStreamable
### TODO: specify interface inside []
difficulty: how to ensure that the class implements the defined interface?
1) check when a new instance is created.
-> i don't want this runtime overhead.
2) create an empty methods as soon as an interface is encountered.
allows the class body or extend to redefine the methods.
give a warning that the interface is not fully implemened if
it doesn't redefined all inteface methods at the end of the class
definition or at the end of the extend defintion.
3) don't allow 'extend' for the class that implements inteface
and do the check at the end of class definition. or allow extend
but the inteface methods must stay inside the main class definition
-> if i support pooldic definition from within the class, it looks more natural
-> i use 'extend' more simply because i want to have some constants defined
-> before i use them in the methods. if i support 'const' inside the class
-> defintion, it looks also ok.
interface Shoutable
method shout.
method shoutWith: number.
class xxx(Object) [Shoutable] <---- allow multiple intefaces here
const DEFVAL := 10.
method shout {}
method shoutWith: number {}
4) other methods???
Let me think about it..
class ByteStream(Object) ### [ByteStreamable, ByteXXX]
var bsobj.
var inbuf.
var inpos.
var inlen.
var indown.
method(#class) new
self messageProhibited: #new.
method(#class) new: obj
self messageProhibited: #new:.
method initialize
super initialize.
self.bsobj := nil.
self.inbuf := ByteArray new: 1024.
self.inpos := 0.
self.inlen := 0.
self.indown := false.
method(#class) on: bsobj
^super new __on: bsobj.
method __on: bsobj
self.bsobj := bsobj.
method __fill_inbuf
| v |
v := self.bsobj readBytes: self.inbuf.
## if the streamable object is not blocking, it may return an
## error object when data is not ready.
if (v isError) { ^v }.
if (v == 0)
## end of input
self.indown := true.
self.inlen := v.
self.inpos := 0.
method next
| v |
if (self.indown) { ^nil }.
if (self.inpos >= self.inlen)
v := self __fill_inbuf.
if (v isError) { ^v }.
if (v <= 0) { ^nil }.
####if (self.inpos >= self.inlen) { ^nil }.
v := self.inbuf at: self.inpos.
self.inpos := self.inpos + 1.
method nextUint16
method next: count into: byte_array startingAt: pos
## return the count bytes
| taken avail needed v |
if (self.indown) { ^0 }.
## i assume the given byte array is large enough
## to store as many as count bytes starting at the pos position.
## if the parameters cannot meet this assumption, you will get
## into various system exceptions.
needed := count.
while (needed > 0)
avail := self.inlen - self.inpos.
if (avail <= 0)
v := self __fill_inbuf.
if (v isError or v <= 0) { break }. ## <<< TODO: change the error handling
taken := if (avail <= needed) { avail } else { needed }.
byte_array replaceFrom: pos count: taken with: self.inbuf startingAt: self.inpos.
self.inpos := self.inpos + taken.
pos := pos + taken.
needed := needed - taken.
^count - needed.
Reference in New Issue
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