changed the compiler to remove all leading spaces from a method name when composing a primitive identifer.

started enhancing the compiler to support the #pragma directive
This commit is contained in:
hyunghwan.chung 2017-11-24 17:40:20 +00:00
parent d8bcb6e012
commit 76b975a152
12 changed files with 177 additions and 96 deletions

View File

@ -187,14 +187,14 @@ extend Apex
method(#dual) isNil
"^self == nil."
## ^self == nil.
method(#dual) notNil
"^(self == nil) not"
"^self ~= nil."
## ^(self == nil) not
## ^self ~= nil.

View File

@ -115,21 +115,21 @@ class(#pointer,#final,#limited) BlockContext(Context)
method fork
"crate a new process in the runnable state"
## crate a new process in the runnable state
^self newProcess resume.
method newProcess
"create a new process in the suspended state"
## create a new process in the suspended state
<primitive: #_block_new_process>
self primitiveFailed.
method newProcessWith: anArray
"create a new process in the suspended state passing the elements
of anArray as block arguments"
## create a new process in the suspended state passing the elements
## of anArray as block arguments
<primitive: #_block_new_process>
self primitiveFailed.
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ class(#pointer,#final,#limited) BlockContext(Context)
* --------------------------------------------------
| pc |
pc := thisContext pcplus1.
(self value) ifTrue: [ ^nil "^self" ].
(self value) ifTrue: [ ^nil ]. ## ^self
aBlock value.
thisContext goto: pc.
* -------------------------------------------------- *)
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ class(#pointer,#final,#limited) BlockContext(Context)
* --------------------------------------------------
| pc |
pc := thisContext pcplus1.
(self value) ifTrue: [ ^nil "^self" ].
(self value) ifTrue: [ ^nil ]. ## ^self
thisContext goto: pc.
* -------------------------------------------------- *)
while ((self value) == false) { }.

View File

@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ while (ctx notNil)
System logNl: '== END OF BACKTRACE =='.
thisContext unwindTo: (thisProcess initialContext) return: nil.
('### EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED #### ' & self class name & ' - ' & self messageText) dump.
('### EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED(Exception) #### ' & self class name & ' - ' & self messageText) dump.
## TODO: debug the current process???? "
##Processor activeProcess terminate.

View File

@ -210,26 +210,10 @@ method(#class,#abstract) xxx. => method(#class) xxx { self subclassResponsibilit
method(#class) new: size { self messageProhibited: #new: }
method(#primitive) _addSemaphore: sem.
method(#primitive) _removeSemaphore: sem.
method(#primitive) addSemaphore: sem.
method(#primitive) removeSemaphore: sem.
method(#primitive) _wait.
method addSemaphore: sem
| x |
x := self _addSemaphore: sem.
if (x isError) { Exception signal: ('Cannot add a semaphore - ' & x asString) }.
method removeSemaphore: sem
| x |
x := self _removeSemaphore: sem.
if (x isError) { Exception signal: ('Cannot remove a semaphore - ' & x asString) }.
method wait
| x |

View File

@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ class MyObject(Object)
'wrong module name'
'failed to import module'
'#include error'
'wrong pragma name'
'wrong namespace name'
'wrong pool dictionary name'
'duplicate pool dictionary name'

View File

@ -155,8 +155,8 @@ class MyObject(TestObject)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
" this sample demonstrates what happens when a block context returns to the origin's caller
after the caller has already returned. "
## this sample demonstrates what happens when a block context returns to the origin's caller
## after the caller has already returned.
method(#class) xxxx
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ class MyObject(TestObject)
method(#class) main66
self yyyy.
t2 := t2 value. "can t2 return? it should return somewhere into the method context of yyy. but it has already terminated"
t2 := t2 value. ## can t2 return? it should return somewhere into the method context of yyy. but it has already terminated
t2 dump.
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ class MyObject(TestObject)
t1 := 1.
self xxxx.
t2 := t2 value. "can t2 return? it should return somewhere into the method context of yyy. but it has already terminated"
t2 := t2 value. ## can t2 return? it should return somewhere into the method context of yyy. but it has already terminated
t2 dump.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ class MyObject(TestObject)
(#[3 2 1] at: 3) dump.
## thisContext value. "the message value must be unresolvable as thisContext is a method context"
## thisContext value. ## the message value must be unresolvable as thisContext is a method context
## [thisContext value] value.
'-------------------------' dump.
b := 0.
@ -354,7 +354,9 @@ PROCESS TESTING
(2r1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 printStringRadix:2) dump.
"(16rF0FFFF bitOr: 16r111111) dump.
(* -----------------------
(16rF0FFFF bitOr: 16r111111) dump.
(16r11 bitOr: 16r20000000000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF11111100000000000000000001) dump.
((16r11 bitOr: 16r20000000000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF11111100000000000000000001) bitOr: 16r1100) dump.
@ -365,7 +367,8 @@ PROCESS TESTING
((2r11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 bitXor: 2r11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111) printStringRadix: 2) dump.
((2r10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 bitAnd: 2r01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010) printStringRadix: 2) dump.
--------------------- *)

View File

@ -138,8 +138,10 @@ static struct voca_t
{ 8, { '#','p','o','i','n','t','e','r' } },
{ 7, { 'p','o','o','l','d','i','c' } },
{ 8, { '#','p','o','o','l','d','i','c' } },
{ 7, { '#','p','r','a','g','m','a' } },
{ 10, { 'p','r','i','m','i','t','i','v','e',':' } },
{ 10, { '#','p','r','i','m','i','t','i','v','e' } },
{ 2, { 'q','c' } },
{ 4, { 's','e','l','f' } },
{ 6, { 's','e','l','f','n','s' } },
{ 4, { '#','s','e','t' } },
@ -198,8 +200,10 @@ enum voca_id_t
@ -456,7 +460,7 @@ static int copy_string_to (moo_t* moo, const moo_oocs_t* src, moo_oocs_t* dst, m
*dst_capa = capa;
if (append && delim_char) dst->ptr[pos++] = delim_char;
if (append && delim_char != '\0') dst->ptr[pos++] = delim_char;
moo_copyoochars (&dst->ptr[pos], src->ptr, src->len);
dst->len = len;
return 0;
@ -914,6 +918,7 @@ static int skip_comment (moo_t* moo)
moo_ooci_t c = moo->c->lxc.c;
moo_iolxc_t lc;
if (c == '"')
/* skip up to the closing " */
@ -927,7 +932,9 @@ static int skip_comment (moo_t* moo)
if (c == '"') GET_CHAR (moo); /* keep the next character in lxc */
return 1; /* double-quoted comment */
else if (c == '(')
if (c == '(')
/* handle (* ... *) */
lc = moo->c->lxc;
@ -1869,6 +1876,13 @@ retry:
case '"':
if (get_string(moo, '"', '\\', 0, 0) <= -1) return -1;
case 'C': /* a character with a C-style escape sequence */
case 'S': /* a string with a C-style escape sequences */
case 'M': /* a symbol with a C-style escape sequences */
@ -6434,14 +6448,38 @@ static int __compile_method_definition (moo_t* moo)
moo_oow_t savedlen;
moo_ooi_t pfnum;
moo_pfbase_t* pfbase;
moo_oocs_t mthname;
/* primitive identifer = classname_methodname */
* remove all leading underscores from the method name when building a primitive
* identifer. multiple methods can map to the same primitive handler.
* for class X, you may have method(#primitive) aa and method(#primitive) _aa
* to map to the X_aa primitive handler.
mthname = moo->c->;
while (mthname.len > 0)
if (*mthname.ptr != '_') break;
if (mthname.len == 0)
MOO_DEBUG2 (moo, "Invalid primitive function name - %.*js\n", moo->c->, moo->c->;
set_syntax_error (moo, MOO_SYNERR_PFIDINVAL, &moo->c->mth.name_loc, &moo->c->;
return -1;
/* compose the identifer into the back of the cls.modname buffer.
* i'll revert it when done. */
savedlen = moo->c->cls.modname.len;
/* primitive identifer = classname_methodname
* let me compose the identifer into the back of the cls.modname buffer.
* i'll revert it when done */
if (copy_string_to (moo, &moo->c->, &moo->c->cls.modname, &moo->c->cls.modname_capa, 1, '\0') <= -1 ||
copy_string_to (moo, &moo->c->, &moo->c->cls.modname, &moo->c->cls.modname_capa, 1, '_') <= -1)
if (copy_string_to(moo, &moo->c->, &moo->c->cls.modname, &moo->c->cls.modname_capa, 1, '\0') <= -1 ||
copy_string_to(moo, &mthname, &moo->c->cls.modname, &moo->c->cls.modname_capa, 1, '_') <= -1)
moo->c->cls.modname.len = savedlen;
return -1;
@ -7862,6 +7900,46 @@ static int compile_pooldic_definition (moo_t* moo, moo_pooldic_t* pd)
return n;
static int compile_pragma_definition (moo_t* moo)
GET_TOKEN (moo);
set_syntax_error (moo, MOO_SYNERR_IDENT, TOKEN_LOC(moo), TOKEN_NAME(moo));
return -1;
if (is_token_word(moo, VOCA_QC))
/* #pragma qc */
/* TODO: #pragma qc=on, #progma qc=off, #pragma qc(on), $pragma qc(off) */
/* TODO ... */
set_syntax_error (moo, MOO_SYNERR_PRAGMAINVAL, TOKEN_LOC(moo), TOKEN_NAME(moo));
return -1;
GET_TOKEN (moo);
if (TOKEN_TYPE(moo) == MOO_IOTOK_PERIOD) goto done;
set_syntax_error (moo, MOO_SYNERR_PERIOD, TOKEN_LOC(moo), TOKEN_NAME(moo));
return -1;
GET_TOKEN (moo);
return 0;
static int compile_stream (moo_t* moo)
GET_TOKEN (moo);
@ -7879,6 +7957,11 @@ static int compile_stream (moo_t* moo)
if (begin_include(moo) <= -1) return -1;
else if (is_token_symbol(moo, VOCA_PRAGMA_S))
/*GET_TOKEN (moo);*/
if (compile_pragma_definition(moo) <= -1) return -1;
else if (is_token_word(moo, VOCA_CLASS))
/* class Selfclass(Superclass) { } */

View File

@ -137,13 +137,14 @@ static moo_ooch_t synerrstr_60[] = {'w','r','o','n','g',' ','p','r','i','m','i',
static moo_ooch_t synerrstr_61[] = {'w','r','o','n','g',' ','m','o','d','u','l','e',' ','n','a','m','e','\0'};
static moo_ooch_t synerrstr_62[] = {'f','a','i','l','e','d',' ','t','o',' ','i','m','p','o','r','t',' ','m','o','d','u','l','e','\0'};
static moo_ooch_t synerrstr_63[] = {'#','i','n','c','l','u','d','e',' ','e','r','r','o','r','\0'};
static moo_ooch_t synerrstr_64[] = {'w','r','o','n','g',' ','n','a','m','e','s','p','a','c','e',' ','n','a','m','e','\0'};
static moo_ooch_t synerrstr_65[] = {'w','r','o','n','g',' ','p','o','o','l',' ','d','i','c','t','i','o','n','a','r','y',' ','n','a','m','e','\0'};
static moo_ooch_t synerrstr_66[] = {'d','u','p','l','i','c','a','t','e',' ','p','o','o','l',' ','d','i','c','t','i','o','n','a','r','y',' ','n','a','m','e','\0'};
static moo_ooch_t synerrstr_67[] = {'l','i','t','e','r','a','l',' ','e','x','p','e','c','t','e','d','\0'};
static moo_ooch_t synerrstr_68[] = {'b','r','e','a','k',' ','o','r',' ','c','o','n','t','i','n','u','e',' ','n','o','t',' ','w','i','t','h','i','n',' ','a',' ','l','o','o','p','\0'};
static moo_ooch_t synerrstr_69[] = {'b','r','e','a','k',' ','o','r',' ','c','o','n','t','i','n','u','e',' ','w','i','t','h','i','n',' ','a',' ','b','l','o','c','k','\0'};
static moo_ooch_t synerrstr_70[] = {'w','h','i','l','e',' ','e','x','p','e','c','t','e','d','\0'};
static moo_ooch_t synerrstr_64[] = {'w','r','o','n','g',' ','p','r','a','g','m','a',' ','n','a','m','e','\0'};
static moo_ooch_t synerrstr_65[] = {'w','r','o','n','g',' ','n','a','m','e','s','p','a','c','e',' ','n','a','m','e','\0'};
static moo_ooch_t synerrstr_66[] = {'w','r','o','n','g',' ','p','o','o','l',' ','d','i','c','t','i','o','n','a','r','y',' ','n','a','m','e','\0'};
static moo_ooch_t synerrstr_67[] = {'d','u','p','l','i','c','a','t','e',' ','p','o','o','l',' ','d','i','c','t','i','o','n','a','r','y',' ','n','a','m','e','\0'};
static moo_ooch_t synerrstr_68[] = {'l','i','t','e','r','a','l',' ','e','x','p','e','c','t','e','d','\0'};
static moo_ooch_t synerrstr_69[] = {'b','r','e','a','k',' ','o','r',' ','c','o','n','t','i','n','u','e',' ','n','o','t',' ','w','i','t','h','i','n',' ','a',' ','l','o','o','p','\0'};
static moo_ooch_t synerrstr_70[] = {'b','r','e','a','k',' ','o','r',' ','c','o','n','t','i','n','u','e',' ','w','i','t','h','i','n',' ','a',' ','b','l','o','c','k','\0'};
static moo_ooch_t synerrstr_71[] = {'w','h','i','l','e',' ','e','x','p','e','c','t','e','d','\0'};
static moo_ooch_t* synerrstr[] =
synerrstr_0, synerrstr_1, synerrstr_2, synerrstr_3, synerrstr_4, synerrstr_5, synerrstr_6, synerrstr_7,
@ -154,7 +155,7 @@ static moo_ooch_t* synerrstr[] =
synerrstr_40, synerrstr_41, synerrstr_42, synerrstr_43, synerrstr_44, synerrstr_45, synerrstr_46, synerrstr_47,
synerrstr_48, synerrstr_49, synerrstr_50, synerrstr_51, synerrstr_52, synerrstr_53, synerrstr_54, synerrstr_55,
synerrstr_56, synerrstr_57, synerrstr_58, synerrstr_59, synerrstr_60, synerrstr_61, synerrstr_62, synerrstr_63,
synerrstr_64, synerrstr_65, synerrstr_66, synerrstr_67, synerrstr_68, synerrstr_69, synerrstr_70
synerrstr_64, synerrstr_65, synerrstr_66, synerrstr_67, synerrstr_68, synerrstr_69, synerrstr_70, synerrstr_71
/* END: GENERATED WITH generr.moo */

View File

@ -1616,11 +1616,11 @@ static moo_pfrc_t pf_dump (moo_t* moo, moo_ooi_t nargs)
MOO_ASSERT (moo, nargs >= 0);
/*moo_logbfmt (moo, 0, "RECEIVER: %O IN PID %d SP %d XSP %d\n", MOO_STACK_GET(moo, moo->sp - nargs), (int)MOO_OOP_TO_SMOOI(moo->processor->active->id), (int)moo->sp, (int)MOO_OOP_TO_SMOOI(moo->processor->active->sp));*/
moo_logbfmt (moo, 0, "RECEIVER: %O IN PID %d\n", MOO_STACK_GET(moo, moo->sp - nargs), (int)MOO_OOP_TO_SMOOI(moo->processor->active->id));
moo_logbfmt (moo, MOO_LOG_FATAL | MOO_LOG_APP, "RECEIVER: %O IN PID %d\n", MOO_STACK_GET(moo, moo->sp - nargs), (int)MOO_OOP_TO_SMOOI(moo->processor->active->id));
for (i = nargs; i > 0; )
moo_logbfmt (moo, 0, "ARGUMENT %zd: %O\n", i, MOO_STACK_GET(moo, moo->sp - i));
moo_logbfmt (moo, MOO_LOG_FATAL | MOO_LOG_APP, "ARGUMENT %zd: %O\n", i, MOO_STACK_GET(moo, moo->sp - i));
MOO_STACK_SETRETTORCV (moo, nargs); /* ^self */
@ -2582,7 +2582,7 @@ static moo_pfrc_t pf_semaphore_group_add_semaphore (moo_t* moo, moo_ooi_t nargs)
MOO_PF_CHECK_RCV (moo, moo_iskindof(moo, (moo_oop_t)rcv, moo->_semaphore_group));
sem = (moo_oop_semaphore_t)MOO_STACK_GETARG (moo, nargs, 0);
MOO_PF_CHECK_ARGS (moo, nargs, moo_iskindof(moo, (moo_oop_t)sem, moo->_semaphore));
MOO_PF_CHECK_ARGS_STRICT (moo, nargs, moo_iskindof(moo, (moo_oop_t)sem, moo->_semaphore));
if ((moo_oop_t)sem->group == moo->_nil)
@ -4354,9 +4354,9 @@ static pf_t pftab[] =
{ "_integer_inttostr", { pf_integer_inttostr, 1, 1 } },
{ "Apex_addToBeFinalized", { pf_add_to_be_finalized, 0, 0 } },
{ "Apex__basicNew", { pf_basic_new, 0, 0 } },
{ "Apex__basicNew:", { pf_basic_new, 1, 1 } },
{ "Apex__basicSize", { pf_basic_size, 0, 0 } },
{ "Apex_basicNew", { pf_basic_new, 0, 0 } },
{ "Apex_basicNew:", { pf_basic_new, 1, 1 } },
{ "Apex_basicSize", { pf_basic_size, 0, 0 } },
{ "Apex_basicNew", { pf_basic_new, 0, 0 } },
{ "Apex_basicNew:", { pf_basic_new, 1, 1 } },
{ "Apex_basicSize", { pf_basic_size, 0, 0 } },
@ -4373,13 +4373,13 @@ static pf_t pftab[] =
{ "Process_sp", { pf_process_sp, 0, 0 } },
{ "Process_suspend", { pf_process_suspend, 0, 0 } },
{ "Process_yield", { pf_process_yield, 0, 0 } },
{ "Process__terminate", { pf_process_terminate, 0, 0 } },
{ "Process_terminate", { pf_process_terminate, 0, 0 } },
{ "Semaphore_signal", { pf_semaphore_signal, 0, 0 } },
{ "Semaphore__wait", { pf_semaphore_wait, 0, 0 } },
{ "SemaphoreGroup__addSemaphore:", { pf_semaphore_group_add_semaphore, 1, 1 } },
{ "SemaphoreGroup__removeSemaphore:", { pf_semaphore_group_remove_semaphore, 1, 1 } },
{ "SemaphoreGroup__wait", { pf_semaphore_group_wait, 0, 0 } },
{ "Semaphore_wait", { pf_semaphore_wait, 0, 0 } },
{ "SemaphoreGroup_addSemaphore:", { pf_semaphore_group_add_semaphore, 1, 1 } },
{ "SemaphoreGroup_removeSemaphore:", { pf_semaphore_group_remove_semaphore, 1, 1 } },
{ "SemaphoreGroup_wait", { pf_semaphore_group_wait, 0, 0 } },
{ "SmallInteger_asCharacter", { pf_smooi_as_character, 0, 0 } },
{ "SmallInteger_asError", { pf_smooi_as_error, 0, 0 } },
@ -4403,37 +4403,36 @@ static pf_t pftab[] =
{ "SmallPointer_putUint32", { pf_smptr_put_uint32, 2, 2 } },
{ "SmallPointer_putUint64", { pf_smptr_put_uint64, 2, 2 } },
{ "String__strlen", { pf_strlen, 0, 0 } },
{ "String_strlen", { pf_strlen, 0, 0 } },
{ "System__calloc", { pf_system_calloc, 1, 1 } },
{ "System__free", { pf_system_free, 1, 1 } },
{ "System__getInt16", { pf_system_get_int16, 2, 2 } },
{ "System__getInt32", { pf_system_get_int32, 2, 2 } },
{ "System__getInt64", { pf_system_get_int64, 2, 2 } },
{ "System__getInt8", { pf_system_get_int8, 2, 2 } },
{ "System__getUint16", { pf_system_get_uint16, 2, 2 } },
{ "System__getUint32", { pf_system_get_uint32, 2, 2 } },
{ "System__getUint64", { pf_system_get_uint64, 2, 2 } },
{ "System__getUint8", { pf_system_get_uint8, 2, 2 } },
{ "System__malloc", { pf_system_malloc, 1, 1 } },
{ "System__popCollectable", { pf_system_pop_collectable, 0, 0 } },
{ "System__putInt8", { pf_system_put_int8, 3, 3 } },
{ "System__putInt16", { pf_system_put_int16, 3, 3 } },
{ "System__putInt32", { pf_system_put_int32, 3, 3 } },
{ "System__putInt64", { pf_system_put_int64, 3, 3 } },
{ "System__putUint8", { pf_system_put_uint8, 3, 3 } },
{ "System__putUint16", { pf_system_put_uint16, 3, 3 } },
{ "System__putUint32", { pf_system_put_uint32, 3, 3 } },
{ "System__putUint64", { pf_system_put_uint64, 3, 3 } },
{ "System_calloc", { pf_system_calloc, 1, 1 } },
{ "System_free", { pf_system_free, 1, 1 } },
{ "System_getInt16", { pf_system_get_int16, 2, 2 } },
{ "System_getInt32", { pf_system_get_int32, 2, 2 } },
{ "System_getInt64", { pf_system_get_int64, 2, 2 } },
{ "System_getInt8", { pf_system_get_int8, 2, 2 } },
{ "System_getUint16", { pf_system_get_uint16, 2, 2 } },
{ "System_getUint32", { pf_system_get_uint32, 2, 2 } },
{ "System_getUint64", { pf_system_get_uint64, 2, 2 } },
{ "System_getUint8", { pf_system_get_uint8, 2, 2 } },
{ "System_malloc", { pf_system_malloc, 1, 1 } },
{ "System_popCollectable", { pf_system_pop_collectable, 0, 0 } },
{ "System_putInt8", { pf_system_put_int8, 3, 3 } },
{ "System_putInt16", { pf_system_put_int16, 3, 3 } },
{ "System_putInt32", { pf_system_put_int32, 3, 3 } },
{ "System_putInt64", { pf_system_put_int64, 3, 3 } },
{ "System_putUint8", { pf_system_put_uint8, 3, 3 } },
{ "System_putUint16", { pf_system_put_uint16, 3, 3 } },
{ "System_putUint32", { pf_system_put_uint32, 3, 3 } },
{ "System_putUint64", { pf_system_put_uint64, 3, 3 } },
{ "System__signal:afterSecs:", { pf_system_add_timed_semaphore, 2, 2 } },
{ "System__signal:afterSecs:nanosecs:", { pf_system_add_timed_semaphore, 3, 3 } },
{ "System__signal:onInput:", { pf_system_add_input_semaphore, 2, 2 } },
{ "System__signal:onInOutput:", { pf_system_add_inoutput_semaphore, 2, 2 } },
{ "System__signal:onOutput:", { pf_system_add_output_semaphore, 2, 2 } },
{ "System__signalOnGCFin:", { pf_system_add_gcfin_semaphore, 1, 1 } },
{ "System__unsignal:", { pf_system_remove_semaphore, 1, 1 } },
{ "System_signal:afterSecs:", { pf_system_add_timed_semaphore, 2, 2 } },
{ "System_signal:afterSecs:nanosecs:", { pf_system_add_timed_semaphore, 3, 3 } },
{ "System_signal:onInput:", { pf_system_add_input_semaphore, 2, 2 } },
{ "System_signal:onInOutput:", { pf_system_add_inoutput_semaphore, 2, 2 } },
{ "System_signal:onOutput:", { pf_system_add_output_semaphore, 2, 2 } },
{ "System_signalOnGCFin:", { pf_system_add_gcfin_semaphore, 1, 1 } },
{ "System_unsignal:", { pf_system_remove_semaphore, 1, 1 } },
{ "System_collectGarbage", { pf_system_collect_garbage, 0, 0 } },
{ "System_log", { pf_system_log, 2, MA } },
@ -4751,7 +4750,7 @@ static int start_method (moo_t* moo, moo_oop_method_t method, moo_oow_t nargs)
if (method->code == moo->_nil)
/* no byte code to execute - make it a hard failure */
/* no byte code to execute - invoke 'self primitiveFailed' */
static moo_ooch_t prim_fail_msg[] = {
'p', 'r', 'i', 'm', 'i', 't', 'i', 'v', 'e',

View File

@ -2097,10 +2097,12 @@ static int handle_logopt (moo_t* moo, const moo_bch_t* str)
while (cm);
xtn->logmask |= MOO_LOG_ALL_LEVELS; /* TODO: parse leves also */
xtn->logmask = MOO_LOG_ALL_TYPES;
xtn->logfd = open (xstr, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_APPEND , 0644);

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
#include "moo-cmn.h"
/** \file
* This file provides a red-black tree encapsulated in the #moo_rbt_t type that
* implements a self-balancing binary search tree.Its interface is very close
* to #moo_htb_t.

View File

@ -37,6 +37,12 @@
* this is used to embed bytes codes into the back of a compile method
* object instead of putting in in a separate byte array. */
/* TODO: turn this to per-file pragma
* for instance, #pragma qc.
/* ========================================================================== */
@ -1021,8 +1027,9 @@ struct moo_pfinfo_t
} while(0)
#define MOO_PF_CHECK_ARGS_STRICT(moo,nargs,cond) do { \
if (!(cond)) { MOO_STACK_SETRETTOERROR ((moo), (nargs), MOO_EINVAL); return MOO_PF_FAILURE; } \
if (!(cond)) { moo_seterrnum (moo, MOO_EINVAL); return MOO_PF_FAILURE; } \
} while(0)
/* =========================================================================
* ========================================================================= */
@ -1512,6 +1519,7 @@ enum moo_synerrnum_t
MOO_SYNERR_MODNAMEINVAL, /* wrong module name */
MOO_SYNERR_MODIMPFAIL, /* failed to import module */
MOO_SYNERR_INCLUDE, /* #include error */
MOO_SYNERR_PRAGMAINVAL, /* wrong pragma name */
MOO_SYNERR_NAMESPACEINVAL, /* wrong namespace name */
MOO_SYNERR_POOLDICINVAL, /* wrong pool dictionary */
MOO_SYNERR_POOLDICDUPL, /* duplicate pool dictionary */