started adding OrderedCollection
This commit is contained in:
@ -253,6 +253,88 @@ class(#byte) ByteArray(Array)
## TODO: is it ok for ByteArray to inherit from Array?
## TODO: is it ok for ByteArray to inherit from Array?
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SequenceableCollection(Collection)
class OrderedCollection(SequenceableCollection)
var contents.
var firstIndex.
var lastIndex.
method(#class) new
^self new: 16.
method(#class) new: size
^super _basicNew initialize: size.
method initialize: size
self.contents := Array new: size.
self.firstIndex := size // 2 max: 1.
self.lastIndex := self.firstIndex - 1.
method size
^self.lastIndex - self.firstIndex + 1.
method at: index
| i |
i := index + self.firstIndex - 1.
if (i >= self.firstIndex and: [i <= self.lastIndex]) { ^self.contents at: index }.
Exception signal: ('index ' & index asString & ' out of range').
method at: index put: obj
| i |
i := index + self.firstIndex - 1.
if (i >= self.firstIndex and: [i <= self.lastIndex]) { ^self.contents at: index put: obj }.
Exception signal: ('index ' & index asString & ' out of range').
method addFirst: obj
method addLast: obj
method add: obj beforeIndex: index
method add: obj afterIndex: index
method removeFirst
method removeLast
method remove: obj ifAbsent: error_block
method growBy: size
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Set(Collection)
class Set(Collection)
@ -1,14 +1,6 @@
###include 'Moo.moo'.
###include 'Moo.moo'.
#include 'Socket.moo'.
#include 'Socket.moo'.
class HttpReq(Object)
class HttpReqBuilder(Object)
class HttpConnReg(Object)
class HttpConnReg(Object)
var connections.
var connections.
@ -66,8 +58,9 @@ class HttpConnReg(Object)
method do: block
method do: block
| index size conn |
| index size conn |
## the following loop won't fire for an element added after resizing of self.connections.
## the following loop won't evaluate the given block for an element added after
## at present, there is no self.connections resizing impelemented. so no worry on this.
## resizing of self.connections at present, there is no self.connections resizing
## impelemented. so no worry on this.
size := self.connections size.
size := self.connections size.
index := 0.
index := 0.
while (index < size)
while (index < size)
@ -82,18 +75,15 @@ class HttpConnReg(Object)
class HttpBuffer(Object)
class HttpSocket(SyncSocket)
class HttpSocket(SyncSocket)
var(#get) server := nil.
var(#get) server := nil.
var(#get) rid := -1.
var(#get) rid := -1.
method onSocketDataIn
'CLIENT got DATA' dump.
###self readBytes: buf.
self close.
method close
method close
('Http Connection closing.......... handle ' & self.handle asString) dump.
('Http Connection closing.......... handle ' & self.handle asString) dump.
@ -111,12 +101,30 @@ class HttpSocket(SyncSocket)
self.rid := rid.
self.rid := rid.
method getLine
method readRequest
method _run_service
method _run_service
| buf |
| buf |
self timeout: 10.
(*while (true)
req := self readRequest.
}. *)
buf := ByteArray new: 128.
buf := ByteArray new: 128.
'IM RUNNING SERVICE...............' dump.
'IM RUNNING SERVICE...............' dump.
self timeout: 10.
self readBytes: buf.
self readBytes: buf.
buf dump.
buf dump.
self readBytes: buf.
self readBytes: buf.
@ -143,18 +151,19 @@ class HttpListener(AsyncServerSocket)
super initialize.
super initialize.
##method close
method close
## super close.
if (self.server notNil) { self.server removeListener: self }.
^super close.
method onSocketAccepted: clisck from: cliaddr
method onSocketAccepted: clisck from: cliaddr
| rid |
| rid |
'CLIENT accepted ..............' dump.
'CLIENT accepted ..............' dump.
clisck dump.
clisck dump.
cliaddr dump.
cliaddr dump.
if (self.server notNil)
if (self.server notNil)
@ -167,10 +176,10 @@ clisck dump.
on: Exception do: [:ex |
on: Exception do: [:ex |
clisck close.
Exception signal: ('unable to handle a new connection - ' & ex messageText).
Exception signal: ('unable to handle a new connection - ' & ex messageText).
method acceptedSocketClass
method acceptedSocketClass
@ -206,60 +215,33 @@ class HttpServer(Object)
listener server: self rid: rid.
listener server: self rid: rid.
method __remove_listener: listener
method removeListener: listener
| rid |
| rid |
rid = listener rid.
rid := listener rid.
if (rid notNil)
if (rid notNil)
('REALLY REMOVE LISTENER ' & rid asString) dump.
self.listeners remove: (listener rid).
self.listeners remove: (listener rid).
listener server: nil rid: nil.
listener server: nil rid: nil.
method __start_new_listener: addr
method __add_new_listener: addr
| listener |
| listener |
listener := HttpListener family: (addr family) type: Socket.Type.STREAM.
listener := HttpListener family: (addr family) type: Socket.Type.STREAM.
if ((self __add_listener: listener) notError)
self __add_listener: listener.
listener bind: addr.
listener bind: addr.
listener listen: 128.
listener listen: 128.
] on: Exception do: [:ex |
] on: Exception do: [:ex |
self __remove_listener: listener.
listener close.
listener close.
## ex pass.
## ex pass.
Exception signal: ('unable to add new listener - ' & ex messageText).
Exception signal: ('unable to add new listener - ' & ex messageText).
method start: laddr
| listener |
if (laddr class == Array)
##if (laddr respondsTo: #do:) ## can i check if the message receives a block and the block accepts 1 argument?
laddr do: [:addr | self __start_new_listener: addr ].
self __start_new_listener: laddr.
method close
self.listeners do: [:listener |
listener close.
self.connreg do: [:conn |
conn close.
method addConnection: conn
method addConnection: conn
| rid |
| rid |
@ -274,114 +256,23 @@ class HttpServer(Object)
rid := conn rid.
rid := conn rid.
if (rid notNil)
if (rid notNil)
('REMOVE CONNECTION ' & rid asString) dump.
self.connreg remove: (conn rid).
self.connreg remove: (conn rid).
conn server: nil rid: -1.
conn server: nil rid: nil.
class HttpListener2(Socket)
var(#get) server := nil.
var(#get) rid := -1.
var sem.
method initialize
super initialize.
self.sem := Semaphore new.
self.sem signalAction: [:sem |
| cliaddr clisck cliact fd |
cliaddr := SocketAddress new.
fd := self _accept: cliaddr.
##if (fd >= 0)
if (fd notNil)
clisck := (self acceptedSocketClass) __with: fd.
clisck beWatched.
self onSocketAccepted: clisck from: cliaddr.
method onSocketAccepted: clisck from: cliaddr
| rid |
'CLIENT accepted ..............' dump.
clisck dump.
cliaddr dump.
if (self.server notNil)
server addConnection: clisck.
if (clisck isKindOf: SyncSocket)
[clisck runService] fork.
method acceptedSocketClass
##^if (self currentAddress port == 80) { HttpSocket } else { HttpSocket }.
method server: server rid: rid
self.server := server.
self.rid := rid.
class HttpServer2(Object)
var listeners.
var connreg.
var sg.
method initialize
super initialize.
|||||| := SemaphoreGroup new.
self.listeners := HttpConnReg new.
self.connreg := HttpConnReg new.
method start: laddr
method start: laddr
| listener sem ss |
| listener |
if (laddr class == Array)
if (laddr class == Array)
##if (laddr respondsTo: #do:) ## can i check if the message receives a block and the block accepts 1 argument?
laddr do: [:addr |
laddr do: [:addr | self __add_new_listener: addr ].
listener := HttpListener2 family: (addr family) type: Socket.Type.STREAM.
if ((self addListener: listener) notError)
listener bind: addr.
listener _listen: 128.
listener := HttpListener2 family: (laddr family) type: Socket.Type.STREAM.
self __add_new_listener: laddr.
if ((self addListener: listener) notError)
listener bind: laddr.
listener _listen: 128.
@ -395,48 +286,6 @@ class HttpServer2(Object)
conn close.
conn close.
method addConnection: conn
| rid |
rid := self.connreg add: conn.
if (rid isError)
conn close.
('ADD NEW CONNECTION ' & rid asString) dump.
conn server: self rid: rid.
method removeConnection: conn
self.connreg remove: (conn rid).
conn server: nil rid: -1.
method addListener: listener
| rid |
rid := self.listeners add: listener.
if (rid isError)
listener close.
('ADD NEW LISTENER ' & rid asString) dump.
listener server: self rid: rid.
method removeListener: listener
self.listeners remove: (listener rid).
listener server: nil rid: -1.
class MyObject(Object)
class MyObject(Object)
@ -624,7 +473,7 @@ httpd connect: addr.
sg := SemaphoreGroup new.
sg := SemaphoreGroup new.
httpd := HttpServer2 new.
httpd := HttpServer new.
httpd start: %(
httpd start: %(
SocketAddress fromString: '[::]:7777',
SocketAddress fromString: '[::]:7777',
@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ class AsyncSocket(Socket)
pos := offset.
pos := offset.
rem := length.
rem := length.
while (rem > 0) ## TODO: loop to write as much as possible
while (rem > 0)
n := self _writeBytes: bytes offset: pos length: rem.
n := self _writeBytes: bytes offset: pos length: rem.
if (n <= -1) { break }.
if (n <= -1) { break }.
@ -582,7 +582,6 @@ class AsyncSocket(Socket)
^self writeBytes: bytes offset: 0 length: (bytes size)
^self writeBytes: bytes offset: 0 length: (bytes size)
##method onSocketClosed
##method onSocketClosed
@ -726,19 +725,6 @@ class AsyncServerSocket(AsyncSocket)
class Mux(SemaphoreGroup)
method addSocket: sck
self addSemaphore: (sck inreadysem).
method removeSocket: sck
class ListenerSocket(Socket)
class ListenerSocket(Socket)
@ -762,7 +748,6 @@ class ListenerSocket(Socket)
sg addSemaphore: self.inreadysem.
sg addSemaphore: self.inreadysem.
self.inreadysem signalOnInput: self.handle.
self.inreadysem signalOnInput: self.handle.
self onSocketAccepted: clisck from: cliaddr.
self onSocketAccepted: clisck from: cliaddr.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user