
104 lines
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2017-01-09 09:54:49 +00:00
#include ''.
## TODO: use #define to define a class or use #class to define a class.
## use #extend to extend a class
## using #class for both feels confusing.
extend Apex
extend SmallInteger
method getTrue: anInteger
^anInteger + 9999.
method inc
^self + 1.
class TestObject(Object)
dcl(#class) Q R.
dcl(#classinst) a1 a2.
method test999
class B.TestObject(Object)
dcl(#class) Q R.
dcl(#classinst) a1 a2.
method test000
pooldic ABC
#KKK := 20.
class MyObject(TestObject)
method(#class) main
| v1 v2 |
System logNl: 'START OF MAIN'.
v2 := [
[ v1 := [ System logNl: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxc'. Exception signal: 'qqqqq' ] value.
'OK OK OK' dump. ] ensure: [ System logNl: 'ENSURE ENSURE ENSURE'].
on: Exception
do: [:ex |
System logNl: ('Exception: ', ex messageText).
ex return: 10.
##ex retry.
System logNl: '--- THIS MUST NOT BE PRINTED ---'.
System logNl: '---------------------'.
System log: 'v1=>'; log: v1; log: ' v2=>'; logNl: v2.
v1 := [
##1 to: 20000 by: 1 do: [:i | System logNl: i asString. "Processor sleepFor: 1." ]
Processor activeProcess terminate.
] ensure: [ System logNl: '<<<PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP>>>' ].
] ensure: [ System logNl: '<<--------------------->>' ].
] newProcess.
System logNl: 'RESUMING v1'.
v1 resume.
Processor sleepFor: 1.
v1 terminate.
## [ Processor activeProcess terminate. ] ensure: [System logNl: '<<<PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP>>>' ].
##] ensure: [ System logNl: '<<--------------------->>' ].
System logNl: S'\0\0\0END OF MAIN\0AB\0\0\0C\0\0\0'.