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#include ''.
#class MyObject(Object)
#method(#class) main
| s c f |
s := #(
'no error'
'generic error'
'not implemented'
'subsystem error'
'internal error that should never have happened'
'insufficient system memory'
'insufficient object memory'
'invalid parameter or argument'
'data not found'
'existing/duplicate data'
'access denied'
'operation not permitted'
'not a directory'
'pipe error'
'resource temporarily unavailable'
'data too large'
'message sending error'
'range error'
'byte-code full'
'dictionary full'
'processor full'
'semaphore heap full'
'semaphore list full'
'divide by zero'
'I/O error'
'encoding conversion error'
f := Stdio open: 'generr.out' for: 'w'.
[ f isError ] ifTrue: [ System logNl: 'Cannot open generr.out'. thisProcess terminate. ].
c := s size - 1.
0 to: c do: [:i |
self printString: (s at: i) index: i on: f.
f puts: S'static stix_ooch_t* errstr[] =\n{\n'.
0 to: c do: [:i |
((i rem: 8) = 0) ifTrue: [ f putc: C'\t' ].
f puts: S'e'.
f puts: (i asString).
(i = c) ifFalse: [f puts: S',' ].
(((i + 1) rem: 8) = 0) ifTrue: [ f putc: C'\n' ] ifFalse: [ f putc: C' ' ].
(((c + 1) rem: 8) = 0) ifFalse: [ f putc: C'\n' ].
f puts: S'};\n'.
f close.
#method(#class) printString: s index: index on: f
| c |
c := s size - 1.
f puts: 'static stix_ooch_t e'.
f puts: index asString.
f puts: '[] = {'.
0 to: c do: [:i |
f putc: $'.
f putc: (s at: i).
f putc: $'.
(i = c) ifFalse: [f putc: $, ].
f puts: S',\'\\0\'};\n'.