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* Multi-Process within a single threaded-process.
* How to embed in a single threaded web server
* stix_exec
* VM(shceduler) ---> Context1(obj1,method1)
* ---> Context2(obj2,method2)
* ---> Context3(obj3,method3)
* all functions must be asynchronous
* blocking functions will block scheduler.
class Stix::Stix # Namespace name is indicated by ::
class Stix::Array
+ makeSymbol: aString
| s |
s := Symbol new: aString. # Symbol belongs to the Stix namespace.
A name space is stored in the namespace table of Stix.Namespaces.
Stix.Symbols - symbols are global. not affected by namespaces.
Stix.Sysdict -
(#QSE => Namespace( Another Sysdict))
class Stix::Namespace
class Stix::Class
Stix.Namespaces is a system dictionary
class QSE::Array
class QSE::Tiara::Array
Stix.Namespaces -> 'QSE'
#( ...... ) array literal
in original smalltalk, a block can't be placed inside the array literal
arrayConstant := '#' array
array := "(" { number | string | symbol | array | characterConstant }* ")".
So #(1 2 [^20]) is illegal.
if a block is there, treat it as a valid stix expression and evaluate it.
#(1 2 [1 + 2] 5)
t = Array new: 4.
t at: 1 put: 1.
t at: 2 put: 2.
t at: 3 put: (1 + 2).
t at: 4 put: 5.
Evaluate the expressions in the array first
Create an array
Put the right element.
command line
stix stix.im Class1.st Class2.st Main.st Main
--> load the image, compile Class1.st, compile Class2.st compile Main.st
stix stix.im
--> load the image
## Main.st
#include 'Class1.st'
#include 'Class2.st'
#class(#byte) Association(Magnitude)
declare a, b, c.
2015-05-20 15:52:45 +00:00
declare(#classinst) x.
declare(#class) MAX_SIZE.
function(#class) initialize
MAX_SIZE := 20.
true whileTrue: [
Stdout print: 10.
function(#class) new: anInteger
Stix error: 'invalid message'.
| a |
a := Class1 new.
Stdout format: #( 1 2 [a toInteger] ) with: '%.5d %.6d\n'.
The statements after the #main directives are compiled as a class method of Stix.
That is, 'Stix::main'. It becomes the entry point.
If no #main directive is found, there is no official entry point.
However, if you have the initialize class method, it's invoked when a class
is compiled, the statement in the class is executed before #main.
if the statement creates a certain loop, it can act as a entry point as well.
Top level directive
#main, #class, #include,
#include is avaialble everywheren. It doesn't have to be in the top level.
Do i need #import?
if there are multiple #main, do i need to concatenate all?
or disallow only 1 #main??
#namespace directive?
#namespace Stix::Compiler
naming convention for multiple ?? . conflicts with the statement terminator.
:: is ok a single : is used for various purpose but more than 1 is illegal in smalltalk.
so use :: as a namespace separator.
Relative naming and absoluate naming?
Stix::Compiler <- is Stix the absolute top or a subname class under the current space?
::Stix::Compiler <- i don't like this
class Stix
+ alloc
<primitive: 1>
+ new
^self alloc init.
- init
- finalize
+ findClass: aString
| a b c |
class Class extends Stix
class NilObject extends Stix
class Object extends Stix
class variable
and class instance variable
CIV x y
civ z
C civ q
A: getX
return x (return instance variable 1)
B getX
return A'X (return invance variable 3)
x is index 1.
y is index 2.
z is index 3.
X is index 3 of A.
Y is index 3 of A.
Z is index 2 of B.
q is index 4 of C.
A has x y X Y
B has x y z Z
C has x y z q
place class intance variables before class variables.
class Magnitude extends Stix
%include 'Association.st'
%class Association(Magnitude)
%category(Association class)
TTT := 20
%self(instance creation)
| Key Value | "class variables" <--- index
| xxx yyy | "class instance variables" <--- index
key: aKey
^self key: aKey value: nil.
key: aKey value: aValue
| ass |
ass := self new.
ass key: aKey value: aValue.
| key value | "instance variables"
key: aKey value: aValue
key := aKey.
value := aValue.
value: value
self->value := aValue
= anAssociation
^self->key = anAssociation key.
^self->key hash
"Creates a new class Association inheriting nil"
%class Association(nil)
%func more
"Extends an existing Association class"
%class Association
class Character extends Magnitude
class Number extends Magnitude
class Integer extends Number
class SmallInteger extends Integer
class LargeInteger extends Integer
| x y z |
value: xxx
Association: Magnitude
Association: <- for extending
Association key: xxx
Association key: xxx
class ByteArray(FixedSizeCollection): #byte
fun at: anIndex put: aValue
^self basicAt: anIndex put: aValue.
class(#byte) ByteArray(FixedSizedCollection)
class(#byte) ByteArray(Stix)
class Association(Magnitude) -> new Association inheriting Magnitude
class Association() -> new Association inheriting Stix
class(#byte) Association() -> new Association class inheriting Stix, but it's byte indexed.
class(#word) Association() -> new Association class inheriting Stix, but it's word indexed.
2015-05-20 14:27:47 +00:00
class(#pointer) Association() -> new Association class inheriting Stix, but it's oop indexed. (it can have the variable part on top of the fixed part. response to the 'new: aSize' message)
class(#word) Association(Magnitude) -> new Association class inheriting Magnitude, but it's word indexed.
2015-05-21 17:07:55 +00:00
class(#character) Association(Magnitude)
class Association -> revisit the Association class defined previsously. Revisiting can add new methods.
#include 'Magnitude.st'
#class(#byte) Association(Magnitude)
## class variables can be accessed by class methods and instance methods.
## methods of subclasses can also access them.
declare(#class) a b c.
## class instance variable can be accessed inside the class method only.
2015-05-20 15:52:45 +00:00
declare(#classinst) d, e, f
## All instance variables are protected by default.
declare key, value.
## declare(#class) a, b, c. ## class variables
2015-05-20 15:52:45 +00:00
## declare(#classinst) a, b, c. ## class instance variables
## declare(#instance) a, b, c. ## isntance variables
## declare a,b, c. ## instance variables
## function(#class) ## class method
## function(#instance) ## instance method
## function ## instance method
2015-05-19 16:26:52 +00:00
## dcl(#class) a, b, c. ## short form
## dcl(#classinst) a, b, c
## fun(#class)
## var and fun are not keywords. they can be a method name or a variable name.
## Casing is not used to differentiate variable kinds like global local temporary etc.
## other modifiers (EXPERIMENTAL. JUST THINKING).
2015-05-20 15:52:45 +00:00
## declare(#class #public #rw) x. x can be accessed by other classes in read-write mode.
## function(#private) xxx xxx is a private method
2015-05-20 15:52:45 +00:00
## function(#class #private) xxx xxx is private class method.
function(#class) initialize
## This is the initilizer for the class object.
## executed when this class is added to the system.
## initialize the class variables and class instance variables.
SIZE := 20.
function(#class) key: aKey
^self key: aKey value: nil.
function(#class) key: aKey value: aValue
| ass |
ass := self new.
ass key: aKey value: aValue.
function key: aKey value: aValue
key := aKey.
value := aValue.
function key
function value
function value: value
self->value := aValue
function = anAssociation
^self->key = anAssociation key.
function hash
^self->key hash
function value: aBlock
|a |
a := [ :t1 | t1 value ] with: 10.
^a + 10.
; message cascading
. steatement terminator or flaoting point if in number and followed by a digit.
^ return
[ ] block
# symbol or array
() grouping
$ character constant
| temporary variable or end of block arguments.
"" comment
'' string
: at the of the keyword or before block argument name.
' !
#! for comment
## for comment
@ binarySelector for coordianate number @ number.
Single line comment
## comment text
#! comment text (easy handling to skip hash bang)
Multi-line comments - double quoted as in smalltalk
2015-05-21 17:07:55 +00:00
" comment text "
2015-05-17 05:02:30 +00:00
2015-05-21 17:07:55 +00:00
#class X(Y)
#dcl a b c.
#fun print