1919 lines
56 KiB
1919 lines
56 KiB
package hodu
import "context"
import "crypto/tls"
import "errors"
import "fmt"
import "io"
import "log"
import "net"
import "net/http"
import "net/netip"
import "strconv"
import "sync"
import "sync/atomic"
import "time"
import "unsafe"
import "golang.org/x/net/websocket"
import "google.golang.org/grpc"
import "google.golang.org/grpc/credentials"
import "google.golang.org/grpc/peer"
import "google.golang.org/grpc/stats"
import "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus"
import "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promhttp"
const PTS_LIMIT int = 16384
const CTS_LIMIT int = 16384
type PortId uint16
const PORT_ID_MARKER string = "_"
const HS_ID_CTL string = "ctl"
const HS_ID_WPX string = "wpx"
const HS_ID_PXY string = "pxy"
const HS_ID_PXY_WS string = "pxy-ws"
type ServerConnMapByAddr = map[net.Addr]*ServerConn
type ServerConnMapByClientToken = map[string]*ServerConn
type ServerConnMap = map[ConnId]*ServerConn
type ServerRouteMap = map[RouteId]*ServerRoute
type ServerPeerConnMap = map[PeerId]*ServerPeerConn
type ServerSvcPortMap = map[PortId]ConnRouteId
type ServerWpxResponseTransformer func(r *ServerRouteProxyInfo, resp *http.Response) io.Reader
type ServerWpxForeignPortProxyMaker func(wpx_type string, port_id string) (*ServerRouteProxyInfo, error)
type ServerConnNoticeHandler interface {
Handle(cts* ServerConn, text string)
type ServerConfig struct {
RpcAddrs []string
RpcTls *tls.Config
RpcMaxConns int
MaxPeers int
CtlAddrs []string
CtlTls *tls.Config
CtlPrefix string
CtlAuth *HttpAuthConfig
CtlCors bool
PxyAddrs []string
PxyTls *tls.Config
WpxAddrs []string
WpxTls *tls.Config
type Server struct {
cfg *ServerConfig
Ctx context.Context
CtxCancel context.CancelFunc
wg sync.WaitGroup
stop_req atomic.Bool
stop_chan chan bool
ext_mtx sync.Mutex
ext_svcs []Service
pxy_ws *server_proxy_ssh_ws
pxy_mux *http.ServeMux
pxy []*http.Server // proxy server
wpx_ws *server_proxy_ssh_ws
wpx_mux *http.ServeMux
wpx []*http.Server // proxy server than handles http/https only
ctl_mux *http.ServeMux
ctl []*http.Server // control server
rpc []*net.TCPListener // main listener for grpc
rpc_wg sync.WaitGroup
rpc_svr *grpc.Server
pts_limit int // global pts limit
cts_limit int
cts_next_id ConnId
cts_mtx sync.Mutex
cts_map ServerConnMap
cts_map_by_addr ServerConnMapByAddr
cts_map_by_token ServerConnMapByClientToken
cts_wg sync.WaitGroup
log Logger
conn_notice ServerConnNoticeHandler
svc_port_mtx sync.Mutex
svc_port_map ServerSvcPortMap
promreg *prometheus.Registry
stats struct {
conns atomic.Int64
routes atomic.Int64
peers atomic.Int64
ssh_proxy_sessions atomic.Int64
wpx_resp_tf ServerWpxResponseTransformer
wpx_foreign_port_proxy_maker ServerWpxForeignPortProxyMaker
xterm_html string
// connection from client.
// client connect to the server, the server accept it, and makes a tunnel request
type ServerConn struct {
S *Server
Id ConnId
Sid string // for logging
ClientToken string // provided by client
RemoteAddr net.Addr // client address that created this structure
LocalAddr net.Addr // local address that the client is connected to
pss *GuardedPacketStreamServer
route_mtx sync.Mutex
route_map ServerRouteMap
route_wg sync.WaitGroup
wg sync.WaitGroup
stop_req atomic.Bool
stop_chan chan bool
type ServerRoute struct {
Cts *ServerConn
Id RouteId
svc_l *net.TCPListener
SvcAddr *net.TCPAddr // actual listening address
SvcReqAddr string
SvcPermNet netip.Prefix // network from which access is allowed
SvcOption RouteOption
PtcAddr string
PtcName string
pts_mtx sync.Mutex
pts_map ServerPeerConnMap
pts_limit int
pts_next_id PeerId
pts_wg sync.WaitGroup
stop_req atomic.Bool
type GuardedPacketStreamServer struct {
mtx sync.Mutex
//pss Hodu_PacketStreamServer
Hodu_PacketStreamServer // let's embed it to avoid reimplement Recv() and Context()
// ------------------------------------
func (g *GuardedPacketStreamServer) Send(data *Packet) error {
// while Recv() on a stream is called from the same gorountine all the time,
// Send() is called from multiple places. let's guard it as grpc-go
// doesn't provide concurrency safety in this case.
// https://github.com/grpc/grpc-go/blob/master/Documentation/concurrency.md
defer g.mtx.Unlock()
return g.Hodu_PacketStreamServer.Send(data)
func (g *GuardedPacketStreamServer) Recv() (*Packet, error) {
return g.pss.Recv()
func (g *GuardedPacketStreamServer) Context() context.Context {
return g.pss.Context()
// ------------------------------------
func NewServerRoute(cts *ServerConn, id RouteId, option RouteOption, ptc_addr string, ptc_name string, svc_requested_addr string, svc_permitted_net string) (*ServerRoute, error) {
var r ServerRoute
var l *net.TCPListener
var svcaddr *net.TCPAddr
var svcnet netip.Prefix
var err error
if svc_permitted_net != "" {
// parse the permitted network before creating a listener.
// the listener opened doesn't have to be closed when parsing fails.
svcnet, err = netip.ParsePrefix(svc_permitted_net)
if err != nil {
return nil , err
l, svcaddr, err = cts.make_route_listener(id, option, svc_requested_addr)
if err != nil { return nil, err }
if svc_permitted_net == "" {
if svcaddr.IP.To4() != nil {
} else {
r.Cts = cts
r.Id = id
r.svc_l = l
r.SvcAddr = svcaddr
r.SvcReqAddr = svc_requested_addr
r.SvcPermNet = svcnet
r.SvcOption = option
r.PtcAddr = ptc_addr
r.PtcName = ptc_name
r.pts_limit = PTS_LIMIT
r.pts_map = make(ServerPeerConnMap)
r.pts_next_id = 1
return &r, nil
func (r *ServerRoute) AddNewServerPeerConn(c *net.TCPConn) (*ServerPeerConn, error) {
var pts *ServerPeerConn
var ok bool
var start_id PeerId
var assigned_id PeerId
defer r.pts_mtx.Unlock()
if len(r.pts_map) >= r.pts_limit {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("peer-to-server connection table full")
start_id = r.pts_next_id
for {
_, ok = r.pts_map[r.pts_next_id]
if !ok {
assigned_id = r.pts_next_id
if r.pts_next_id == 0 { r.pts_next_id++ }
if r.pts_next_id == 0 { r.pts_next_id++ }
if r.pts_next_id == start_id {
// unlikely to happen but it cycled through the whole range.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to assign peer-to-server connection id")
pts = NewServerPeerConn(r, c, assigned_id)
r.pts_map[pts.conn_id] = pts
return pts, nil
func (r *ServerRoute) RemoveServerPeerConn(pts *ServerPeerConn) {
delete(r.pts_map, pts.conn_id)
r.Cts.S.log.Write(r.Cts.Sid, LOG_DEBUG, "Removed server-side peer connection %s from route(%d)", pts.conn.RemoteAddr().String(), r.Id)
func (r *ServerRoute) RunTask(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
var err error
var conn *net.TCPConn
var pts *ServerPeerConn
var raddr *net.TCPAddr
var iaddr netip.Addr
defer wg.Done()
for {
conn, err = r.svc_l.AcceptTCP() // this call is blocking...
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, net.ErrClosed) {
r.Cts.S.log.Write(r.Cts.Sid, LOG_INFO, "Server-side peer listener closed on route(%d)", r.Id)
} else {
r.Cts.S.log.Write(r.Cts.Sid, LOG_INFO, "Server-side peer listener error on route(%d) - %s", r.Id, err.Error())
raddr = conn.RemoteAddr().(*net.TCPAddr)
iaddr, _ = netip.AddrFromSlice(raddr.IP)
if !r.SvcPermNet.Contains(iaddr) {
r.Cts.S.log.Write(r.Cts.Sid, LOG_DEBUG, "Rejected server-side peer %s to route(%d) - allowed range %v", raddr.String(), r.Id, r.SvcPermNet)
if r.Cts.S.pts_limit > 0 && int(r.Cts.S.stats.peers.Load()) >= r.Cts.S.pts_limit {
r.Cts.S.log.Write(r.Cts.Sid, LOG_DEBUG, "Rejected server-side peer %s to route(%d) - allowed max %d", raddr.String(), r.Id, r.Cts.S.pts_limit)
pts, err = r.AddNewServerPeerConn(conn)
if err != nil {
r.Cts.S.log.Write(r.Cts.Sid, LOG_ERROR, "Failed to add server-side peer %s to route(%d) - %s", r.Id, raddr.String(), r.Id, err.Error())
} else {
r.Cts.S.log.Write(r.Cts.Sid, LOG_DEBUG, "Added server-side peer %s to route(%d)", raddr.String(), r.Id)
go pts.RunTask(&r.pts_wg)
r.Cts.S.log.Write(r.Cts.Sid, LOG_DEBUG, "All service-side peer handlers ended on route(%d)", r.Id)
r.Cts.RemoveServerRoute(r) // final phase...
func (r *ServerRoute) ReqStop() {
if r.stop_req.CompareAndSwap(false, true) {
var pts *ServerPeerConn
for _, pts = range r.pts_map { pts.ReqStop() }
func (r *ServerRoute) ReqStopAllServerPeerConns() {
var c *ServerPeerConn
for _, c = range r.pts_map { c.ReqStop() }
func (r *ServerRoute) FindServerPeerConnById(peer_id PeerId) *ServerPeerConn {
var c *ServerPeerConn
var ok bool
defer r.pts_mtx.Unlock()
c, ok = r.pts_map[peer_id]
if !ok { return nil }
return c
func (r *ServerRoute) ReportEvent(pts_id PeerId, event_type PACKET_KIND, event_data interface{}) error {
var spc *ServerPeerConn
var ok bool
spc, ok = r.pts_map[pts_id]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("non-existent peer id - %d", pts_id)
return spc.ReportEvent(event_type, event_data)
// ------------------------------------
func (cts *ServerConn) make_route_listener(id RouteId, option RouteOption, svc_requested_addr string) (*net.TCPListener, *net.TCPAddr, error) {
var l *net.TCPListener
var svcaddr *net.TCPAddr
var nw string
var prev_cri ConnRouteId
var ok bool
var err error
if svc_requested_addr != "" {
var ap netip.AddrPort
ap, err = netip.ParseAddrPort(svc_requested_addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid service address %s - %s", svc_requested_addr, err.Error())
svcaddr = &net.TCPAddr{IP: ap.Addr().AsSlice(), Port: int(ap.Port())}
if option & RouteOption(ROUTE_OPTION_TCP) != 0 {
nw = "tcp"
if svcaddr == nil {
// port 0 for automatic assignment.
svcaddr = &net.TCPAddr{Port: 0}
} else if option & RouteOption(ROUTE_OPTION_TCP4) != 0 {
nw = "tcp4"
if svcaddr == nil {
svcaddr = &net.TCPAddr{IP: net.IPv4zero, Port: 0}
} else if option & RouteOption(ROUTE_OPTION_TCP6) != 0 {
nw = "tcp6"
if svcaddr == nil {
svcaddr = &net.TCPAddr{IP: net.IPv6zero, Port: 0}
} else {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid route option value %d(%s)", option, option.String())
l, err = net.ListenTCP(nw, svcaddr) // make the binding address configurable. support multiple binding addresses???
if err != nil { return nil, nil, err }
svcaddr = l.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr)
// uniqueness by port id can be checked after listener creation,
// especially when automatic assignment is requested.
prev_cri, ok = cts.S.svc_port_map[PortId(svcaddr.Port)]
if ok {
cts.S.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_ERROR,
"Route(%d,%d) on %s not unique by port number - existing route(%d,%d)",
cts.Id, id, prev_cri.conn_id, prev_cri.route_id, svcaddr.String())
return nil, nil, err
cts.S.svc_port_map[PortId(svcaddr.Port)] = ConnRouteId{conn_id: cts.Id, route_id: id}
cts.S.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_DEBUG, "Route(%d,%d) listening on %s", cts.Id, id, svcaddr.String())
return l, svcaddr, nil
func (cts *ServerConn) AddNewServerRoute(route_id RouteId, proto RouteOption, ptc_addr string, ptc_name string, svc_requested_addr string, svc_permitted_net string) (*ServerRoute, error) {
var r *ServerRoute
var err error
if cts.route_map[route_id] != nil {
// If this happens, something must be wrong between the server and the client
// most likely, it must be a logic error. the state must not go out of sync
// as the route_id and the peer_id are supposed to be the same between the client
// and the server.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("existent route id - %d", route_id)
r, err = NewServerRoute(cts, route_id, proto, ptc_addr, ptc_name, svc_requested_addr, svc_permitted_net)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cts.route_map[route_id] = r
go r.RunTask(&cts.route_wg)
return r, nil
func (cts *ServerConn) RemoveServerRoute(route *ServerRoute) error {
var r *ServerRoute
var ok bool
r, ok = cts.route_map[route.Id]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("non-existent route id - %d", route.Id)
if r != route {
return fmt.Errorf("non-existent route - %d", route.Id)
delete(cts.route_map, route.Id)
delete(cts.S.svc_port_map, PortId(route.SvcAddr.Port))
return nil
func (cts *ServerConn) RemoveServerRouteById(route_id RouteId) (*ServerRoute, error) {
var r *ServerRoute
var ok bool
r, ok = cts.route_map[route_id]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("non-existent route id - %d", route_id)
delete(cts.route_map, route_id)
delete(cts.S.svc_port_map, PortId(r.SvcAddr.Port))
return r, nil
func (cts *ServerConn) FindServerRouteById(route_id RouteId) *ServerRoute {
var r *ServerRoute
var ok bool
r, ok = cts.route_map[route_id]
if !ok {
return nil
return r
func (cts *ServerConn) FindServerPeerConnById(route_id RouteId, peer_id PeerId) *ServerPeerConn {
var r *ServerRoute
var ok bool
defer cts.route_mtx.Unlock()
r, ok = cts.route_map[route_id]
if !ok { return nil }
return r.FindServerPeerConnById(peer_id)
func (cts *ServerConn) ReqStopAllServerRoutes() {
var r *ServerRoute
for _, r = range cts.route_map { r.ReqStop() }
func (cts *ServerConn) ReportEvent(route_id RouteId, pts_id PeerId, event_type PACKET_KIND, event_data interface{}) error {
var r *ServerRoute
var ok bool
r, ok = cts.route_map[route_id]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("non-existent route id - %d", route_id)
return r.ReportEvent(pts_id, event_type, event_data)
func (cts *ServerConn) receive_from_stream(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
var pkt *Packet
var err error
defer wg.Done()
for {
pkt, err = cts.pss.Recv()
if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
cts.S.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_INFO, "RPC stream closed for client %s", cts.RemoteAddr)
goto done
if err != nil {
cts.S.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_ERROR, "RPC stream error for client %s - %s", cts.RemoteAddr, err.Error())
goto done
switch pkt.Kind {
var x *Packet_Route
var ok bool
x, ok = pkt.U.(*Packet_Route)
if ok {
var r *ServerRoute
r, err = cts.AddNewServerRoute(RouteId(x.Route.RouteId), RouteOption(x.Route.ServiceOption), x.Route.TargetAddrStr, x.Route.TargetName, x.Route.ServiceAddrStr, x.Route.ServiceNetStr)
if err != nil {
cts.S.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_ERROR,
"Failed to add route(%d,%s) for %s - %s",
x.Route.RouteId, x.Route.TargetAddrStr, cts.RemoteAddr, err.Error())
err = cts.pss.Send(MakeRouteStoppedPacket(RouteId(x.Route.RouteId), RouteOption(x.Route.ServiceOption), x.Route.TargetAddrStr, x.Route.TargetName, x.Route.ServiceAddrStr, x.Route.ServiceNetStr))
if err != nil {
cts.S.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_ERROR,
"Failed to send route_stopped event(%d,%s,%v,%s) to client %s - %s",
x.Route.RouteId, x.Route.TargetAddrStr, x.Route.ServiceOption, x.Route.ServiceNetStr, cts.RemoteAddr, err.Error())
goto done
} else {
cts.S.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_DEBUG,
"Sent route_stopped event(%d,%s,%v,%s) to client %s",
x.Route.RouteId, x.Route.TargetAddrStr, x.Route.ServiceOption, x.Route.ServiceNetStr, cts.RemoteAddr)
} else {
cts.S.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_INFO,
"Added route(%d,%s,%s,%v,%v) for client %s to cts(%d)",
r.Id, r.PtcAddr, r.SvcAddr.String(), r.SvcOption, r.SvcPermNet, cts.RemoteAddr, cts.Id)
err = cts.pss.Send(MakeRouteStartedPacket(r.Id, r.SvcOption, r.SvcAddr.String(), r.PtcName, r.SvcReqAddr, r.SvcPermNet.String()))
if err != nil {
cts.S.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_ERROR,
"Failed to send route_started event(%d,%s,%s,%s%v,%v) to client %s - %s",
r.Id, r.PtcAddr, r.SvcAddr.String(), r.SvcOption, r.SvcPermNet, cts.RemoteAddr, err.Error())
goto done
} else {
cts.S.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_INFO, "Received invalid packet from %s", cts.RemoteAddr)
// TODO: need to abort this client?
var x *Packet_Route
var ok bool
x, ok = pkt.U.(*Packet_Route)
if ok {
var r *ServerRoute
r, err = cts.RemoveServerRouteById(RouteId(x.Route.RouteId))
if err != nil {
cts.S.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_ERROR,
"Failed to delete route(%d,%s) for client %s - %s",
x.Route.RouteId, x.Route.TargetAddrStr, cts.RemoteAddr, err.Error())
} else {
cts.S.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_ERROR,
"Deleted route(%d,%s,%s,%v,%v) for client %s",
r.Id, r.PtcAddr, r.SvcAddr.String(), r.SvcOption, r.SvcPermNet.String(), cts.RemoteAddr)
err = cts.pss.Send(MakeRouteStoppedPacket(r.Id, r.SvcOption, r.PtcAddr, r.PtcName, r.SvcReqAddr, r.SvcPermNet.String()))
if err != nil {
cts.S.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_ERROR,
"Failed to send route_stopped event(%d,%s,%s,%v.%v) to client %s - %s",
r.Id, r.PtcAddr, r.SvcAddr.String(), r.SvcOption, r.SvcPermNet.String(), cts.RemoteAddr, err.Error())
goto done
} else {
cts.S.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_ERROR, "Invalid route_stop event from %s", cts.RemoteAddr)
// the connection from the client to a peer has been established
var x *Packet_Peer
var ok bool
x, ok = pkt.U.(*Packet_Peer)
if ok {
err = cts.ReportEvent(RouteId(x.Peer.RouteId), PeerId(x.Peer.PeerId), PACKET_KIND_PEER_STARTED, x.Peer)
if err != nil {
cts.S.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_ERROR,
"Failed to handle peer_started event from %s for peer(%d,%d,%s,%s) - %s",
cts.RemoteAddr, x.Peer.RouteId, x.Peer.PeerId, x.Peer.LocalAddrStr, x.Peer.RemoteAddrStr, err.Error())
} else {
cts.S.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_DEBUG,
"Handled peer_started event from %s for peer(%d,%d,%s,%s)",
cts.RemoteAddr, x.Peer.RouteId, x.Peer.PeerId, x.Peer.LocalAddrStr, x.Peer.RemoteAddrStr)
} else {
// invalid event data
cts.S.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_ERROR, "Invalid peer_started event from %s", cts.RemoteAddr)
var x *Packet_Peer
var ok bool
x, ok = pkt.U.(*Packet_Peer)
if ok {
err = cts.ReportEvent(RouteId(x.Peer.RouteId), PeerId(x.Peer.PeerId), PACKET_KIND_PEER_ABORTED, x.Peer)
if err != nil {
cts.S.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_ERROR,
"Failed to handle peer_aborted event from %s for peer(%d,%d,%s,%s) - %s",
cts.RemoteAddr, x.Peer.RouteId, x.Peer.PeerId, x.Peer.LocalAddrStr, x.Peer.RemoteAddrStr, err.Error())
} else {
cts.S.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_DEBUG,
"Handled peer_aborted event from %s for peer(%d,%d,%s,%s)",
cts.RemoteAddr, x.Peer.RouteId, x.Peer.PeerId, x.Peer.LocalAddrStr, x.Peer.RemoteAddrStr)
} else {
// invalid event data
cts.S.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_ERROR, "Invalid peer_aborted event from %s", cts.RemoteAddr)
// the connection from the client to a peer has been established
var x *Packet_Peer
var ok bool
x, ok = pkt.U.(*Packet_Peer)
if ok {
err = cts.ReportEvent(RouteId(x.Peer.RouteId), PeerId(x.Peer.PeerId), PACKET_KIND_PEER_STOPPED, x.Peer)
if err != nil {
cts.S.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_ERROR,
"Failed to handle peer_stopped event from %s for peer(%d,%d,%s,%s) - %s",
cts.RemoteAddr, x.Peer.RouteId, x.Peer.PeerId, x.Peer.LocalAddrStr, x.Peer.RemoteAddrStr, err.Error())
} else {
cts.S.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_DEBUG,
"Handled peer_stopped event from %s for peer(%d,%d,%s,%s)",
cts.RemoteAddr, x.Peer.RouteId, x.Peer.PeerId, x.Peer.LocalAddrStr, x.Peer.RemoteAddrStr)
} else {
// invalid event data
cts.S.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_ERROR, "Invalid peer_stopped event from %s", cts.RemoteAddr)
// the connection from the client to a peer has been established
var x *Packet_Data
var ok bool
x, ok = pkt.U.(*Packet_Data)
if ok {
err = cts.ReportEvent(RouteId(x.Data.RouteId), PeerId(x.Data.PeerId), PACKET_KIND_PEER_DATA, x.Data.Data)
if err != nil {
cts.S.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_ERROR,
"Failed to handle peer_data event from %s for peer(%d,%d) - %s",
cts.RemoteAddr, x.Data.RouteId, x.Data.PeerId, err.Error())
} else {
cts.S.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_DEBUG,
"Handled peer_data event from %s for peer(%d,%d)",
cts.RemoteAddr, x.Data.RouteId, x.Data.PeerId)
} else {
// invalid event data
cts.S.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_ERROR, "Invalid peer_data event from %s", cts.RemoteAddr)
var x *Packet_Conn
var ok bool
x, ok = pkt.U.(*Packet_Conn)
if ok {
if x.Conn.Token == "" {
cts.S.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_ERROR, "Invalid conn_desc packet from %s - blank token", cts.RemoteAddr)
cts.ReqStop() // TODO: is this desirable to disconnect?
} else if x.Conn.Token != cts.ClientToken {
_, err = strconv.ParseUint(x.Conn.Token, 10, int(unsafe.Sizeof(ConnId(0)) * 8))
if err == nil { // this is not != nil. this is to check if the token is numeric
cts.S.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_ERROR, "Invalid conn_desc packet from %s - numeric token '%s'", cts.RemoteAddr, x.Conn.Token)
cts.ReqStop() // TODO: is this desirable to disconnect?
} else {
_, ok = cts.S.cts_map_by_token[x.Conn.Token]
if ok {
// error
cts.S.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_ERROR, "Invalid conn_desc packet from %s - duplicate token '%s'", cts.RemoteAddr, x.Conn.Token)
cts.ReqStop() // TODO: is this desirable to disconnect?
} else {
if cts.ClientToken != "" { delete(cts.S.cts_map_by_token, cts.ClientToken) }
cts.ClientToken = x.Conn.Token
cts.S.cts_map_by_token[x.Conn.Token] = cts
cts.S.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_INFO, "client(%d) %s - token set to '%s'", cts.Id, cts.RemoteAddr, x.Conn.Token)
} else {
cts.S.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_ERROR, "Invalid conn_desc packet from %s", cts.RemoteAddr)
// the connection from the client to a peer has been established
var x *Packet_Notice
var ok bool
x, ok = pkt.U.(*Packet_Notice)
if ok {
if cts.S.conn_notice != nil {
cts.S.conn_notice.Handle(cts, x.Notice.Text)
} else {
cts.S.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_ERROR, "Invalid conn_notice packet from %s", cts.RemoteAddr)
cts.S.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_INFO, "RPC stream receiver ended")
func (cts *ServerConn) RunTask(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
var strm *GuardedPacketStreamServer
var ctx context.Context
defer wg.Done()
strm = cts.pss
ctx = strm.Context()
// it looks like the only proper way to interrupt the blocking Recv
// call on the grpc streaming server is exit from the service handler
// which is this function invoked from PacketStream().
// there is no cancel function or whatever that can interrupt it.
// so start the Recv() loop in a separte goroutine and let this
// function be the channel waiter only.
// increment on the wait group is for the caller to wait for
// these detached goroutines to finish.
go cts.receive_from_stream(wg)
for {
// exit if context is done
// or continue
select {
case <-ctx.Done(): // the stream context is done
cts.S.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_INFO, "RPC stream done - %s", ctx.Err().Error())
goto done
case <- cts.stop_chan:
// get out of the loop to eventually to exit from
// this handler to let the main grpc server to
// close this specific client connection.
goto done
// no other case is ready.
// without the default case, the select construct would block
cts.ReqStop() // just in case
func (cts *ServerConn) ReqStop() {
if cts.stop_req.CompareAndSwap(false, true) {
var r *ServerRoute
for _, r = range cts.route_map { r.ReqStop() }
// there is no good way to break a specific connection client to
// the grpc server. while the global grpc server is closed in
// ReqStop() for Server, the individuation connection is closed
// by returing from the grpc handler goroutine. See the comment
// RunTask() for ServerConn.
cts.stop_chan <- true
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
func (s *Server) GetSeed(ctx context.Context, c_seed *Seed) (*Seed, error) {
var s_seed Seed
// seed exchange is for furture expansion of the protocol
// there is nothing to do much about it for now.
s_seed.Version = HODU_RPC_VERSION
s_seed.Flags = 0
// we create no ServerConn structure associated with the connection
// at this phase for the server. it doesn't track the client version and
// features. we delegate protocol selection solely to the client.
return &s_seed, nil
func (s *Server) PacketStream(strm Hodu_PacketStreamServer) error {
var ctx context.Context
var p *peer.Peer
var ok bool
var err error
var cts *ServerConn
ctx = strm.Context()
p, ok = peer.FromContext(ctx)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get peer from packet stream context")
cts, err = s.AddNewServerConn(&p.Addr, &p.LocalAddr, strm)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to add client %s - %s", p.Addr.String(), err.Error())
// Don't detached the cts task as a go-routine as this function
// is invoked as a go-routine by the grpc server.
return nil
// ------------------------------------
type ConnCatcher struct {
server *Server
func (cc *ConnCatcher) TagRPC(ctx context.Context, info *stats.RPCTagInfo) context.Context {
return ctx
func (cc *ConnCatcher) HandleRPC(ctx context.Context, s stats.RPCStats) {
func (cc *ConnCatcher) TagConn(ctx context.Context, info *stats.ConnTagInfo) context.Context {
return ctx
//return context.TODO()
func (cc *ConnCatcher) HandleConn(ctx context.Context, cs stats.ConnStats) {
var p *peer.Peer
var ok bool
var addr string
p, ok = peer.FromContext(ctx)
if !ok {
addr = ""
} else {
addr = p.Addr.String()
if ok {
switch cs.(type) {
case *stats.ConnBegin:
cc.server.log.Write("", LOG_INFO, "Client connected - %s", addr)
case *stats.ConnEnd:
var cts *ServerConn
var log_id string
cts, _ = cc.server.RemoveServerConnByAddr(p.Addr)
if cts != nil { log_id = cts.Sid }
cc.server.log.Write(log_id, LOG_INFO, "Client disconnected - %s", addr)
// ------------------------------------
type wrappedStream struct {
func (w *wrappedStream) RecvMsg(msg interface{}) error {
return w.ServerStream.RecvMsg(msg)
func (w *wrappedStream) SendMsg(msg interface{}) error {
return w.ServerStream.SendMsg(msg)
func newWrappedStream(s grpc.ServerStream) grpc.ServerStream {
return &wrappedStream{s}
func streamInterceptor(srv interface{}, ss grpc.ServerStream, info *grpc.StreamServerInfo, handler grpc.StreamHandler) error {
var err error
// authentication (token verification)
md, ok = metadata.FromIncomingContext(ss.Context())
if !ok {
return errMissingMetadata
if !valid(md["authorization"]) {
return errInvalidToken
err = handler(srv, newWrappedStream(ss))
if err != nil {
return err
func unaryInterceptor(ctx context.Context, req interface{}, info *grpc.UnaryServerInfo, handler grpc.UnaryHandler) (interface{}, error) {
var v interface{}
var err error
// authentication (token verification)
md, ok = metadata.FromIncomingContext(ctx)
if !ok {
return nil, errMissingMetadata
if !valid(md["authorization"]) {
// return nil, errInvalidToken
v, err = handler(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
//fmt.Printf("RPC failed with error: %v\n", err)
// TODO: Logging?
return v, err
type server_http_log_writer struct {
svr *Server
func (hlw *server_http_log_writer) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
// the standard http.Server always requires *log.Logger
// use this iowriter to create a logger to pass it to the http server.
// since this is another log write wrapper, give adjustment value
hlw.svr.log.WriteWithCallDepth("", LOG_INFO, +1, string(p))
return len(p), nil
type ServerHttpHandler interface {
Id() string
Cors(req *http.Request) bool
Authenticate(req *http.Request) (int, string)
ServeHTTP (w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (int, error)
func (s *Server) wrap_http_handler(handler ServerHttpHandler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
var status_code int
var err error
var start_time time.Time
var time_taken time.Duration
var realm string
// this deferred function is to overcome the recovering implemenation
// from panic done in go's http server. in that implemenation, panic
// is isolated to a single gorountine. however, i want this program
// to exit immediately once a panic condition is caught. (e.g. nil
// pointer dererence)
defer func() {
var err interface{} = recover()
if err != nil { dump_call_frame_and_exit(s.log, req, err) }
start_time = time.Now()
if handler.Cors(req) {
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "*")
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "*")
if req.Method == http.MethodOptions {
status_code = WriteEmptyRespHeader(w, http.StatusOK)
} else {
status_code, realm = handler.Authenticate(req)
if status_code == http.StatusUnauthorized {
if realm != "" {
w.Header().Set("WWW-Authenticate", fmt.Sprintf("Basic Realm=\"%s\"", realm))
WriteEmptyRespHeader(w, status_code)
} else if status_code == http.StatusOK {
status_code, err = handler.ServeHTTP(w, req)
} else {
WriteEmptyRespHeader(w, status_code)
time_taken = time.Now().Sub(start_time)
if status_code > 0 {
if err != nil {
s.log.Write(handler.Id(), LOG_INFO, "[%s] %s %s %d %.9f - %s", req.RemoteAddr, req.Method, req.URL.String(), status_code, time_taken.Seconds(), err.Error())
} else {
s.log.Write(handler.Id(), LOG_INFO, "[%s] %s %s %d %.9f", req.RemoteAddr, req.Method, req.URL.String(), status_code, time_taken.Seconds())
func NewServer(ctx context.Context, name string, logger Logger, cfg *ServerConfig) (*Server, error) {
var s Server
var l *net.TCPListener
var rpcaddr *net.TCPAddr
var addr string
var gl *net.TCPListener
var i int
var hs_log *log.Logger
var opts []grpc.ServerOption
var err error
if len(cfg.RpcAddrs) <= 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no server addresses provided")
s.Ctx, s.CtxCancel = context.WithCancel(ctx)
s.name = name
s.log = logger
/* create the specified number of listeners */
s.rpc = make([]*net.TCPListener, 0)
for _, addr = range cfg.RpcAddrs {
var addr_class string
addr_class = TcpAddrStrClass(addr)
rpcaddr, err = net.ResolveTCPAddr(addr_class, addr) // Make this interruptable???
if err != nil { goto oops }
l, err = net.ListenTCP(addr_class, rpcaddr)
if err != nil { goto oops }
s.rpc = append(s.rpc, l)
s.cfg = cfg
s.ext_svcs = make([]Service, 0, 1)
s.pts_limit = cfg.MaxPeers
s.cts_limit = cfg.RpcMaxConns
s.cts_next_id = 1
s.cts_map = make(ServerConnMap)
s.cts_map_by_addr = make(ServerConnMapByAddr)
s.cts_map_by_token = make(ServerConnMapByClientToken)
s.svc_port_map = make(ServerSvcPortMap)
s.stop_chan = make(chan bool, 8)
creds, err := credentials.NewServerTLSFromFile(data.Path("x509/server_cert.pem"), data.Path("x509/server_key.pem"))
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to create credentials: %v", err)
gs = grpc.NewServer(grpc.Creds(creds))
opts = append(opts, grpc.StatsHandler(&ConnCatcher{server: &s}))
if s.cfg.RpcTls != nil { opts = append(opts, grpc.Creds(credentials.NewTLS(s.cfg.RpcTls))) }
//opts = append(opts, grpc.UnaryInterceptor(unaryInterceptor))
//opts = append(opts, grpc.StreamInterceptor(streamInterceptor))
s.rpc_svr = grpc.NewServer(opts...)
RegisterHoduServer(s.rpc_svr, &s)
// ---------------------------------------------------------
hs_log = log.New(&server_http_log_writer{svr: &s}, "", 0)
// ---------------------------------------------------------
s.ctl_mux = http.NewServeMux()
s.ctl_mux.Handle(s.cfg.CtlPrefix + "/_ctl/server-conns",
s.wrap_http_handler(&server_ctl_server_conns{server_ctl{s: &s, id: HS_ID_CTL}}))
s.ctl_mux.Handle(s.cfg.CtlPrefix + "/_ctl/server-conns/{conn_id}",
s.wrap_http_handler(&server_ctl_server_conns_id{server_ctl{s: &s, id: HS_ID_CTL}}))
s.ctl_mux.Handle(s.cfg.CtlPrefix + "/_ctl/server-conns/{conn_id}/routes",
s.wrap_http_handler(&server_ctl_server_conns_id_routes{server_ctl{s: &s, id: HS_ID_CTL}}))
s.ctl_mux.Handle(s.cfg.CtlPrefix + "/_ctl/server-conns/{conn_id}/routes/{route_id}",
s.wrap_http_handler(&server_ctl_server_conns_id_routes_id{server_ctl{s: &s, id: HS_ID_CTL}}))
s.ctl_mux.Handle(s.cfg.CtlPrefix + "/_ctl/server-conns/{conn_id}/routes/{route_id}/peers",
s.wrap_http_handler(&server_ctl_server_conns_id_routes_id_peers{server_ctl{s: &s, id: HS_ID_CTL}}))
s.ctl_mux.Handle(s.cfg.CtlPrefix + "/_ctl/server-conns/{conn_id}/routes/{route_id}/peers/{peer_id}",
s.wrap_http_handler(&server_ctl_server_conns_id_routes_id_peers_id{server_ctl{s: &s, id: HS_ID_CTL}}))
s.ctl_mux.Handle(s.cfg.CtlPrefix + "/_ctl/notices",
s.wrap_http_handler(&server_ctl_notices{server_ctl{s: &s, id: HS_ID_CTL}}))
s.ctl_mux.Handle(s.cfg.CtlPrefix + "/_ctl/notices/{conn_id}",
s.wrap_http_handler(&server_ctl_notices_id{server_ctl{s: &s, id: HS_ID_CTL}}))
s.ctl_mux.Handle(s.cfg.CtlPrefix + "/_ctl/stats",
s.wrap_http_handler(&server_ctl_stats{server_ctl{s: &s, id: HS_ID_CTL}}))
s.ctl_mux.Handle(s.cfg.CtlPrefix + "/_ctl/token",
s.wrap_http_handler(&server_ctl_token{server_ctl{s: &s, id: HS_ID_CTL}}))
// TODO: make this optional. add this endpoint only if it's enabled...
s.promreg = prometheus.NewRegistry()
s.ctl_mux.Handle(s.cfg.CtlPrefix + "/_ctl/metrics",
promhttp.HandlerFor(s.promreg, promhttp.HandlerOpts{ EnableOpenMetrics: true }))
s.ctl = make([]*http.Server, len(cfg.CtlAddrs))
for i = 0; i < len(cfg.CtlAddrs); i++ {
s.ctl[i] = &http.Server{
Addr: cfg.CtlAddrs[i],
Handler: s.ctl_mux,
TLSConfig: s.cfg.CtlTls,
ErrorLog: hs_log,
// TODO: more settings
// ---------------------------------------------------------
s.pxy_ws = &server_proxy_ssh_ws{s: &s, id: HS_ID_PXY_WS}
s.pxy_mux = http.NewServeMux() // TODO: make /_init,_ssh,_ssh_ws,_http configurable...
websocket.Handler(func(ws *websocket.Conn) { s.pxy_ws.ServeWebsocket(ws) }))
s.wrap_http_handler(&server_ctl_server_conns_id_routes_id{server_ctl{s: &s, id: HS_ID_PXY, noauth: true}}))
s.wrap_http_handler(&server_proxy_xterm_file{server_proxy: server_proxy{s: &s, id: HS_ID_PXY}, file: "_redirect"}))
s.wrap_http_handler(&server_proxy_xterm_file{server_proxy: server_proxy{s: &s, id: HS_ID_PXY}, file: "xterm.html"}))
s.wrap_http_handler(&server_proxy_xterm_file{server_proxy: server_proxy{s: &s, id: HS_ID_PXY}, file: "xterm.js"}))
s.wrap_http_handler(&server_proxy_xterm_file{server_proxy: server_proxy{s: &s, id: HS_ID_PXY}, file: "xterm-addon-fit.js"}))
s.wrap_http_handler(&server_proxy_xterm_file{server_proxy: server_proxy{s: &s, id: HS_ID_PXY}, file: "xterm.css"}))
s.wrap_http_handler(&server_proxy_xterm_file{server_proxy: server_proxy{s: &s, id: HS_ID_PXY}, file: "_forbidden"}))
s.wrap_http_handler(&server_proxy_xterm_file{server_proxy: server_proxy{s: &s, id: HS_ID_PXY}, file: "_forbidden"}))
s.wrap_http_handler(&server_proxy_xterm_file{server_proxy: server_proxy{s: &s, id: HS_ID_PXY}, file: "_forbidden"}))
s.wrap_http_handler(&server_proxy_http_main{server_proxy: server_proxy{s: &s, id: HS_ID_PXY}, prefix: "/_http"}))
s.pxy = make([]*http.Server, len(cfg.PxyAddrs))
for i = 0; i < len(cfg.PxyAddrs); i++ {
s.pxy[i] = &http.Server{
Addr: cfg.PxyAddrs[i],
Handler: s.pxy_mux,
TLSConfig: cfg.PxyTls,
ErrorLog: hs_log,
// TODO: more settings
// ---------------------------------------------------------
s.wpx_mux = http.NewServeMux()
s.wpx_ws = &server_proxy_ssh_ws{s: &s, id: "wpx-ssh"}
s.wpx_mux = http.NewServeMux() // TODO: make /_init,_ssh,_ssh_ws,_http configurable...
websocket.Handler(func(ws *websocket.Conn) { s.wpx_ws.ServeWebsocket(ws) }))
s.wrap_http_handler(&server_ctl_server_conns_id_routes_id{server_ctl{s: &s, id: HS_ID_WPX, noauth: true}}))
s.wrap_http_handler(&server_proxy_xterm_file{server_proxy: server_proxy{s: &s, id: HS_ID_WPX}, file: "xterm.js"}))
s.wrap_http_handler(&server_proxy_xterm_file{server_proxy: server_proxy{s: &s, id: HS_ID_WPX}, file: "xterm-addon-fit.js"}))
s.wrap_http_handler(&server_proxy_xterm_file{server_proxy: server_proxy{s: &s, id: HS_ID_WPX}, file: "xterm.css"}))
s.wrap_http_handler(&server_proxy_xterm_file{server_proxy: server_proxy{s: &s, id: HS_ID_WPX}, file: "xterm.html"}))
s.wrap_http_handler(&server_proxy_xterm_file{server_proxy: server_proxy{s: &s, id: HS_ID_WPX}, file: "_forbidden"}))
s.wrap_http_handler(&server_proxy_http_main{server_proxy: server_proxy{s: &s, id: HS_ID_WPX}, prefix: PORT_ID_MARKER}))
s.wrap_http_handler(&server_proxy_http_wpx{server_proxy: server_proxy{s: &s, id: HS_ID_WPX}}))
s.wpx = make([]*http.Server, len(cfg.WpxAddrs))
for i = 0; i < len(cfg.WpxAddrs); i++ {
s.wpx[i] = &http.Server{
Addr: cfg.WpxAddrs[i],
Handler: s.wpx_mux,
TLSConfig: cfg.WpxTls,
ErrorLog: hs_log,
// ---------------------------------------------------------
return &s, nil
if gl != nil { gl.Close() }
for _, l = range s.rpc { l.Close() }
s.rpc = make([]*net.TCPListener, 0)
return nil, err
func (s *Server) SetWpxResponseTransformer(tf ServerWpxResponseTransformer) {
s.wpx_resp_tf = tf
func (s *Server) GetWpxResponseTransformer() ServerWpxResponseTransformer {
return s.wpx_resp_tf
func (s *Server) SetWpxForeignPortProxyMaker(pm ServerWpxForeignPortProxyMaker) {
s.wpx_foreign_port_proxy_maker = pm
func (s *Server) GetWpxForeignPortProxyMaker() ServerWpxForeignPortProxyMaker {
return s.wpx_foreign_port_proxy_maker
func (s *Server) SetXtermHtml(html string) {
s.xterm_html = html
func (s *Server) GetXtermHtml() string {
return s.xterm_html
func (s *Server) run_grpc_server(idx int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) error {
var l *net.TCPListener
var err error
defer wg.Done()
l = s.rpc[idx]
// it seems to be safe to call a single grpc server on differnt listening sockets multiple times
s.log.Write("", LOG_INFO, "Starting RPC server on %s", l.Addr().String())
err = s.rpc_svr.Serve(l)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, net.ErrClosed) {
s.log.Write("", LOG_INFO, "RPC server on %s closed", l.Addr().String())
} else {
s.log.Write("", LOG_ERROR, "Error from RPC server on %s - %s", l.Addr().String(), err.Error())
return err
return nil
func (s *Server) RunTask(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
var idx int
defer wg.Done()
for idx, _ = range s.rpc {
go s.run_grpc_server(idx, &s.rpc_wg)
// most the work is done by in separate goroutines (s.run_grp_server)
// this loop serves as a placeholder to prevent the logic flow from
// descening down to s.ReqStop()
for {
select {
case <-s.stop_chan:
break task_loop
s.log.Write("", LOG_DEBUG, "All RPC listeners ended")
s.log.Write("", LOG_DEBUG, "All CTS handlers ended")
// stop the main grpc server after all the other tasks are finished.
func (s *Server) RunCtlTask(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
var err error
var ctl *http.Server
var idx int
var l_wg sync.WaitGroup
defer wg.Done()
for idx, ctl = range s.ctl {
go func(i int, cs *http.Server) {
var l net.Listener
s.log.Write("", LOG_INFO, "Control channel[%d] started on %s", i, s.cfg.CtlAddrs[i])
if s.stop_req.Load() == false {
// defeat hard-coded "tcp" in ListenAndServe() and ListenAndServeTLS()
// err = cs.ListenAndServe()
// err = cs.ListenAndServeTLS("", "")
l, err = net.Listen(TcpAddrStrClass(cs.Addr), cs.Addr)
if err == nil {
if s.stop_req.Load() == false {
if s.cfg.CtlTls == nil {
err = cs.Serve(l)
} else {
err = cs.ServeTLS(l, "", "") // s.cfg.CtlTls must provide a certificate and a key
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("stop requested")
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("stop requested")
if errors.Is(err, http.ErrServerClosed) {
s.log.Write("", LOG_INFO, "Control channel[%d] ended", i)
} else {
s.log.Write("", LOG_ERROR, "Control channel[%d] error - %s", i, err.Error())
}(idx, ctl)
func (s *Server) RunPxyTask(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
var err error
var pxy *http.Server
var idx int
var l_wg sync.WaitGroup
defer wg.Done()
for idx, pxy = range s.pxy {
go func(i int, cs *http.Server) {
var l net.Listener
s.log.Write("", LOG_INFO, "Proxy channel[%d] started on %s", i, s.cfg.PxyAddrs[i])
if s.stop_req.Load() == false {
l, err = net.Listen(TcpAddrStrClass(cs.Addr), cs.Addr)
if err == nil {
if s.stop_req.Load() == false {
if s.cfg.PxyTls == nil { // TODO: change this
err = cs.Serve(l)
} else {
err = cs.ServeTLS(l, "", "") // s.cfg.PxyTls must provide a certificate and a key
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("stop requested")
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("stop requested")
if errors.Is(err, http.ErrServerClosed) {
s.log.Write("", LOG_INFO, "Proxy channel[%d] ended", i)
} else {
s.log.Write("", LOG_ERROR, "Proxy channel[%d] error - %s", i, err.Error())
}(idx, pxy)
func (s *Server) RunWpxTask(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
var err error
var wpx *http.Server
var idx int
var l_wg sync.WaitGroup
defer wg.Done()
for idx, wpx = range s.wpx {
go func(i int, cs *http.Server) {
var l net.Listener
s.log.Write("", LOG_INFO, "Wpx channel[%d] started on %s", i, s.cfg.WpxAddrs[i])
if s.stop_req.Load() == false {
l, err = net.Listen(TcpAddrStrClass(cs.Addr), cs.Addr)
if err == nil {
if s.stop_req.Load() == false {
if s.cfg.WpxTls == nil { // TODO: change this
err = cs.Serve(l)
} else {
err = cs.ServeTLS(l, "", "") // s.cfg.WpxTls must provide a certificate and a key
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("stop requested")
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("stop requested")
if errors.Is(err, http.ErrServerClosed) {
s.log.Write("", LOG_INFO, "Wpx channel[%d] ended", i)
} else {
s.log.Write("", LOG_ERROR, "Wpx channel[%d] error - %s", i, err.Error())
}(idx, wpx)
func (s *Server) ReqStop() {
if s.stop_req.CompareAndSwap(false, true) {
var l *net.TCPListener
var cts *ServerConn
var hs *http.Server
// call cancellation function before anything else
// to break sub-tasks relying on this server context.
// for example, http.Client in server_proxy_http_main
for _, hs = range s.ctl {
hs.Shutdown(s.Ctx) // to break s.ctl.Serve()
for _, hs = range s.pxy {
hs.Shutdown(s.Ctx) // to break s.pxy.Serve()
for _, hs = range s.wpx {
hs.Shutdown(s.Ctx) // to break s.wpx.Serve()
for _, l = range s.rpc {
// request to stop connections from/to peer held in the cts structure
for _, cts = range s.cts_map { cts.ReqStop() }
s.stop_chan <- true
func (s *Server) AddNewServerConn(remote_addr *net.Addr, local_addr *net.Addr, pss Hodu_PacketStreamServer) (*ServerConn, error) {
var cts ServerConn
var start_id ConnId
var assigned_id ConnId
var ok bool
cts.S = s
cts.route_map = make(ServerRouteMap)
cts.RemoteAddr = *remote_addr
cts.LocalAddr = *local_addr
cts.pss = &GuardedPacketStreamServer{Hodu_PacketStreamServer: pss}
cts.stop_chan = make(chan bool, 8)
if s.cts_limit > 0 && len(s.cts_map) >= s.cts_limit {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("too many connections - %d", s.cts_limit)
//start_id = rand.Uint64()
//start_id = ConnId(monotonic_time() / 1000)
start_id = s.cts_next_id
for {
_, ok = s.cts_map[s.cts_next_id]
if !ok {
assigned_id = s.cts_next_id
if s.cts_next_id == 0 { s.cts_next_id++ }
if s.cts_next_id == 0 { s.cts_next_id++ }
if s.cts_next_id == start_id {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to assign id")
cts.Id = assigned_id
cts.Sid = fmt.Sprintf("%d", cts.Id) // id in string used for logging
_, ok = s.cts_map_by_addr[cts.RemoteAddr]
if ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("existing client address - %s", cts.RemoteAddr.String())
if cts.ClientToken != "" {
// this check is not needed as Token is never set at this phase
// however leave statements here for completeness
_, ok = s.cts_map_by_token[cts.ClientToken]
if ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("existing client token - %s", cts.ClientToken)
s.cts_map_by_token[cts.ClientToken] = &cts
s.cts_map_by_addr[cts.RemoteAddr] = &cts
s.cts_map[cts.Id] = &cts
s.log.Write(cts.Sid, LOG_DEBUG, "Added client connection from %s", cts.RemoteAddr.String())
return &cts, nil
func (s *Server) ReqStopAllServerConns() {
var cts *ServerConn
for _, cts = range s.cts_map { cts.ReqStop() }
func (s *Server) RemoveServerConn(cts *ServerConn) error {
var conn *ServerConn
var ok bool
conn, ok = s.cts_map[cts.Id]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("non-existent connection id - %d", cts.Id)
if conn != cts {
return fmt.Errorf("non-existent connection id - %d", cts.Id)
delete(s.cts_map, cts.Id)
delete(s.cts_map_by_addr, cts.RemoteAddr)
if cts.ClientToken != "" { delete(s.cts_map_by_token, cts.ClientToken) }
return nil
func (s *Server) RemoveServerConnByAddr(addr net.Addr) (*ServerConn, error) {
var cts *ServerConn
var ok bool
cts, ok = s.cts_map_by_addr[addr]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("non-existent connection address - %s", addr.String())
delete(s.cts_map, cts.Id)
delete(s.cts_map_by_addr, cts.RemoteAddr)
if cts.ClientToken != "" { delete(s.cts_map_by_token, cts.ClientToken) }
return cts, nil
func (s *Server) RemoveServerConnByClientToken(token string) (*ServerConn, error) {
var cts *ServerConn
var ok bool
cts, ok = s.cts_map_by_token[token]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("non-existent connection token - %s", token)
delete(s.cts_map, cts.Id)
delete(s.cts_map_by_addr, cts.RemoteAddr)
delete(s.cts_map_by_token, cts.ClientToken) // no Empty check becuase an empty token is never found in the map
return cts, nil
func (s *Server) FindServerConnById(id ConnId) *ServerConn {
var cts *ServerConn
var ok bool
defer s.cts_mtx.Unlock()
cts, ok = s.cts_map[id]
if !ok { return nil }
return cts
func (s *Server) FindServerConnByAddr(addr net.Addr) *ServerConn {
var cts *ServerConn
var ok bool
defer s.cts_mtx.Unlock()
cts, ok = s.cts_map_by_addr[addr]
if !ok { return nil }
return cts
func (s *Server) FindServerConnByClientToken(token string) *ServerConn {
var cts *ServerConn
var ok bool
defer s.cts_mtx.Unlock()
cts, ok = s.cts_map_by_token[token]
if !ok { return nil }
return cts
func (s *Server) FindServerRouteById(id ConnId, route_id RouteId) *ServerRoute {
var cts *ServerConn
var ok bool
defer s.cts_mtx.Unlock()
cts, ok = s.cts_map[id]
if !ok { return nil }
return cts.FindServerRouteById(route_id)
func (s *Server) FindServerPeerConnById(id ConnId, route_id RouteId, peer_id PeerId) *ServerPeerConn {
var cts *ServerConn
var ok bool
defer s.cts_mtx.Unlock()
cts, ok = s.cts_map[id]
if !ok { return nil }
return cts.FindServerPeerConnById(route_id, peer_id)
func (s *Server) FindServerRouteByPortId(port_id PortId) *ServerRoute {
var cri ConnRouteId
var ok bool
defer s.svc_port_mtx.Unlock()
cri, ok = s.svc_port_map[port_id]
if !ok { return nil }
return s.FindServerRouteById(cri.conn_id, cri.route_id)
func (s *Server) FindServerPeerConnByPortId(port_id PortId, peer_id PeerId) *ServerPeerConn {
var cri ConnRouteId
var ok bool
defer s.svc_port_mtx.Unlock()
cri, ok = s.svc_port_map[port_id]
if !ok { return nil }
return s.FindServerPeerConnById(cri.conn_id, cri.route_id, peer_id)
func (s *Server) FindServerPeerConnByIdStr(conn_id string, route_id string, peer_id string) (*ServerPeerConn, error) {
var p *ServerPeerConn
var err error
if route_id == PORT_ID_MARKER {
var port_nid uint64
var peer_nid uint64
port_nid, err = strconv.ParseUint(conn_id, 10, int(unsafe.Sizeof(PortId(0)) * 8))
if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid port id %s - %s", conn_id, err.Error()) }
peer_nid, err = strconv.ParseUint(peer_id, 10, int(unsafe.Sizeof(PeerId(0)) * 8))
if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid peer id %s - %s", peer_id, err.Error()) }
p = s.FindServerPeerConnByPortId(PortId(port_nid), PeerId(peer_nid))
if p == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("peer(%d,%d) not found", port_nid, peer_nid) }
} else {
var conn_nid uint64
var route_nid uint64
var peer_nid uint64
conn_nid, err = strconv.ParseUint(conn_id, 10, int(unsafe.Sizeof(ConnId(0)) * 8))
if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid connection id %s - %s", conn_id, err.Error()) }
route_nid, err = strconv.ParseUint(route_id, 10, int(unsafe.Sizeof(RouteId(0)) * 8))
if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid route id %s - %s", route_id, err.Error()) }
peer_nid, err = strconv.ParseUint(peer_id, 10, int(unsafe.Sizeof(PeerId(0)) * 8))
if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid peer id %s - %s", peer_id, err.Error()) }
p = s.FindServerPeerConnById(ConnId(conn_nid), RouteId(route_nid), PeerId(peer_nid))
if p == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("peer(%d,%d,%d) not found", conn_nid, route_nid, peer_nid) }
return p, nil
func (s *Server) FindServerRouteByIdStr(conn_id string, route_id string) (*ServerRoute, error) {
var r *ServerRoute
var err error
if route_id == PORT_ID_MARKER {
var port_nid uint64
port_nid, err = strconv.ParseUint(conn_id, 10, int(unsafe.Sizeof(PortId(0)) * 8))
if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid port id %s - %s", conn_id, err.Error()) }
r = s.FindServerRouteByPortId(PortId(port_nid))
if r == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("port(%d) not found", port_nid) }
} else {
var conn_nid uint64
var route_nid uint64
conn_nid, err = strconv.ParseUint(conn_id, 10, int(unsafe.Sizeof(ConnId(0)) * 8))
if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid connection id %s - %s", conn_id, err.Error()) }
route_nid, err = strconv.ParseUint(route_id, 10, int(unsafe.Sizeof(RouteId(0)) * 8))
if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid route id %s - %s", route_id, err.Error()) }
r = s.FindServerRouteById(ConnId(conn_nid), RouteId(route_nid))
if r == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("route(%d,%d) not found", conn_nid, route_nid) }
return r, nil
func (s *Server) FindServerConnByIdStr(conn_id string) (*ServerConn, error) {
var conn_nid uint64
var cts *ServerConn
var err error
conn_nid, err = strconv.ParseUint(conn_id, 10, int(unsafe.Sizeof(ConnId(0)) * 8))
if err != nil {
//return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid connection id %s - %s", conn_id, err.Error());
cts = s.FindServerConnByClientToken(conn_id) // if not numeric, attempt to use it as a token
if cts == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("non-existent connection token '%s'", conn_id) }
} else {
cts = s.FindServerConnById(ConnId(conn_nid))
if cts == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("non-existent connection id %d", conn_nid) }
return cts, nil
func (s *Server) StartService(cfg interface{}) {
go s.RunTask(&s.wg)
func (s *Server) StartExtService(svc Service, data interface{}) {
s.ext_svcs = append(s.ext_svcs, svc)
go svc.RunTask(&s.wg)
func (s *Server) StartCtlService() {
go s.RunCtlTask(&s.wg)
func (s *Server) StartPxyService() {
go s.RunPxyTask(&s.wg)
func (s *Server) StartWpxService() {
go s.RunWpxTask(&s.wg)
func (s *Server) StopServices() {
var ext_svc Service
for _, ext_svc = range s.ext_svcs {
func (s *Server) FixServices() {
func (s *Server) WaitForTermination() {
func (s *Server) WriteLog(id string, level LogLevel, fmtstr string, args ...interface{}) {
s.log.Write(id, level, fmtstr, args...)
func (s *Server) SetConnNoticeHandler(handler ServerConnNoticeHandler) {
s.conn_notice = handler
func (s *Server) AddCtlHandler(path string, handler ServerHttpHandler) {
s.ctl_mux.Handle(s.cfg.CtlPrefix + "/_ctl" + path, s.wrap_http_handler(handler))
func (s *Server) AddCtlMetricsCollector(col prometheus.Collector) error {
return s.promreg.Register(col)
func (s *Server) RemoveCtlMetricsCollector(col prometheus.Collector) bool {
return s.promreg.Unregister(col)