package hodu import "net" import "net/http" import "net/netip" import "os" import "runtime" import "strings" import "sync" import "time" const HODU_RPC_VERSION uint32 = 0x010000 type LogLevel int type LogMask int const ( LOG_DEBUG LogLevel = 1 << iota LOG_INFO LOG_WARN LOG_ERROR ) const LOG_ALL LogMask = LogMask(LOG_DEBUG | LOG_INFO | LOG_WARN | LOG_ERROR) const LOG_NONE LogMask = LogMask(0) var IPV4_PREFIX_ZERO = netip.MustParsePrefix("") var IPV6_PREFIX_ZERO = netip.MustParsePrefix("::/0") type Logger interface { Write(id string, level LogLevel, fmtstr string, args ...interface{}) WriteWithCallDepth(id string, level LogLevel, call_depth int, fmtstr string, args ...interface{}) Rotate() Close() } type Service interface { RunTask(wg *sync.WaitGroup) // blocking. run the actual task loop. it must call wg.Done() upon exit from itself. StartService(data interface{}) // non-blocking. spin up a service. it may be invokded multiple times for multiple instances StopServices() // non-blocking. send stop request to all services spun up FixServices() // do some fixup as needed WaitForTermination() // blocking. must wait until all services are stopped WriteLog(id string, level LogLevel, fmtstr string, args ...interface{}) } func TcpAddrStrClass(addr string) string { // the string is supposed to be addr:port if len(addr) > 0 { var ap netip.AddrPort var err error ap, err = netip.ParseAddrPort(addr) if err == nil { if ap.Addr().Is6() { return "tcp6" } if ap.Addr().Is4() { return "tcp4" } } } return "tcp" } func TcpAddrClass(addr *net.TCPAddr) string { if addr.AddrPort().Addr().Is4() { return "tcp4" } else { return "tcp6" } } func word_to_route_option(word string) RouteOption { switch word { case "tcp4": return RouteOption(ROUTE_OPTION_TCP4) case "tcp6": return RouteOption(ROUTE_OPTION_TCP6) case "tcp": return RouteOption(ROUTE_OPTION_TCP) case "tty": return RouteOption(ROUTE_OPTION_TTY) case "http": return RouteOption(ROUTE_OPTION_HTTP) case "https": return RouteOption(ROUTE_OPTION_HTTPS) case "ssh": return RouteOption(ROUTE_OPTION_SSH) } return RouteOption(ROUTE_OPTION_UNSPEC) } func string_to_route_option(desc string) RouteOption { var fld string var option RouteOption var p RouteOption option = RouteOption(0) for _, fld = range strings.Fields(desc) { p = word_to_route_option(fld) if p == RouteOption(ROUTE_OPTION_UNSPEC) { return p } option |= p } return option } func (option RouteOption) string() string { var str string str = "" if option & RouteOption(ROUTE_OPTION_TCP6) != 0 { str += " tcp6" } if option & RouteOption(ROUTE_OPTION_TCP4) != 0 { str += " tcp4" } if option & RouteOption(ROUTE_OPTION_TCP) != 0 { str += " tcp" } if option & RouteOption(ROUTE_OPTION_TTY) != 0 { str += " tty" } if option & RouteOption(ROUTE_OPTION_HTTP) != 0 { str += " http" } if option & RouteOption(ROUTE_OPTION_HTTPS) != 0 { str += " https" } if option & RouteOption(ROUTE_OPTION_SSH) != 0 { str += " ssh" } if str == "" { return str } return str[1:] // remove the leading space } func dump_call_frame_and_exit(log Logger, req *http.Request, err interface{}) { var buf []byte buf = make([]byte, 65536); buf = buf[:min(65536, runtime.Stack(buf, false))] log.Write("", LOG_ERROR, "[%s] %s %s - %v\n%s", req.RemoteAddr, req.Method, req.URL.String(), err, string(buf)) log.Close() os.Exit(99) // fatal error. treat panic() as a fatal runtime error } func svc_addr_to_dst_addr (svc_addr *net.TCPAddr) *net.TCPAddr { var addr net.TCPAddr addr = *svc_addr if addr.IP.To4() != nil { if addr.IP.IsUnspecified() { addr.IP = net.IPv4(127, 0, 0, 1) // net.IPv4loopback is not defined. so use net.IPv4() } } else { if addr.IP.IsUnspecified() { addr.IP = net.IPv6loopback // net.IP{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1} } } return &addr } func is_digit_or_period(r rune) bool { return (r >= '0' && r <= '9') || r == '.' } func get_last_rune_of_non_empty_string(s string) rune { var tmp []rune // the string must not be blank for this to work tmp = []rune(s) return tmp[len(tmp) - 1] } func parse_duration_string(dur string) (time.Duration, error) { // i want the input to be in seconds with resolution of 9 digits after // the decimal point. For example, 0.05 to mean 500ms. // however, i don't care if a unit is part of the input. var tmp string if dur == "" { return 0, nil } tmp = dur if is_digit_or_period(get_last_rune_of_non_empty_string(tmp)) { tmp = tmp + "s" } return time.ParseDuration(tmp) } func WriteJsonRespHeader(w http.ResponseWriter, status_code int) int { w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") w.WriteHeader(status_code) return status_code } func write_js_resp_header(w http.ResponseWriter, status_code int) int { w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/javascript") w.WriteHeader(status_code) return status_code } func WriteCssRespHeader(w http.ResponseWriter, status_code int) int { w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/css") w.WriteHeader(status_code) return status_code } func WriteHtmlRespHeader(w http.ResponseWriter, status_code int) int { w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html") w.WriteHeader(status_code) return status_code } func WriteEmptyRespHeader(w http.ResponseWriter, status_code int) int { w.WriteHeader(status_code) return status_code } func server_route_to_proxy_info(r *ServerRoute) *ServerRouteProxyInfo { return &ServerRouteProxyInfo{ SvcOption: r.SvcOption, PtcName: r.PtcName, PtcAddr: r.PtcAddr, SvcAddr: r.SvcAddr, SvcPermNet: r.SvcPermNet, } } func proxy_info_to_server_route(pi *ServerRouteProxyInfo) *ServerRoute { return &ServerRoute{ SvcOption: pi.SvcOption, PtcName: pi.PtcName, PtcAddr: pi.PtcAddr, SvcAddr: pi.SvcAddr, SvcPermNet: pi.SvcPermNet, } }