#include "mio-http.h" #include "mio-htrd.h" #include "mio-pro.h" /* for cgi */ #include "mio-fmt.h" #include "mio-chr.h" #include "mio-path.h" #include "mio-prv.h" #include /* TODO: move file operations to sys-file.XXX */ #include #include #include #include /* setenv, clearenv */ #define CGI_ALLOW_UNLIMITED_REQ_CONTENT_LENGTH typedef struct mio_svc_htts_cli_t mio_svc_htts_cli_t; struct mio_svc_htts_cli_t { mio_svc_htts_cli_t* cli_prev; mio_svc_htts_cli_t* cli_next; /* a listener socket sets htts and sck fields only */ /* a client sockets uses all the fields in this struct */ mio_svc_htts_t* htts; mio_dev_sck_t* sck; mio_htrd_t* htrd; mio_becs_t* sbuf; /* temporary buffer for status line formatting */ mio_svc_htts_rsrc_t* rsrc; }; struct mio_svc_htts_t { MIO_SVC_HEADER; mio_svc_htts_proc_req_t proc_req; mio_dev_sck_t* lsck; mio_svc_htts_cli_t cli; /* list head for client list */ mio_bch_t* server_name; mio_bch_t server_name_buf[64]; }; struct mio_svc_httc_t { MIO_SVC_HEADER; }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define CLIL_APPEND_CLI(lh,cli) do { \ (cli)->cli_next = (lh); \ (cli)->cli_prev = (lh)->cli_prev; \ (cli)->cli_prev->cli_next = (cli); \ (lh)->cli_prev = (cli); \ } while(0) #define CLIL_UNLINK_CLI(cli) do { \ (cli)->cli_prev->cli_next = (cli)->cli_next; \ (cli)->cli_next->cli_prev = (cli)->cli_prev; \ } while (0) #define CLIL_UNLINK_CLI_CLEAN(cli) do { \ (cli)->cli_prev->cli_next = (cli)->cli_next; \ (cli)->cli_next->cli_prev = (cli)->cli_prev; \ (cli)->cli_prev = (cli); \ (cli)->cli_next = (cli); \ } while (0) #define CLIL_INIT(lh) ((lh)->cli_next = (lh)->cli_prev = lh) #define CLIL_FIRST_CLI(lh) ((lh)->cli_next) #define CLIL_LAST_CLI(lh) ((lh)->cli_prev) #define CLIL_IS_EMPTY(lh) (CLIL_FIRST_CLI(lh) == (lh)) #define CLIL_IS_NIL_CLI(lh,cli) ((cli) == (lh)) /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ struct htrd_xtn_t { mio_dev_sck_t* sck; }; typedef struct htrd_xtn_t htrd_xtn_t; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static int test_func_handler (int rfd, int wfd) { int i; /* you can read the post data from rfd; * you can write result to wfd */ write (wfd, "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n", 28); for (i = 0 ; i < 10; i++) { write (wfd, "hello\n", 6); sleep (1); } return -1; } static int client_htrd_peek_request (mio_htrd_t* htrd, mio_htre_t* req) { htrd_xtn_t* htrdxtn = (htrd_xtn_t*)mio_htrd_getxtn(htrd); mio_svc_htts_cli_t* sckxtn = (mio_svc_htts_cli_t*)mio_dev_sck_getxtn(htrdxtn->sck); return sckxtn->htts->proc_req(sckxtn->htts, htrdxtn->sck, req); } static mio_htrd_recbs_t client_htrd_recbs = { client_htrd_peek_request, MIO_NULL, MIO_NULL }; static int init_client (mio_svc_htts_cli_t* cli, mio_dev_sck_t* sck) { htrd_xtn_t* htrdxtn; /* the htts field must be filled with the same field in the listening socket upon accept() */ MIO_ASSERT (sck->mio, cli->htts != MIO_NULL); MIO_ASSERT (sck->mio, cli->sck == cli->htts->lsck); /* the field should still point to the listner socket */ MIO_ASSERT (sck->mio, sck->mio == cli->htts->mio); cli->htrd = mio_htrd_open(sck->mio, MIO_SIZEOF(*htrdxtn)); if (MIO_UNLIKELY(!cli->htrd)) goto oops; /* With MIO_HTRD_TRAILERS, htrd stores trailers in a separate place. * Otherwise, it is merged to the headers. */ /*mio_htrd_setopt (cli->htrd, MIO_HTRD_REQUEST | MIO_HTRD_TRAILERS);*/ cli->sbuf = mio_becs_open(sck->mio, 0, 2048); if (MIO_UNLIKELY(!cli->sbuf)) goto oops; htrdxtn = mio_htrd_getxtn(cli->htrd); htrdxtn->sck = sck; /* TODO: remember cli instead? */ mio_htrd_setrecbs (cli->htrd, &client_htrd_recbs); cli->sck = sck; CLIL_APPEND_CLI (&cli->htts->cli, cli); MIO_DEBUG3 (sck->mio, "HTTS(%p) - initialized client %p socket %p\n", cli->htts, cli, sck); return 0; oops: if (cli->sbuf) { mio_becs_close(cli->sbuf); cli->sbuf = MIO_NULL; } if (cli->htrd) { mio_htrd_close (cli->htrd); cli->htrd = MIO_NULL; } return -1; } static void fini_client (mio_svc_htts_cli_t* cli) { MIO_DEBUG3 (cli->sck->mio, "HTTS(%p) - finalizing client %p socket %p\n", cli->htts, cli, cli->sck); if (cli->rsrc) { mio_svc_htts_rsrc_kill (cli->rsrc); cli->rsrc = MIO_NULL; } if (cli->sbuf) { mio_becs_close (cli->sbuf); cli->sbuf = MIO_NULL; } if (cli->htrd) { mio_htrd_close (cli->htrd); cli->htrd = MIO_NULL; } CLIL_UNLINK_CLI_CLEAN (cli); /* are these needed? not symmetrical if done here. * these fields are copied from the listener socket upon accept. * init_client() doesn't fill in these fields. let's comment out these lines cli->sck = MIO_NULL; cli->htts = MIO_NULL; */ } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static int listener_on_read (mio_dev_sck_t* sck, const void* buf, mio_iolen_t len, const mio_skad_t* srcaddr) { /* unlike the function name, this callback is set on both the listener and the client. * however, it must never be triggered for the listener */ mio_t* mio = sck->mio; mio_svc_htts_cli_t* cli = mio_dev_sck_getxtn(sck); mio_oow_t rem; int x; MIO_ASSERT (mio, sck != cli->htts->lsck); MIO_ASSERT (mio, cli->rsrc == MIO_NULL); /* if a resource has been set, the resource must take over this handler */ if (len <= -1) { MIO_DEBUG3 (mio, "HTTS(%p) - unable to read client %p(%d)\n", cli->htts, sck, (int)sck->hnd); goto oops; } if (len == 0) { MIO_DEBUG3 (mio, "HTTS(%p) - EOF on client %p(%d)\n", cli->htts, sck, (int)sck->hnd); goto oops; } if ((x = mio_htrd_feed(cli->htrd, buf, len, &rem)) <= -1) { printf ("** HTTS - client htrd feed failure socket(%p) - %d\n", sck, x); goto oops; } if (rem > 0) { if (cli->rsrc) { /* TODO store this to client buffer. once the current resource is completed, arrange to call on_read() with it */ } else { /* TODO: no resource in action. so feed one more time */ } } return 0; oops: printf ("HALTING CLIENT SOCKEXXT %p\n", sck); mio_dev_sck_halt (sck); return 0; } static int listener_on_write (mio_dev_sck_t* sck, mio_iolen_t wrlen, void* wrctx, const mio_skad_t* dstaddr) { mio_svc_htts_cli_t* cli = mio_dev_sck_getxtn(sck); MIO_ASSERT (sck->mio, sck != cli->htts->lsck); MIO_ASSERT (sck->mio, cli->rsrc == MIO_NULL); /* if a resource has been set, the resource must take over this handler */ return 0; } static void listener_on_connect (mio_dev_sck_t* sck) { mio_svc_htts_cli_t* cli = mio_dev_sck_getxtn(sck); /* the contents came from the listening socket */ if (sck->state & MIO_DEV_SCK_ACCEPTED) { /* accepted a new client */ MIO_DEBUG3 (sck->mio, "HTTS(%p) - accepted... %p %d \n", cli->htts, sck, sck->hnd); if (init_client(cli, sck) <= -1) { MIO_DEBUG2 (cli->htts->mio, "HTTS(%p) - halting client(%p) for client intiaialization failure\n", cli->htts, sck); mio_dev_sck_halt (sck); } } else if (sck->state & MIO_DEV_SCK_CONNECTED) { /* this will never be triggered as the listing socket never call mio_dev_sck_connect() */ MIO_DEBUG3 (sck->mio, "** HTTS(%p) - connected... %p %d \n", cli->htts, sck, sck->hnd); } /* MIO_DEV_SCK_CONNECTED must not be seen here as this is only for the listener socket */ } static void listener_on_disconnect (mio_dev_sck_t* sck) { mio_t* mio = sck->mio; mio_svc_htts_cli_t* cli = mio_dev_sck_getxtn(sck); switch (MIO_DEV_SCK_GET_PROGRESS(sck)) { case MIO_DEV_SCK_CONNECTING: /* only for connecting sockets */ MIO_DEBUG1 (mio, "OUTGOING SESSION DISCONNECTED - FAILED TO CONNECT (%d) TO REMOTE SERVER\n", (int)sck->hnd); break; case MIO_DEV_SCK_CONNECTING_SSL: /* only for connecting sockets */ MIO_DEBUG1 (mio, "OUTGOING SESSION DISCONNECTED - FAILED TO SSL-CONNECT (%d) TO REMOTE SERVER\n", (int)sck->hnd); break; case MIO_DEV_SCK_CONNECTED: /* only for connecting sockets */ MIO_DEBUG1 (mio, "OUTGOING CLIENT CONNECTION GOT TORN DOWN %p(%d).......\n", (int)sck->hnd); break; case MIO_DEV_SCK_LISTENING: MIO_DEBUG2 (mio, "LISTNER SOCKET %p(%d) - SHUTTUING DOWN\n", sck, (int)sck->hnd); break; case MIO_DEV_SCK_ACCEPTING_SSL: /* special case. */ /* this progress code indicates that the ssl-level accept failed. * on_disconnected() with this code is called without corresponding on_connect(). * the cli extension are is not initialized yet */ MIO_ASSERT (mio, sck != cli->sck); MIO_ASSERT (mio, cli->sck == cli->htts->lsck); /* the field is a copy of the extension are of the listener socket. so it should point to the listner socket */ MIO_DEBUG2 (mio, "LISTENER UNABLE TO SSL-ACCEPT CLIENT %p(%d) ....%p\n", sck, (int)sck->hnd); return; case MIO_DEV_SCK_ACCEPTED: /* only for sockets accepted by the listeners. will never come here because * the disconnect call for such sockets have been changed in listener_on_connect() */ MIO_DEBUG2 (mio, "ACCEPTED CLIENT SOCKET %p(%d) GOT DISCONNECTED.......\n", sck, (int)sck->hnd); break; default: MIO_DEBUG2 (mio, "SOCKET %p(%d) DISCONNECTED AFTER ALL.......\n", sck, (int)sck->hnd); break; } if (sck == cli->htts->lsck) { /* the listener socket has these fields set to NULL */ MIO_ASSERT (mio, cli->htrd == MIO_NULL); MIO_ASSERT (mio, cli->sbuf == MIO_NULL); MIO_DEBUG2 (mio, "HTTS(%p) - listener socket disconnect %p\n", cli->htts, sck); cli->htts->lsck = MIO_NULL; /* let the htts service forget about this listening socket */ } else { /* client socket */ MIO_DEBUG2 (mio, "HTTS(%p) - client socket disconnect %p\n", cli->htts, sck); MIO_ASSERT (mio, cli->sck == sck); fini_client (cli); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ mio_svc_htts_t* mio_svc_htts_start (mio_t* mio, const mio_skad_t* bind_addr, mio_svc_htts_proc_req_t proc_req) { mio_svc_htts_t* htts = MIO_NULL; union { mio_dev_sck_make_t m; mio_dev_sck_bind_t b; mio_dev_sck_listen_t l; } info; mio_svc_htts_cli_t* cli; htts = (mio_svc_htts_t*)mio_callocmem(mio, MIO_SIZEOF(*htts)); if (MIO_UNLIKELY(!htts)) goto oops; htts->mio = mio; htts->svc_stop = mio_svc_htts_stop; htts->proc_req = proc_req; MIO_MEMSET (&info, 0, MIO_SIZEOF(info)); switch (mio_skad_family(bind_addr)) { case MIO_AF_INET: info.m.type = MIO_DEV_SCK_TCP4; break; case MIO_AF_INET6: info.m.type = MIO_DEV_SCK_TCP6; break; default: mio_seterrnum (mio, MIO_EINVAL); goto oops; } MIO_MEMSET (&info, 0, MIO_SIZEOF(info)); info.m.on_write = listener_on_write; info.m.on_read = listener_on_read; info.m.on_connect = listener_on_connect; info.m.on_disconnect = listener_on_disconnect; htts->lsck = mio_dev_sck_make(mio, MIO_SIZEOF(*cli), &info.m); if (!htts->lsck) goto oops; /* the name 'cli' for the listening socket is awkard. * the listing socket will use the htts and sck fields for tracking only. * each accepted client socket gets the extension size for this size as well. * most of other fields are used for client management */ cli = (mio_svc_htts_cli_t*)mio_dev_sck_getxtn(htts->lsck); cli->htts = htts; cli->sck = htts->lsck; MIO_MEMSET (&info, 0, MIO_SIZEOF(info)); info.b.localaddr = *bind_addr; info.b.options = MIO_DEV_SCK_BIND_REUSEADDR | MIO_DEV_SCK_BIND_REUSEPORT | MIO_DEV_SCK_BIND_IGNERR; /*info.b.options |= MIO_DEV_SCK_BIND_SSL; */ info.b.ssl_certfile = "localhost.crt"; info.b.ssl_keyfile = "localhost.key"; if (mio_dev_sck_bind(htts->lsck, &info.b) <= -1) goto oops; MIO_MEMSET (&info, 0, MIO_SIZEOF(info)); info.l.options = MIO_DEV_SCK_LISTEN_LENIENT; info.l.backlogs = 255; MIO_INIT_NTIME (&info.l.accept_tmout, 5, 1); if (mio_dev_sck_listen(htts->lsck, &info.l) <= -1) goto oops; mio_fmttobcstr (htts->mio, htts->server_name_buf, MIO_COUNTOF(htts->server_name_buf), "%s-%d.%d.%d", MIO_PACKAGE_NAME, (int)MIO_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR, (int)MIO_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR, (int)MIO_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH); htts->server_name = htts->server_name_buf; MIO_SVCL_APPEND_SVC (&mio->actsvc, (mio_svc_t*)htts); CLIL_INIT (&htts->cli); MIO_DEBUG3 (mio, "HTTS - STARTED SERVICE %p - LISTENER SOCKET %p(%d)\n", htts, htts->lsck, (int)htts->lsck->hnd); return htts; oops: if (htts) { if (htts->lsck) mio_dev_sck_kill (htts->lsck); mio_freemem (mio, htts); } return MIO_NULL; } void mio_svc_htts_stop (mio_svc_htts_t* htts) { mio_t* mio = htts->mio; MIO_DEBUG3 (mio, "HTTS - STOPPING SERVICE %p - LISTENER SOCKET %p(%d)\n", htts, htts->lsck, (int)(htts->lsck? htts->lsck->hnd: -1)); /* htts->lsck may be null if the socket has been destroyed for operational error and * forgotten in the disconnect callback thereafter */ if (htts->lsck) mio_dev_sck_kill (htts->lsck); while (!CLIL_IS_EMPTY(&htts->cli)) { mio_svc_htts_cli_t* cli = CLIL_FIRST_CLI(&htts->cli); mio_dev_sck_kill (cli->sck); } MIO_SVCL_UNLINK_SVC (htts); if (htts->server_name && htts->server_name != htts->server_name_buf) mio_freemem (mio, htts->server_name); mio_freemem (mio, htts); } int mio_svc_htts_setservernamewithbcstr (mio_svc_htts_t* htts, const mio_bch_t* name) { mio_t* mio = htts->mio; mio_bch_t* tmp; if (mio_copy_bcstr(htts->server_name_buf, MIO_COUNTOF(htts->server_name_buf), name) == mio_count_bcstr(name)) { tmp = htts->server_name_buf; } else { tmp = mio_dupbcstr(mio, name, MIO_NULL); if (!tmp) return -1; } if (htts->server_name && htts->server_name != htts->server_name_buf) mio_freemem (mio, htts->server_name); htts->server_name = tmp; return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ mio_svc_htts_rsrc_t* mio_svc_htts_rsrc_make (mio_svc_htts_t* htts, mio_oow_t rsrc_size, mio_svc_htts_rsrc_on_kill_t on_kill) { mio_t* mio = htts->mio; mio_svc_htts_rsrc_t* rsrc; rsrc = mio_callocmem(mio, rsrc_size); if (MIO_UNLIKELY(!rsrc)) return MIO_NULL; rsrc->htts = htts; rsrc->rsrc_size = rsrc_size; rsrc->rsrc_refcnt = 0; rsrc->rsrc_on_kill = on_kill; return rsrc; } void mio_svc_htts_rsrc_kill (mio_svc_htts_rsrc_t* rsrc) { printf ("RSRC KILL >>>>> htts=> %p\n", rsrc->htts); mio_t* mio = rsrc->htts->mio; if (rsrc->rsrc_on_kill) rsrc->rsrc_on_kill (rsrc); mio_freemem (mio, rsrc); } #if defined(MIO_HAVE_INLINE) static MIO_INLINE void* mio_svc_htts_rsrc_getxtn (mio_svc_htts_rsrc_t* rsrc) { return rsrc + 1; } #else #define mio_svc_htts_rsrc_getxtn(rsrc) ((void*)((mio_svc_htts_rsrc_t*)rsrc + 1)) #endif /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ enum cgi_state_res_mode_t { CGI_STATE_RES_MODE_CHUNKED, CGI_STATE_RES_MODE_CLOSE, CGI_STATE_RES_MODE_LENGTH }; typedef enum cgi_state_res_mode_t cgi_state_res_mode_t; #define CGI_STATE_PENDING_IO_THRESHOLD 5 #define CGI_STATE_OVER_READ_FROM_CLIENT (1 << 0) #define CGI_STATE_OVER_READ_FROM_PEER (1 << 1) #define CGI_STATE_OVER_WRITE_TO_CLIENT (1 << 2) #define CGI_STATE_OVER_WRITE_TO_PEER (1 << 3) #define CGI_STATE_OVER_ALL (CGI_STATE_OVER_READ_FROM_CLIENT | CGI_STATE_OVER_READ_FROM_PEER | CGI_STATE_OVER_WRITE_TO_CLIENT | CGI_STATE_OVER_WRITE_TO_PEER) struct cgi_state_t { MIO_SVC_HTTS_RSRC_HEADER; mio_oow_t num_pending_writes_to_client; mio_oow_t num_pending_writes_to_peer; mio_dev_pro_t* peer; mio_htrd_t* peer_htrd; mio_svc_htts_cli_t* client; mio_http_version_t req_version; /* client request */ unsigned int over: 4; /* must be large enough to accomodate CGI_STATE_OVER_ALL */ unsigned int keep_alive: 1; unsigned int req_content_length_unlimited: 1; unsigned int ever_attempted_to_write_to_client: 1; unsigned int client_disconnected: 1; mio_oow_t req_content_length; /* client request content length */ cgi_state_res_mode_t res_mode_to_cli; mio_dev_sck_on_read_t client_org_on_read; mio_dev_sck_on_write_t client_org_on_write; mio_dev_sck_on_disconnect_t client_org_on_disconnect; }; typedef struct cgi_state_t cgi_state_t; struct cgi_peer_xtn_t { cgi_state_t* state; }; typedef struct cgi_peer_xtn_t cgi_peer_xtn_t; static void cgi_state_halt_participating_devices (cgi_state_t* cgi_state) { MIO_ASSERT (cgi_state->client->htts->mio, cgi_state->client != MIO_NULL); MIO_ASSERT (cgi_state->client->htts->mio, cgi_state->client->sck != MIO_NULL); MIO_DEBUG4 (cgi_state->client->htts->mio, "HTTS(%p) - Halting participating devices in cgi state %p(client=%p,peer=%p)\n", cgi_state->client->htts, cgi_state, cgi_state->client->sck, cgi_state->peer); mio_dev_sck_halt (cgi_state->client->sck); /* check for peer as it may not have been started */ if (cgi_state->peer) mio_dev_pro_halt (cgi_state->peer); } static int cgi_state_write_to_client (cgi_state_t* cgi_state, const void* data, mio_iolen_t dlen) { cgi_state->ever_attempted_to_write_to_client = 1; cgi_state->num_pending_writes_to_client++; if (mio_dev_sck_write(cgi_state->client->sck, data, dlen, MIO_NULL, MIO_NULL) <= -1) { cgi_state->num_pending_writes_to_client--; return -1; } if (cgi_state->num_pending_writes_to_client > CGI_STATE_PENDING_IO_THRESHOLD) { if (mio_dev_pro_read(cgi_state->peer, MIO_DEV_PRO_OUT, 0) <= -1) return -1; } return 0; } static int cgi_state_writev_to_client (cgi_state_t* cgi_state, mio_iovec_t* iov, mio_iolen_t iovcnt) { cgi_state->ever_attempted_to_write_to_client = 1; cgi_state->num_pending_writes_to_client++; if (mio_dev_sck_writev(cgi_state->client->sck, iov, iovcnt, MIO_NULL, MIO_NULL) <= -1) { cgi_state->num_pending_writes_to_client--; return -1; } if (cgi_state->num_pending_writes_to_client > CGI_STATE_PENDING_IO_THRESHOLD) { if (mio_dev_pro_read(cgi_state->peer, MIO_DEV_PRO_OUT, 0) <= -1) return -1; } return 0; } static int cgi_state_send_final_status_to_client (cgi_state_t* cgi_state, int status_code, int force_close) { mio_svc_htts_cli_t* cli = cgi_state->client; mio_bch_t dtbuf[64]; mio_svc_htts_fmtgmtime (cli->htts, MIO_NULL, dtbuf, MIO_COUNTOF(dtbuf)); if (!force_close) force_close = !cgi_state->keep_alive; if (mio_becs_fmt(cli->sbuf, "HTTP/%d.%d %d %hs\r\nServer: %hs\r\nDate: %s\r\nConnection: %hs\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n", cgi_state->req_version.major, cgi_state->req_version.minor, status_code, mio_http_status_to_bcstr(status_code), cli->htts->server_name, dtbuf, (force_close? "close": "keep-alive")) == (mio_oow_t)-1) return -1; return (cgi_state_write_to_client(cgi_state, MIO_BECS_PTR(cli->sbuf), MIO_BECS_LEN(cli->sbuf)) <= -1 || (force_close && cgi_state_write_to_client(cgi_state, MIO_NULL, 0) <= -1))? -1: 0; } static int cgi_state_write_last_chunk_to_client (cgi_state_t* cgi_state) { if (!cgi_state->ever_attempted_to_write_to_client) { if (cgi_state_send_final_status_to_client(cgi_state, 500, 0) <= -1) return -1; } else { if (cgi_state->res_mode_to_cli == CGI_STATE_RES_MODE_CHUNKED && cgi_state_write_to_client(cgi_state, "0\r\n\r\n", 5) <= -1) return -1; } if (!cgi_state->keep_alive && cgi_state_write_to_client(cgi_state, MIO_NULL, 0) <= -1) return -1; return 0; } static int cgi_state_write_to_peer (cgi_state_t* cgi_state, const void* data, mio_iolen_t dlen) { cgi_state->num_pending_writes_to_peer++; if (mio_dev_pro_write(cgi_state->peer, data, dlen, MIO_NULL) <= -1) { cgi_state->num_pending_writes_to_peer--; return -1; } /* TODO: check if it's already finished or something.. */ if (cgi_state->num_pending_writes_to_peer > CGI_STATE_PENDING_IO_THRESHOLD) { if (mio_dev_sck_read(cgi_state->client->sck, 0) <= -1) return -1; } return 0; } static MIO_INLINE void cgi_state_mark_over (cgi_state_t* cgi_state, int over_bits) { unsigned int old_over; old_over = cgi_state->over; cgi_state->over |= over_bits; MIO_DEBUG5 (cgi_state->htts->mio, "HTTS(%p) - client=%p peer=%p new-bits=%x over=%x\n", cgi_state->htts, cgi_state->client->sck, cgi_state->peer, (int)over_bits, (int)cgi_state->over); if (!(old_over & CGI_STATE_OVER_READ_FROM_CLIENT) && (cgi_state->over & CGI_STATE_OVER_READ_FROM_CLIENT)) { if (mio_dev_sck_read(cgi_state->client->sck, 0) <= -1) { MIO_DEBUG2 (cgi_state->htts->mio, "HTTS(%p) - halting client(%p) for failure to disable input watching\n", cgi_state->htts, cgi_state->client->sck); mio_dev_sck_halt (cgi_state->client->sck); } } if (!(old_over & CGI_STATE_OVER_READ_FROM_PEER) && (cgi_state->over & CGI_STATE_OVER_READ_FROM_PEER)) { if (cgi_state->peer && mio_dev_pro_read(cgi_state->peer, MIO_DEV_PRO_OUT, 0) <= -1) { MIO_DEBUG2 (cgi_state->htts->mio, "HTTS(%p) - halting peer(%p) for failure to disable input watching\n", cgi_state->htts, cgi_state->peer); mio_dev_pro_halt (cgi_state->peer); } } if (old_over != CGI_STATE_OVER_ALL && cgi_state->over == CGI_STATE_OVER_ALL) { /* ready to stop */ if (cgi_state->peer) { MIO_DEBUG2 (cgi_state->htts->mio, "HTTS(%p) - halting peer(%p) as it is unneeded\n", cgi_state->htts, cgi_state->peer); mio_dev_pro_halt (cgi_state->peer); } if (cgi_state->keep_alive) { /* how to arrange to delete this cgi_state object and put the socket back to the normal waiting state??? */ MIO_ASSERT (cgi_state->htts->mio, cgi_state->client->rsrc == (mio_svc_htts_rsrc_t*)cgi_state); printf ("DETACHING FROM THE MAIN CLIENT RSRC... state -> %p\n", cgi_state->client->rsrc); MIO_SVC_HTTS_RSRC_DETACH (cgi_state->client->rsrc); /* cgi_state must not be access from here down as it could have been destroyed */ } else { MIO_DEBUG2 (cgi_state->htts->mio, "HTTS(%p) - halting client(%p) for no keep-alive\n", cgi_state->htts, cgi_state->client->sck); mio_dev_sck_shutdown (cgi_state->client->sck, MIO_DEV_SCK_SHUTDOWN_WRITE); mio_dev_sck_halt (cgi_state->client->sck); } } } static void cgi_state_on_kill (cgi_state_t* cgi_state) { printf ("**** CGI_STATE_ON_KILL \n"); if (cgi_state->peer) { cgi_peer_xtn_t* cgi_peer = mio_dev_pro_getxtn(cgi_state->peer); cgi_peer->state = MIO_NULL; /* cgi_peer->state many not be NULL if the resource is killed regardless of the reference count */ mio_dev_pro_kill (cgi_state->peer); cgi_state->peer = MIO_NULL; } if (cgi_state->peer_htrd) { cgi_peer_xtn_t* cgi_peer = mio_htrd_getxtn(cgi_state->peer_htrd); cgi_peer->state = MIO_NULL; /* cgi_peer->state many not be NULL if the resource is killed regardless of the reference count */ mio_htrd_close (cgi_state->peer_htrd); cgi_state->peer_htrd = MIO_NULL; } if (cgi_state->client_org_on_read) { cgi_state->client->sck->on_read = cgi_state->client_org_on_read; cgi_state->client_org_on_read = MIO_NULL; } if (cgi_state->client_org_on_write) { cgi_state->client->sck->on_write = cgi_state->client_org_on_write; cgi_state->client_org_on_write = MIO_NULL; } if (cgi_state->client_org_on_disconnect) { cgi_state->client->sck->on_disconnect = cgi_state->client_org_on_disconnect; cgi_state->client_org_on_disconnect = MIO_NULL; } mio_htrd_setrecbs (cgi_state->client->htrd, &client_htrd_recbs); /* restore the callbacks */ if (!cgi_state->client_disconnected) { printf ("ENABLING INPUT WATCHING on CLIENT %p. \n", cgi_state->client->sck); if (!cgi_state->keep_alive || mio_dev_sck_read(cgi_state->client->sck, 1) <= -1) { MIO_DEBUG2 (cgi_state->htts->mio, "HTTS(%p) - halting client(%p) for failure to enable input watching\n", cgi_state->htts, cgi_state->client->sck); mio_dev_sck_halt (cgi_state->client->sck); } } printf ("**** CGI_STATE_ON_KILL DONE\n"); } static void cgi_peer_on_close (mio_dev_pro_t* pro, mio_dev_pro_sid_t sid) { mio_t* mio = pro->mio; cgi_peer_xtn_t* cgi_peer = mio_dev_pro_getxtn(pro); cgi_state_t* cgi_state = cgi_peer->state; if (!cgi_state) return; /* cgi state already gone */ switch (sid) { case MIO_DEV_PRO_MASTER: MIO_DEBUG3 (mio, "HTTS(%p) - peer %p(pid=%d) closing master\n", cgi_state->client->htts, pro, (int)pro->child_pid); cgi_state->peer = MIO_NULL; /* clear this peer from the state */ MIO_ASSERT (mio, cgi_peer->state != MIO_NULL); printf ("DETACHING FROM CGI PEER DEVICE.....................%p %d\n", cgi_peer->state, (int)cgi_peer->state->rsrc_refcnt); MIO_SVC_HTTS_RSRC_DETACH (cgi_peer->state); if (cgi_state->peer_htrd) { /* once this peer device is closed, peer's htrd is also never used. * it's safe to detach the extra information attached on the htrd object. */ cgi_peer = mio_htrd_getxtn(cgi_state->peer_htrd); MIO_ASSERT (mio, cgi_peer->state != MIO_NULL); printf ("DETACHING FROM CGI PEER HTRD.....................%p %d\n", cgi_peer->state, (int)cgi_peer->state->rsrc_refcnt); MIO_SVC_HTTS_RSRC_DETACH (cgi_peer->state); } break; case MIO_DEV_PRO_OUT: MIO_ASSERT (mio, cgi_state->peer == pro); MIO_DEBUG4 (mio, "HTTS(%p) - peer %p(pid=%d) closing slave[%d]\n", cgi_state->client->htts, pro, (int)pro->child_pid, sid); if (!(cgi_state->over & CGI_STATE_OVER_READ_FROM_PEER)) { if (cgi_state_write_last_chunk_to_client(cgi_state) <= -1) cgi_state_halt_participating_devices (cgi_state); else cgi_state_mark_over (cgi_state, CGI_STATE_OVER_READ_FROM_PEER); } break; case MIO_DEV_PRO_IN: cgi_state_mark_over (cgi_state, CGI_STATE_OVER_WRITE_TO_PEER); break; case MIO_DEV_PRO_ERR: default: MIO_DEBUG4 (mio, "HTTS(%p) - peer %p(pid=%d) closing slave[%d]\n", cgi_state->client->htts, pro, (int)pro->child_pid, sid); /* do nothing */ break; } } static int cgi_peer_on_read (mio_dev_pro_t* pro, mio_dev_pro_sid_t sid, const void* data, mio_iolen_t dlen) { mio_t* mio = pro->mio; cgi_peer_xtn_t* cgi_peer = mio_dev_pro_getxtn(pro); cgi_state_t* cgi_state = cgi_peer->state; MIO_ASSERT (mio, sid == MIO_DEV_PRO_OUT); /* since MIO_DEV_PRO_ERRTONUL is used, there should be no input from MIO_DEV_PRO_ERR */ MIO_ASSERT (mio, cgi_state != MIO_NULL); if (dlen <= -1) { MIO_DEBUG3 (mio, "HTTPS(%p) - read error from peer %p(pid=%u)\n", cgi_state->client->htts, pro, (unsigned int)pro->child_pid); goto oops; } if (dlen == 0) { MIO_DEBUG3 (mio, "HTTPS(%p) - EOF from peer %p(pid=%u)\n", cgi_state->client->htts, pro, (unsigned int)pro->child_pid); if (!(cgi_state->over & CGI_STATE_OVER_READ_FROM_PEER)) { /* the cgi script could be misbehaviing. * it still has to read more but EOF is read. * otherwise client_peer_htrd_poke() should have been called */ if (cgi_state_write_last_chunk_to_client(cgi_state) <= -1) goto oops; cgi_state_mark_over (cgi_state, CGI_STATE_OVER_READ_FROM_PEER); } } else { mio_oow_t rem; MIO_ASSERT (mio, !(cgi_state->over & CGI_STATE_OVER_READ_FROM_PEER)); if (mio_htrd_feed(cgi_state->peer_htrd, data, dlen, &rem) <= -1) { MIO_DEBUG3 (mio, "HTTPS(%p) - unable to feed peer into to htrd - peer %p(pid=%u)\n", cgi_state->htts, pro, (unsigned int)pro->child_pid); if (!cgi_state->ever_attempted_to_write_to_client && !(cgi_state->over & CGI_STATE_OVER_WRITE_TO_CLIENT)) { cgi_state_send_final_status_to_client (cgi_state, 500, 1); /* don't care about error because it jumps to oops below anyway */ } goto oops; } if (rem > 0) { /* If the script specifies Content-Length and produces longer data, it will come here */ printf ("AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa EEEEEXcessive DATA..................\n"); /* TODO: or drop this request?? */ } } return 0; oops: cgi_state_halt_participating_devices (cgi_state); return 0; } static int cgi_peer_capture_response_header (mio_htre_t* req, const mio_bch_t* key, const mio_htre_hdrval_t* val, void* ctx) { mio_svc_htts_cli_t* cli = (mio_svc_htts_cli_t*)ctx; /* capture a header except Status, Connection, Transfer-Encoding, and Server */ if (mio_comp_bcstr(key, "Status", 1) != 0 && mio_comp_bcstr(key, "Connection", 1) != 0 && mio_comp_bcstr(key, "Transfer-Encoding", 1) != 0 && mio_comp_bcstr(key, "Server", 1) != 0 && mio_comp_bcstr(key, "Date", 1) != 0) { do { if (mio_becs_cat(cli->sbuf, key) == (mio_oow_t)-1 || mio_becs_cat(cli->sbuf, ": ") == (mio_oow_t)-1 || mio_becs_cat(cli->sbuf, val->ptr) == (mio_oow_t)-1 || mio_becs_cat(cli->sbuf, "\r\n") == (mio_oow_t)-1) { return -1; } val = val->next; } while (val); } return 0; } static int cgi_peer_htrd_peek (mio_htrd_t* htrd, mio_htre_t* req) { cgi_peer_xtn_t* cgi_peer = mio_htrd_getxtn(htrd); cgi_state_t* cgi_state = cgi_peer->state; mio_svc_htts_cli_t* cli = cgi_state->client; mio_bch_t dtbuf[64]; int status_code; if (req->attr.content_length) { // TOOD: remove content_length if content_length is negative or not numeric. cgi_state->res_mode_to_cli = CGI_STATE_RES_MODE_LENGTH; } if (req->attr.status) { } else { } status_code = 200; printf ("CGI PEER HTRD PEEK...\n"); mio_svc_htts_fmtgmtime (cli->htts, MIO_NULL, dtbuf, MIO_COUNTOF(dtbuf)); if (mio_becs_fmt(cli->sbuf, "HTTP/%d.%d %d %hs\r\nServer: %hs\r\nDate: %hs\r\n", cgi_state->req_version.major, cgi_state->req_version.minor, status_code, mio_http_status_to_bcstr(status_code), cli->htts->server_name, dtbuf) == (mio_oow_t)-1) return -1; if (mio_htre_walkheaders(req, cgi_peer_capture_response_header, cli) <= -1) return -1; switch (cgi_state->res_mode_to_cli) { case CGI_STATE_RES_MODE_CHUNKED: if (mio_becs_cat(cli->sbuf, "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n") == (mio_oow_t)-1) return -1; /*if (mio_becs_cat(cli->sbuf, "Connection: keep-alive\r\n") == (mio_oow_t)-1) return -1;*/ break; case CGI_STATE_RES_MODE_CLOSE: if (mio_becs_cat(cli->sbuf, "Connection: close\r\n") == (mio_oow_t)-1) return -1; break; case CGI_STATE_RES_MODE_LENGTH: if (mio_becs_cat(cli->sbuf, (cgi_state->keep_alive? "Connection: keep-alive\r\n": "Connection: close\r\n")) == (mio_oow_t)-1) return -1; } if (mio_becs_cat(cli->sbuf, "\r\n") == (mio_oow_t)-1) return -1; return cgi_state_write_to_client(cgi_state, MIO_BECS_PTR(cli->sbuf), MIO_BECS_LEN(cli->sbuf)); } static int cgi_peer_htrd_poke (mio_htrd_t* htrd, mio_htre_t* req) { /* client request got completed */ cgi_peer_xtn_t* cgi_peer = mio_htrd_getxtn(htrd); cgi_state_t* cgi_state = cgi_peer->state; printf (">> PEER RESPONSE COMPLETED\n"); if (cgi_state_write_last_chunk_to_client(cgi_state) <= -1) return -1; cgi_state_mark_over (cgi_state, CGI_STATE_OVER_READ_FROM_PEER); return 0; } static int cgi_peer_htrd_push_content (mio_htrd_t* htrd, mio_htre_t* req, const mio_bch_t* data, mio_oow_t dlen) { cgi_peer_xtn_t* cgi_peer = mio_htrd_getxtn(htrd); cgi_state_t* cgi_state = cgi_peer->state; MIO_ASSERT (cgi_state->client->htts->mio, htrd == cgi_state->peer_htrd); switch (cgi_state->res_mode_to_cli) { case CGI_STATE_RES_MODE_CHUNKED: { mio_iovec_t iov[3]; mio_bch_t lbuf[16]; mio_oow_t llen; /* mio_fmt_uintmax_to_bcstr() null-terminates the output. only MIO_COUNTOF(lbuf) - 1 * is enough to hold '\r' and '\n' at the back without '\0'. */ llen = mio_fmt_uintmax_to_bcstr(lbuf, MIO_COUNTOF(lbuf) - 1, dlen, 16 | MIO_FMT_UINTMAX_UPPERCASE, 0, '\0', MIO_NULL); lbuf[llen++] = '\r'; lbuf[llen++] = '\n'; iov[0].iov_ptr = lbuf; iov[0].iov_len = llen; iov[1].iov_ptr = (void*)data; iov[1].iov_len = dlen; iov[2].iov_ptr = "\r\n"; iov[2].iov_len = 2; if (cgi_state_writev_to_client(cgi_state, iov, MIO_COUNTOF(iov)) <= -1) goto oops; break; } case CGI_STATE_RES_MODE_CLOSE: case CGI_STATE_RES_MODE_LENGTH: if (cgi_state_write_to_client(cgi_state, data, dlen) <= -1) goto oops; break; } if (cgi_state->num_pending_writes_to_client > CGI_STATE_PENDING_IO_THRESHOLD) { if (mio_dev_pro_read(cgi_state->peer, MIO_DEV_PRO_OUT, 0) <= -1) goto oops; } return 0; oops: return -1; } static mio_htrd_recbs_t cgi_peer_htrd_recbs = { cgi_peer_htrd_peek, cgi_peer_htrd_poke, cgi_peer_htrd_push_content }; static int cgi_client_htrd_poke (mio_htrd_t* htrd, mio_htre_t* req) { /* client request got completed */ htrd_xtn_t* htrdxtn = mio_htrd_getxtn(htrd); mio_dev_sck_t* sck = htrdxtn->sck; mio_svc_htts_cli_t* cli = mio_dev_sck_getxtn(sck); cgi_state_t* cgi_state = (cgi_state_t*)cli->rsrc; printf (">> CLIENT REQUEST COMPLETED\n"); /* indicate EOF to the client peer */ if (cgi_state_write_to_peer(cgi_state, MIO_NULL, 0) <= -1) return -1; cgi_state_mark_over (cgi_state, CGI_STATE_OVER_READ_FROM_CLIENT); return 0; } static int cgi_client_htrd_push_content (mio_htrd_t* htrd, mio_htre_t* req, const mio_bch_t* data, mio_oow_t dlen) { htrd_xtn_t* htrdxtn = mio_htrd_getxtn(htrd); mio_dev_sck_t* sck = htrdxtn->sck; mio_svc_htts_cli_t* cli = mio_dev_sck_getxtn(sck); cgi_state_t* cgi_state = (cgi_state_t*)cli->rsrc; MIO_ASSERT (sck->mio, cli->sck == sck); return cgi_state_write_to_peer(cgi_state, data, dlen); } static int cgi_peer_on_write (mio_dev_pro_t* pro, mio_iolen_t wrlen, void* wrctx) { mio_t* mio = pro->mio; cgi_peer_xtn_t* cgi_peer = mio_dev_pro_getxtn(pro); cgi_state_t* cgi_state = cgi_peer->state; if (cgi_state == MIO_NULL) return 0; /* there is nothing i can do. the cgi_state is being cleared or has been cleared already. */ MIO_ASSERT (mio, cgi_state->peer == pro); if (wrlen <= -1) { MIO_DEBUG3 (mio, "HTTS(%p) - unable to write to peer %p(pid=%u)\n", cgi_state->client->htts, pro, (int)pro->child_pid); goto oops; } else if (wrlen == 0) { /* indicated EOF */ /* do nothing here as i didn't incremented num_pending_writes_to_peer when making the write request */ cgi_state->num_pending_writes_to_peer--; MIO_ASSERT (mio, cgi_state->num_pending_writes_to_peer == 0); MIO_DEBUG3 (mio, "HTTS(%p) - indicated EOF to peer %p(pid=%u)\n", cgi_state->client->htts, pro, (int)pro->child_pid); /* indicated EOF to the peer side. i need no more data from the client side. * i don't need to enable input watching in the client side either */ cgi_state_mark_over (cgi_state, CGI_STATE_OVER_WRITE_TO_PEER); } else { MIO_ASSERT (mio, cgi_state->num_pending_writes_to_peer > 0); cgi_state->num_pending_writes_to_peer--; if (cgi_state->num_pending_writes_to_peer == CGI_STATE_PENDING_IO_THRESHOLD) { if (!(cgi_state->over & CGI_STATE_OVER_READ_FROM_CLIENT) && mio_dev_sck_read(cgi_state->client->sck, 1) <= -1) goto oops; } if ((cgi_state->over & CGI_STATE_OVER_READ_FROM_CLIENT) && cgi_state->num_pending_writes_to_peer <= 0) { cgi_state_mark_over (cgi_state, CGI_STATE_OVER_WRITE_TO_PEER); } } return 0; oops: cgi_state_halt_participating_devices (cgi_state); return 0; } static void cgi_client_on_disconnect (mio_dev_sck_t* sck) { mio_svc_htts_cli_t* cli = mio_dev_sck_getxtn(sck); cgi_state_t* cgi_state = (cgi_state_t*)cli->rsrc; cgi_state->client_disconnected = 1; listener_on_disconnect (sck); } static int cgi_client_on_read (mio_dev_sck_t* sck, const void* buf, mio_iolen_t len, const mio_skad_t* srcaddr) { mio_t* mio = sck->mio; mio_svc_htts_cli_t* cli = mio_dev_sck_getxtn(sck); cgi_state_t* cgi_state = (cgi_state_t*)cli->rsrc; MIO_ASSERT (mio, sck == cli->sck); if (len <= -1) { /* read error */ MIO_DEBUG2 (cli->htts->mio, "HTTPS(%p) - read error on client %p(%d)\n", sck, (int)sck->hnd); goto oops; } if (!cgi_state->peer) { /* the peer is gone */ goto oops; /* do what? just return 0? */ } if (len == 0) { /* EOF on the client side. arrange to close */ MIO_DEBUG3 (mio, "HTTPS(%p) - EOF from client %p(hnd=%d)\n", cgi_state->client->htts, sck, (int)sck->hnd); if (!(cgi_state->over & CGI_STATE_OVER_READ_FROM_CLIENT)) /* if this is true, EOF is received without cgi_client_htrd_poke() */ { if (cgi_state_write_to_peer(cgi_state, MIO_NULL, 0) <= -1) goto oops; cgi_state_mark_over (cgi_state, CGI_STATE_OVER_READ_FROM_CLIENT); } } else { mio_oow_t rem; MIO_ASSERT (mio, !(cgi_state->over & CGI_STATE_OVER_READ_FROM_CLIENT)); if (mio_htrd_feed(cli->htrd, buf, len, &rem) <= -1) goto oops; if (rem > 0) { /* TODO store this to client buffer. once the current resource is completed, arrange to call on_read() with it */ printf ("UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH .......... CGI CLIENT GIVING EXCESSIVE DATA AFTER CONTENTS...\n"); } } return 0; oops: cgi_state_halt_participating_devices (cgi_state); return 0; } static int cgi_client_on_write (mio_dev_sck_t* sck, mio_iolen_t wrlen, void* wrctx, const mio_skad_t* dstaddr) { mio_t* mio = sck->mio; mio_svc_htts_cli_t* cli = mio_dev_sck_getxtn(sck); cgi_state_t* cgi_state = (cgi_state_t*)cli->rsrc; if (wrlen <= -1) { MIO_DEBUG3 (mio, "HTTPS(%p) - unable to write to client %p(%d)\n", sck->mio, sck, (int)sck->hnd); goto oops; } if (wrlen == 0) { /* if the connect is keep-alive, this part may not be called */ cgi_state->num_pending_writes_to_client--; MIO_ASSERT (mio, cgi_state->num_pending_writes_to_client == 0); MIO_DEBUG3 (mio, "HTTS(%p) - indicated EOF to client %p(%d)\n", cgi_state->client->htts, sck, (int)sck->hnd); /* since EOF has been indicated to the client, it must not write to the client any further. * this also means that i don't need any data from the peer side either. * i don't need to enable input watching on the peer side */ cgi_state_mark_over (cgi_state, CGI_STATE_OVER_WRITE_TO_CLIENT); } else { MIO_ASSERT (mio, cgi_state->num_pending_writes_to_client > 0); cgi_state->num_pending_writes_to_client--; if (cgi_state->peer && cgi_state->num_pending_writes_to_client == CGI_STATE_PENDING_IO_THRESHOLD) { if (!(cgi_state->over & CGI_STATE_OVER_READ_FROM_PEER) && mio_dev_pro_read(cgi_state->peer, MIO_DEV_PRO_OUT, 1) <= -1) goto oops; } if ((cgi_state->over & CGI_STATE_OVER_READ_FROM_PEER) && cgi_state->num_pending_writes_to_client <= 0) { cgi_state_mark_over (cgi_state, CGI_STATE_OVER_WRITE_TO_CLIENT); } } return 0; oops: cgi_state_halt_participating_devices (cgi_state); return 0; } static MIO_INLINE int get_request_content_length (mio_htre_t* req, mio_oow_t* len) { if (req->flags & MIO_HTRE_ATTR_CHUNKED) { /* "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" take precedence over "Content-Length: XXX". * * [RFC7230] * If a message is received with both a Transfer-Encoding and a * Content-Length header field, the Transfer-Encoding overrides the * Content-Length. */ return 1; /* unable to determine content-length in advance. unlimited */ } if (req->flags & MIO_HTRE_ATTR_LENGTH) { *len = req->attr.content_length; } else { /* If no Content-Length is specified in a request, it's Content-Length: 0 */ *len = 0; } return 0; /* limited to the length set in *len */ } struct cgi_peer_fork_ctx_t { mio_svc_htts_cli_t* cli; mio_htre_t* req; const mio_bch_t* docroot; const mio_bch_t* script; mio_bch_t* actual_script; }; typedef struct cgi_peer_fork_ctx_t cgi_peer_fork_ctx_t; static int cgi_peer_capture_request_header (mio_htre_t* req, const mio_bch_t* key, const mio_htre_hdrval_t* val, void* ctx) { mio_becs_t* dbuf = (mio_becs_t*)ctx; if (mio_comp_bcstr(key, "Connection", 1) != 0 && mio_comp_bcstr(key, "Transfer-Encoding", 1) != 0 && mio_comp_bcstr(key, "Content-Length", 1) != 0 && mio_comp_bcstr(key, "Expect", 1) != 0) { mio_oow_t val_offset; mio_bch_t* ptr; mio_becs_clear (dbuf); if (mio_becs_cpy(dbuf, "HTTP_") == (mio_oow_t)-1 || mio_becs_cat(dbuf, key) == (mio_oow_t)-1 || mio_becs_ccat(dbuf, '\0') == (mio_oow_t)-1) return -1; for (ptr = MIO_BECS_PTR(dbuf); *ptr; ptr++) { *ptr = mio_to_bch_upper(*ptr); if (*ptr =='-') *ptr = '_'; } val_offset = MIO_BECS_LEN(dbuf); if (mio_becs_cat(dbuf, val->ptr) == (mio_oow_t)-1) return -1; val = val->next; while (val) { if (mio_becs_cat(dbuf, ",") == (mio_oow_t)-1 || mio_becs_cat (dbuf, val->ptr) == (mio_oow_t)-1) return -1; val = val->next; } setenv (MIO_BECS_PTR(dbuf), MIO_BECS_CPTR(dbuf, val_offset), 1); } return 0; } static int cgi_peer_on_fork (mio_dev_pro_t* pro, void* fork_ctx) { mio_t* mio = pro->mio; /* in this callback, the pro device is not fully up. however, the mio field is guaranteed to be available */ cgi_peer_fork_ctx_t* fc = (cgi_peer_fork_ctx_t*)fork_ctx; mio_oow_t content_length; const mio_bch_t* qparam; mio_bch_t* path, * lang; mio_bch_t tmp[256]; mio_becs_t dbuf; qparam = mio_htre_getqparam(fc->req); path = mio_dupbcstr(mio, getenv("PATH"), MIO_NULL); lang = mio_dupbcstr(mio, getenv("LANG"), MIO_NULL); #if defined(HAVE_CLEARENV) clearenv (); #else { extern char** environ; /* environ = NULL; this crashed this program on NetBSD */ if (environ) environ[0] = '\0'; } #endif if (path) { setenv ("PATH", path, 1); mio_freemem (mio, path); } if (lang) { setenv ("LANG", lang, 1); mio_freemem (mio, lang); } setenv ("GATEWAY_INTERFACE", "CGI/1.1", 1); mio_fmttobcstr (mio, tmp, MIO_COUNTOF(tmp), "HTTP/%d.%d", (int)mio_htre_getmajorversion(fc->req), (int)mio_htre_getminorversion(fc->req)); setenv ("SERVER_PROTOCOL", tmp, 1); setenv ("DOCUMENT_ROOT", fc->docroot, 1); setenv ("SCRIPT_NAME", fc->script, 1); setenv ("SCRIPT_FILENAME", fc->actual_script, 1); /* TODO: PATH_INFO */ setenv ("REQUEST_METHOD", mio_htre_getqmethodname(fc->req), 1); setenv ("REQUEST_URI", mio_htre_getqpath(fc->req), 1); if (qparam) setenv ("QUERY_STRING", qparam, 1); if (get_request_content_length(fc->req, &content_length) == 0) { mio_fmt_uintmax_to_bcstr(tmp, MIO_COUNTOF(tmp), content_length, 10, 0, '\0', MIO_NULL); setenv ("CONTENT_LENGTH", tmp, 1); } else { /* content length unknown, neither is it 0 - this is not standard */ setenv ("CONTENT_LENGTH", "-1", 1); } setenv ("SERVER_SOFTWARE", fc->cli->htts->server_name, 1); mio_skadtobcstr (mio, &fc->cli->sck->localaddr, tmp, MIO_COUNTOF(tmp), MIO_SKAD_TO_BCSTR_ADDR); setenv ("SERVER_ADDR", tmp, 1); gethostname (tmp, MIO_COUNTOF(tmp)); /* if this fails, i assume tmp contains the ip address set by mio_skadtobcstr() above */ setenv ("SERVER_NAME", tmp, 1); mio_skadtobcstr (mio, &fc->cli->sck->localaddr, tmp, MIO_COUNTOF(tmp), MIO_SKAD_TO_BCSTR_PORT); setenv ("SERVER_PORT", tmp, 1); mio_skadtobcstr (mio, &fc->cli->sck->remoteaddr, tmp, MIO_COUNTOF(tmp), MIO_SKAD_TO_BCSTR_ADDR); setenv ("REMOTE_ADDR", tmp, 1); mio_skadtobcstr (mio, &fc->cli->sck->remoteaddr, tmp, MIO_COUNTOF(tmp), MIO_SKAD_TO_BCSTR_PORT); setenv ("REMOTE_PORT", tmp, 1); if (mio_becs_init(&dbuf, mio, 256) >= 0) { mio_htre_walkheaders (fc->req, cgi_peer_capture_request_header, &dbuf); /* [NOTE] trailers are not available when this cgi resource is started. let's not call mio_htre_walktrailers() */ mio_becs_fini (&dbuf); } return 0; } int mio_svc_htts_docgi (mio_svc_htts_t* htts, mio_dev_sck_t* csck, mio_htre_t* req, const mio_bch_t* docroot, const mio_bch_t* script) { mio_t* mio = htts->mio; mio_svc_htts_cli_t* cli = mio_dev_sck_getxtn(csck); cgi_state_t* cgi_state = MIO_NULL; cgi_peer_xtn_t* cgi_peer; mio_dev_pro_make_t mi; cgi_peer_fork_ctx_t fc; /* ensure that you call this function before any contents is received */ MIO_ASSERT (mio, mio_htre_getcontentlen(req) == 0); MIO_MEMSET (&fc, 0, MIO_SIZEOF(fc)); fc.cli = cli; fc.req = req; fc.docroot = docroot; fc.script = script; fc.actual_script = mio_svc_htts_dupmergepaths(htts, docroot, script); if (!fc.actual_script) goto oops; MIO_MEMSET (&mi, 0, MIO_SIZEOF(mi)); mi.flags = MIO_DEV_PRO_READOUT | MIO_DEV_PRO_ERRTONUL | MIO_DEV_PRO_WRITEIN /*| MIO_DEV_PRO_FORGET_CHILD*/; mi.cmd = fc.actual_script; mi.on_read = cgi_peer_on_read; mi.on_write = cgi_peer_on_write; mi.on_close = cgi_peer_on_close; mi.on_fork = cgi_peer_on_fork; mi.fork_ctx = &fc; cgi_state = (cgi_state_t*)mio_svc_htts_rsrc_make(htts, MIO_SIZEOF(*cgi_state), cgi_state_on_kill); if (MIO_UNLIKELY(!cgi_state)) goto oops; cgi_state->client = cli; /*cgi_state->num_pending_writes_to_client = 0; cgi_state->num_pending_writes_to_peer = 0;*/ cgi_state->req_version = *mio_htre_getversion(req); cgi_state->req_content_length_unlimited = get_request_content_length(req, &cgi_state->req_content_length); cgi_state->client_org_on_read = csck->on_read; cgi_state->client_org_on_write = csck->on_write; cgi_state->client_org_on_disconnect = csck->on_disconnect; csck->on_read = cgi_client_on_read; csck->on_write = cgi_client_on_write; csck->on_disconnect = cgi_client_on_disconnect; MIO_ASSERT (mio, cli->rsrc == MIO_NULL); MIO_SVC_HTTS_RSRC_ATTACH (cgi_state, cli->rsrc); if (access(mi.cmd, X_OK) == -1) { cgi_state_send_final_status_to_client (cgi_state, 403, 1); /* 403 Forbidden */ goto oops; /* TODO: must not go to oops. just destroy the cgi_state and finalize the request .. */ } cgi_state->peer = mio_dev_pro_make(mio, MIO_SIZEOF(*cgi_peer), &mi); if (MIO_UNLIKELY(!cgi_state->peer)) goto oops; cgi_peer = mio_dev_pro_getxtn(cgi_state->peer); MIO_SVC_HTTS_RSRC_ATTACH (cgi_state, cgi_peer->state); cgi_state->peer_htrd = mio_htrd_open(mio, MIO_SIZEOF(*cgi_peer)); if (MIO_UNLIKELY(!cgi_state->peer_htrd)) goto oops; mio_htrd_setopt (cgi_state->peer_htrd, MIO_HTRD_SKIPINITIALLINE | MIO_HTRD_RESPONSE); mio_htrd_setrecbs (cgi_state->peer_htrd, &cgi_peer_htrd_recbs); cgi_peer = mio_htrd_getxtn(cgi_state->peer_htrd); MIO_SVC_HTTS_RSRC_ATTACH (cgi_state, cgi_peer->state); #if !defined(CGI_ALLOW_UNLIMITED_REQ_CONTENT_LENGTH) if (cgi_state->req_content_length_unlimited) { /* Transfer-Encoding is chunked. no content-length is known in advance. */ /* option 1. buffer contents. if it gets too large, send 413 Request Entity Too Large. * option 2. send 411 Length Required immediately * option 3. set Content-Length to -1 and use EOF to indicate the end of content [Non-Standard] */ if (cgi_state_send_final_status_to_client(cgi_state, 411, 1) <= -1) goto oops; } #endif if (req->flags & MIO_HTRE_ATTR_EXPECT100) { /* TODO: Expect: 100-continue? who should handle this? cgi? or the http server? */ /* CAN I LET the cgi SCRIPT handle this? */ if (mio_comp_http_version_numbers(&req->version, 1, 1) >= 0 && (cgi_state->req_content_length_unlimited || cgi_state->req_content_length > 0)) { /* * Don't send 100 Continue if http verions is lower than 1.1 * [RFC7231] * A server that receives a 100-continue expectation in an HTTP/1.0 * request MUST ignore that expectation. * * Don't send 100 Continue if expected content lenth is 0. * [RFC7231] * A server MAY omit sending a 100 (Continue) response if it has * already received some or all of the message body for the * corresponding request, or if the framing indicates that there is * no message body. */ mio_bch_t msgbuf[64]; mio_oow_t msglen; msglen = mio_fmttobcstr(mio, msgbuf, MIO_COUNTOF(msgbuf), "HTTP/%d.%d 100 Continue\r\n\r\n", cgi_state->req_version.major, cgi_state->req_version.minor); if (cgi_state_write_to_client(cgi_state, msgbuf, msglen) <= -1) goto oops; cgi_state->ever_attempted_to_write_to_client = 0; /* reset this as it's polluted for 100 continue */ } } else if (req->flags & MIO_HTRE_ATTR_EXPECT) { /* 417 Expectation Failed */ cgi_state_send_final_status_to_client(cgi_state, 417, 1); goto oops; } #if defined(CGI_ALLOW_UNLIMITED_REQ_CONTENT_LENGTH) if (cgi_state->req_content_length_unlimited) { /* Transfer-Encoding is chunked. no content-length is known in advance. */ /* option 1. buffer contents. if it gets too large, send 413 Request Entity Too Large. * option 2. send 411 Length Required immediately * option 3. set Content-Length to -1 and use EOF to indicate the end of content [Non-Standard] */ /* TODO: must set CONTENT-LENGTH to -1 before start the process */ /* change the callbacks to subscribe to contents to be uploaded */ cgi_state->client->htrd->recbs.poke = cgi_client_htrd_poke; cgi_state->client->htrd->recbs.push_content = cgi_client_htrd_push_content; } else { #endif if (cgi_state->req_content_length > 0) { /* change the callbacks to subscribe to contents to be uploaded */ cgi_state->client->htrd->recbs.poke = cgi_client_htrd_poke; cgi_state->client->htrd->recbs.push_content = cgi_client_htrd_push_content; } else { /* no content to be uploaded from the client */ /* indicate EOF to the peer and disable input wathching from the client */ if (cgi_state_write_to_peer(cgi_state, MIO_NULL, 0) <= -1) goto oops; cgi_state_mark_over (cgi_state, CGI_STATE_OVER_READ_FROM_CLIENT | CGI_STATE_OVER_WRITE_TO_PEER); } #if defined(CGI_ALLOW_UNLIMITED_REQ_CONTENT_LENGTH) } #endif /* this may change later if Content-Length is included in the cgi output */ if (req->flags & MIO_HTRE_ATTR_KEEPALIVE) { cgi_state->keep_alive = 1; cgi_state->res_mode_to_cli = CGI_STATE_RES_MODE_CHUNKED; /* the mode still can get switched to CGI_STATE_RES_MODE_LENGTH if the cgi script emits Content-Length */ } else { cgi_state->keep_alive = 0; cgi_state->res_mode_to_cli = CGI_STATE_RES_MODE_CLOSE; } /* TODO: store current input watching state and use it when destroying the cgi_state data */ if (mio_dev_sck_read(csck, !(cgi_state->over & CGI_STATE_OVER_READ_FROM_CLIENT)) <= -1) goto oops; mio_freemem (mio, fc.actual_script); return 0; oops: MIO_DEBUG2 (mio, "HTTS(%p) - FAILURE in docgi - socket(%p)\n", htts, csck); if (cgi_state) cgi_state_halt_participating_devices (cgi_state); if (fc.actual_script) mio_freemem (mio, fc.actual_script); return -1; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ struct thr_state_t { MIO_SVC_HTTS_RSRC_HEADER; pthread_t thr; mio_svc_htts_thr_func_t func; mio_dev_t* p1; /* change it to pipe */ }; typedef struct thr_state_t thr_state_t; static void thr_state_on_kill (thr_state_t* thr_state) { } static void* thr_state_run_func (void* arg) { thr_state_t* thr_state = (thr_state_t*)arg; // thr_state->func (thr_state->XXX, thr_state->p1->fd); /* pass the pointer to data that can be accessed safely inside a thread. mostly these must be duplicates of core data */ return MIO_NULL; } int mio_svc_htts_dothr (mio_svc_htts_t* htts, mio_dev_sck_t* csck, mio_htre_t* req, mio_svc_htts_thr_func_t func) { /*mio_t* mio = htts->mio;*/ // mio_svc_htts_cli_t* cli = mio_dev_sck_getxtn(csck); thr_state_t* thr_state = MIO_NULL; thr_state = (thr_state_t*)mio_svc_htts_rsrc_make(htts, MIO_SIZEOF(*thr_state), thr_state_on_kill); if (MIO_UNLIKELY(!thr_state)) goto oops; thr_state->func = func; #if 0 thr_state->p1 = mio_dev_pipe_make(mio); if (MIO_UNLIKELY(!thr_state->p1)) goto oops; #endif if (pthread_create(&thr_state->thr, MIO_NULL, thr_state_run_func, thr_state) != 0) { } return 0; oops: //if (thr_state) thr_state_halt_particiapting_devices (thr_state); return -1; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ int mio_svc_htts_dofile (mio_svc_htts_t* htts, mio_dev_sck_t* csck, mio_htre_t* req, const mio_bch_t* docroot, const mio_bch_t* file) { switch (mio_htre_getqmethodtype(req)) { case MIO_HTTP_OPTIONS: mio_htre_discardcontent (req); /* TODO: return 200 with Allow: OPTIONS, HEAD, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE... */ /* However, if there is access configuration, the item list must reflect it */ break; case MIO_HTTP_HEAD: case MIO_HTTP_GET: case MIO_HTTP_POST: mio_htre_discardcontent (req); break; case MIO_HTTP_PUT: break; case MIO_HTTP_DELETE: mio_htre_discardcontent (req); break; default: /* method not allowed */ mio_htre_discardcontent (req); /* schedule to send 405 */ break; } return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ int mio_svc_htts_doproxy (mio_svc_htts_t* htts, mio_dev_sck_t* csck, mio_htre_t* req, const mio_bch_t* upstream) { #if 0 1. attempt to connect to the proxy target... 2. in the mean time, mio_dev_watch (csck, MIO_DEV_WATCH_UPDATE, 0); /* no input, no output watching */ 3. once connected, mio_dev_watch (csck, MIO_DEV_WATCH_RENEW, MIO_DEV_EVENT_IN); /* enable input watching. if needed, enable output watching */ 4. start proxying 5. if one side is stalled, donot read from another side... let the kernel slow the connection... i need to know how may bytes are pending for this. if pending too high, disable read watching... mio_dev_watch (csck, MIO_DEV_WATCH_RENEW, 0); #endif return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ void mio_svc_htts_fmtgmtime (mio_svc_htts_t* htts, const mio_ntime_t* nt, mio_bch_t* buf, mio_oow_t len) { mio_ntime_t now; if (!nt) { mio_sys_getrealtime(htts->mio, &now); nt = &now; } mio_fmt_http_time_to_bcstr(nt, buf, len); } mio_bch_t* mio_svc_htts_dupmergepaths (mio_svc_htts_t* htts, const mio_bch_t* base, const mio_bch_t* path) { mio_bch_t* xpath; const mio_bch_t* ta[4]; mio_oow_t idx = 0; ta[idx++] = base; if (path[0] != '\0') { ta[idx++] = "/"; ta[idx++] = path; } ta[idx++] = MIO_NULL; xpath = mio_dupbcstrs(htts->mio, ta, MIO_NULL); if (MIO_UNLIKELY(!xpath)) return MIO_NULL; mio_canon_bcstr_path (xpath, xpath, 0); return xpath; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ #if 0 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ int mio_svc_htts_sendrsrc (mio_svc_htts_t* htts, mio_dev_sck_t* csck, mio_svc_htts_rsrc_t* rsrc, int status_code, mio_http_method_t method, const mio_http_version_t* version, int keepalive) { mio_svc_htts_cli_t* cli = mio_dev_sck_getxtn(csck); mio_bch_t dtbuf[64]; mio_oow_t x; #if 0 if ((req->flags & MIO_HTRE_ATTR_EXPECT) && mio_comp_http_version_numbers(&req->version, 1, 1) >= 0 && mio_htre_getcontentlen(req) <= 0) { if (req->flags & MIO_HTRE_ATTR_EXPECT100) { mio_dev_sck_write(csck, "HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n", 23, MIO_NULL, MIO_NULL); } else { } } #endif mio_svc_htts_fmtgmtime(htts, MIO_NULL, dtbuf, MIO_COUNTOF(dtbuf)); x = mio_becs_fmt(cli->sbuf, "HTTP/%d.%d %d %hs\r\nServer: %hs\r\nDate: %hs\r\nConnection: %s\r\n", (int)version->major, (int)version->minor, (int)status_code, mio_http_status_to_bcstr(status_code), htts->server_name, dtbuf, /* Date */ (keepalive? "keep-alive": "close") /* Connection */ ); if (MIO_UNLIKELY(x == (mio_oow_t)-1)) return -1; if (rsrc->content_type) { x = mio_becs_fcat(cli->sbuf, "Content-Type: %hs\r\n", rsrc->content_type); if (MIO_UNLIKELY(x == (mio_oow_t)-1)) return -1; } if (rsrc->flags & MIO_SVC_HTTS_RSRC_FLAG_CONTENT_LENGTH_SET) { x = mio_becs_fcat(cli->sbuf, "Content-Length: %ju\r\n", (mio_uintmax_t)rsrc->content_length); if (MIO_UNLIKELY(x == (mio_oow_t)-1)) return -1; } x = mio_becs_fcat(cli->sbuf, "\r\n", rsrc->content_length); if (MIO_UNLIKELY(x == (mio_oow_t)-1)) return -1; /* TODO: handle METHOD HEAD... should abort after header trasmission... */ /* TODO: allow extra header items */ /* TODO: use timedwrite? */ if (mio_dev_sck_write(csck, MIO_BECS_PTR(cli->sbuf), MIO_BECS_LEN(cli->sbuf), rsrc, MIO_NULL) <= -1) { mio_dev_sck_halt (csck); return -1; } return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ struct rsrc_file_xtn_t { int fd; mio_foff_t range_offset; mio_foff_t range_start; mio_foff_t range_end; mio_bch_t rbuf[4096]; }; typedef struct rsrc_file_xtn_t rsrc_file_xtn_t; static int rsrc_file_on_write (mio_svc_htts_rsrc_t* rsrc, mio_dev_sck_t* sck) { rsrc_file_xtn_t* file = (rsrc_file_xtn_t*)mio_svc_htts_rsrc_getxtn(rsrc); ssize_t n; if (file->range_offset >= file->range_end) return 0; /* transmitted as long as content-length. end of the resource */ if (file->range_offset < file->range_start) { if (lseek(file->fd, SEEK_SET, file->range_start) == (off_t)-1) return -1; file->range_offset = file->range_start; } n = read(file->fd, file->rbuf, MIO_SIZEOF(file->rbuf)); if (n <= 0) return -1; if (n > file->range_end - file->range_start) { /* TODO: adjust */ n = file->range_end - file->range_start; } file->range_offset += n; if (mio_dev_sck_write(sck, file->rbuf, n, rsrc, MIO_NULL) <= -1) return -1; /* failure */ return 1; /* keep calling me */ } static void rsrc_file_on_kill (mio_svc_htts_rsrc_t* rsrc) { rsrc_file_xtn_t* file = (rsrc_file_xtn_t*)mio_svc_htts_rsrc_getxtn(rsrc); if (file->fd >= 0) { close (file->fd); file->fd = -1; } } int mio_svc_htts_sendfile (mio_svc_htts_t* htts, mio_dev_sck_t* csck, const mio_bch_t* file_path, int status_code, mio_http_method_t method, const mio_http_version_t* version, int keepalive) { //mio_svc_htts_cli_t* cli = (mio_svc_htts_cli_t*)mio_dev_sck_getxtn(csck); int fd; struct stat st; mio_svc_htts_rsrc_t* rsrc = MIO_NULL; rsrc_file_xtn_t* rsrc_file; fd = open(file_path, O_RDONLY, 0); if (fd <= -1) { /* TODO: divert to writing status code not found... */ goto oops; /* write error status instead */ } if (fstat(fd, &st) <= -1) goto oops; /* TODO: write error status instead. probably 500 internal server error???*/ rsrc = mio_svc_htts_rsrc_make(htts, csck, rsrc_file_on_write, rsrc_file_on_kill, MIO_SIZEOF(*rsrc_file)); if (MIO_UNLIKELY(!rsrc)) goto oops; rsrc->flags = MIO_SVC_HTTS_RSRC_FLAG_CONTENT_LENGTH_SET; rsrc->content_length = st.st_size; rsrc->content_type = "text/plain"; rsrc_file = mio_svc_htts_rsrc_getxtn(rsrc); rsrc_file->fd = fd; rsrc_file->range_start = 0; rsrc_file->range_end = st.st_size; if (mio_svc_htts_sendrsrc(htts, csck, rsrc, 200, method, version, keepalive) <= -1) goto oops; return 0; oops: if (rsrc) mio_svc_htts_rsrc_kill (rsrc); if (fd >= 0) close (fd); return -1; } #endif