shorted code a bit by creating a new function hio_svc_htts_task_buildfinalres()
This commit is contained in:
@ -359,12 +359,13 @@ static int process_http_request (hio_svc_htts_t* htts, hio_dev_sck_t* csck, hio_
hio_bcstrtoskad(hio, "", &skad);
HIO_DEBUG2 (hio, "fcgi %hs %hs\n", ext->ai->docroot, qpath);
/*if (hio_svc_htts_dofcgi(htts, csck, req, &skad, ext->ai->docroot, qpath, 0) <= -1) goto oops;*/
/* if the document root is relative, it is hard to gurantee that the same document is
* true to the fcgi server which is a different process. so map it a blank string for now.
* TODO: accept a separate document root for the fcgi server and use it below */
#if 0
if (hio_svc_htts_dotxt(htts, csck, req, HIO_HTTP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "text/plain", "what the...", 0, htts_task_on_kill) <= -1) goto oops;
/* TODO: accept a separate document root for the fcgi server and use it below */
if (hio_svc_htts_dofcgi(htts, csck, req, &skad, ext->ai->docroot, qpath, 0, htts_task_on_kill) <= -1) goto oops;
/*if (hio_svc_htts_dotxt(htts, csck, req, HIO_HTTP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "text/plain", "what the...", 0) <= -1) goto oops;*/
else // if (mth == HIO_HTTP_GET || mth == HIO_HTTP_POST)
@ -95,15 +95,16 @@ typedef void (*hio_svc_htts_task_on_kill_t) (
hio_svc_htts_task_t* task_prev; \
hio_svc_htts_task_t* task_next; \
hio_svc_htts_task_on_kill_t task_on_kill; \
hio_http_version_t task_req_version; \
hio_http_method_t task_req_method; \
hio_dev_sck_t* task_csck; \
hio_svc_htts_cli_t* task_client; \
unsigned int task_keep_client_alive: 1; \
unsigned int task_req_qpath_ending_with_slash: 1; \
unsigned int task_req_qpath_is_root: 1; \
hio_http_version_t task_req_version; \
hio_http_method_t task_req_method; \
hio_bch_t* task_req_qmth; \
hio_bch_t* task_req_qpath; \
hio_http_status_t task_status_code; \
hio_dev_sck_t* task_csck; \
hio_svc_htts_cli_t* task_client
hio_http_status_t task_status_code;
struct hio_svc_htts_task_t
@ -489,6 +490,14 @@ HIO_EXPORT void hio_svc_htts_task_kill (
hio_svc_htts_task_t* task
HIO_EXPORT int hio_svc_htts_task_buildfinalres (
hio_svc_htts_task_t* task,
int status_code,
const hio_bch_t* content_type,
const hio_bch_t* content_text,
int force_close
HIO_EXPORT void hio_svc_htts_fmtgmtime (
hio_svc_htts_t* htts,
const hio_ntime_t* nt,
@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ struct cgi_t
hio_htrd_t* peer_htrd;
unsigned int over: 4; /* must be large enough to accomodate CGI_OVER_ALL */
unsigned int keep_alive: 1;
unsigned int req_content_length_unlimited: 1;
unsigned int ever_attempted_to_write_to_client: 1;
unsigned int client_eof_detected: 1;
@ -145,30 +144,8 @@ static int cgi_writev_to_client (cgi_t* cgi, hio_iovec_t* iov, hio_iolen_t iovcn
static int cgi_send_final_status_to_client (cgi_t* cgi, int status_code, int force_close)
hio_svc_htts_cli_t* cli = cgi->task_client;
hio_bch_t dtbuf[64];
const hio_bch_t* status_msg;
hio_oow_t content_len;
hio_svc_htts_fmtgmtime (cli->htts, HIO_NULL, dtbuf, HIO_COUNTOF(dtbuf));
status_msg = hio_http_status_to_bcstr(status_code);
content_len = hio_count_bcstr(status_msg);
if (!force_close) force_close = !cgi->keep_alive;
if (hio_becs_fmt(cli->sbuf, "HTTP/%d.%d %d %hs\r\nServer: %hs\r\nDate: %hs\r\nConnection: %hs\r\n",
cgi->task_req_version.major, cgi->task_req_version.minor,
status_code, status_msg,
cli->htts->server_name, dtbuf,
(force_close? "close": "keep-alive")) == (hio_oow_t)-1) return -1;
if (cgi->task_req_method == HIO_HTTP_HEAD)
if (status_code != HIO_HTTP_STATUS_OK) content_len = 0;
status_msg = "";
if (hio_becs_fcat(cli->sbuf, "Content-Type: text/plain\r\nContent-Length: %zu\r\n\r\n%hs", content_len, status_msg) == (hio_oow_t)-1) return -1;
cgi->task_status_code = status_code;
if (!cli) return 0; /* client disconnected probably */
if (hio_svc_htts_task_buildfinalres(cgi, status_code, HIO_NULL, HIO_NULL, force_close) <= -1) return -1;
return (cgi_write_to_client(cgi, HIO_BECS_PTR(cli->sbuf), HIO_BECS_LEN(cli->sbuf)) <= -1 ||
(force_close && cgi_write_to_client(cgi, HIO_NULL, 0) <= -1))? -1: 0;
@ -185,7 +162,7 @@ static int cgi_write_last_chunk_to_client (cgi_t* cgi)
cgi_write_to_client(cgi, "0\r\n\r\n", 5) <= -1) return -1;
if (!cgi->keep_alive && cgi_write_to_client(cgi, HIO_NULL, 0) <= -1) return -1;
if (!cgi->task_keep_client_alive && cgi_write_to_client(cgi, HIO_NULL, 0) <= -1) return -1;
return 0;
@ -252,7 +229,7 @@ static HIO_INLINE void cgi_mark_over (cgi_t* cgi, int over_bits)
HIO_ASSERT (hio, cgi->task_client != HIO_NULL);
if (cgi->keep_alive && !cgi->client_eof_detected)
if (cgi->task_keep_client_alive && !cgi->client_eof_detected)
/* how to arrange to delete this cgi object and put the socket back to the normal waiting state??? */
HIO_ASSERT (cgi->htts->hio, cgi->task_client->task == (hio_svc_htts_task_t*)cgi);
@ -308,7 +285,7 @@ static void cgi_on_kill (hio_svc_htts_task_t* task)
if (!cgi->client_disconnected)
if (!cgi->keep_alive || hio_dev_sck_read(cgi->task_csck, 1) <= -1)
if (!cgi->task_keep_client_alive || hio_dev_sck_read(cgi->task_csck, 1) <= -1)
HIO_DEBUG5 (hio, "HTTS(%p) - cgi(t=%p,c=%p[%d],p=%p) - halting client for failure to enable input watching\n", cgi->htts, cgi, cgi->task_client, (cgi->task_csck? cgi->task_csck->hnd: -1), cgi->peer);
hio_dev_sck_halt (cgi->task_csck);
@ -561,7 +538,7 @@ static int peer_htrd_peek (hio_htrd_t* htrd, hio_htre_t* req)
if (hio_becs_cat(cli->sbuf, (cgi->keep_alive? "Connection: keep-alive\r\n": "Connection: close\r\n")) == (hio_oow_t)-1) return -1;
if (hio_becs_cat(cli->sbuf, (cgi->task_keep_client_alive? "Connection: keep-alive\r\n": "Connection: close\r\n")) == (hio_oow_t)-1) return -1;
if (hio_becs_cat(cli->sbuf, "\r\n") == (hio_oow_t)-1) return -1;
@ -1101,18 +1078,8 @@ int hio_svc_htts_docgi (hio_svc_htts_t* htts, hio_dev_sck_t* csck, hio_htre_t* r
/* this may change later if Content-Length is included in the cgi output */
if (req->flags & HIO_HTRE_ATTR_KEEPALIVE)
cgi->keep_alive = 1;
cgi->res_mode_to_cli = CGI_RES_MODE_CHUNKED;
/* the mode still can get switched to CGI_RES_MODE_LENGTH if the cgi script emits Content-Length */
cgi->keep_alive = 0;
cgi->res_mode_to_cli = CGI_RES_MODE_CLOSE;
cgi->res_mode_to_cli = cgi->task_keep_client_alive? CGI_RES_MODE_CHUNKED: CGI_RES_MODE_CLOSE;
/* the mode still can get switched from CGI_RES_MODE_CHUNKED to CGI_RES_MODE_LENGTH if the cgi script emits Content-Length */
/* TODO: store current input watching state and use it when destroying the cgi data */
if (hio_dev_sck_read(csck, !(cgi->over & CGI_OVER_READ_FROM_CLIENT)) <= -1) goto oops;
@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ struct fcgi_t
hio_htrd_t* peer_htrd;
unsigned int over: 4; /* must be large enough to accomodate FCGI_OVER_ALL */
unsigned int keep_alive: 1;
unsigned int req_content_length_unlimited: 1;
unsigned int ever_attempted_to_write_to_client: 1;
unsigned int last_chunk_sent: 1;
@ -130,32 +129,8 @@ static int fcgi_writev_to_client (fcgi_t* fcgi, hio_iovec_t* iov, hio_iolen_t io
static int fcgi_send_final_status_to_client (fcgi_t* fcgi, int status_code, int force_close)
hio_svc_htts_cli_t* cli = fcgi->task_client;
hio_bch_t dtbuf[64];
const hio_bch_t* status_msg;
hio_oow_t content_len;
if (!cli) return 0; /* client unbound or no binding client */
hio_svc_htts_fmtgmtime (cli->htts, HIO_NULL, dtbuf, HIO_COUNTOF(dtbuf));
status_msg = hio_http_status_to_bcstr(status_code);
content_len = hio_count_bcstr(status_msg);
if (!force_close) force_close = !fcgi->keep_alive;
if (hio_becs_fmt(cli->sbuf, "HTTP/%d.%d %d %hs\r\nServer: %hs\r\nDate: %hs\r\nConnection: %hs\r\n",
fcgi->task_req_version.major, fcgi->task_req_version.minor,
status_code, status_msg,
cli->htts->server_name, dtbuf,
(force_close? "close": "keep-alive")) == (hio_oow_t)-1) return -1;
if (fcgi->task_req_method == HIO_HTTP_HEAD)
if (status_code != HIO_HTTP_STATUS_OK) content_len = 0;
status_msg = "";
if (hio_becs_fcat(cli->sbuf, "Content-Type: text/plain\r\nContent-Length: %zu\r\n\r\n%hs", content_len, status_msg) == (hio_oow_t)-1) return -1;
fcgi->task_status_code = status_code;
if (!cli) return 0; /* client disconnected probably */
if (hio_svc_htts_task_buildfinalres(fcgi, status_code, HIO_NULL, HIO_NULL, force_close) <= -1) return -1;
return (fcgi_write_to_client(fcgi, HIO_BECS_PTR(cli->sbuf), HIO_BECS_LEN(cli->sbuf)) <= -1 ||
(force_close && fcgi_write_to_client(fcgi, HIO_NULL, 0) <= -1))? -1: 0;
@ -176,7 +151,7 @@ static int fcgi_write_last_chunk_to_client (fcgi_t* fcgi)
fcgi_write_to_client(fcgi, "0\r\n\r\n", 5) <= -1) return -1;
if (!fcgi->keep_alive && fcgi_write_to_client(fcgi, HIO_NULL, 0) <= -1) return -1;
if (!fcgi->task_keep_client_alive && fcgi_write_to_client(fcgi, HIO_NULL, 0) <= -1) return -1;
return 0;
@ -246,7 +221,7 @@ static HIO_INLINE void fcgi_mark_over (fcgi_t* fcgi, int over_bits)
if (fcgi->task_csck)
HIO_DEBUG2 (hio, "HTTS(%p) - ALL OVER keeping client(%p) alive\n", fcgi->htts, fcgi->task_csck);
if (fcgi->keep_alive && !fcgi->client_eof_detected)
if (fcgi->task_keep_client_alive && !fcgi->client_eof_detected)
HIO_DEBUG2 (hio, "HTTS(%p) - keeping client(%p) alive\n", fcgi->htts, fcgi->task_csck);
HIO_ASSERT (fcgi->htts->hio, fcgi->task_client->task == (hio_svc_htts_task_t*)fcgi);
@ -464,7 +439,7 @@ static int peer_htrd_peek (hio_htrd_t* htrd, hio_htre_t* req)
if (hio_becs_cat(cli->sbuf, (fcgi->keep_alive? "Connection: keep-alive\r\n": "Connection: close\r\n")) == (hio_oow_t)-1) return -1;
if (hio_becs_cat(cli->sbuf, (fcgi->task_keep_client_alive? "Connection: keep-alive\r\n": "Connection: close\r\n")) == (hio_oow_t)-1) return -1;
if (hio_becs_cat(cli->sbuf, "\r\n") == (hio_oow_t)-1) return -1;
@ -894,7 +869,7 @@ HIO_DEBUG2 (csck->hio, "UNBINDING CLEINT FROM TASK... client=%p csck=%p\n", fcgi
fcgi->task_client = HIO_NULL;
fcgi->task_csck = HIO_NULL;
if (!fcgi->client_disconnected && (!fcgi->keep_alive || hio_dev_sck_read(csck, 1) <= -1))
if (!fcgi->client_disconnected && (!fcgi->task_keep_client_alive || hio_dev_sck_read(csck, 1) <= -1))
HIO_DEBUG2 (fcgi->htts->hio, "HTTS(%p) - halting client(%p) for failure to enable input watching\n", fcgi->htts, csck);
hio_dev_sck_halt (csck);
@ -1046,18 +1021,8 @@ static int setup_for_content_length(fcgi_t* fcgi, hio_htre_t* req)
/* this may change later if Content-Length is included in the fcgi output */
if (req->flags & HIO_HTRE_ATTR_KEEPALIVE)
fcgi->keep_alive = 1;
fcgi->res_mode_to_cli = FCGI_RES_MODE_CHUNKED;
/* the mode still can get switched to FCGI_RES_MODE_LENGTH if the fcgi script emits Content-Length */
fcgi->keep_alive = 0;
fcgi->res_mode_to_cli = FCGI_RES_MODE_CLOSE;
fcgi->res_mode_to_cli = fcgi->task_keep_client_alive? FCGI_RES_MODE_CHUNKED: FCGI_RES_MODE_CLOSE;
/* the mode still can get switched from FCGI_RES_MODE_CHUNKED to FCGI_RES_MODE_LENGTH if the fcgi script emits Content-Length */
return 0;
@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ struct file_t
hio_bch_t peer_etag[128];
unsigned int over: 4; /* must be large enough to accomodate FILE_OVER_ALL */
unsigned int keep_alive: 1;
unsigned int req_content_length_unlimited: 1;
unsigned int ever_attempted_to_write_to_client: 1;
unsigned int client_eof_detected: 1;
@ -135,41 +134,8 @@ static int file_sendfile_to_client (file_t* file, hio_foff_t foff, hio_iolen_t l
static int file_send_final_status_to_client (file_t* file, int status_code, int force_close)
hio_svc_htts_cli_t* cli = file->task_client;
hio_bch_t dtbuf[64];
const hio_bch_t* status_msg;
hio_oow_t content_len;
hio_svc_htts_fmtgmtime (cli->htts, HIO_NULL, dtbuf, HIO_COUNTOF(dtbuf));
status_msg = hio_http_status_to_bcstr(status_code);
content_len = hio_count_bcstr(status_msg);
if (!force_close) force_close = !file->keep_alive;
if (hio_becs_fmt(cli->sbuf, "HTTP/%d.%d %d %hs\r\nServer: %hs\r\nDate: %hs\r\nConnection: %hs\r\n",
file->task_req_version.major, file->task_req_version.minor,
status_code, status_msg,
cli->htts->server_name, dtbuf,
(force_close? "close": "keep-alive")) == (hio_oow_t)-1) return -1;
if (file->task_req_method == HIO_HTTP_HEAD)
if (status_code != HIO_HTTP_STATUS_OK) content_len = 0;
status_msg = "";
/* don't send content body when the status code is 3xx. include the Location header only. */
if (hio_becs_fcat(cli->sbuf, "Content-Type: text/plain\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\nLocation: %hs%hs\r\n\r\n", file->task_req_qpath, (file->task_req_qpath_ending_with_slash? "": "/")) == (hio_oow_t)-1) return -1;
if (hio_becs_fcat(cli->sbuf, "Content-Type: text/plain\r\nContent-Length: %zu\r\n\r\n%hs", content_len, status_msg) == (hio_oow_t)-1) return -1;
file->task_status_code = status_code;
if (!cli) return 0; /* client disconnected probably */
if (hio_svc_htts_task_buildfinalres(file, status_code, HIO_NULL, HIO_NULL, force_close) <= -1) return -1;
return (file_write_to_client(file, HIO_BECS_PTR(cli->sbuf), HIO_BECS_LEN(cli->sbuf)) <= -1 ||
(force_close && file_write_to_client(file, HIO_NULL, 0) <= -1))? -1: 0;
@ -224,7 +190,7 @@ static void file_mark_over (file_t* file, int over_bits)
if (HIO_LIKELY(file->task_csck))
if (file->keep_alive && !file->client_eof_detected)
if (file->task_keep_client_alive && !file->client_eof_detected)
#if defined(TCP_CORK)
int tcp_cork = 0;
@ -298,7 +264,7 @@ static void file_on_kill (hio_svc_htts_task_t* task)
if (file->client_org_on_disconnect) file->task_csck->on_disconnect = file->client_org_on_disconnect;
if (file->client_htrd_recbs_changed) hio_htrd_setrecbs (file->task_client->htrd, &file->client_htrd_org_recbs);
if (!file->keep_alive || hio_dev_sck_read(file->task_csck, 1) <= -1)
if (!file->task_keep_client_alive || hio_dev_sck_read(file->task_csck, 1) <= -1)
HIO_DEBUG5 (hio, "HTTS(%p) - file(t=%p,c=%p[%d],p=%d) - halting client for failure to enable input watching\n", file->htts, file, file->task_client, (file->task_csck? file->task_csck->hnd: -1), file->peer);
hio_dev_sck_halt (file->task_csck);
@ -497,7 +463,7 @@ static int file_send_header_to_client (file_t* file, int status_code, int force_
hio_svc_htts_fmtgmtime (cli->htts, HIO_NULL, dtbuf, HIO_COUNTOF(dtbuf));
if (!force_close) force_close = !file->keep_alive;
if (!force_close) force_close = !file->task_keep_client_alive;
content_length = file->end_offset - file->start_offset + 1;
if (status_code == HIO_HTTP_STATUS_OK && file->total_size != content_length) status_code = HIO_HTTP_STATUS_PARTIAL_CONTENT;
@ -876,17 +842,7 @@ int hio_svc_htts_dofile (hio_svc_htts_t* htts, hio_dev_sck_t* csck, hio_htre_t*
/* this may change later if Content-Length is included in the file output */
if (req->flags & HIO_HTRE_ATTR_KEEPALIVE)
file->keep_alive = 1;
file->res_mode_to_cli = FILE_RES_MODE_LENGTH;
file->keep_alive = 0;
file->res_mode_to_cli = FILE_RES_MODE_CLOSE;
file->res_mode_to_cli = file->task_keep_client_alive? FILE_RES_MODE_LENGTH: FILE_RES_MODE_CLOSE;
switch (file->task_req_method)
@ -675,14 +675,15 @@ hio_svc_htts_task_t* hio_svc_htts_task_make (hio_svc_htts_t* htts, hio_oow_t tas
task->task_size = task_size;
task->task_refcnt = 0;
task->task_on_kill = on_kill;
task->task_req_method = hio_htre_getqmethodtype(req);
task->task_req_version = *hio_htre_getversion(req);
task->task_req_qpath_ending_with_slash = (hio_htre_getqpathlen(req) > 0 && hio_htre_getqpath(req)[hio_htre_getqpathlen(req) - 1] == '/');
task->task_req_qpath_is_root = (hio_htre_getqpathlen(req) == 1 && hio_htre_getqpath(req)[0] == '/');
task->task_req_qmth = (hio_bch_t*)((hio_uint8_t*)task + task_size);
task->task_req_qpath = task->task_req_qmth + qmth_len + 1;
task->task_csck = csck;
task->task_client = (hio_svc_htts_cli_t*)hio_dev_sck_getxtn(csck);
task->task_keep_client_alive = !!(req->flags & HIO_HTRE_ATTR_KEEPALIVE);
task->task_req_qpath_ending_with_slash = (hio_htre_getqpathlen(req) > 0 && hio_htre_getqpath(req)[hio_htre_getqpathlen(req) - 1] == '/');
task->task_req_qpath_is_root = (hio_htre_getqpathlen(req) == 1 && hio_htre_getqpath(req)[0] == '/');
task->task_req_method = hio_htre_getqmethodtype(req);
task->task_req_version = *hio_htre_getversion(req);
task->task_req_qmth = (hio_bch_t*)((hio_uint8_t*)task + task_size);
task->task_req_qpath = task->task_req_qmth + qmth_len + 1;
HIO_MEMCPY (task->task_req_qmth, hio_htre_getqmethodname(req),qmth_len + 1);
HIO_MEMCPY (task->task_req_qpath, hio_htre_getqpath(req), qpath_len + 1);
@ -704,18 +705,27 @@ void hio_svc_htts_task_kill (hio_svc_htts_task_t* task)
HIO_DEBUG2 (hio, "HTTS(%p) - destroyed task %p\n", htts, task);
#if 0
int hio_svc_https_task_sendfinal (hio_svc_htts_task_t* task, int status_code, const hio_bch_t* content_type, const hio_bch_t* content_text, int force_close)
int hio_svc_htts_task_buildfinalres (hio_svc_htts_task_t* task, int status_code, const hio_bch_t* content_type, const hio_bch_t* content_text, int force_close)
hio_svc_htts_t* htts = task->htts;
hio_t* hio = htts->hio;
hio_svc_htts_cli_t* cli = task->task_client;
hio_bch_t dtbuf[64];
hio_oow_t content_len;
const hio_bch_t* status_msg;
int redir = 0;
if (!cli)
/* the client has probably been disconnected */
HIO_ASSERT (hio, task->task_csck == HIO_NULL);
return 0;
status_msg = hio_http_status_to_bcstr(status_code);
hio_svc_htts_fmtgmtime (task->htts, HIO_NULL, dtbuf, HIO_COUNTOF(dtbuf));
if (!force_close) force_close = !task->task_keep_alive;
if (!force_close) force_close = !task->task_keep_client_alive;
if (hio_becs_fmt(cli->sbuf, "HTTP/%d.%d %d %hs\r\nServer: %hs\r\nDate: %hs\r\nConnection: %hs\r\n",
task->task_req_version.major, task->task_req_version.minor,
status_code, status_msg,
@ -724,6 +734,8 @@ int hio_svc_https_task_sendfinal (hio_svc_htts_task_t* task, int status_code, co
if (!content_text) content_text = status_msg;
if (content_type && hio_becs_fcat(cli->sbuf, "Content-Type: %hs\r\n", content_type) == (hio_oow_t)-1) return -1;
content_len = hio_count_bcstr(content_text);
if (task->task_req_method == HIO_HTTP_HEAD)
@ -731,17 +743,11 @@ int hio_svc_https_task_sendfinal (hio_svc_htts_task_t* task, int status_code, co
if (status_code != HIO_HTTP_STATUS_OK) content_len = 0;
content_text = "";
else if (status_code == HIO_HTTP_STATUS_MOVED_PERMANENTLY ||
content_len = 0;
if (content_type && hio_becs_fcat(cli->sbuf, "Content-Type: %hs\r\n", content_type) == (hio_oow_t)-1) return -1;
/* don't send content body when the status code is 3xx. include the Location header only. */
if (hio_becs_fcat(cli->sbuf, "Content-Length: 0\r\nLocation: %hs%hs\r\n\r\n", task->task_req_qpath, (task->task_req_qpath_ending_with_slash? "": "/")) == (hio_oow_t)-1) return -1;
@ -751,11 +757,12 @@ int hio_svc_https_task_sendfinal (hio_svc_htts_task_t* task, int status_code, co
if (hio_becs_fcat(cli->sbuf, "Content-Length: %zu\r\n\r\n%hs", content_len, content_text) == (hio_oow_t)-1) return -1;
task->task_status_code = status_code;
return (task_write_to_client(task, HIO_BECS_PTR(cli->sbuf), HIO_BECS_LEN(cli->sbuf)) <= -1 ||
(force_close && task_write_to_client(task, HIO_NULL, 0) <= -1))? -1: 0;
task->task_status_code = status_code; /* remember the status code sent to the client. doesn't matter if it fails to write or not */
// if (hio_dev_sck_write(task->task_csck, HIO_BECS_PTR(cli->sbuf), HIO_BECS_LEN(cli->sbuf), HIO_NULL, HIO_NULL) <= -1) return -1;
// if (force_close && hio_dev_sck_write(task->task_csck, HIO_NULL, 0, HIO_NULL, HIO_NULL) <= -1) return -1;
return 0;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
@ -31,21 +31,21 @@
enum THR_TASK_RES_mode_t
enum thr_res_mode_t
typedef enum THR_TASK_RES_mode_t THR_TASK_RES_mode_t;
typedef enum thr_res_mode_t thr_res_mode_t;
#define THR_TASK_OVER_WRITE_TO_PEER (1 << 3)
#define THR_OVER_READ_FROM_CLIENT (1 << 0)
#define THR_OVER_READ_FROM_PEER (1 << 1)
#define THR_OVER_WRITE_TO_CLIENT (1 << 2)
#define THR_OVER_WRITE_TO_PEER (1 << 3)
struct thr_func_start_t
@ -69,15 +69,14 @@ struct thr_task_t
hio_dev_thr_t* peer;
hio_htrd_t* peer_htrd;
unsigned int over: 4; /* must be large enough to accomodate THR_TASK_OVER_ALL */
unsigned int keep_alive: 1;
unsigned int over: 4; /* must be large enough to accomodate THR_OVER_ALL */
unsigned int req_content_length_unlimited: 1;
unsigned int ever_attempted_to_write_to_client: 1;
unsigned int client_eof_detected: 1;
unsigned int client_disconnected: 1;
unsigned int client_htrd_recbs_changed: 1;
hio_oow_t req_content_length; /* client request content length */
THR_TASK_RES_mode_t res_mode_to_cli;
thr_res_mode_t res_mode_to_cli;
hio_dev_sck_on_read_t client_org_on_read;
hio_dev_sck_on_write_t client_org_on_write;
@ -102,7 +101,7 @@ static void thr_task_halt_participating_devices (thr_task_t* thr)
if (thr->peer) hio_dev_thr_halt (thr->peer);
static int thr_task_write_to_client (thr_task_t* thr, const void* data, hio_iolen_t dlen)
static int thr_write_to_client (thr_task_t* thr, const void* data, hio_iolen_t dlen)
if (thr->task_csck)
@ -115,7 +114,7 @@ static int thr_task_write_to_client (thr_task_t* thr, const void* data, hio_iole
return -1;
if (thr->num_pending_writes_to_client > THR_TASK_PENDING_IO_THRESHOLD)
if (thr->num_pending_writes_to_client > THR_PENDING_IO_THRESHOLD)
if (hio_dev_thr_read(thr->peer, 0) <= -1) return -1;
@ -123,7 +122,7 @@ static int thr_task_write_to_client (thr_task_t* thr, const void* data, hio_iole
return 0;
static int thr_task_writev_to_client (thr_task_t* thr, hio_iovec_t* iov, hio_iolen_t iovcnt)
static int thr_writev_to_client (thr_task_t* thr, hio_iovec_t* iov, hio_iolen_t iovcnt)
if (thr->task_csck)
@ -136,7 +135,7 @@ static int thr_task_writev_to_client (thr_task_t* thr, hio_iovec_t* iov, hio_iol
return -1;
if (thr->num_pending_writes_to_client > THR_TASK_PENDING_IO_THRESHOLD)
if (thr->num_pending_writes_to_client > THR_PENDING_IO_THRESHOLD)
if (hio_dev_thr_read(thr->peer, 0) <= -1) return -1;
@ -144,54 +143,32 @@ static int thr_task_writev_to_client (thr_task_t* thr, hio_iovec_t* iov, hio_iol
return 0;
static int thr_task_send_final_status_to_client (thr_task_t* thr, int status_code, int force_close)
static int thr_send_final_status_to_client (thr_task_t* thr, int status_code, int force_close)
hio_svc_htts_cli_t* cli = thr->task_client;
hio_bch_t dtbuf[64];
const hio_bch_t* status_msg;
hio_oow_t content_len;
hio_svc_htts_fmtgmtime (cli->htts, HIO_NULL, dtbuf, HIO_COUNTOF(dtbuf));
status_msg = hio_http_status_to_bcstr(status_code);
content_len = hio_count_bcstr(status_msg);
if (!force_close) force_close = !thr->keep_alive;
if (hio_becs_fmt(cli->sbuf, "HTTP/%d.%d %d %hs\r\nServer: %hs\r\nDate: %hs\r\nConnection: %hs\r\n",
thr->task_req_version.major, thr->task_req_version.minor,
status_code, status_msg,
cli->htts->server_name, dtbuf,
(force_close? "close": "keep-alive")) == (hio_oow_t)-1) return -1;
if (thr->task_req_method == HIO_HTTP_HEAD)
if (status_code != HIO_HTTP_STATUS_OK) content_len = 0;
status_msg = "";
if (hio_becs_fcat(cli->sbuf, "Content-Type: text/plain\r\nContent-Length: %zu\r\n\r\n%hs", content_len, status_msg) == (hio_oow_t)-1) return -1;
thr->task_status_code = status_code;
return (thr_task_write_to_client(thr, HIO_BECS_PTR(cli->sbuf), HIO_BECS_LEN(cli->sbuf)) <= -1 ||
(force_close && thr_task_write_to_client(thr, HIO_NULL, 0) <= -1))? -1: 0;
if (!cli) return 0; /* client disconnected probably */
if (hio_svc_htts_task_buildfinalres(thr, status_code, HIO_NULL, HIO_NULL, force_close) <= -1) return -1;
return (thr_write_to_client(thr, HIO_BECS_PTR(cli->sbuf), HIO_BECS_LEN(cli->sbuf)) <= -1 ||
(force_close && thr_write_to_client(thr, HIO_NULL, 0) <= -1))? -1: 0;
static int thr_task_write_last_chunk_to_client (thr_task_t* thr)
static int thr_write_last_chunk_to_client (thr_task_t* thr)
if (!thr->ever_attempted_to_write_to_client)
if (thr_task_send_final_status_to_client(thr, HIO_HTTP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, 0) <= -1) return -1;
if (thr_send_final_status_to_client(thr, HIO_HTTP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, 0) <= -1) return -1;
if (thr->res_mode_to_cli == THR_TASK_RES_MODE_CHUNKED &&
thr_task_write_to_client(thr, "0\r\n\r\n", 5) <= -1) return -1;
if (thr->res_mode_to_cli == THR_RES_MODE_CHUNKED &&
thr_write_to_client(thr, "0\r\n\r\n", 5) <= -1) return -1;
if (!thr->keep_alive && thr_task_write_to_client(thr, HIO_NULL, 0) <= -1) return -1;
if (!thr->task_keep_client_alive && thr_write_to_client(thr, HIO_NULL, 0) <= -1) return -1;
return 0;
static int thr_task_write_to_peer (thr_task_t* thr, const void* data, hio_iolen_t dlen)
static int thr_write_to_peer (thr_task_t* thr, const void* data, hio_iolen_t dlen)
if (thr->peer)
@ -203,7 +180,7 @@ static int thr_task_write_to_peer (thr_task_t* thr, const void* data, hio_iolen_
/* TODO: check if it's already finished or something.. */
if (thr->num_pending_writes_to_peer > THR_TASK_PENDING_IO_THRESHOLD)
if (thr->num_pending_writes_to_peer > THR_PENDING_IO_THRESHOLD)
if (thr->task_csck && hio_dev_sck_read(thr->task_csck, 0) <= -1) return -1;
@ -222,7 +199,7 @@ static HIO_INLINE void thr_task_mark_over (thr_task_t* thr, int over_bits)
HIO_DEBUG8 (hio, "HTTS(%p) - thr(t=%p,c=%p[%d],p=%p) - old_over=%x | new-bits=%x => over=%x\n", thr->htts, thr, thr->task_client, (thr->task_csck? thr->task_csck->hnd: -1), thr->peer, (int)old_over, (int)over_bits, (int)thr->over);
if (!(old_over & THR_OVER_READ_FROM_CLIENT) && (thr->over & THR_OVER_READ_FROM_CLIENT))
if (thr->task_csck && hio_dev_sck_read(thr->task_csck, 0) <= -1)
@ -231,7 +208,7 @@ static HIO_INLINE void thr_task_mark_over (thr_task_t* thr, int over_bits)
if (!(old_over & THR_TASK_OVER_READ_FROM_PEER) && (thr->over & THR_TASK_OVER_READ_FROM_PEER))
if (!(old_over & THR_OVER_READ_FROM_PEER) && (thr->over & THR_OVER_READ_FROM_PEER))
if (thr->peer && hio_dev_thr_read(thr->peer, 0) <= -1)
@ -240,7 +217,7 @@ static HIO_INLINE void thr_task_mark_over (thr_task_t* thr, int over_bits)
if (old_over != THR_TASK_OVER_ALL && thr->over == THR_TASK_OVER_ALL)
if (old_over != THR_OVER_ALL && thr->over == THR_OVER_ALL)
/* ready to stop */
if (thr->peer)
@ -253,7 +230,7 @@ static HIO_INLINE void thr_task_mark_over (thr_task_t* thr, int over_bits)
HIO_ASSERT (hio, thr->task_client != HIO_NULL);
if (thr->keep_alive && !thr->client_eof_detected)
if (thr->task_keep_client_alive && !thr->client_eof_detected)
/* how to arrange to delete this thr_task object and put the socket back to the normal waiting state??? */
HIO_ASSERT (thr->htts->hio, thr->task_client->task == (hio_svc_htts_task_t*)thr);
@ -313,7 +290,7 @@ static void thr_task_on_kill (hio_svc_htts_task_t* task)
if (thr->client_org_on_disconnect) thr->task_csck->on_disconnect = thr->client_org_on_disconnect;
if (thr->client_htrd_recbs_changed) hio_htrd_setrecbs (thr->task_client->htrd, &thr->client_htrd_org_recbs);
if (!thr->keep_alive || hio_dev_sck_read(thr->task_csck, 1) <= -1)
if (!thr->task_keep_client_alive || hio_dev_sck_read(thr->task_csck, 1) <= -1)
HIO_DEBUG5 (hio, "HTTS(%p) - thr(t=%p,c=%p[%d],p=%p) - halting client for failure to enable input watching\n", thr->htts, thr, thr->task_client, (thr->task_csck? thr->task_csck->hnd: -1), thr->peer);
hio_dev_sck_halt (thr->task_csck);
@ -361,17 +338,17 @@ static void thr_peer_on_close (hio_dev_thr_t* peer, hio_dev_thr_sid_t sid)
HIO_ASSERT (hio, thr->peer == peer);
HIO_DEBUG3 (hio, "HTTS(%p) - peer %p closing slave[%d]\n", thr->htts, peer, sid);
if (!(thr->over & THR_TASK_OVER_READ_FROM_PEER))
if (!(thr->over & THR_OVER_READ_FROM_PEER))
if (thr_task_write_last_chunk_to_client(thr) <= -1)
if (thr_write_last_chunk_to_client(thr) <= -1)
thr_task_halt_participating_devices (thr);
thr_task_mark_over (thr, THR_TASK_OVER_READ_FROM_PEER);
thr_task_mark_over (thr, THR_OVER_READ_FROM_PEER);
thr_task_mark_over (thr, THR_TASK_OVER_WRITE_TO_PEER);
thr_task_mark_over (thr, THR_OVER_WRITE_TO_PEER);
@ -399,14 +376,14 @@ static int thr_peer_on_read (hio_dev_thr_t* peer, const void* data, hio_iolen_t
HIO_DEBUG2 (hio, "HTTPS(%p) - EOF from peer %p\n", thr->htts, peer);
if (!(thr->over & THR_TASK_OVER_READ_FROM_PEER))
if (!(thr->over & THR_OVER_READ_FROM_PEER))
int n;
/* the thr script could be misbehaviing.
* it still has to read more but EOF is read.
* otherwise client_peer_htrd_poke() should have been called */
n = thr_task_write_last_chunk_to_client(thr);
thr_task_mark_over (thr, THR_TASK_OVER_READ_FROM_PEER);
n = thr_write_last_chunk_to_client(thr);
thr_task_mark_over (thr, THR_OVER_READ_FROM_PEER);
if (n <= -1) goto oops;
@ -414,16 +391,16 @@ static int thr_peer_on_read (hio_dev_thr_t* peer, const void* data, hio_iolen_t
hio_oow_t rem;
HIO_ASSERT (hio, !(thr->over & THR_OVER_READ_FROM_PEER));
if (hio_htrd_feed(thr->peer_htrd, data, dlen, &rem) <= -1)
HIO_DEBUG2 (hio, "HTTPS(%p) - unable to feed peer htrd - peer %p\n", thr->htts, peer);
if (!thr->ever_attempted_to_write_to_client &&
!(thr->over & THR_OVER_WRITE_TO_CLIENT))
thr_task_send_final_status_to_client (thr, HIO_HTTP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, 1); /* don't care about error because it jumps to oops below anyway */
thr_send_final_status_to_client (thr, HIO_HTTP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, 1); /* don't care about error because it jumps to oops below anyway */
goto oops;
@ -485,7 +462,7 @@ static int thr_peer_htrd_peek (hio_htrd_t* htrd, hio_htre_t* req)
if (req->attr.content_length)
// TOOD: remove content_length if content_length is negative or not numeric.
thr->res_mode_to_cli = THR_TASK_RES_MODE_LENGTH;
thr->res_mode_to_cli = THR_RES_MODE_LENGTH;
if (req->attr.status) hio_parse_http_status_header_value(req->attr.status, &status_code, &status_desc);
@ -501,23 +478,23 @@ static int thr_peer_htrd_peek (hio_htrd_t* htrd, hio_htre_t* req)
switch (thr->res_mode_to_cli)
if (hio_becs_cat(cli->sbuf, "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n") == (hio_oow_t)-1) return -1;
/*if (hio_becs_cat(cli->sbuf, "Connection: keep-alive\r\n") == (hio_oow_t)-1) return -1;*/
if (hio_becs_cat(cli->sbuf, "Connection: close\r\n") == (hio_oow_t)-1) return -1;
if (hio_becs_cat(cli->sbuf, (thr->keep_alive? "Connection: keep-alive\r\n": "Connection: close\r\n")) == (hio_oow_t)-1) return -1;
if (hio_becs_cat(cli->sbuf, (thr->task_keep_client_alive? "Connection: keep-alive\r\n": "Connection: close\r\n")) == (hio_oow_t)-1) return -1;
if (hio_becs_cat(cli->sbuf, "\r\n") == (hio_oow_t)-1) return -1;
thr->task_status_code = status_code;
return thr_task_write_to_client(thr, HIO_BECS_PTR(cli->sbuf), HIO_BECS_LEN(cli->sbuf));
return thr_write_to_client(thr, HIO_BECS_PTR(cli->sbuf), HIO_BECS_LEN(cli->sbuf));
static int thr_peer_htrd_poke (hio_htrd_t* htrd, hio_htre_t* req)
@ -526,9 +503,9 @@ static int thr_peer_htrd_poke (hio_htrd_t* htrd, hio_htre_t* req)
thr_peer_xtn_t* peer_xtn = hio_htrd_getxtn(htrd);
thr_task_t* thr = peer_xtn->task;
if (thr_task_write_last_chunk_to_client(thr) <= -1) return -1;
if (thr_write_last_chunk_to_client(thr) <= -1) return -1;
thr_task_mark_over (thr, THR_TASK_OVER_READ_FROM_PEER);
thr_task_mark_over (thr, THR_OVER_READ_FROM_PEER);
return 0;
@ -541,7 +518,7 @@ static int thr_peer_htrd_push_content (hio_htrd_t* htrd, hio_htre_t* req, const
switch (thr->res_mode_to_cli)
hio_iovec_t iov[3];
hio_bch_t lbuf[16];
@ -560,17 +537,17 @@ static int thr_peer_htrd_push_content (hio_htrd_t* htrd, hio_htre_t* req, const
iov[2].iov_ptr = "\r\n";
iov[2].iov_len = 2;
if (thr_task_writev_to_client(thr, iov, HIO_COUNTOF(iov)) <= -1) goto oops;
if (thr_writev_to_client(thr, iov, HIO_COUNTOF(iov)) <= -1) goto oops;
if (thr_task_write_to_client(thr, data, dlen) <= -1) goto oops;
if (thr_write_to_client(thr, data, dlen) <= -1) goto oops;
if (thr->num_pending_writes_to_client > THR_TASK_PENDING_IO_THRESHOLD)
if (thr->num_pending_writes_to_client > THR_PENDING_IO_THRESHOLD)
if (hio_dev_thr_read(thr->peer, 0) <= -1) goto oops;
@ -597,9 +574,9 @@ static int thr_client_htrd_poke (hio_htrd_t* htrd, hio_htre_t* req)
thr_task_t* thr = (thr_task_t*)cli->task;
/* indicate EOF to the client peer */
if (thr_task_write_to_peer(thr, HIO_NULL, 0) <= -1) return -1;
if (thr_write_to_peer(thr, HIO_NULL, 0) <= -1) return -1;
thr_task_mark_over (thr, THR_TASK_OVER_READ_FROM_CLIENT);
thr_task_mark_over (thr, THR_OVER_READ_FROM_CLIENT);
return 0;
@ -611,7 +588,7 @@ static int thr_client_htrd_push_content (hio_htrd_t* htrd, hio_htre_t* req, cons
thr_task_t* thr = (thr_task_t*)cli->task;
HIO_ASSERT (sck->hio, cli->sck == sck);
return thr_task_write_to_peer(thr, data, dlen);
return thr_write_to_peer(thr, data, dlen);
static hio_htrd_recbs_t thr_client_htrd_recbs =
@ -646,22 +623,22 @@ static int thr_peer_on_write (hio_dev_thr_t* peer, hio_iolen_t wrlen, void* wrct
HIO_DEBUG2 (hio, "HTTS(%p) - indicated EOF to peer %p\n", thr->htts, peer);
/* indicated EOF to the peer side. i need no more data from the client side.
* i don't need to enable input watching in the client side either */
thr_task_mark_over (thr, THR_TASK_OVER_WRITE_TO_PEER);
thr_task_mark_over (thr, THR_OVER_WRITE_TO_PEER);
HIO_ASSERT (hio, thr->num_pending_writes_to_peer > 0);
if (thr->num_pending_writes_to_peer == THR_TASK_PENDING_IO_THRESHOLD)
if (thr->num_pending_writes_to_peer == THR_PENDING_IO_THRESHOLD)
if (!(thr->over & THR_TASK_OVER_READ_FROM_CLIENT) &&
if (!(thr->over & THR_OVER_READ_FROM_CLIENT) &&
hio_dev_sck_read(thr->task_csck, 1) <= -1) goto oops;
if ((thr->over & THR_TASK_OVER_READ_FROM_CLIENT) && thr->num_pending_writes_to_peer <= 0)
if ((thr->over & THR_OVER_READ_FROM_CLIENT) && thr->num_pending_writes_to_peer <= 0)
thr_task_mark_over (thr, THR_TASK_OVER_WRITE_TO_PEER);
thr_task_mark_over (thr, THR_OVER_WRITE_TO_PEER);
@ -723,11 +700,11 @@ static int thr_client_on_read (hio_dev_sck_t* sck, const void* buf, hio_iolen_t
HIO_DEBUG3 (hio, "HTTPS(%p) - EOF from client %p(hnd=%d)\n", thr->htts, sck, (int)sck->hnd);
thr->client_eof_detected = 1;
if (!(thr->over & THR_TASK_OVER_READ_FROM_CLIENT)) /* if this is true, EOF is received without thr_client_htrd_poke() */
if (!(thr->over & THR_OVER_READ_FROM_CLIENT)) /* if this is true, EOF is received without thr_client_htrd_poke() */
int n;
n = thr_task_write_to_peer(thr, HIO_NULL, 0);
thr_task_mark_over (thr, THR_TASK_OVER_READ_FROM_CLIENT);
n = thr_write_to_peer(thr, HIO_NULL, 0);
thr_task_mark_over (thr, THR_OVER_READ_FROM_CLIENT);
if (n <= -1) goto oops;
@ -735,7 +712,7 @@ static int thr_client_on_read (hio_dev_sck_t* sck, const void* buf, hio_iolen_t
hio_oow_t rem;
if (hio_htrd_feed(cli->htrd, buf, len, &rem) <= -1) goto oops;
@ -774,22 +751,22 @@ static int thr_client_on_write (hio_dev_sck_t* sck, hio_iolen_t wrlen, void* wrc
/* since EOF has been indicated to the client, it must not write to the client any further.
* this also means that i don't need any data from the peer side either.
* i don't need to enable input watching on the peer side */
thr_task_mark_over (thr, THR_TASK_OVER_WRITE_TO_CLIENT);
thr_task_mark_over (thr, THR_OVER_WRITE_TO_CLIENT);
HIO_ASSERT (hio, thr->num_pending_writes_to_client > 0);
if (thr->peer && thr->num_pending_writes_to_client == THR_TASK_PENDING_IO_THRESHOLD)
if (thr->peer && thr->num_pending_writes_to_client == THR_PENDING_IO_THRESHOLD)
if (!(thr->over & THR_TASK_OVER_READ_FROM_PEER) &&
if (!(thr->over & THR_OVER_READ_FROM_PEER) &&
hio_dev_thr_read(thr->peer, 1) <= -1) goto oops;
if ((thr->over & THR_TASK_OVER_READ_FROM_PEER) && thr->num_pending_writes_to_client <= 0)
if ((thr->over & THR_OVER_READ_FROM_PEER) && thr->num_pending_writes_to_client <= 0)
thr_task_mark_over (thr, THR_TASK_OVER_WRITE_TO_CLIENT);
thr_task_mark_over (thr, THR_OVER_WRITE_TO_CLIENT);
@ -966,7 +943,7 @@ int hio_svc_htts_dothr (hio_svc_htts_t* htts, hio_dev_sck_t* csck, hio_htre_t* r
* option 2. send 411 Length Required immediately
* option 3. set Content-Length to -1 and use EOF to indicate the end of content [Non-Standard] */
if (thr_task_send_final_status_to_client(thr, HIO_HTTP_STATUS_LENGTH_REQUIRED, 1) <= -1) goto oops;
if (thr_send_final_status_to_client(thr, HIO_HTTP_STATUS_LENGTH_REQUIRED, 1) <= -1) goto oops;
@ -995,14 +972,14 @@ int hio_svc_htts_dothr (hio_svc_htts_t* htts, hio_dev_sck_t* csck, hio_htre_t* r
hio_oow_t msglen;
msglen = hio_fmttobcstr(hio, msgbuf, HIO_COUNTOF(msgbuf), "HTTP/%d.%d %d %hs\r\n\r\n", thr->task_req_version.major, thr->task_req_version.minor, HIO_HTTP_STATUS_CONTINUE, hio_http_status_to_bcstr(HIO_HTTP_STATUS_CONTINUE));
if (thr_task_write_to_client(thr, msgbuf, msglen) <= -1) goto oops;
if (thr_write_to_client(thr, msgbuf, msglen) <= -1) goto oops;
thr->ever_attempted_to_write_to_client = 0; /* reset this as it's polluted for 100 continue */
else if (req->flags & HIO_HTRE_ATTR_EXPECT)
/* 417 Expectation Failed */
thr_task_send_final_status_to_client(thr, HIO_HTTP_STATUS_EXPECTATION_FAILED, 1);
thr_send_final_status_to_client(thr, HIO_HTTP_STATUS_EXPECTATION_FAILED, 1);
goto oops;
@ -1023,25 +1000,16 @@ int hio_svc_htts_dothr (hio_svc_htts_t* htts, hio_dev_sck_t* csck, hio_htre_t* r
/* no content to be uploaded from the client */
/* indicate EOF to the peer and disable input wathching from the client */
if (thr_task_write_to_peer(thr, HIO_NULL, 0) <= -1) goto oops;
if (thr_write_to_peer(thr, HIO_NULL, 0) <= -1) goto oops;
/* this may change later if Content-Length is included in the thr output */
if (req->flags & HIO_HTRE_ATTR_KEEPALIVE)
thr->keep_alive = 1;
thr->res_mode_to_cli = THR_TASK_RES_MODE_CHUNKED;
/* the mode still can get switched to THR_TASK_RES_MODE_LENGTH if the thr script emits Content-Length */
thr->keep_alive = 0;
thr->res_mode_to_cli = THR_TASK_RES_MODE_CLOSE;
thr->res_mode_to_cli = thr->task_keep_client_alive? THR_RES_MODE_CHUNKED: THR_RES_MODE_CLOSE;
/* the mode still can get switched from THR_RES_MODE_CHUNKED to THR_RES_MODE_LENGTH
if the thread function emits Content-Length */
/* TODO: store current input watching state and use it when destroying the thr_task data */
if (hio_dev_sck_read(csck, !(thr->over & THR_TASK_OVER_READ_FROM_CLIENT)) <= -1) goto oops;
if (hio_dev_sck_read(csck, !(thr->over & THR_OVER_READ_FROM_CLIENT)) <= -1) goto oops;
HIO_SVC_HTTS_TASKL_APPEND_TASK (&htts->task, (hio_svc_htts_task_t*)thr);
return 0;
@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ struct txt_t
hio_oow_t num_pending_writes_to_client;
unsigned int over: 2; /* must be large enough to accomodate TXT_OVER_ALL */
unsigned int keep_alive: 1;
unsigned int req_content_length_unlimited: 1;
unsigned int client_eof_detected: 1;
unsigned int client_disconnected: 1;
@ -92,36 +91,9 @@ static int txt_writev_to_client (txt_t* txt, hio_iovec_t* iov, hio_iolen_t iovcn
static int txt_send_final_status_to_client (txt_t* txt, int status_code, const hio_bch_t* content_type, const hio_bch_t* content_text, int force_close)
hio_svc_htts_cli_t* cli = txt->task_client;
hio_bch_t dtbuf[64];
hio_oow_t content_text_len = 0;
hio_svc_htts_fmtgmtime (cli->htts, HIO_NULL, dtbuf, HIO_COUNTOF(dtbuf));
if (!force_close) force_close = !txt->keep_alive;
if (hio_becs_fmt(cli->sbuf, "HTTP/%d.%d %d %hs\r\nServer: %hs\r\nDate: %hs\r\nConnection: %hs\r\n",
txt->task_req_version.major, txt->task_req_version.minor,
status_code, hio_http_status_to_bcstr(status_code),
cli->htts->server_name, dtbuf,
(force_close? "close": "keep-alive")) == (hio_oow_t)-1) return -1;
if (content_text)
content_text_len = hio_count_bcstr(content_text);
if (txt->task_req_method == HIO_HTTP_HEAD)
if (status_code != HIO_HTTP_STATUS_OK) content_text_len = 0;
content_text = "";
if (content_type && hio_becs_fcat(cli->sbuf, "Content-Type: %hs\r\n", content_type) == (hio_oow_t)-1) return -1;
if (hio_becs_fcat(cli->sbuf, "Content-Length: %zu\r\n\r\n", content_text_len) == (hio_oow_t)-1) return -1;
txt->task_status_code = status_code;
if (!cli) return 0; /* client disconnected probably */
if (hio_svc_htts_task_buildfinalres(txt, status_code, content_type, content_text, force_close) <= -1) return -1;
return (txt_write_to_client(txt, HIO_BECS_PTR(cli->sbuf), HIO_BECS_LEN(cli->sbuf)) <= -1 ||
(content_text_len > 0 && txt_write_to_client(txt, content_text, content_text_len) <= -1) ||
(force_close && txt_write_to_client(txt, HIO_NULL, 0) <= -1))? -1: 0;
@ -146,7 +118,7 @@ static HIO_INLINE void txt_mark_over (txt_t* txt, int over_bits)
if (old_over != TXT_OVER_ALL && txt->over == TXT_OVER_ALL)
/* ready to stop */
if (txt->keep_alive && !txt->client_eof_detected)
if (txt->task_keep_client_alive && !txt->client_eof_detected)
/* how to arrange to delete this txt object and put the socket back to the normal waiting state??? */
HIO_ASSERT (txt->htts->hio, txt->task_client->task == (hio_svc_htts_task_t*)txt);
@ -185,7 +157,7 @@ static void txt_on_kill (hio_svc_htts_task_t* task)
if (!txt->client_disconnected)
if (!txt->keep_alive || hio_dev_sck_read(txt->task_csck, 1) <= -1)
if (!txt->task_keep_client_alive || hio_dev_sck_read(txt->task_csck, 1) <= -1)
HIO_DEBUG2 (hio, "HTTS(%p) - halting client(%p) for failure to enable input watching\n", txt->htts, txt->task_csck);
hio_dev_sck_halt (txt->task_csck);
@ -378,9 +350,6 @@ int hio_svc_htts_dotxt (hio_svc_htts_t* htts, hio_dev_sck_t* csck, hio_htre_t* r
txt_mark_over (txt, TXT_OVER_READ_FROM_CLIENT);
/* this may change later if Content-Length is included in the txt output */
txt->keep_alive = !!(req->flags & HIO_HTRE_ATTR_KEEPALIVE);
/* TODO: store current input watching state and use it when destroying the txt data */
if (hio_dev_sck_read(csck, !(txt->over & TXT_OVER_READ_FROM_CLIENT)) <= -1) goto oops;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user