fixed more fcgi bugs
This commit is contained in:
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ struct fcgi_t
unsigned int keep_alive: 1;
unsigned int req_content_length_unlimited: 1;
unsigned int ever_attempted_to_write_to_client: 1;
unsigned int last_chunk_sent: 1;
unsigned int client_disconnected: 1;
unsigned int client_eof_detected: 1;
unsigned int client_htrd_recbs_changed: 1;
@ -163,6 +164,10 @@ static int fcgi_send_final_status_to_client (fcgi_t* fcgi, int status_code, int
static int fcgi_write_last_chunk_to_client (fcgi_t* fcgi)
if (!fcgi->last_chunk_sent)
fcgi->last_chunk_sent = 1;
if (!fcgi->ever_attempted_to_write_to_client)
if (fcgi_send_final_status_to_client(fcgi, HIO_HTTP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, 0) <= -1) return -1;
@ -174,6 +179,7 @@ static int fcgi_write_last_chunk_to_client (fcgi_t* fcgi)
if (!fcgi->keep_alive && fcgi_write_to_client(fcgi, HIO_NULL, 0) <= -1) return -1;
return 0;
@ -303,8 +309,7 @@ static void fcgi_peer_on_untie (hio_svc_fcgic_sess_t* peer, void* ctx)
* fcgi_halt_participating_devices() calls hio_svc_fcgi_untie() again
* to cause an infinite loop if we don't reset fcgi->peer to HIO_NULL here */
fcgi->peer = HIO_NULL;
//fcgi_write_last_chunk_to_client (fcgi);
fcgi_write_last_chunk_to_client (fcgi);
fcgi_halt_participating_devices (fcgi); /* TODO: kill the session only??? */
@ -890,48 +895,16 @@ static void unbind_task_from_peer (fcgi_t* fcgi, int rcdown)
int hio_svc_htts_dofcgi (hio_svc_htts_t* htts, hio_dev_sck_t* csck, hio_htre_t* req, const hio_skad_t* fcgis_addr, const hio_bch_t* docroot, const hio_bch_t* script, int options)
static int setup_for_expect100 (fcgi_t* fcgi, hio_htre_t* req, int options)
hio_t* hio = htts->hio;
fcgi_t* fcgi = HIO_NULL;
/* ensure that you call this function before any contents is received */
HIO_ASSERT (hio, hio_htre_getcontentlen(req) == 0);
if (HIO_UNLIKELY(!htts->fcgic))
hio_seterrbfmt (hio, HIO_ENOCAPA, "fcgi client service not enabled");
goto oops;
fcgi = (fcgi_t*)hio_svc_htts_task_make(htts, HIO_SIZEOF(*fcgi), fcgi_on_kill);
if (HIO_UNLIKELY(!fcgi)) goto oops;
/*fcgi->num_pending_writes_to_client = 0;
fcgi->num_pending_writes_to_peer = 0;*/
fcgi->req_method = hio_htre_getqmethodtype(req);
fcgi->req_version = *hio_htre_getversion(req);
fcgi->req_content_length_unlimited = hio_htre_getreqcontentlen(req, &fcgi->req_content_length);
bind_task_to_client (fcgi, csck);
if (bind_task_to_peer(fcgi, fcgis_addr) <= -1) goto oops;
if (hio_svc_fcgic_beginrequest(fcgi->peer) <= -1) goto oops;
/* write FCGI_PARAM */
if (write_params(fcgi, csck, req, docroot, script) <= -1) goto oops;
if (hio_svc_fcgic_writeparam(fcgi->peer, HIO_NULL, 0, HIO_NULL, 0) <= -1) goto oops; /* end of params */
if (fcgi->req_content_length_unlimited)
/* Transfer-Encoding is chunked. no content-length is known in advance. */
/* option 1. buffer contents. if it gets too large, send 413 Request Entity Too Large.
* option 2. send 411 Length Required immediately
* option 3. set Content-Length to -1 and use EOF to indicate the end of content [Non-Standard] */
if (fcgi_send_final_status_to_client(fcgi, HIO_HTTP_STATUS_LENGTH_REQUIRED, 1) <= -1) goto oops;
if (fcgi_send_final_status_to_client(fcgi, HIO_HTTP_STATUS_LENGTH_REQUIRED, 1) <= -1) return -1;
@ -959,8 +932,8 @@ int hio_svc_htts_dofcgi (hio_svc_htts_t* htts, hio_dev_sck_t* csck, hio_htre_t*
hio_bch_t msgbuf[64];
hio_oow_t msglen;
msglen = hio_fmttobcstr(hio, msgbuf, HIO_COUNTOF(msgbuf), "HTTP/%d.%d %d %hs\r\n\r\n", fcgi->req_version.major, fcgi->req_version.minor, HIO_HTTP_STATUS_CONTINUE, hio_http_status_to_bcstr(HIO_HTTP_STATUS_CONTINUE));
if (fcgi_write_to_client(fcgi, msgbuf, msglen) <= -1) goto oops;
msglen = hio_fmttobcstr(fcgi->htts->hio, msgbuf, HIO_COUNTOF(msgbuf), "HTTP/%d.%d %d %hs\r\n\r\n", fcgi->req_version.major, fcgi->req_version.minor, HIO_HTTP_STATUS_CONTINUE, hio_http_status_to_bcstr(HIO_HTTP_STATUS_CONTINUE));
if (fcgi_write_to_client(fcgi, msgbuf, msglen) <= -1) return -1;
fcgi->ever_attempted_to_write_to_client = 0; /* reset this as it's polluted for 100 continue */
@ -968,9 +941,14 @@ int hio_svc_htts_dofcgi (hio_svc_htts_t* htts, hio_dev_sck_t* csck, hio_htre_t*
/* 417 Expectation Failed */
fcgi_send_final_status_to_client(fcgi, HIO_HTTP_STATUS_EXPECTATION_FAILED, 1);
goto oops;
return -1;
return 0;
static int setup_for_content_length(fcgi_t* fcgi, hio_htre_t* req)
if (fcgi->req_content_length_unlimited)
@ -995,7 +973,7 @@ int hio_svc_htts_dofcgi (hio_svc_htts_t* htts, hio_dev_sck_t* csck, hio_htre_t*
/* no content to be uploaded from the client */
/* indicate end of stdin to the peer and disable input wathching from the client */
if (fcgi_write_stdin_to_peer(fcgi, HIO_NULL, 0) <= -1) goto oops;
if (fcgi_write_stdin_to_peer(fcgi, HIO_NULL, 0) <= -1) return -1;
@ -1015,9 +993,46 @@ int hio_svc_htts_dofcgi (hio_svc_htts_t* htts, hio_dev_sck_t* csck, hio_htre_t*
fcgi->res_mode_to_cli = FCGI_RES_MODE_CLOSE;
return 0;
int hio_svc_htts_dofcgi (hio_svc_htts_t* htts, hio_dev_sck_t* csck, hio_htre_t* req, const hio_skad_t* fcgis_addr, const hio_bch_t* docroot, const hio_bch_t* script, int options)
hio_t* hio = htts->hio;
fcgi_t* fcgi = HIO_NULL;
/* ensure that you call this function before any contents is received */
HIO_ASSERT (hio, hio_htre_getcontentlen(req) == 0);
if (HIO_UNLIKELY(!htts->fcgic))
hio_seterrbfmt (hio, HIO_ENOCAPA, "fcgi client service not enabled");
goto oops;
fcgi = (fcgi_t*)hio_svc_htts_task_make(htts, HIO_SIZEOF(*fcgi), fcgi_on_kill);
if (HIO_UNLIKELY(!fcgi)) goto oops;
/*fcgi->num_pending_writes_to_client = 0;
fcgi->num_pending_writes_to_peer = 0;*/
fcgi->req_method = hio_htre_getqmethodtype(req);
fcgi->req_version = *hio_htre_getversion(req);
fcgi->req_content_length_unlimited = hio_htre_getreqcontentlen(req, &fcgi->req_content_length);
bind_task_to_client (fcgi, csck);
if (bind_task_to_peer(fcgi, fcgis_addr) <= -1) goto oops;
if (setup_for_expect100(fcgi, req, options) <= -1) goto oops;
if (setup_for_content_length(fcgi, req) <= -1) goto oops;
/* TODO: store current input watching state and use it when destroying the fcgi data */
if (hio_dev_sck_read(csck, !(fcgi->over & FCGI_OVER_READ_FROM_CLIENT)) <= -1) goto oops;
if (hio_svc_fcgic_beginrequest(fcgi->peer) <= -1) goto oops;
/* write FCGI_PARAM */
if (write_params(fcgi, csck, req, docroot, script) <= -1) goto oops;
if (hio_svc_fcgic_writeparam(fcgi->peer, HIO_NULL, 0, HIO_NULL, 0) <= -1) goto oops; /* end of params */
HIO_SVC_HTTS_TASKL_APPEND_TASK (&htts->task, (hio_svc_htts_task_t*)fcgi);
return 0;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user