
21 lines
663 B

type Unicode_Character_Type is (<>);
type UTF8_Character_Type is (<>);
package H2.UTF8 is
Invalid_Unicode_Character: exception;
subtype Unicode_Character is Unicode_Character_Type;
subtype UTF8_Character is UTF8_Character_Type;
type UTF8_String is array(System_Index range<>) of UTF8_Character;
type Unicode_String is array(System_Index range<>) of Unicode_Character;
function Unicode_To_UTF8 (UC: in Unicode_Character) return UTF8_String;
function Unicode_To_UTF8 (US: in Unicode_String) return UTF8_String;
--procedure UTF8_To_Unicode (UTF8: in UTF8_String;
-- UC: out Unicode_Character_Type);
end H2.UTF8;