
347 lines
15 KiB

-- ##### # # #####
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-- # # # # # # ## ## # # # #
-- ##### # ###### ##### # ## # ##### ##### ####### #####
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-- # # # # # # # # # # # # #
-- ##### #### # # ###### # # ###### # # #######
with System;
with System.Storage_Pools;
with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
-- TODO: delete these after debugging
with ada.text_io;
with ada.wide_text_io;
with ada.integer_text_io;
with ada.long_integer_text_io;
--with system.address_image;
-- TODO: delete above after debugging
package H2.Scheme is
-- An object pointer takes up as many bytes as a system word.
Object_Pointer_Bits: constant := System.Word_Size;
Object_Pointer_Bytes: constant := Object_Pointer_Bits / System.Storage_Unit;
-- I use the lower 2 bits to indicate the type of an object pointer.
-- A real object pointer is typically allocated on a word boundary.
-- As a result, the lower 2 bits should always be 0. Using this
-- property, I keep some other values at the lower 2 bits to indicate
-- some other direct values like an integer or a character.
Object_Pointer_Type_Bits: constant := 2;
type Object_Pointer_Type is mod 2 ** Object_Pointer_Type_Bits;
Object_Pointer_Type_Pointer: constant Object_Pointer_Type := 2#00#;
Object_Pointer_Type_Integer: constant Object_Pointer_Type := 2#01#;
Object_Pointer_Type_Character: constant Object_Pointer_Type := 2#10#;
Object_Pointer_Type_Byte: constant Object_Pointer_Type := 2#11#;
Object_Pointer_Type_Mask: constant Object_Pointer_Type := 2#11#;
type Object_Record;
type Object_Pointer is access all Object_Record;
for Object_Pointer'Size use Object_Pointer_Bits;
-- Object_Word is a numeric type as large as Object_Poinetr;
type Object_Word is mod 2 ** Object_Pointer_Bits;
for Object_Word'Size use Object_Pointer_Bits;
-- Object_Signed_Word is the signed version of Object_Word.
-- Note Object_Word is a modular type while this is a signed range.
type Object_Signed_Word is range -(2 ** (Object_Pointer_Bits - 1)) ..
+(2 ** (Object_Pointer_Bits - 1)) - 1;
for Object_Signed_Word'Size use Object_Pointer_Bits;
-- The actual number of bits for an integer the number of bits excluding
-- the pointer type bits.
Object_Integer_Bits: constant := Object_Pointer_Bits - Object_Pointer_Type_Bits;
-- Object_Integer represents the range of SmallInteger.
-- It defines an integer that can be held in the upper Object_Integer_Bits
-- bits. Conversion functions betwen Object_Integer and Object_Pointer
-- use the highest 1 bit to represent the sign after shifting. So, the
-- range is shrunk further by 1 bit, resulting in -2 in the foluma below.
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- type Object_Integer is range -(2 ** (Object_Integer_Bits - 2)) ..
-- +(2 ** (Object_Integer_Bits - 2)) - 1;
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- If i don't include -(2 ** (Object_Integer_Bits - 1)) into the range,
-- it can be extended to a larger range. That's because the excluded number
-- conflicts with the highest sign bit during the conversion process.
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
type Object_Integer is range -(2 ** (Object_Integer_Bits - 1)) + 1 ..
+(2 ** (Object_Integer_Bits - 1)) - 1;
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- What is a better choice? TODO: decide what to use
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Let Object_Integer take up as large a space as Object_Pointer
-- despite the actual range of Object_Integer.
for Object_Integer'Size use Object_Pointer_Bits;
-- The Object_Size type defines the size of object payload.
-- It is the number of payload items for each object kind.
--type Object_Size is new Object_Word range 0 .. (2 ** (System.Word_Size - 1)) - 1;
--type Object_Size is new Object_Word range 0 .. 1000; -- TODO: remove this line and uncommect the live above
type Object_Size is new Object_Word;
for Object_Size'Size use Object_Pointer_Bits; -- for GC
type Object_Byte is mod 2 ** System.Storage_Unit;
for Object_Byte'Size use System.Storage_Unit;
--subtype Object_Character is Standard.Wide_Character;
--subtype Object_String is Standard.Wide_String;
--package Text_IO renames Ada.Wide_Text_IO;
subtype Object_Character is Standard.Character;
subtype Object_String is Standard.String;
package Text_IO renames Ada.Text_IO;
type Object_Byte_Array is array (Object_Size range <>) of Object_Byte;
type Object_Character_Array is array (Object_Size range <>) of Object_Character;
type Object_Pointer_Array is array (Object_Size range <>) of Object_Pointer;
type Object_Word_Array is array (Object_Size range <>) of Object_Word;
type Object_Kind is (
Moved_Object, -- internal use only
for Object_Kind use (
Moved_Object => 0,
Pointer_Object => 1,
Character_Object => 2,
Byte_Object => 3,
Word_Object => 4
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Object_Record contains the Flags field that can be used
-- freely for management purpose. The Object_Flags type
-- represents the value that can be stored in this field.
type Object_Flags is mod 2 ** 4;
Syntax_Object: constant Object_Flags := Object_Flags'(2#0001#);
type Syntax_Code is mod 2 ** 4;
AND_SYNTAX: constant Syntax_Code := Syntax_Code'(0);
BEGIN_SYNTAX: constant Syntax_Code := Syntax_Code'(0);
CASE_SYNTAX: constant Syntax_Code := Syntax_Code'(0);
COND_SYNTAX: constant Syntax_Code := Syntax_Code'(0);
DEFINE_SYNTAX: constant Syntax_Code := Syntax_Code'(0);
IF_SYNTAX: constant Syntax_Code := Syntax_Code'(0);
LAMBDA_SYNTAX: constant Syntax_Code := Syntax_Code'(0);
LET_SYNTAX: constant Syntax_Code := Syntax_Code'(0);
LETAST_SYNTAX: constant Syntax_Code := Syntax_Code'(0);
LETREC_SYNTAX: constant Syntax_Code := Syntax_Code'(0);
OR_SYNTAX: constant Syntax_Code := Syntax_Code'(0);
QUOTE_SYNTAX: constant Syntax_Code := Syntax_Code'(0);
SET_SYNTAX: constant Syntax_Code := Syntax_Code'(0);
type Object_Tag is (
type Object_Record (Kind: Object_Kind; Size: Object_Size) is record
Flags: Object_Flags := 0;
Scode: Syntax_Code := 0;
Tag: Object_Tag := Unknown_Object;
-- Object payload:
-- I assume that the smallest payload is able to hold an
-- object pointer by specifying the alignement attribute
-- to Object_Pointer_Bytes. this implementation will break
-- severely if this assumption is not correct.
case Kind is
when Moved_Object =>
New_Pointer: Object_Pointer := null;
when Pointer_Object =>
Pointer_Slot: Object_Pointer_Array (1 .. Size) := (others => null);
when Character_Object =>
Character_Slot: Object_Character_Array (0 .. Size) := (others => Object_Character'First);
when Byte_Object =>
Byte_Slot: Object_Byte_Array (1 .. Size) := (others => 0);
when Word_Object =>
Word_Slot: Object_Word_Array (1 .. Size) := (others => 0);
end case;
end record;
for Object_Record use record
Kind at 0 range 0 .. 3; -- 4 bits (0 .. 15)
Flags at 0 range 4 .. 7; -- 4 bits
Scode at 0 range 8 .. 11; -- 4 bits (0 .. 15)
Tag at 0 range 12 .. 15; -- 4 bits (0 .. 15)
-- there are still some space unused in the first word. What can i do?
end record;
for Object_Record'Alignment use Object_Pointer_Bytes;
-- the following 3 size types are defined for limiting the object size range.
subtype Empty_Object_Record is Object_Record (Byte_Object, 0);
-- the number of bytes in an object header. this is fixed in size
Object_Header_Bytes: constant Object_Size := Empty_Object_Record'Max_Size_In_Storage_Elements;
-- the largest number of bytes that an object can hold after the header
Object_Payload_Max_Bytes: constant Object_Size := Object_Size'Last - Object_Header_Bytes;
-- the following types are defined to set the byte range of the object data.
-- the upper bound is set to the maximum that don't cause overflow in calcuating the size in bits.
-- the compiler doesn't seem to be able to return 'Size or 'Max_Size_In_Storage_Elements properly
-- when the number of bits calculated overflows.
subtype Byte_Object_Size is Object_Size range
Object_Size'First .. (Object_Payload_Max_Bytes / (Object_Byte'Max_Size_In_Storage_Elements * System.Storage_Unit));
subtype Character_Object_Size is Object_Size range
Object_Size'First .. (Object_Payload_Max_Bytes / (Object_Character'Max_Size_In_Storage_Elements * System.Storage_Unit));
subtype Pointer_Object_Size is Object_Size range
Object_Size'First .. (Object_Payload_Max_Bytes / (Object_Pointer'Max_Size_In_Storage_Elements * System.Storage_Unit));
subtype Word_Object_Size is Object_Size range
Object_Size'First .. (Object_Payload_Max_Bytes / (Object_Word'Max_Size_In_Storage_Elements * System.Storage_Unit));
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Various pointer classification and conversion procedures
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Is_Pointer (Pointer: in Object_Pointer) return Standard.Boolean;
function Is_Special_Pointer (Pointer: in Object_Pointer) return Standard.Boolean;
function Is_Normal_Pointer (Pointer: in Object_Pointer) return Standard.Boolean;
function Is_Integer (Pointer: in Object_Pointer) return Standard.Boolean;
function Is_Character (Pointer: in Object_Pointer) return Standard.Boolean;
function Is_Byte (Pointer: in Object_Pointer) return Standard.Boolean;
function Integer_To_Pointer (Int: in Object_Integer) return Object_Pointer;
function Character_To_Pointer (Char: in Object_Character) return Object_Pointer;
function Byte_To_Pointer (Byte: in Object_Byte) return Object_Pointer;
function Pointer_To_Integer (Pointer: in Object_Pointer) return Object_Integer;
function Pointer_To_Character (Pointer: in Object_Pointer) return Object_Character;
function Pointer_To_Byte (Pointer: in Object_Pointer) return Object_Byte;
pragma Inline (Is_Special_Pointer);
pragma Inline (Is_Pointer);
pragma Inline (Is_Integer);
pragma Inline (Is_Character);
pragma Inline (Integer_To_Pointer);
pragma Inline (Character_To_Pointer);
pragma Inline (Byte_To_Pointer);
pragma Inline (Pointer_To_Integer);
pragma Inline (Pointer_To_Character);
pragma Inline (Pointer_To_Byte);
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- While I could define Memory_Element and Memory_Size to be
-- the subtype of Object_Byte and Object_Size each, they are not
-- logically the same thing.
-- subtype Storage_Element is Object_Byte;
-- subtype Storage_Count is Object_Size;
type Memory_Element is mod 2 ** System.Storage_Unit;
type Memory_Size is range 0 .. (2 ** (System.Word_Size - 1)) - 1;
type Trait_Mask is mod 2 ** System.Word_Size;
No_Garbage_Collection: constant Trait_Mask := 2 ** 0;
type Option_Kind is (Trait_Option);
type Option_Record (Kind: Option_Kind) is record
case Kind is
when Trait_Option =>
Trait_Bits: Trait_Mask := 0;
end case;
end record;
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- The nil/true/false object are represented by special pointer values.
-- The special values are defined under the assumption that actual objects
-- are never allocated on one of these addresses. Addresses of 0, 4, 8 are
-- very low, making the assumption pretty safe.
Nil_Word: constant Object_Word := 2#0000#; -- 0
--Nil_Pointer: constant Object_Pointer;
--for Nil_Pointer'Address use Nil_Word'Address;
--pragma Import (Ada, Nil_Pointer);
True_Word: constant Object_Word := 2#0100#; -- 4
--True_Pointer: constant Object_Pointer;
--for True_Pointer'Address use True_Word'Address;
--pragma Import (Ada, True_Pointer);
False_Word: constant Object_Word := 2#1000#; -- 8
--False_Pointer: constant Object_Pointer;
--for False_Pointer'Address use False_Word'Address;
--pragma Import (Ada, False_Pointer);
function Object_Word_To_Pointer is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Object_Word, Object_Pointer);
function Object_Pointer_To_Word is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Object_Pointer, Object_Word);
Nil_Pointer: constant Object_Pointer := Object_Word_To_Pointer (Nil_Word);
True_Pointer: constant Object_Pointer := Object_Word_To_Pointer (True_Word);
False_Pointer: constant Object_Pointer := Object_Word_To_Pointer (False_Word);
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
type Interpreter_Record is limited private;
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
procedure Open (Interp: in out Interpreter_Record;
Initial_Heap_Size:in Memory_Size;
Storage_Pool: in Storage_Pool_Pointer := null);
procedure Close (Interp: in out Interpreter_Record);
procedure Evaluate (Interp: in out Interpreter_Record);
procedure Set_Option (Interp: in out Interpreter_Record;
Option: in Option_Record);
procedure Get_Option (Interp: in out Interpreter_Record;
Option: in out Option_Record);
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
type Heap_Array is array (Memory_Size range <>) of aliased Memory_Element;
type Heap_Record (Size: Memory_Size) is record
Space: Heap_Array (1 .. Size) := (others => 0);
Bound: Memory_Size := 0;
end record;
for Heap_Record'Alignment use Object_Pointer_Bytes;
type Heap_Pointer is access all Heap_Record;
type Heap_Number is mod 2 ** 1;
type Heap_Pointer_Array is Array (Heap_Number'First .. Heap_Number'Last) of Heap_Pointer;
type Register_Record is limited record
Code: Object_Pointer := Nil_Pointer;
Envir: Object_Pointer := Nil_Pointer;
Args: Object_Pointer := Nil_Pointer;
Next: Object_Pointer := Nil_Pointer;
end record;
type Interpreter_Pointer is access all Interpreter_Record;
type Interpreter_Record is limited record
Self: Interpreter_Pointer := null;
Storage_Pool: Storage_Pool_Pointer := null;
Trait: Option_Record (Trait_Option);
Heap: Heap_Pointer_Array := (others => null);
Current_Heap: Heap_Number := Heap_Number'First;
Root_Table: Object_Pointer := Nil_Pointer;
Symbol_Table: Object_Pointer := Nil_Pointer;
Environment: Object_Pointer := Nil_Pointer;
Stack: Object_Pointer := Nil_Pointer;
R: Register_Record;
end record;
end H2.Scheme;