35 lines
946 B
35 lines
946 B
with Ada.Finalization;
type Item_Type is private;
-- type Pointer_Type is access Item_Type;
package H3.MM is
type Item_Pointer is access all Item_Type;
type Ref_Counted_Record is record
--Refs: System.Atomic_Counters.Atomic_Counter;
Refs: System_Size;
Item: aliased Item_Type;
end record;
type Ref_Counted_Pointer is access Ref_Counted_Record;
type Ref_Counted is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with record
Data: Ref_Counted_Pointer;
end record;
procedure Create (R: in out Ref_Counted);
procedure Create (R: in out Ref_Counted; V: in Item_Type);
function Get_Item_Pointer (R: in Ref_Counted) return Item_Pointer;
pragma Inline(Get_Item_Pointer);
function Is_Shared (R: in Ref_Counted) return Boolean;
pragma Inline(Is_Shared);
overriding procedure Initialize (R: in out Ref_Counted);
overriding procedure Adjust (R: in out Ref_Counted);
overriding procedure Finalize (R: in out Ref_Counted);
end H3.MM;