with H2.Pool; separate (H2.Scheme) -- The code here assumes that Half_Word_Slot'First is 1. -- The code breaks if you change the array range to something else, package body Bigint is use type System.Bit_Order; Big_Endian: constant := Standard.Boolean'Pos ( System.Default_Bit_Order = System.High_Order_First ); Little_Endian: constant := Standard.Boolean'Pos ( System.Default_Bit_Order = System.Low_Order_First ); --Half_Word_Bits: constant := Object_Pointer_Bits / 2; Half_Word_Bits: constant := Object_Half_Word'Size; Half_Word_Bytes: constant := Half_Word_Bits / System.Storage_Unit; type Word_Record is record Low: Object_Half_Word; High: Object_Half_Word; end record; for Word_Record use record --Low at 0 range 0 .. Half_Word_Bits - 1; --High at 0 range Half_Word_Bits .. Word_Bits - 1; Low at Half_Word_Bytes * (0 * Little_Endian + 1 * Big_Endian) range 0 .. Half_Word_Bits - 1; High at Half_Word_Bytes * (1 * Little_Endian + 0 * Big_Endian) range 0 .. Half_Word_Bits - 1; end record; for Word_Record'Size use Object_Word'Size; --for Word_Record'Size use Object_Pointer_Bits; --for Word_Record'Alignment use Object_Word'Alignment; --for Word_Record'Scalar_Storage_Order use System.High_Order_First; --for Word_Record'Bit_Order use System.High_Order_First; --for Word_Record'Bit_Order use System.Low_Order_First; type Half_Word_Bit_Array is array(1 .. Half_Word_Bits) of Object_Bit; pragma Pack (Half_Word_Bit_Array); for Half_Word_Bit_Array'Size use Half_Word_Bits; type Block_Divisor_Record is record Low: Object_Half_Word; -- low half-word of divisor High: Object_Half_Word; -- high half-word of divisor Length: Object_Size; -- number of digits end record; Block_Divisors: array (Object_Radix) of Block_Divisor_Record; Block_Divisors_Initialized: Standard.Boolean := Standard.False; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Get_Low (W: in Object_Word) return Object_Half_Word is R: Word_Record; for R'Address use W'Address; begin return R.Low; end Get_Low; function Get_High (W: in Object_Word) return Object_Half_Word is R: Word_Record; for R'Address use W'Address; begin return R.High; end Get_High; function Make_Word (L: in Object_Half_Word; H: in Object_Half_Word) return Object_Word is W: Object_Word; R: Word_Record; for R'Address use W'Address; begin R.Low := L; R.High := H; return W; end Make_Word; function Decode_To_Word (X: in Object_Pointer; Word: access Object_Word; Sign: access Object_Sign) return Standard.Boolean is begin if Is_Integer(X) then declare I: Object_Integer := Pointer_To_Integer(X); begin if I < 0 then -- Convert the negative number to a positive word. Word.all := Object_Word(-(I + 1)) + 1; Sign.all := Negative_Sign; else Word.all := Object_Word(I); Sign.all := Positive_Sign; end if; end; else case X.Size is when 1 => Word.all := Object_Word(X.Half_Word_Slot(1)); when 2 => Word.all := Make_Word(X.Half_Word_Slot(1), X.Half_Word_Slot(2)); when others => return Standard.False; end case; Sign.all := X.Sign; end if; return Standard.True; end Decode_To_Word; procedure Convert_Word_To_Text (Word: in Object_Word; Radix: in Object_Radix; Buffer: in out Object_Character_Array; Length: out Object_Size) is V: Object_Word; W: Object_Word := Word; Len: Object_Size := 0; begin loop V := W rem Object_Word(Radix); if V in 0 .. 9 then Buffer(Buffer'First + Len) := Object_Character'Val(Object_Character'Pos(Ch.Zero) + V); else Buffer(Buffer'First + Len) := Object_Character'Val(Object_Character'Pos(Ch.UC_A) + V - 10); end if; Len := Len + 1; W := W / Object_Word(Radix); exit when W <= 0; end loop; Length := Len; end Convert_Word_To_Text; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Is_Less_Unsigned_Array (X: in Object_Half_Word_Array; XS: in Half_Word_Object_Size; Y: in Object_Half_Word_Array; YS: in Half_Word_Object_Size) return Standard.Boolean is pragma Inline (Is_Less_Unsigned_Array); begin if XS /= YS then return XS < YS; end if; for I in reverse 1 .. XS loop if X(I) /= Y(I) then return X(I) < Y(I); end if; end loop; return Standard.False; end Is_Less_Unsigned_Array; function Is_Less_Unsigned (X: in Object_Pointer; Y: in Object_Pointer) return Standard.Boolean is pragma Inline (Is_Less_Unsigned); begin return Is_Less_Unsigned_Array(X.Half_Word_Slot, X.Size, Y.Half_Word_Slot, Y.Size); end Is_Less_Unsigned; function Is_Less (X: in Object_Pointer; Y: in Object_Pointer) return Standard.Boolean is begin if X.Sign /= Y.Sign then return X.Sign = Negative_Sign; end if; return Is_Less_Unsigned(X, Y); end Is_Less; function Is_Equal (X: in Object_Pointer; Y: in Object_Pointer) return Standard.Boolean is begin return X.Sign = Y.Sign and then X.Size = Y.Size and then X.Half_Word_Slot = Y.Half_Word_Slot; end Is_Equal; function Is_Zero (X: in Object_Pointer) return Standard.Boolean is pragma Inline (Is_Zero); begin return X.Size = 1 and then X.Half_Word_Slot(1) = 0; end Is_Zero; function Is_One_Unsigned (X: in Object_Pointer) return Standard.Boolean is pragma Inline (Is_One_Unsigned); begin return X.Size = 1 and then X.Half_Word_Slot(1) = 1; end Is_One_Unsigned; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Copy_Upto (Interp: access Interpreter_Record; X: in Object_Pointer; Last: in Half_Word_Object_Size) return Object_Pointer is pragma Assert (Last <= X.Size); A: aliased Object_Pointer := X; Z: Object_Pointer; begin Push_Top (Interp.all, A'Unchecked_Access); Z := Make_Bigint(Interp, Size => Last); Pop_Tops (Interp.all, 1); Z.Sign := A.Sign; Z.Half_Word_Slot := A.Half_Word_Slot(1 .. Last); return Z; end Copy_Upto; function Count_Effective_Array_Slots (X: in Object_Half_Word_Array; XS: in Half_Word_Object_Size) return Half_Word_Object_Size is pragma Inline (Count_Effective_Array_Slots); Last: Half_Word_Object_Size := 1; begin for I in reverse 1 .. XS loop if X(I) /= 0 then Last := I; exit; end if; end loop; return Last; end Count_Effective_Array_Slots; function Count_Effective_Slots (X: in Object_Pointer) return Half_Word_Object_Size is pragma Inline (Count_Effective_Slots); begin return Count_Effective_Array_Slots(X.Half_Word_Slot, X.Size); end Count_Effective_Slots; function Normalize (Interp: access Interpreter_Record; X: in Object_Pointer) return Object_Pointer is Last: Half_Word_Object_Size; begin Last := Count_Effective_Slots(X); case Last is when 1 => if X.Sign = Negative_Sign then return Integer_To_Pointer(-Object_Integer(X.Half_Word_Slot(1))); else return Integer_To_Pointer(Object_Integer(X.Half_Word_Slot(1))); end if; when 2 => declare W: Object_Word := Make_Word(X.Half_Word_Slot(1), X.Half_Word_Slot(2)); begin if X.Sign = Negative_Sign then if W in 0 .. Object_Word(-Object_Signed_Word(Object_Integer'First)) then return Integer_To_Pointer(-Object_Integer(W)); end if; else if W in 0 .. Object_Word(Object_Integer'Last) then return Integer_To_Pointer(Object_Integer(W)); end if; end if; end; when others => null; end case; if X.Size = Last then -- No compaction is needed. return it as it is return X; end if; -- Remove unneeded slots and clone meaningful contents only. return Copy_Upto(Interp, X, Last); end Normalize; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- generic with function Operator (X: in Object_Integer; Y: in Object_Integer) return Object_Integer; procedure Plain_Integer_Op (Interp: in out Interpreter_Record; X: in out Object_Pointer; Y: in out Object_Pointer; Z: out Object_Pointer); procedure Plain_Integer_Op (Interp: in out Interpreter_Record; X: in out Object_Pointer; Y: in out Object_Pointer; Z: out Object_Pointer) is A: aliased Object_Pointer := X; B: aliased Object_Pointer := Y; begin if Is_Integer(A) and then Is_Integer(B) then declare pragma Unsuppress (Range_Check); pragma Unsuppress (Overflow_Check); G: Object_Integer := Pointer_To_Integer(A); H: Object_Integer := Pointer_To_Integer(B); begin X := A; Y := B; Z := Integer_To_Pointer(Operator(G, H)); return; exception when Constraint_Error => -- TODO: don't count on Constraint_Error exception. Push_Top (Interp, A'Unchecked_Access); Push_Top (Interp, B'Unchecked_Access); -- TODO: allocate A and B from a non-GC heap. -- I know that pointers returned by Make_Bigint here are short-lived -- and not needed after actual operation. non-GC heap is a better choice. A := Make_Bigint(Interp.Self, Value => G); B := Make_Bigint(Interp.Self, Value => H); Pop_Tops (Interp, 2); end; else Push_Top (Interp, A'Unchecked_Access); Push_Top (Interp, B'Unchecked_Access); if Is_Integer(A) then A := Make_Bigint(Interp.Self, Value => Pointer_To_Integer(A)); end if; if Is_Integer(B) then B := Make_Bigint(Interp.Self, Value => Pointer_To_Integer(B)); end if; Pop_Tops (Interp, 2); end if; X := A; Y := B; Z := null; end Plain_Integer_Op; procedure Add_Integers is new Plain_Integer_Op (Operator => "+"); procedure Subtract_Integers is new Plain_Integer_Op (Operator => "-"); procedure Multiply_Integers is new Plain_Integer_Op (Operator => "*"); procedure Divide_Integers is new Plain_Integer_Op (Operator => "/"); ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Half_Word_Bit_Position (Pos: in Standard.Positive) return Standard.Natural is pragma Inline (Half_Word_Bit_Position); begin return (Pos * Little_Endian) + ((Half_Word_Bits - Pos + 1) * Big_Endian); end Half_Word_Bit_Position; function Get_Half_Word_Bit (X: in Object_Half_Word; Pos: in Standard.Positive) return Object_Bit is pragma Inline (Get_Half_Word_Bit); BA: Half_Word_Bit_Array; for BA'Address use X'Address; begin return BA(Half_Word_Bit_Position(Pos)); end Get_Half_Word_Bit; procedure Set_Half_Word_Bit (X: in out Object_Half_Word; Pos: in Standard.Positive; Bit: in Object_Bit) is pragma Inline (Set_Half_Word_Bit); BA: Half_Word_Bit_Array; for BA'Address use X'Address; begin BA(Half_Word_Bit_Position(Pos)) := Bit; end Set_Half_Word_Bit; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Shift_Half_Word_Left (W: in Object_Half_Word; Bits: in Standard.Natural) return Object_Half_Word is pragma Inline (Shift_Half_Word_Left); begin --if Bits >= W'Size then -- return 0; --end if; return W * (2 ** Bits); end Shift_Half_Word_Left; function Shift_Half_Word_Right (W: in Object_Half_Word; Bits: in Standard.Natural) return Object_Half_Word is pragma Inline (Shift_Half_Word_Right); begin if Bits >= W'Size then -- prevent divide-by-zero in case 2 ** Bits becomes 0 -- for overflow. return 0; end if; return W / (2 ** Bits); end Shift_Half_Word_Right; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Shift_Left_Unsigned_Array (X: in out Object_Half_Word_Array; XS: in Half_Word_Object_Size; Bits: in Object_Size) is Word_Shifts: Object_Size; -- half-word shift count Bit_Shifts: Standard.Natural; -- bit shift count Bit_Shifts_Right: Standard.Natural; SI: Half_Word_Object_Size; begin -- This function doesn't grow/shrink the array. Shifting is performed -- within the given array size only. -- Get how many half-words to shift. Word_Shifts := Bits / Half_Word_Bits; if Word_Shifts >= XS then X(1 .. XS) := (others => 0); return; end if; -- Get how many remaining bits to shift Bit_Shifts := Standard.Natural(Bits rem Half_Word_Bits); Bit_Shifts_Right := Half_Word_Bits - Bit_Shifts; -- Shift words and bits SI := XS - Word_Shifts; X(XS) := Shift_Half_Word_Left(X(SI), Bit_Shifts); for DI in reverse Object_Size(Word_Shifts) + 1 .. XS - 1 loop SI := DI - Word_Shifts; -- Source Index X(DI + 1) := X(DI + 1) or Shift_Half_Word_Right(X(SI), Bit_Shifts_Right); X(DI) := Shift_Half_Word_Left(X(SI), Bit_Shifts); end loop; -- Fill the remaining part with zeros X(1 .. Object_Size(Word_Shifts)) := (others => 0); end Shift_Left_Unsigned_Array; procedure Shift_Right_Unsigned_Array (X: in out Object_Half_Word_Array; XS: in Half_Word_Object_Size; Bits: in Object_Size) is Word_Shifts: Object_Size; -- half-word shift count Bit_Shifts: Standard.Natural; -- bit shift count Bit_Shifts_Left: Standard.Natural; SI: Half_Word_Object_Size; begin -- This function doesn't grow/shrink the array. Shifting is performed -- within the given array size only. -- Get how many half-words to shift. Word_Shifts := Bits / Half_Word_Bits; if Word_Shifts >= XS then X(1 .. XS) := (others => 0); return; end if; -- Get how many remaining bits to shift Bit_Shifts := Standard.Natural(Bits rem Half_Word_Bits); Bit_Shifts_Left := Half_Word_Bits - Bit_Shifts; -- Shift words and bits SI := 1 + Word_Shifts; X(1) := Shift_Half_Word_Right(X(SI), Bit_Shifts); for DI in 2 .. XS - 1 loop SI := DI + Word_Shifts; -- Source Index X(DI - 1) := X(DI - 1) or Shift_Half_Word_Right(X(SI), Bit_Shifts_Left); X(DI) := Shift_Half_Word_Right(X(SI), Bit_Shifts); end loop; -- Fill the remaining part with zeros X(XS - Half_Word_Object_Size(Word_Shifts) + 1 .. XS) := (others => 0); end Shift_Right_Unsigned_Array; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Add_Unsigned_Array (X: in Object_Half_Word_Array; XS: in Half_Word_Object_Size; Y: in Object_Half_Word_Array; YS: in Half_Word_Object_Size; Z: in out Object_Half_Word_Array) is pragma Inline (Add_Unsigned_Array); pragma Assert (XS >= YS); W: Object_Word; Carry: Object_Half_Word := 0; begin for I in 1 .. YS loop W := Object_Word(X(I)) + Object_Word(Y(I)) + Object_Word(Carry); Carry := Get_High(W); Z(I) := Get_Low(W); end loop; for I in YS + 1 .. XS loop W := Object_Word(X(I)) + Object_Word(Carry); Carry := Get_High(W); Z(I) := Get_Low(W); end loop; Z(XS + 1) := Carry; end Add_Unsigned_Array; function Add_Unsigned (Interp: access Interpreter_Record; X: in Object_Pointer; Y: in Object_Pointer) return Object_Pointer is A, B: aliased Object_Pointer; Z: Object_Pointer; begin if X.Size >= Y.Size then A := X; B := Y; else A := Y; B := X; end if; Push_Top (Interp.all, A'Unchecked_Access); Push_Top (Interp.all, B'Unchecked_Access); Z := Make_Bigint (Interp.Self, A.Size + 1); Pop_Tops (Interp.all, 2); Add_Unsigned_Array (A.Half_Word_Slot, A.Size, B.Half_Word_Slot, B.Size, Z.Half_Word_Slot); return Z; end Add_Unsigned; procedure Subtract_Unsigned_Array (X: in Object_Half_Word_Array; XS: in Half_Word_Object_Size; Y: in Object_Half_Word_Array; YS: in Half_Word_Object_Size; Z: in out Object_Half_Word_Array) is W: Object_Word; Borrowed_Word: constant Object_Word := Object_Word(Object_Half_Word'Last) + 1; Borrow: Object_Half_Word := 0; begin pragma Assert (not Is_Less_Unsigned_Array(X, XS, Y, YS)); -- The caller must ensure that X >= Y for I in 1 .. YS loop W := Object_Word(Y(I)) + Object_Word(Borrow); if Object_Word(X(I)) >= W then Z(I) := X(I) - Object_Half_Word(W); Borrow := 0; else Z(I) := Object_Half_Word(Borrowed_Word + Object_Word(X(I)) - W); Borrow := 1; end if; end loop; for I in YS + 1 .. XS loop if X(I) >= Borrow then Z(I) := X(I) - Object_Half_Word(Borrow); Borrow := 0; else Z(I) := Object_Half_Word(Borrowed_Word + Object_Word(X(I)) - Object_Word(Borrow)); Borrow := 1; end if; end loop; pragma Assert (Borrow = 0); end Subtract_Unsigned_Array; function Subtract_Unsigned (Interp: access Interpreter_Record; X: in Object_Pointer; Y: in Object_Pointer) return Object_Pointer is pragma Inline (Subtract_Unsigned); A: aliased Object_Pointer := X; B: aliased Object_Pointer := Y; Z: Object_Pointer; begin pragma Assert (not Is_Less_Unsigned(A, B)); -- The caller must ensure that X >= Y Push_Top (Interp.all, A'Unchecked_Access); Push_Top (Interp.all, B'Unchecked_Access); Z := Make_Bigint (Interp.Self, A.Size); -- Assume X.Size >= Y.Size. Pop_Tops (Interp.all, 2); Subtract_Unsigned_Array (A.Half_Word_Slot, A.Size, B.Half_Word_SLot, B.Size, Z.Half_Word_Slot); return Z; end Subtract_Unsigned; procedure Multiply_Unsigned_Array (X: in Object_Half_Word_Array; XS: in Half_Word_Object_Size; Y: in Object_Half_Word_Array; YS: in Half_Word_Object_Size; Z: in out Object_Half_Word_Array) is W: Object_Word; Low, High: Object_Half_Word; Carry: Object_Half_Word; Index: Half_Word_Object_Size; begin for I in 1 .. YS loop if Y(I) = 0 then Z(XS + I) := 0; else Carry := 0; for J in 1 .. XS loop W := Object_Word(X(J)) * Object_Word(Y(I)); Low := Get_Low(W); High := Get_High(W); Low := Low + Carry; if Low < Carry then High := High + 1; end if; Index := J + I - 1; Low := Low + Z(Index); if Low < Z(Index) then High := High + 1; end if; Z(Index) := Low; Carry := High; end loop; Z(XS + I) := Carry; end if; end loop; end Multiply_Unsigned_Array; function Multiply_Unsigned (Interp: access Interpreter_Record; X: in Object_Pointer; Y: in Object_Pointer) return Object_Pointer is pragma Inline (Multiply_Unsigned); A: aliased Object_Pointer := X; B: aliased Object_Pointer := Y; Z: Object_Pointer; begin Push_Top (Interp.all, A'Unchecked_Access); Push_Top (Interp.all, B'Unchecked_Access); Z := Make_Bigint (Interp.Self, A.Size + B.Size); Pop_Tops (Interp.all, 2); Multiply_Unsigned_Array (A.Half_Word_Slot, A.Size, B.Half_Word_Slot, B.Size, Z.Half_Word_Slot); return Z; end Multiply_Unsigned; procedure Divide_Unsigned_Array (X: in Object_Half_Word_Array; XS: in Half_Word_Object_Size; Y: in out Object_Half_Word_Array; YS: in Half_Word_Object_Size; Q: in out Object_Half_Word_Array; R: in out Object_Half_Word_Array) is Bits: constant Object_Size := XS * Half_Word_Bits; Word_Pos: Object_Size; Bit_Pos: Standard.Positive; RS: Half_Word_Object_Size; begin -- Perform binary long division. -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_algorithm --Q := 0 initialize quotient and remainder to zero --R := 0 --for i = n-1...0 do where n is number of bits in N -- R := R << 1 left-shift R by 1 bit -- R(0) := X(i) set the least-significant bit of R equal to bit i of the numerator -- if R >= Y then -- R = R - Y -- Q(i) := 1 -- end --end Q := (others => 0); R := (others => 0); for I in reverse 1 .. Bits loop Word_Pos := (I - 1) / Half_Word_Bits + 1; Bit_Pos := Standard.Positive((I - 1) rem Half_Word_Bits + 1); Shift_Left_Unsigned_Array (R, XS, 1); Set_Half_Word_Bit (R(1), 1, Get_Half_Word_Bit(X(Word_Pos), Bit_Pos)); RS := Count_Effective_Array_Slots (R, XS); if not Is_Less_Unsigned_Array(R, RS, Y, YS) then Subtract_Unsigned_Array (R, RS, Y, YS, R); Set_Half_Word_Bit (Q(Word_Pos), Bit_Pos, 1); end if; end loop; end Divide_Unsigned_Array; procedure Divide_Unsigned (Interp: in out Interpreter_Record; X: in Object_Pointer; Y: in Object_Pointer; Q: out Object_Pointer; R: out Object_Pointer) is A: aliased Object_Pointer := X; B: aliased Object_Pointer := Y; C: aliased Object_Pointer; D: aliased Object_Pointer; begin pragma Assert (not Is_Less_Unsigned(A, B)); -- The caller must ensure that X >= Y Push_Top (Interp, A'Unchecked_Access); Push_Top (Interp, B'Unchecked_Access); Push_Top (Interp, C'Unchecked_Access); Push_Top (Interp, D'Unchecked_Access); C := Make_Bigint(Interp.Self, Size => A.Size); D := Make_Bigint(Interp.Self, Size => A.Size); Pop_Tops (Interp, 4); Divide_Unsigned_Array (A.Half_Word_Slot, A.Size, B.Half_Word_Slot, B.Size, C.Half_Word_Slot, D.Half_Word_Slot); Q := C; R := D; end Divide_Unsigned; procedure Divide_Unsigned_2 (Interp: in out Interpreter_Record; X: in Object_Pointer; Y: in Object_Pointer; Q: out Object_Pointer; R: out Object_Pointer) is A: aliased Object_Pointer := X; B: aliased Object_Pointer := Y; Quo: aliased Object_Pointer; Dend: aliased Object_Pointer; -- Dividend Sor: aliased Object_Pointer; -- Divisor Tmp: Object_Pointer; Diff: Half_Word_Object_Size; Dend_Size: Half_Word_Object_Size; Sor_Size: Half_Word_Object_Size; Tmp_Size: Half_Word_Object_Size; Cand_W: Object_Word; Cand: Object_Half_Word_Array (1 .. 2); Cand_Size: Half_Word_Object_Size; begin pragma Assert (not Is_Less_Unsigned(A, B)); -- The caller must ensure that X >= Y Push_Top (Interp, A'Unchecked_Access); Push_Top (Interp, B'Unchecked_Access); Push_Top (Interp, Quo'Unchecked_Access); Push_Top (Interp, Dend'Unchecked_Access); Push_Top (Interp, Sor'Unchecked_Access); Quo := Make_Bigint (Interp.Self, A.Size); Dend := Make_Bigint (Interp.Self, A.Size); Sor := Make_Bigint (Interp.Self, A.Size); Tmp := Make_Bigint (Interp.Self, A.Size + 2); -- Is it enough? A.Size + B.Size is safer Pop_Tops (Interp, 5); Dend_Size := A.Size; Sor_Size := A.Size; Diff := A.Size - B.Size; Dend.Half_Word_Slot := A.Half_Word_Slot; Sor.Half_Word_Slot(1 + Diff .. B.Size + Diff) := B.Half_Word_Slot; for I in reverse B.Size .. A.Size loop -- TODO: Optimize the alogrighm further. the adjustment loop may take very long. if not Is_Less_Unsigned_Array(Dend.Half_Word_Slot, Dend_Size, Sor.Half_Word_Slot, Sor_Size) then if Dend_Size > Sor_Size then -- Take the 2 high digits from the dividend and -- the highest digit from the divisor and guess the quotient digits. Cand_W := Make_Word(Dend.Half_Word_Slot(Dend_Size - 1), Dend.Half_Word_Slot(Dend_Size)); Cand_W := Cand_W / Object_Word(Sor.Half_Word_Slot(Sor_Size)); Cand(1) := Get_Low(Cand_W); Cand(2) := Get_High(Cand_W); if Cand(2) > 0 then Cand_Size := 2; else Cand_Size := 1; end if; else -- Take the highest digit from the dividend and the divisor -- and guess the quotient digit. Cand(1) := Dend.Half_Word_Slot(Dend_Size) / Sor.Half_Word_Slot(Sor_Size); Cand_Size := 1; end if; -- Multiply the divisor and the quotient candidate. Tmp.Half_Word_Slot := (others => 0); Multiply_Unsigned_Array (Cand, Cand_Size, Sor.Half_Word_Slot, Sor_Size, Tmp.Half_Word_Slot); Tmp_Size := Count_Effective_Slots(Tmp); -- Adjust down the guess while the dividend is less than the multiplication result. while Is_Less_Unsigned_Array(Dend.Half_Word_Slot, Dend_Size, Tmp.Half_Word_Slot, Tmp_Size) loop Cand(1) := Cand(1) - 1; -- Tmp := Tmp - Divisor Subtract_Unsigned_Array (Tmp.Half_Word_Slot, Tmp_Size, Sor.Half_Word_Slot, Sor_Size, Tmp.Half_Word_Slot); Tmp_Size := Count_Effective_Slots(Tmp); end loop; -- Set the guess to the quotient. Quo.Half_Word_Slot(I - B.Size + 1) := Cand(1); -- Dividend := Dividend - Tmp Subtract_Unsigned_Array (Dend.Half_Word_Slot, Dend_Size, Tmp.Half_Word_Slot, Tmp_Size, Dend.Half_Word_Slot); Dend_Size := Count_Effective_Slots(Dend); end if; -- Shift the divisor right by 1 slot pragma Assert (I = Sor_Size); Sor_Size := Sor_Size - 1; Sor.Half_Word_Slot(1 .. Sor_Size) := Sor.Half_Word_Slot(2 .. I); Sor.Half_Word_Slot(I) := 0; end loop; Q := Quo; R := Dend; end Divide_Unsigned_2; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Add (Interp: in out Interpreter_Record; X: in Object_Pointer; Y: in Object_Pointer; Z: out Object_Pointer) is A: Object_Pointer := X; B: Object_Pointer := Y; Sign: Object_Sign; begin Add_Integers (Interp, A, B, Z); if Z = null then if A.Sign /= B.Sign then if A.Sign = Negative_Sign then Subtract (Interp, B, A, Z); else Subtract (Interp, A, B, Z); end if; else Sign := A.Sign; Z := Add_Unsigned (Interp.Self, A, B); Z.Sign := Sign; end if; Z := Normalize(Interp.Self, Z); end if; end Add; procedure Subtract (Interp: in out Interpreter_Record; X: in Object_Pointer; Y: in Object_Pointer; Z: out Object_Pointer) is A: Object_Pointer := X; B: Object_Pointer := Y; Sign: Object_Sign; begin Subtract_Integers (Interp, A, B, Z); if Z = null then if A.Sign /= B.Sign then Sign := A.Sign; Z := Add_Unsigned(Interp.Self, A, B); Z.Sign := Sign; else if Is_Less_Unsigned(A, B) then Sign := Object_Sign'Val(Object_Bit(Object_Sign'Pos(A.Sign)) + 1); -- opposite A.Sign Z := Subtract_Unsigned(Interp.Self, B, A); Z.Sign := Sign; else Sign := A.Sign; Z := Subtract_Unsigned(Interp.Self, A, B); Z.Sign := Sign; end if; end if; Z := Normalize(Interp.Self, Z); end if; end Subtract; procedure Multiply (Interp: in out Interpreter_Record; X: in Object_Pointer; Y: in Object_Pointer; Z: out Object_Pointer) is A: Object_Pointer := X; B: Object_Pointer := Y; Sign: Object_Sign; begin Multiply_Integers (Interp, A, B, Z); if Z = null then -- Determine the sign earlier than any object allocation -- to avoid GC side-effects because A and B are not pushed -- as temporarry object pointers. if A.Sign = B.Sign then Sign := Positive_Sign; else Sign := Negative_Sign; end if; Z := Multiply_Unsigned (Interp.Self, A, B); Z.Sign := Sign; Z := Normalize(Interp.Self, Z); end if; end Multiply; procedure Divide (Interp: in out Interpreter_Record; X: in Object_Pointer; Y: in Object_Pointer; Q: out Object_Pointer; R: out Object_Pointer) is A: Object_Pointer := X; B: Object_Pointer := Y; C: aliased Object_Pointer; D: aliased Object_Pointer; Sign: Object_Sign; begin if (Is_Integer(Y) and then Pointer_To_Integer(Y) = 0) or else (Is_Bigint(Y) and then Is_Zero(Y)) then raise Divide_By_Zero_Error; end if; Divide_Integers (Interp, A, B, Q); if Q /= null then -- Remainder operation must succeed if division was ok. R := Integer_To_Pointer(Pointer_To_Integer(A) rem Pointer_To_Integer(B)); return; end if; if Is_Equal(A, B) then Q := Integer_To_Pointer(1); R := Integer_To_Pointer(0); return; elsif Is_Less_Unsigned(A, B) then Q := Integer_To_Pointer(0); R := A; return; end if; -- Determine the sign earlier than any object allocation -- to avoid GC side-effects because A and B are not pushed -- as temporarry object pointers. if A.Sign = B.Sign then Sign := Positive_Sign; else Sign := Negative_Sign; end if; Divide_Unsigned (Interp, A, B, C, D); C.Sign := Sign; D.Sign := Sign; Push_Top (Interp, C'Unchecked_Access); Push_Top (Interp, D'Unchecked_Access); C := Normalize(Interp.Self, C); D := Normalize(Interp.Self, D); Pop_Tops (Interp, 2); Q := C; R := D; end Divide; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Compare_Bigint_And_Bigint (Interp: access Interpreter_Record; X: in Object_Pointer; Y: in Object_Pointer) return Standard.Integer is begin if Is_Equal(X, Y) then return 0; elsif Is_Less(X, Y) then return -1; else return 1; end if; end Compare_Bigint_And_Bigint; function Compare_Bigint_And_Integer (Interp: access Interpreter_Record; X: in Object_Pointer; Y: in Object_Pointer) return Standard.Integer is YW: Object_Word := Object_Word(Pointer_To_Integer(Y)); Size: Object_Size; begin if YW > Object_Word(Object_Half_Word'Last) then Size := 2; else Size := 1; end if; declare YY: aliased Object_Record (Kind => Half_Word_Object, Size => Size); begin YY.Tag := Bigint_Object; YY.Half_Word_Slot(1) := Get_Low(YW); if YY.Size >= 2 then YY.Half_Word_Slot(2) := Get_High(YW); end if; return Compare_Bigint_And_Bigint (Interp, X, YY'Unchecked_Access); end; end Compare_Bigint_And_Integer; function Compare (Interp: access Interpreter_Record; X: in Object_Pointer; Y: in Object_Pointer) return Standard.Integer is begin if Is_Bigint(X) then if Is_Bigint(Y) then return Compare_Bigint_And_Bigint (Interp, X, Y); else return Compare_Bigint_And_Integer (Interp, X, Y); end if; else if Is_Bigint(Y) then return -Compare_Bigint_And_Integer (Interp, Y, X); else if Pointer_To_Integer(X) = Pointer_To_Integer(Y) then return 0; elsif Pointer_To_Integer(X) < Pointer_To_Integer(Y) then return -1; else return 1; end if; end if; end if; end Compare; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function To_String (Interp: access Interpreter_Record; X: in Object_Pointer; Radix: in Object_Radix) return Object_Pointer is W: aliased Object_Word; Sign: aliased Object_Sign; begin -- Perform simple conversion if the object can be decoded -- to a single word. if Decode_To_Word(X, W'Access, Sign'Access) then declare -- Use a static buffer for simple conversion as the largest -- size is known. The largest buffer is required for radix 2. -- For a binary conversion(radix 2), the number of bits is -- the maximum number of digits that can be produced. +1 is -- needed for the sign. Buf: Object_Character_Array (1 .. Object_Word'Size + 1); Len: Object_Size; begin Convert_Word_To_Text (W, Radix, Buf, Len); if Sign = Negative_Sign then Len := Len + 1; Buf(Len) := Ch.Minus_Sign; end if; return Make_String(Interp, Source => Buf(1 .. Len), Invert => Standard.True); end; end if; -- Otherwise, do it in a hard way. declare B: aliased Object_Record (Kind => Half_Word_Object, Size => 2); A: aliased Object_Pointer; R: aliased Object_Pointer; Q: aliased Object_Pointer; Z: Object_Pointer; -- TODO: optimize the buffer size depending on the radix value. subtype Static_Buffer is Object_Character_Array (1 .. 16 * Half_Word_Bits + 1); subtype Dynamic_Buffer is Object_Character_Array (1 .. X.Size * Half_Word_Bits + 1); type Static_Buffer_Pointer is access all Static_Buffer; type Dynamic_Buffer_Pointer is access all Dynamic_Buffer; package Pool is new H2.Pool (Dynamic_Buffer, Dynamic_Buffer_Pointer, Interp.Storage_Pool); Static_Buf: aliased Static_Buffer; Dynamic_Buf: Dynamic_Buffer_Pointer; Buf: Thin_Object_Character_Array_Pointer; Totlen: Object_Size := 0; -- Length of total conversion Seglen: Object_Size; -- Length of each word conversion AS: Half_Word_Object_Size; -- BD is the largest multiple of Radix that is less than or -- equal to Object_Word'Last. --BD: constant Block_Divisor_Record := Get_Block_Divisor(Radix); BD: Block_Divisor_Record renames Block_Divisors(Radix); begin if X.Size <= 16 then declare function Conv is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Static_Buffer_Pointer, Thin_Object_Character_Array_Pointer); begin Buf := Conv(Static_Buf'Access); end; else -- TODO: move this dynamic buffer to Interpreter_Record and let it sustained during the lifetime of Interpreer declare function Conv is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Dynamic_Buffer_Pointer, Thin_Object_Character_Array_Pointer); begin Dynamic_Buf := Pool.Allocate; Buf := Conv(Dynamic_Buf); end; end if; -- Create a block divisor object. B.Tag := Bigint_Object; B.Half_Word_Slot := (1 => BD.Low, 2 => BD.High); Push_Top (Interp.all, Q'Unchecked_Access); Push_Top (Interp.all, R'Unchecked_Access); Push_Top (Interp.all, A'Unchecked_Access); -- Clone the value to convert A := Copy_Upto(Interp, X, X.Size); -- Remember the sign to produce the sign symbol later Sign := A.Sign; A.Sign := Positive_Sign; AS := A.Size; Q := Make_Bigint(Interp, Size => A.Size); R := Make_Bigint(Interp, Size => A.Size); loop -- Get a word block to convert if Is_Less_Unsigned_Array (B.Half_Word_Slot, B.Size, A.Half_Word_Slot, AS) then Divide_Unsigned_Array (A.Half_Word_Slot, AS, B.Half_Word_Slot, B.Size, Q.Half_Word_Slot, R.Half_Word_Slot); A.Half_Word_Slot := Q.Half_Word_Slot; AS := Count_Effective_Slots(A); else R := A; -- The last block end if; -- Translate up to 2 half-words to a full word. if R.Size = 1 then W := Object_Word(R.Half_Word_Slot(1)); else W := Make_Word(R.Half_Word_Slot(1), R.Half_Word_Slot(2)); end if; Convert_Word_To_Text (W, Radix, Buf(Totlen + 1 .. Buf'Last), Seglen); Totlen := Totlen + Seglen; exit when R = A; -- Reached the last block -- Fill unfilled leading digits with zeros if it's not the last block --for I in Seglen + 1 .. Block_Divisors(Radix).Length loop for I in Seglen + 1 .. BD.Length loop Totlen := Totlen + 1; Buf(Totlen) := Object_Character'Val(Object_Character'Pos(Ch.Zero)); end loop; end loop; Pop_Tops (Interp.all, 3); if Sign = Negative_Sign then Totlen := Totlen + 1; Buf(Totlen) := Ch.Minus_Sign; end if; Z := Make_String(Interp.Self, Source => Buf(1 .. Totlen), Invert => Standard.True); -- TODO: Move dynamic_buf to interpreter_Record. if Dynamic_Buf /= null then Pool.Deallocate (Dynamic_Buf); end if; return Z; exception when others => if Dynamic_Buf /= null then Pool.Deallocate (Dynamic_Buf); end if; raise; end; end To_String; function From_String (Interp: access Interpreter_Record; X: in Object_Character_Array; Radix: in Object_Radix) return Object_Pointer is function Get_Digit_Value (C: in Object_Character) return Object_Integer is Pos: Object_Integer; begin Pos := Object_Character'Pos(C); case Pos is when Ch.Pos.Zero .. Ch.Pos.Nine => Pos := Pos - Ch.Pos.Zero; when Ch.Pos.LC_A .. Ch.Pos.LC_Z => Pos := Pos - Ch.Pos.LC_A + 10; when Ch.Pos.UC_A .. Ch.Pos.UC_Z => Pos := Pos - Ch.Pos.UC_A + 10; when others => Pos := -1; end case; if Pos not in 0 .. Object_Integer(Radix) - 1 then raise Numeric_String_Error; end if; return Pos; end Get_Digit_Value; Sign: Object_Sign; Idx: Object_Size; W: Object_Word; BDLen: Object_Size renames Block_Divisors(Radix).Length; NDigits: Object_Size; B: Object_Pointer; begin -- Find the first digit while remembering the sign Sign := Positive_Sign; Idx := X'First; if Idx <= X'Last then if X(Idx) = Ch.Plus_Sign then Idx := Idx + 1; elsif X(Idx) = Ch.Minus_Sign then Idx := Idx + 1; Sign := Negative_Sign; end if; end if; pragma Assert (Idx <= X'Last); -- the caller ensure at least 1 digit if Idx > X'Last then -- No digits in the string. --return Integer_To_Pointer(0); raise Numeric_String_Error; end if; -- Find the first non-zero digit while Idx <= X'Last loop exit when X(Idx) /= Ch.Zero; Idx := Idx + 1; end loop; if Idx > X'Last then -- All digits are zeros. return Integer_To_Pointer(0); end if; NDigits := X'Last - Idx + 1; -- number of effective digits -- Attempt to perform conversion within the range of Object_Integer. declare --pragma Unsuppress (Range_Check); --pragma Unsuppress (Overflow_Check); V1, V2: Object_Word; I: Object_Integer; begin W := 0; while Idx <= X'Last loop V1 := W * Radix; if V1 / Radix /= W then -- Overflow goto Huge; end if; V2 := V1 + Object_Word(Get_Digit_Value(X(Idx))); if V2 > Object_Word(Object_Integer'Last) or else V2 < V1 then -- Overflow goto Huge; end if; W := V2; Idx := Idx + 1; end loop; -- Processed all digits. The value can fit -- into an Object_Integer. I := Object_Integer(W); --I := 0; --while Idx <= X'Last loop -- begin -- I := I * Object_Integer(Radix) + Get_Digit_Value(X(Idx)); -- exception -- when Constraint_Error => -- W := Object_Word(I); -- goto Huge; -- end; -- Idx := Idx + 1; --end loop; if Sign = Negative_Sign then I := -I; end if; return Integer_To_Pointer(I); end; <> -- TODO: Optimizations if Radix 2, 4, 16. For there radix, conversion can be done in chunk. -- The input string is too large to be converted to an Object_Integer. B := Make_Bigint(Interp, Size => ((NDigits + BDLen - 1) / BDLen) * 2 + 1); -- TODO: is it the right size? declare C: Object_Pointer; RB: aliased Object_Record (Kind => Half_Word_Object, Size => 1); begin RB.Tag := Bigint_Object; RB.Half_Word_Slot(1) := Object_Half_Word(Radix); C := Make_Bigint(Interp, Size => B.Size); B.Half_Word_Slot(1) := Get_Low(W); B.Half_Word_Slot(2) := Get_High(W); while Idx <= X'Last loop declare DVB: aliased Object_Record (Kind => Half_Word_Object, Size => 1); begin DVB.Tag := Bigint_Object; DVB.Half_Word_Slot(1) := Object_Half_Word(Get_Digit_Value(X(Idx))); Multiply_Unsigned_Array (B.Half_Word_Slot, Count_Effective_Array_Slots(B.Half_Word_Slot, B.Size), RB.Half_Word_Slot, RB.Size, C.Half_Word_Slot); B.Half_Word_Slot := (others => 0); Add_Unsigned_Array (C.Half_Word_Slot, Count_Effective_Array_Slots(C.Half_Word_Slot, B.Size), DVB.Half_Word_Slot, DVB.Size, B.Half_Word_Slot); C.Half_Word_Slot := (others => 0); end; Idx := Idx + 1; end loop; end; B.Sign := Sign; return Normalize(Interp.Self, B); end From_String; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Get_Block_Divisor (Radix: in Object_Radix) return Block_Divisor_Record is V, W: Object_Word; Len: Object_Size; begin -- Get the largest multiples of Radix that can be represented -- in a single Object_Word. Len := 1; W := Object_Word(Radix); loop V := W * Object_Word(Radix); exit when V / Object_Word(Radix) /= W; -- Overflow Len := Len + 1; W := V; end loop; return (Low => Get_Low(W), High => Get_High(W), Length => Len); end Get_Block_Divisor; procedure Initialize is begin -- Initialize block divisors table if not Block_Divisors_Initialized then for Radix in Object_Radix'Range loop Block_Divisors(Radix) := Get_Block_Divisor(Radix); end loop; Block_Divisors_Initialized := Standard.True; end if; end Initialize; begin Initialize; end Bigint;