with H3.Arrays; generic type Rune_Type is (<>); package H3.Strings is package P is new H3.Arrays(Rune_Type, 1, Rune_Type'First); subtype Rune is P.Item; subtype Rune_Array is P.Item_Array; subtype Thin_Rune_Array_Pointer is P.Thin_Item_Array_Pointer; Terminator_Length: System_Zero_Or_One renames P.Terminator_Length; Terminator_Value: Rune renames P.Terminator_Value; type Elastic_String is new P.Elastic_Array with record --A: standard.integer := 999; null; end record; overriding procedure Append (Obj: in out Elastic_String; V: in Rune_Array); end H3.Strings;