with H3.Pool; with H3.Limited_Pool; with H3.Strings; with H3.Storage_Pools; with H3.MM; with GNAT.Debug_Pools; with System.Storage_Pools; with System.Pool_Global; with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation; with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Wide_Text_IO; procedure hello is package S is new H3.Strings(Wide_Character, Wide_Character'Val(0)); --type Global_Pool is new System.Storage_Pools.Root_Storage_Pool with null record; P1: aliased System.Pool_Global.Unbounded_No_Reclaim_Pool; P2: aliased GNAT.Debug_Pools.Debug_Pool; P3: aliased H3.Storage_Pools.Global_Pool; type T is record A: Integer := 99; B: Integer := 88; C: Float; end record; type L is limited record A: Integer := 1234; B: Integer; C: Float; end record; type T_Pointer is access T; package TP is new H3.Pool(T, T_Pointer, P1'Unchecked_Access); type L_Pointer is access L; package LP is new H3.Limited_Pool(L, L_Pointer, P1'Unchecked_Access); type I_Pointer is access Integer; package IP is new H3.Pool(Integer, I_Pointer, P1'Unchecked_Access); procedure Info is new GNAT.Debug_Pools.Print_Info(Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line, Ada.Text_IO.Put); x: T_Pointer; i: I_Pointer; y: L_Pointer; SS: S.Elastic_String; begin x := TP.Allocate((A => 900, B => 800, C => 1.1)); i := IP.Allocate(200); y := LP.Allocate; -- can't do this as it's limited --y.all := (A => 1900, B => 1800, C => 11.1); -- this works... --y.A := 1900; y.B := 1800; y.C := 11.1; declare type LL_Pointer is access L; for LL_Pointer'Storage_Pool use P3; z: LL_Pointer; procedure Dealloc is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation(L, LL_Pointer); begin z := new L'(A => 9900, B => 9800, C => 99.1); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Z.A'Img); Dealloc (z); end; Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(Integer'Image(x.A)); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(Integer'Image(x.B)); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(Integer'Image(i.all)); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(Integer'Image(y.A)); IP.Deallocate (i); TP.Deallocate (x); LP.Deallocate (y); --GNAT.Debug_Pools.Print_Info_Stdout(P2); --GNAT.Debug_Pools.Dump_Stdout(P2, 100); declare str: S.Elastic_String; len: H3.System_Size; capa: H3.System_Size; begin len := S.Get_Length(Str); capa := S.Get_Capacity(Str); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("length=>" & len'Img & " Capacity=>" & capa'Img); S.Append(Str, "Hello, world"); len := S.Get_Length(Str); capa := S.Get_Capacity(Str); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("length=>" & len'Img & " Capacity=>" & capa'Img); S.Append(Str, ""); len := S.Get_Length(Str); capa := S.Get_Capacity(Str); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("length=>" & len'Img & " Capacity=>" & capa'Img); S.Append(Str, "donkey"); len := S.Get_Length(Str); capa := S.Get_Capacity(Str); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("length=>" & len'Img & " Capacity=>" & capa'Img); declare arr: constant S.Character_Array := S.To_Character_Array(str); begin Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Put ("["); for i in arr'Range loop Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Put (arr(i)); end loop; Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Put_Line ("]"); end; -- unsafe way to access the internal buffer. S.Append (Str, 'X'); declare arr: constant S.Thin_Character_Array_Pointer := S.Get_Slot_Pointer(Str); use type H3.System_Word; begin Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Put ("["); for i in 1 .. S.Get_Length(Str) + 1 loop Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Put (arr.all(i)); end loop; Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Put_Line ("]"); end; --declare -- arr: constant Standard.Wide_String := S.To_Character_Array(str); --begin -- Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Put_Line (arr); --end; SS := Str; end; declare type R_Record is record X: Standard.Integer := 3; Y: Standard.Integer := 4; end record; package Q is new H3.MM(R_Record); T: Q.Ref_Counted; T2: Q.Ref_Counted; P: Q.Item_Pointer; begin declare T3: Q.Ref_Counted; begin Q.Create (T3, (X => 20, Y => 30)); T := T3; --Q.Create (T); end; P := Q.Get_Item_Pointer(T); T2 := T; Q.Get_Item_Pointer(T).X := 12345; Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(Q.Get_Item_Pointer(T).Y'Img); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(Q.Get_Item_Pointer(T).X'Img); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(Q.Get_Item_Pointer(T2).Y'Img); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(Q.Get_Item_Pointer(T2).X'Img); end; end;