with System; with System.Storage_Pools; with System.Atomic_Counters; with Ada.Finalization; package H3 is --pragma Preelaborate (H2); System_Byte_Bits: constant := System.Storage_Unit; System_Word_Bits: constant := System.Word_Size; System_Word_Bytes: constant := System_Word_Bits / System_Byte_Bits; type System_Byte is mod 2 ** System_Byte_Bits; for System_Byte'Size use System_Byte_Bits; type System_Word is mod 2 ** System_Word_Bits; for System_Word'Size use System_Word_Bits; type System_Signed_Word is range -(2 ** (System_Word_Bits - 1)) .. +(2 ** (System_Word_Bits - 1)) - 1; for System_Signed_Word'Size use System_Word_Bits; --type System_Size is new System_Word range 0 .. (2 ** System_Word_Bits) - 1; subtype System_Size is System_Word range 0 .. (2 ** System_Word_Bits) - 1; subtype System_Length is System_Size; --subtype System_Index is System_Size range 0 .. (System_Size'Last - 1); subtype System_Index is System_Size range 1 .. System_Size'Last; type Storage_Pool_Pointer is access all System.Storage_Pools.Root_Storage_Pool'Class; type System_Byte_Array is array(System_Index range<>) of System_Byte; -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Utilities Functions -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- function Align (X: in System_Size; Y: in System_Size) return System_Size; pragma Inline(Align); -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Reference Counting -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- type Ref_Counted is abstract tagged record -- --Ref_Count: System.Atomic_Counters.Atomic_Counter; -- Ref_Count: System_Size; -- end record; -- type Ref_Counted_Pointer is access all Ref_Counted'Class; -- type Ref is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with record -- Data: Ref_Counted_Pointer; -- end record; -- procedure Set (R: in out Ref; Data: in Ref_Counted_Pointer); -- function Get (R: in Ref) return Ref_Counted_Pointer; -- overriding procedure Adjust (R: in out Ref); -- overriding procedure Finalize (R: in out Ref); end H3;