with Ada.Finalization; generic --type Character_Type is private; type Character_Type is (<>); Null_Character: Character_Type; package H3.Strings is type Elastic_String is private; type Character_Array is array(System_Index range <>) of Character_Type; --type Character_Array_Pointer is access all Character_Array; subtype Thin_Character_Array is Character_Array(System_Index'Range); type Thin_Character_Array_Pointer is access Thin_Character_Array; function To_Character_Array (Str: in Elastic_String) return Character_Array; function Get_Capacity (Str: in Elastic_String) return System_Size; pragma Inline (Get_Capacity); function Get_Length (Str: in Elastic_String) return System_Size; pragma Inline (Get_Length); function Get_Item (Str: in Elastic_String; Pos: in System_Index) return Character_Type; pragma Inline (Get_Item); function Get_Slot_Pointer (Str: in Elastic_String) return Thin_Character_Array_Pointer; pragma Inline (Get_Slot_Pointer); function Is_Shared(Str: in Elastic_String) return Standard.Boolean; procedure Clear (Str: in out Elastic_String); procedure Purge (Str: in out Elastic_String); procedure Append (Str: in out Elastic_String; V: in Character_Array); procedure Append (Str: in out Elastic_String; V: in Character_Type); private type Buffer_Record(Size: System_Size) is limited record Refs: System_Size := 0; Slot: Character_Array(1 .. Size); Last: System_Size := 0; end record; type Buffer_Pointer is access all Buffer_Record; --Empty_Buffer: aliased Buffer_Record(1); Empty_Buffer: aliased Buffer_Record := (Size => 1, Refs => 0, Slot => (1 => Null_Character), Last => 0); type Elastic_String is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with record Buffer: Buffer_Pointer := Empty_Buffer'Access; end record; overriding procedure Initialize (Str: in out Elastic_String); overriding procedure Adjust (Str: in out Elastic_String); overriding procedure Finalize (Str: in out Elastic_String); end H3.Strings;