with System;
--with System.Address_Image;

with Ada.Text_IO;

package body Storage is

	type Size_T is mod 2 ** System.Word_Size;

	function Sys_Malloc (Size: Size_T) return System.Address;
	--pragma Import (C, Sys_Malloc, Link_Name => "malloc");
	pragma Import (Convention => C, Entity => Sys_Malloc, External_Name => "malloc");

	procedure Sys_Free (Ptr: System.Address);
	--pragma Import (C, Sys_Free, Link_Name => "free");
	pragma Import (Convention => C, Entity => Sys_Free, External_Name => "free");

	procedure Allocate (Pool: in out Global_Pool; Address : out System.Address; Size: in SSE.Storage_Count; Alignment: in SSE.Storage_Count) is
		tmp: System.Address;
		use type SSE.Storage_Count;
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("QSE.Global_Pool Allocating " & SSE.Storage_Count'Image (Size) & " " & SSE.Storage_Count'Image (((Size + Alignment - 1) / Alignment) * Alignment));
		tmp := Sys_Malloc (Size_T(((Size + Alignment - 1) / Alignment) * Alignment));
		if System."=" (tmp, System.Null_Address) then
			raise Storage_Error;
			Address := tmp;
--Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("QSE.Global_Pool Returning " & System.Address_Image (Address));
		end if;
	end Allocate;

	procedure Deallocate (Pool: in out Global_Pool; Address : in System.Address; Size: in SSE.Storage_Count; Alignment: in SSE.Storage_Count) is
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("QSE.Global_Pool Deallocating ");
--Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("QSE.Global_Pool Deallocating " & System.Address_Image (Address));
		Sys_Free (Address);
	end Deallocate;

	function Storage_Size (Pool: in Global_Pool) return SSE.Storage_Count is
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("QSE.Global_Pool Storage_Size ");
		return SSE.Storage_Count'Last;
	end Storage_Size;

	-- TODO: find a better solution
	-- gnat 3.15p somehow looks for the rountines below when H2.Pool is used.
	-- let me put these routines here temporarily until i find a proper solution.
	procedure Allocate_315P (Pool: in out SSP.Root_Storage_Pool'Class; Address : out System.Address; Size: in SSE.Storage_Count; Alignment: in SSE.Storage_Count);
	pragma Export (Ada, Allocate_315P, "system__storage_pools__allocate");
	procedure Allocate_315P (Pool: in out SSP.Root_Storage_Pool'Class; Address : out System.Address; Size: in SSE.Storage_Count; Alignment: in SSE.Storage_Count) is
ada.text_io.put_line ("system__storage_pools__allocate...");
		SSP.Allocate (Pool, Address, Size, Alignment);
	end Allocate_315P;

	procedure Deallocate_315P (Pool: in out SSP.Root_Storage_Pool'Class; Address : in System.Address; Size: in SSE.Storage_Count; Alignment: in SSE.Storage_Count);
	pragma Export (Ada, Deallocate_315P, "system__storage_pools__deallocate");
	procedure Deallocate_315P (Pool: in out SSP.Root_Storage_Pool'Class; Address : in System.Address; Size: in SSE.Storage_Count; Alignment: in SSE.Storage_Count) is
ada.text_io.put_line ("system__storage_pools__deallocate...");
		SSP.Deallocate (Pool, Address, Size, Alignment);
	end Deallocate_315P;
end Storage;