with H2.Pool; with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion; with Ada.Text_IO; -- for debugging package body Stream is ------------------------------------------------------------------ use type S.Object_String_Size; procedure Open (Stream: in out String_Input_Stream_Record) is begin Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("****** OPEN STRING STREAM ******"); Stream.Pos := 0; end Open; procedure Close (Stream: in out String_Input_Stream_Record) is begin Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("****** CLOSE STRING STREAM ******"); Stream.Pos := Stream.Str'Last; end Close; procedure Read (Stream: in out String_Input_Stream_Record; Data: out S.Object_String; Last: out S.Object_String_Size) is Avail: S.Object_String_Size; begin Avail := Stream.Str'Last - Stream.Pos; if Avail <= 0 then -- EOF Last := Data'First - 1; else if Avail > Data'Length then Avail := Data'Length; end if; Data(Data'First .. Avail) := Stream.Str(Stream.Pos + 1..Stream.Pos + Avail); Stream.Pos := Stream.Pos + Avail; Last := Data'First + Avail - 1; end if; end Read; procedure Write (Stream: in out String_Input_Stream_Record; Data: out S.Object_String; Last: out S.Object_String_Size) is begin --raise S.Stream_Error; Last := Data'First - 1; end Write; ------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Open (Stream: in out File_Stream_Record) is begin Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (">>>>> OPEN File STREAM <<<<< " & Standard.String(UTF8.Unicode_To_Utf8(UTF8.Unicode_String(Stream.Name.all)))); --Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Open (Stream.Handle, Ada.Wide_Text_IO.In_File, Ada.Characters.Conversions.To_String(Standard.Wide_String(Stream.Name.all))); Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Open (Stream.Handle, Ada.Wide_Text_IO.In_File, Standard.String(UTF8.Unicode_To_Utf8(UTF8.Unicode_String(Stream.Name.all)))); end Open; procedure Close (Stream: in out File_Stream_Record) is subtype Wide_String is Standard.Wide_String(1 .. Standard.Natural(Stream.Name'Length)); function To_Wide_String is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (S.Object_String, Wide_String); begin --Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Put_Line (">>>>> CLOSE File STREAM <<<<< " & Standard.Wide_String(Stream.Name.all)); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (">>>>> CLOSE File STREAM <<<<< " & Standard.String(UTF8.Unicode_To_Utf8(UTF8.Unicode_String(Stream.Name.all)))); Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Close (Stream.Handle); end Close; procedure Read (Stream: in out File_Stream_Record; Data: out S.Object_String; Last: out S.Object_String_Size) is begin for I in Data'First .. Data'Last loop begin if Ada.Wide_Text_IO.End_Of_File (Stream.Handle) then Last := I - 1; return; end if; Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Get_Immediate (Stream.Handle, Data(I)); exception when Ada.Wide_Text_IO.End_Error => Last := I - 1; return; -- other exceptions must be just raised to indicate errors end; end loop; Last := Data'Last; end Read; procedure Write (Stream: in out File_Stream_Record; Data: out S.Object_String; Last: out S.Object_String_Size) is begin --raise S.Stream_Error; Last := Data'First - 1; end Write; ------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Allocate_Stream (Interp: in out S.Interpreter_Record; Name: in S.Constant_Object_String_Pointer; Result: out S.Stream_Pointer) is subtype FSR is Stream.File_Stream_Record; type FSP is access all FSR; package P is new H2.Pool (FSR, FSP); X: FSP; for X'Address use Result'Address; pragma Import (Ada, X); begin X := P.Allocate (S.Get_Storage_Pool(Interp)); X.Name := Name; end Allocate_Stream; procedure Deallocate_Stream (Interp: in out S.Interpreter_Record; Source: in out S.Stream_Pointer) is subtype FSR is Stream.File_Stream_Record; type FSP is access all FSR; package P is new H2.Pool (FSR, FSP); X: FSP; for X'Address use Source'Address; pragma Import (Ada, X); begin P.Deallocate (X, S.Get_Storage_Pool(Interp)); end Deallocate_Stream; end Stream;