with H2.OS; with H2.Ascii; generic type Slim_Character is (<>); type Wide_Character is (<>); type Slim_String is array(System_Index range<>) of Slim_Character; type Wide_String is array(System_Index range<>) of Wide_Character; with function Slim_To_Wide (Slim: in Slim_String) return Wide_String; with function Wide_To_Slim (Wide: in Wide_String) return Slim_String; with function Sequence_Length (Slim: in Slim_Character) return System_Length; package H2.IO is package OS is new H2.OS (Slim_Character, Wide_Character, Slim_String, Wide_String, Slim_To_Wide, Wide_To_Slim); package Slim_Ascii is new H2.Ascii (Slim_Character); package Wide_Ascii is new H2.Ascii (Wide_Character); function Get_Line_Terminator return Slim_String; --function Get_Line_Terminator return Wide_String; package File is subtype Flag_Record is OS.File.Flag_Record; subtype Flag_Bits is OS.File.Flag_Bits; FLAG_READ: constant Flag_Bits := OS.File.FLAG_READ; FLAG_WRITE: constant Flag_Bits := OS.File.FLAG_WRITE; FLAG_CREATE: constant Flag_Bits := OS.File.FLAG_CREATE; FLAG_EXCLUSIVE: constant Flag_Bits := OS.File.FLAG_EXCLUSIVE; FLAG_TRUNCATE: constant Flag_Bits := OS.File.FLAG_TRUNCATE; FLAG_APPEND: constant Flag_Bits := OS.File.FLAG_APPEND; FLAG_NONBLOCK: constant Flag_Bits := OS.File.FLAG_NONBLOCK; FLAG_SYNC: constant Flag_Bits := OS.File.FLAG_SYNC; FLAG_NOFOLLOW: constant Flag_Bits := OS.File.FLAG_NOFOLLOW; type File_Buffer is private; type File_Record is limited private; procedure Set_Flag_Bits (Flag: in out Flag_Record; Bits: in Flag_Bits) renames OS.File.Set_Flag_Bits; procedure Clear_Flag_Bits (Flag: in out Flag_Record; Bits: in Flag_Bits) renames OS.File.Clear_Flag_Bits; function Is_Open (File: in File_Record) return Standard.Boolean; pragma Inline (Is_Open); procedure Open (File: in out File_Record; Name: in Slim_String; Flag: in Flag_Record; Pool: in Storage_Pool_Pointer := null); procedure Open (File: in out File_Record; Name: in Wide_String; Flag: in Flag_Record; Pool: in Storage_Pool_Pointer := null); procedure Close (File: in out File_Record); -- The Read procedure reads as many characters as the buffer -- can hold with a single system call at most. procedure Read (File: in out File_Record; Buffer: out Slim_String; Length: out System_Length); -- The Read_Line procedure reads a single line into the bufer. -- If the buffer is not large enough, it may not contain a full line. -- The remaining part can be returned in the next call. procedure Read_Line (File: in out File_Record; Buffer: out Slim_String; Length: out System_Length); -- The Get_Line procedure acts like Read_Line but the line terminator -- is translated to LF. procedure Get_Line (File: in out File_Record; Buffer: out Slim_String; Length: out System_Length); procedure Read (File: in out File_Record; Buffer: out Wide_String; Length: out System_Length); procedure Read_Line (File: in out File_Record; Buffer: out Wide_String; Length: out System_Length); procedure Get_Line (File: in out File_Record; Buffer: out Wide_String; Length: out System_Length); procedure Write (File: in out File_Record; Buffer: in Slim_String; Length: out System_Length); -- The Write_Line procedure doesn't add a line terminator. -- It writes to the underlying file if the internal buffer -- is full or writes up to the last line terminator found. procedure Write_Line (File: in out File_Record; Buffer: in Slim_String; Length: out System_Length); procedure Write (File: in out File_Record; Buffer: in Wide_String; Length: out System_Length); procedure Write_Line (File: in out File_Record; Buffer: in Wide_String; Length: out System_Length); procedure Flush (File: in out File_Record); procedure Drain (File: in out File_Record); --procedure Rewind (File: in out File_Record); --procedure Set_Position (File: in out File_Record; Position: Position_Record); --procedure Get_Position (File: in out File_Record; Position: Position_Record); private type File_Buffer is record -- TODO: determine the best buffer size. -- The Data array size must be as large as the longest -- multi-byte sequence for a single wide character. Data: System_Byte_Array (1 .. 2048); Length: System_Length := 0; First: System_Length := 0; Last: System_Length := 0; end record; type File_Record is limited record File: OS.File.File_Pointer := null; Rbuf: File_Buffer; Wbuf: File_Buffer; EOF: Standard.Boolean := false; end record; end File; end H2.IO;