(defun repeat(n f) (while (> n 0) (f) (set n (- n 1)) ) ) (defun test-non-local-ret-1(k) (repeat 10 (lambda() (set k (+ k 2)) (if (= k 28) (return-from-home k)) )) (return k) ) (set a (test-non-local-ret-1 20)) (if (/= a 28) (printf "ERROR: a must be 28\n")) (printf "OK %d\n" a) (set a (test-non-local-ret-1 21)) (if (/= a 41) (printf "ERROR: a must be 41\n")) (printf "OK %d\n" a) (defun ff() (return 999)) ; test a normal block return (set a (ff)) (if (/= a 999) (printf "ERROR: a must be 999\n")) (printf "OK %d\n" a) ; return from top-level (return 10) (printf "ERROR: this line must not be printed\n")