with H3.Runes; with H3.Strings; with Ada.Finalization; with Ada.Text_IO; generic type Rune_Type is (<>); package H3.Compilers is package R is new H3.Runes(Rune_Type); package S is new H3.Strings(Rune_Type); Syntax_Error: exception; --type Compiler is tagged limited private; type Compiler is new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with private; procedure Feed (C: in out Compiler; Data: in S.Rune_Array); procedure End_Feed (C: in out Compiler); overriding procedure Initialize (C: in out Compiler); overriding procedure Finalize (C: in out Compiler); private type Lexer_State is ( LX_START, LX_COLON, LX_COMMENT, LX_CSTR, LX_DIRECTIVE, LX_DOLLARED, LX_HASHED, LX_IDENT, LX_NUMBER, LX_OP_DIV, LX_OP_GREATER, LX_OP_LESS, LX_OP_MINUS, LX_OP_MUL, LX_OP_PLUS ); type Lexer is record State: Lexer_State := LX_START; end record; type Token_Id is ( TK_ASSIGN, TK_BSTR, TK_BYTE, TK_CHAR, TK_COLON, TK_CSTR, TK_DIRECTIVE, TK_DIV, TK_DIVDIV, TK_DOLLARED_LBRACE, TK_DOLLARED_LBRACK, TK_DOLLARED_LPAREN, TK_EOF, TK_EOL, TK_HASHED_LBRACE, TK_HASHED_LBRACK, TK_HASHED_LPAREN, TK_IDENT, TK_GE, TK_GT, TK_LBRACE, TK_LBRACK, TK_LE, TK_LPAREN, TK_LT, TK_MINUS, TK_MINUSMINUS, TK_MUL, TK_MULMUL, TK_PLUS, TK_PLUSPLUS, TK_RBRACE, TK_RBRACK, TK_RPAREN, TK_SEMICOLON ); type Token is record Id: Token_Id := TK_EOF; Buf: S.Elastic_String; end record; -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ type Parse_State_Code is ( PS_START, PS_INCLUDE_TARGET, PS_INCLUDE_TERMINATOR, PS_CLASS_1, PS_CLASS_2, PS_FUN_1, PS_FUN_2, PS_PLAIN_STATEMENT_START ); type Parse_Data_Code is ( PD_VOID, PD_STATEMENT, PD_ASSIGNMENT ); type Parse_Data(Code: Parse_Data_Code := PD_VOID) is record case Code is when PD_VOID => null; when PD_STATEMENT => Stmt_Starter: S.Elastic_String; when PD_ASSIGNMENT => Assign_Starter: S.Elastic_String; end case; end record; type Parse_State is record Current: Parse_State_Code := PS_START; Data: Parse_Data; end record; type Parse_State_Array is array(System_Index range<>) of Parse_State; type Parse_State_Stack(Capa: System_Index) is record States: Parse_State_Array(System_Index'First .. Capa); Top: System_Size := System_Size'First; -- 0 end record; -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ type Stream is record Handle: Ada.Text_IO.File_Type; Prs_Level: System_Index; end record; type Stream_Array is array(System_Index range <>) of Stream; type Include_Stack(Capa: System_Index) is record Streams: Stream_Array(System_Index'First .. Capa); Top: System_Size := System_Size'First; -- 0 end record; -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ --type Compiler is tagged limited record type Compiler is new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with record Lx: Lexer; Tk: Token; Prs: Parse_State_Stack(128); -- TODO: make this dynamic. single access type. dynamic allocation Inc: Include_Stack(32); -- TODO: make this dynamic. single access type. dynamic allocation end record; end H3.Compilers;