with H3.Utf8; package body H3.Compilers is type Char_Array is array(System_Index range<>) of Standard.Character; package Utf8 is new H3.Utf8(Standard.Character, S.Rune, Char_Array, S.Rune_Array); LB_EOF: constant S.Rune_Array := (R.V.Left_Arrow,R.V.UC_E,R.V.UC_O,R.V.UC_F,R.V.Right_Arrow); -- LB_EOL: constant S.Rune_Array := (R.V.Left_Arrow,R.V.UC_E,R.V.UC_O,R.V.UC_L,R.V.Right_Arrow); -- LB_XINCLUDE: constant S.Rune_Array := (R.V.Number_Sign,R.V.LC_I,R.V.LC_N,R.V.LC_C,R.V.LC_L,R.V.LC_U,R.V.LC_D,R.V.LC_E); -- #include procedure Dump_Token (Tk: in Token) is begin Ada.Text_IO.Put (Tk.Id'Img); Ada.Text_IO.Put (": "); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Standard.String(Utf8.From_Unicode_String(Tk.Buf.To_Rune_Array))); end Dump_Token; procedure Dump_Rune (Code: in R.Code) is begin if R.Is_Eof(Code) then Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("EOF"); else Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (R.To_Rune(Code)'Img); end if; end Dump_Rune; -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Start_Token (C: in out Compiler) is begin C.Tk.Id := TK_EOF; -- indicate the token id is not set yet -- TODO: store token location. S.Clear (C.Tk.Buf); end Start_Token; procedure Start_Token (C: in out Compiler; Ch: in R.Rune) is begin Start_Token (C); S.Append (C.Tk.Buf, Ch); end Start_Token; procedure Start_Token (C: in out Compiler; Code: in R.Code) is begin Start_Token (C, R.To_Rune(Code)); end Start_Token; procedure Start_Token (C: in out Compiler; Str: in S.Rune_Array) is begin Start_Token (C); S.Append (C.Tk.Buf, Str); end Start_Token; procedure Feed_Token (C: in out Compiler; Ch: in R.Rune) is begin S.Append (C.Tk.Buf, Ch); end Feed_Token; procedure Feed_Token (C: in out Compiler; Code: in R.Code) is begin Feed_Token(C, R.To_Rune(Code)); end Feed_Token; procedure Set_Lexer_State (C: in out Compiler; State: in Lexer_State) is begin C.Lx.State := State; Start_Token (C); -- empty the token buffer end Set_Lexer_State; procedure Switch_Lexer_State (C: in out Compiler; State: in Lexer_State) is begin C.Lx.State := State; -- don't reset the token buffer; end Switch_Lexer_State; procedure Set_Lexer_State (C: in out Compiler; State: in Lexer_State; Ch: in R.Rune) is begin -- change the lexer state while storing the first character in the token buffer. C.Lx.State := State; Start_Token (C, Ch); end Set_Lexer_State; procedure Set_Lexer_State (C: in out Compiler; State: in Lexer_State; Code: in R.Code) is begin Set_Lexer_State (C, State, R.To_Rune(Code)); end Set_Lexer_State; procedure Got_Token (C: in out Compiler); -- defined further down procedure End_Token (C: in out Compiler; Id: in Token_Id) is begin C.Tk.Id := Id; Got_Token (C); Set_Lexer_State (C, LX_START); end End_Token; procedure End_Token (C: in out Compiler; Id: in Token_Id; Ch: in R.Rune) is begin S.Append (C.Tk.Buf, Ch); C.Tk.Id := Id; Got_Token (C); Set_Lexer_State (C, LX_START); end End_Token; procedure End_Token (C: in out Compiler; Id: in Token_Id; Code: in R.Code) is begin End_Token (C, Id, R.To_Rune(Code)); end End_Token; -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Set_Parse_State (C: in out Compiler; Code: in Parse_State_Code) is begin C.Prs.States(C.Prs.Top).Current := Code; end Set_Parse_State; procedure Push_Parse_State (C: in out Compiler; Code: in Parse_State_Code) is Top: System_Index; begin if C.Prs.Top = C.Prs.States'Last then raise Syntax_Error with "parse state stack exhausted"; end if; Top := C.Prs.Top + 1; declare S: Parse_State renames C.Prs.States(Top); begin S.Current := Code; end; C.Prs.Top := Top; end Push_Parse_State; procedure Pop_Parse_State (C: in out Compiler) is begin C.Prs.top := C.Prs.Top - 1; end Pop_Parse_State; -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Push_Inclusion (C: in out Compiler; Name: in S.Rune_Array) is Top: System_Index; begin if C.Inc.Top = C.Inc.Streams'Last then raise Syntax_Error with "inclusion depth too deep"; end if; Top := C.Inc.Top + 1; declare S: Stream renames C.Inc.Streams(Top); begin Ada.Text_IO.Open (S.Handle, Ada.Text_IO.In_File, Standard.String(Utf8.From_Unicode_String(Name))); S.Prs_Level := C.Prs.Top; -- this is the parse state level of this include directive. end; C.Inc.Top := Top; -- Switch the parse state to handle the terminator -- after the new pushed state has been popped out. Set_Parse_State (C, PS_INCLUDE_TERMINATOR); -- Let the inner content be handled at the state as the include directive is seen. Push_Parse_State (C, C.Prs.States(C.Prs.Top - 1).Current); end Push_Inclusion; procedure Pop_Inclusion (C: in out Compiler; Check: Boolean) is begin Ada.Text_IO.Close (C.Inc.Streams(C.Inc.Top).Handle); if Check then if C.Prs.Top /= C.Inc.Streams(C.Inc.Top).Prs_Level + 1 then raise Syntax_Error with "unblanced inclusion content"; end if; end if; C.Inc.Top := C.Inc.Top - 1; Pop_Parse_State (C); end Pop_Inclusion; -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Parse_Start (C: in out Compiler) is begin case C.Tk.Id is when TK_BSTR => null; when TK_BYTE => null; when TK_CHAR => null; when TK_CSTR => null; when TK_DIRECTIVE => if C.Tk.Buf.Equals(LB_XINCLUDE) then --Set_Parse_State (C, PS_INCLUDE_TARGET); Push_Parse_State (C, PS_INCLUDE_TARGET); else raise Syntax_Error with "unknown directive name"; end if; when TK_EOF => if C.Inc.Top > 0 then Pop_Inclusion (C, True); else -- end of really the input?? null; end if; when TK_EOL => null; when TK_IDENT => null; --when TK_NUMBER => -- null; --when TK_CLASS => --when TK_FUNC => -- plus or minus signed may be allowed here too. -- plusplus or miniusminus may be allowed here too. when TK_SEMICOLON => null; when others => raise Syntax_Error with "unexpected token"; end case; end Parse_Start; procedure Parse_Include_Target (C: in out Compiler) is begin if C.Tk.Id = TK_CSTR then -- arrange to feed more data from the included file. Push_Inclusion (C, S.To_Rune_Array(C.Tk.Buf)); else -- the target is not a string. --Dump_Token (C.Tk); raise Syntax_Error with "string literal required"; end if; end Parse_Include_Target; procedure Parse_Include_Terminator (C: in out Compiler) is begin if C.Tk.Id /= TK_SEMICOLON then raise Syntax_Error with "semicolon required"; end if; Pop_Parse_State (C); end Parse_Include_Terminator; procedure Got_Token (C: in out Compiler) is begin Dump_Token (C.Tk); case C.Prs.States(C.Prs.Top).Current is when PS_START => Parse_Start (C); when PS_INCLUDE_TARGET => Parse_Include_Target (C); when PS_INCLUDE_TERMINATOR => Parse_Include_Terminator (C); when others => raise Syntax_Error with "unknown parser state"; -- TODO: change this... end case; end Got_Token; function Is_Ident_Starter(Code: in R.Code) return Boolean is begin return R.Is_Alnum(Code) or else R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.Minus_Sign); end Is_Ident_Starter; function Is_Ident_Char(Code: in R.Code) return Boolean is begin return Is_Ident_Starter(Code) or else R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.Underline); -- or else R.Is_Rune(C, ...); end Is_Ident_Char; procedure Feed_Char_Code (C: in out Compiler; Code: in R.Code) is begin <> --Dump_Rune (Code); case C.Lx.State is when LX_START => if R.Is_Eof(Code) then Start_Token (C, LB_EOF); End_Token (C, TK_EOF); -- this procedure doesn't prevent you from feeding more runes -- after EOF. but it's not desirable to feed more after EOF. elsif R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.LF) then -- TODO: support a different EOL scheme Start_Token (C, LB_EOL); End_Token (C, TK_EOL); elsif R.Is_Space(Code) then -- ignore. carry on null; elsif R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.Number_Sign) then -- # Set_Lexer_State (C, LX_HASHED, Code); elsif R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.Dollar_Sign) then -- $ Set_Lexer_State (C, LX_DOLLARED, Code); elsif R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.Left_Curly_Bracket) then -- { Start_Token (C, Code); End_Token (C, TK_LBRACE); elsif R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.Right_Curly_Bracket) then -- } Start_Token (C, Code); End_Token (C, TK_RBRACE); elsif R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.Left_Square_Bracket) then -- [ Start_Token (C, Code); End_Token (C, TK_LBRACK); elsif R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.Right_Square_Bracket) then -- ] Start_Token (C, Code); End_Token (C, TK_RBRACK); elsif R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.Left_Parenthesis) then -- ( Start_Token (C, Code); End_Token (C, TK_LPAREN); elsif R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.Right_Parenthesis) then -- ) Start_Token (C, Code); End_Token (C, TK_RPAREN); elsif R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.Semicolon) then -- ; Start_Token (C, Code); End_Token (C, TK_SEMICOLON); elsif Is_Ident_Starter(Code) then Set_Lexer_State (C, LX_IDENT, Code); elsif R.Is_Digit(Code) then Set_Lexer_State (C, LX_NUMBER, Code); elsif R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.Plus_Sign) then -- + Set_Lexer_State (C, LX_OP_PLUS, Code); elsif R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.Minus_Sign) then -- - Set_Lexer_State (C, LX_OP_MINUS, Code); elsif R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.Asterisk) then -- * Set_Lexer_State (C, LX_OP_MUL, Code); elsif R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.Slash) then -- / Set_Lexer_State (C, LX_OP_DIV, Code); elsif R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.Left_Arrow) then -- < Set_Lexer_State (C, LX_OP_LESS, Code); elsif R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.Right_Arrow) then -- > Set_Lexer_State (C, LX_OP_GREATER, Code); elsif R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.Quotation) then -- " Set_Lexer_State (C, LX_CSTR); else raise Syntax_Error; end if; when LX_DIRECTIVE => if R.Is_Alnum(Code) or else R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.Underline) then Feed_Token (C, Code); else End_Token (C, TK_DIRECTIVE); goto Start_Over; end if; when LX_COMMENT => if R.Is_Eof(Code) then Set_Lexer_State (C, LX_START); goto Start_Over; elsif R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.LF) then -- TODO: support a different EOL scheme Start_Token (C, LB_EOL); End_Token (C, TK_EOL); end if; when LX_CSTR => -- TODO: escaping... if R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.Quotation) then End_Token (C, TK_CSTR); else Feed_Token (C, Code); end if; when LX_DOLLARED => if R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.Left_Curly_Bracket) then End_Token (C, TK_DOLLARED_LBRACE, Code); elsif R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.Left_Square_Bracket) then End_Token (C, TK_DOLLARED_LBRACK, Code); elsif R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.Left_Parenthesis) then End_Token (C, TK_DOLLARED_LPAREN, Code); else raise Syntax_Error with "invalid dollared token"; end if; when LX_HASHED => if R.Is_Alnum(Code) or else R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.Underline) then Feed_Token (C, Code); Switch_Lexer_State (C, LX_DIRECTIVE); elsif R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.Number_Sign) then -- ## Set_Lexer_State (C, LX_COMMENT); elsif R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.Left_Curly_Bracket) then End_Token (C, TK_HASHED_LBRACE, Code); elsif R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.Left_Square_Bracket) then End_Token (C, TK_HASHED_LBRACK, Code); elsif R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.Left_Parenthesis) then End_Token (C, TK_HASHED_LPAREN, Code); else raise Syntax_Error with "invalid hashed token"; end if; when LX_IDENT => if Is_Ident_Char(Code) then Feed_Token (C, Code); else End_Token (C, TK_IDENT); goto Start_Over; end if; when LX_NUMBER => if R.Is_Digit(Code) then Feed_Token (C, Code); else End_Token (C, TK_IDENT); -- TODO: change this goto Start_Over; end if; when LX_OP_PLUS => if R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.Plus_Sign) then End_Token (C, TK_PLUSPLUS, Code); else End_Token (C, TK_PLUS); goto Start_Over; end if; when LX_OP_MINUS => if R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.Minus_Sign) then End_Token (C, TK_MINUSMINUS, Code); else End_Token (C, TK_MINUS); goto Start_Over; end if; when LX_OP_MUL => if R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.Asterisk) then End_Token (C, TK_MULMUL, Code); else End_Token (C, TK_MUL); goto Start_Over; end if; when LX_OP_DIV => if R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.Slash) then End_Token (C, TK_DIVDIV, Code); else End_Token (C, TK_DIV); goto Start_Over; end if; when LX_OP_GREATER => if R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.Equal_Sign) then End_Token (C, TK_GE, Code); else End_Token (C, TK_GT); goto Start_Over; end if; when LX_OP_LESS => if R.Is_Rune(Code, R.V.Equal_sign) then End_Token (C, TK_LE, Code); else End_Token (C, TK_LT); goto Start_Over; end if; end case; end Feed_Char_Code; procedure Feed_Inc (C: in out Compiler) is -- Feed the contents of a included stream. Entry_Top: constant System_Index := C.Inc.Top; Use_Immediate: constant Boolean := True; begin loop while not Ada.Text_IO.End_Of_File(C.Inc.Streams(C.Inc.Top).Handle) loop declare Ch: Standard.Character; begin -- Get() skips line terminators. End_Of_Line() checks if it reaches EOL -- but can't handle multiple consecutive EOLs. Get_Immediate() doesn't -- skip EOLs. As detecting every EOL in the multiple consecutive sequence -- is not required, End_Of_Line()+Get() is good too. if Use_Immediate then Ada.Text_IO.Get_Immediate (C.Inc.Streams(C.Inc.Top).Handle, Ch); else if Ada.Text_IO.End_Of_Line(C.Inc.Streams(C.Inc.Top).Handle) then Feed_Char_Code (C, R.P.LF); end if; Ada.Text_IO.Get (C.Inc.Streams(C.Inc.Top).Handle, Ch); end if; Feed_Char_Code (C, Standard.Character'Pos(Ch)); end; -- After each feed, C.Inc.Top may get incremented if an inclusion -- directive is found. so the while loop iterates over the streams -- of all inner included levels. End_Feed() below drops C.Inc.Top -- and the outer loop will resume the inner while loop at the outer -- inclusion level until all entered inclusion levels are exited. end loop; End_Feed (C); if C.Inc.Top < Entry_Top then -- Pop_Inclusion() is called on EOF which is fed by End_Feed(). -- It also decrements the stack pointer. The current inclusion -- stack pointer will get less that First_Top if the first inclusion -- level entered is exited. exit; end if; end loop; end Feed_Inc; procedure Feed (C: in out Compiler; Data: in S.Rune_Array) is begin for i in Data'Range loop Feed_Char_Code (C, R.To_Code(Data(i))); if C.Inc.Top > 0 then Feed_Inc (C); end if; end loop; end Feed; procedure End_Feed (C: in out Compiler) is begin Feed_Char_Code (C, R.P.EOF); end End_Feed; -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Initialize (C: in out Compiler) is begin Push_Parse_State (C, PS_START); end Initialize; procedure Finalize (C: in out Compiler) is begin while C.Inc.Top > 0 loop Pop_Inclusion (C, False); end loop; while C.Prs.Top > 0 loop Pop_Parse_State (C); end loop; end Finalize; end H3.Compilers;