(fun() { ## test return variables | v1 v2 v3 i a b c d | set i 100; fun ff(a b :: x y z) { set x (+ a b i); set y (+ x x); set z (+ 999 i); set i (* i 10); }; set-r v1 v2 v3 (ff 10 20); if (~= v1 130) { printf "ERROR: v1 must be 130\n" } \ else { printf "OK: v1=%d\n" v1 } if (~= v2 260) { printf "ERROR: v2 must be 260\n" } \ else { printf "OK: v2=%d\n" v2 } if (~= v3 1099) { printf "ERROR: v3 must be 1099\n" } \ else { printf "OK: v3=%d\n" v3 } set-r v1 v2 (ff 1 2); ## using 2 return variables only. not assigning to v3 if (~= v1 1003) { printf "ERROR: v1 must be 1003\n" } \ else { printf "OK: v1=%d\n" v1 } if (~= v2 2006) { printf "ERROR: v2 must be 2006\n" } \ else { printf "OK: v2=%d\n" v2 } if (~= v3 1099) { printf "ERROR: v3 must be 1099\n" } \ else { printf "OK: v3=%d\n" v3 } ## test return variables in message sends defclass B [ [X1 X2] ] { set X1 999; set X2 888; fun(#class) get ( :: x y) { set x X1; set y X2; }; fun(#class) get2 (inc :: x y) { set x (+ X1 inc); set y (+ X2 inc); }; }; set-r a b (B:get); set-r c d (B:get2 -100); if (~= a 999) { printf "ERROR: a must be 999\n" } \ else { printf "OK: a=%d\n" a } if (~= b 888) { printf "ERROR: b must be 888\n" } \ else { printf "OK: b=%d\n" b } if (~= c 899) { printf "ERROR: c must be 899\n" } \ else { printf "OK: c=%d\n" c } if (~= d 788) { printf "ERROR: d must be 788\n" } \ else { printf "OK: d=%d\n" d } class X [ x, y ] { fun(#class) f(a :: b c) { b := (+ a 10); c := (+ a 20) } fun(#classinst) new(z) { ## multi-variable assignment with return variables to member variables [self.x, self.y] := (X:f z) return self; } fun getX() { return self.x } fun getY() { return self.y } } z := (X:new 9) if (~= (x := (z:getX)) 19) { printf "ERROR: z:getX must return 19\n" } \ else { printf "OK: z:getX=%d\n" x } if (~= (y := (z:getY)) 29) { printf "ERROR: z:getX must return 29\n" } \ else { printf "OK: z:getY=%d\n" y } }); ## create a new binary operator message returning two output values fun Number:// (x :: quo rem) { quo := (/ self x) rem := (- self (* quo x)) } [q,r] := (123 // 4) if (~= q 30) { printf "ERROR: q is not 30" } \ else { printf "OK: q is %d\n" q } if (~= r 3) { printf "ERROR: r is not 3" } \ else { printf "OK: r is %d\n" r }