/* this function contains commonly used callback functions for hcl */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- * SYSTEM ERROR CONVERSION * ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ static hcl_errnum_t errno_to_errnum (int errcode) { switch (errcode) { case ENOMEM: return HCL_ESYSMEM; case EINVAL: return HCL_EINVAL; #if defined(EBUSY) case EBUSY: return HCL_EBUSY; #endif case EACCES: return HCL_EACCES; #if defined(EPERM) case EPERM: return HCL_EPERM; #endif #if defined(ENOTDIR) case ENOTDIR: return HCL_ENOTDIR; #endif case ENOENT: return HCL_ENOENT; #if defined(EEXIST) case EEXIST: return HCL_EEXIST; #endif #if defined(EINTR) case EINTR: return HCL_EINTR; #endif #if defined(EPIPE) case EPIPE: return HCL_EPIPE; #endif #if defined(EAGAIN) && defined(EWOULDBLOCK) && (EAGAIN != EWOULDBLOCK) case EAGAIN: case EWOULDBLOCK: return HCL_EAGAIN; #elif defined(EAGAIN) case EAGAIN: return HCL_EAGAIN; #elif defined(EWOULDBLOCK) case EWOULDBLOCK: return HCL_EAGAIN; #endif #if defined(EBADF) case EBADF: return HCL_EBADHND; #endif #if defined(EIO) case EIO: return HCL_EIOERR; #endif default: return HCL_ESYSERR; } } #if defined(_WIN32) static hcl_errnum_t winerr_to_errnum (DWORD errcode) { switch (errcode) { case ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: case ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: return HCL_ESYSMEM; case ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: case ERROR_INVALID_NAME: return HCL_EINVAL; case ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE: return HCL_EBADHND; case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: case ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION: return HCL_EACCES; case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: case ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND: return HCL_ENOENT; case ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS: case ERROR_FILE_EXISTS: return HCL_EEXIST; case ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE: return HCL_EPIPE; default: return HCL_ESYSERR; } } #endif #if defined(__OS2__) static hcl_errnum_t os2err_to_errnum (APIRET errcode) { /* APIRET e */ switch (errcode) { case ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: return HCL_ESYSMEM; case ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: case ERROR_INVALID_NAME: return HCL_EINVAL; case ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE: return HCL_EBADHND; case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: case ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION: return HCL_EACCES; case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: case ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND: return HCL_ENOENT; case ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS: return HCL_EEXIST; /*TODO: add more mappings */ default: return HCL_ESYSERR; } } #endif #if defined(macintosh) static hcl_errnum_t macerr_to_errnum (int errcode) { switch (e) { case notEnoughMemoryErr: return HCL_ESYSMEM; case paramErr: return HCL_EINVAL; case qErr: /* queue element not found during deletion */ case fnfErr: /* file not found */ case dirNFErr: /* direcotry not found */ case resNotFound: /* resource not found */ case resFNotFound: /* resource file not found */ case nbpNotFound: /* name not found on remove */ return HCL_ENOENT; /*TODO: add more mappings */ default: return HCL_ESYSERR; } } #endif static hcl_errnum_t syserrstrb (hcl_t* hcl, int syserr_type, int syserr_code, hcl_bch_t* buf, hcl_oow_t len) { switch (syserr_type) { case 1: #if defined(_WIN32) if (buf) { DWORD rc; rc = FormatMessageA ( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, syserr_code, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), buf, len, HCL_NULL ); while (rc > 0 && buf[rc - 1] == '\r' || buf[rc - 1] == '\n') buf[--rc] = '\0'; } return winerr_to_errnum(syserr_code); #elif defined(__OS2__) /* TODO: convert code to string */ if (buf) hcl_copy_bcstr (buf, len, "system error"); return os2err_to_errnum(syserr_code); #elif defined(macintosh) /* TODO: convert code to string */ if (buf) hcl_copy_bcstr (buf, len, "system error"); return os2err_to_errnum(syserr_code); #else /* in other systems, errno is still the native system error code. * fall thru */ #endif case 0: #if defined(HAVE_STRERROR_R) if (buf) strerror_r (syserr_code, buf, len); #else /* this is not thread safe */ if (buf) hcl_copy_bcstr (buf, len, strerror(syserr_code)); #endif return errno_to_errnum(syserr_code); } if (buf) hcl_copy_bcstr (buf, len, "system error"); return HCL_ESYSERR; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- * HEAP ALLOCATION * ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void* alloc_heap (hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oow_t size) { #if defined(HAVE_MMAP) && defined(HAVE_MUNMAP) && defined(MAP_ANONYMOUS) /* It's called via hcl_makeheap() when HCL creates a GC heap. * The heap is large in size. I can use a different memory allocation * function instead of an ordinary malloc. * upon failure, it doesn't require to set error information as hcl_makeheap() * set the error number to HCL_EOOMEM. */ #if !defined(MAP_HUGETLB) && (defined(__amd64__) || defined(__x86_64__)) # define MAP_HUGETLB 0x40000 #endif hcl_oow_t* ptr; int flags; hcl_oow_t actual_size; flags = MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS; #if defined(MAP_HUGETLB) flags |= MAP_HUGETLB; #endif #if defined(MAP_UNINITIALIZED) flags |= MAP_UNINITIALIZED; #endif actual_size = HCL_SIZEOF(hcl_oow_t) + size; actual_size = HCL_ALIGN_POW2(actual_size, 2 * 1024 * 1024); ptr = (hcl_oow_t*)mmap(NULL, actual_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, flags, -1, 0); if (ptr == MAP_FAILED) { #if defined(MAP_HUGETLB) flags &= ~MAP_HUGETLB; ptr = (hcl_oow_t*)mmap(NULL, actual_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, flags, -1, 0); if (ptr == MAP_FAILED) return HCL_NULL; #else return HCL_NULL; #endif } *ptr = actual_size; return (void*)(ptr + 1); #else return HCL_MMGR_ALLOC(hcl->mmgr, size); #endif } static void free_heap (hcl_t* hcl, void* ptr) { #if defined(HAVE_MMAP) && defined(HAVE_MUNMAP) hcl_oow_t* actual_ptr; actual_ptr = (hcl_oow_t*)ptr - 1; munmap (actual_ptr, *actual_ptr); #else return HCL_MMGR_FREE(hcl->mmgr, ptr); #endif } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- * POSSIBLY MONOTONIC TIME * ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void vm_gettime (hcl_t* hcl, hcl_ntime_t* now) { #if defined(_WIN32) #if defined(_WIN64) || (defined(_WIN32_WINNT) && (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0600)) hcl_uint64_t bigsec, bigmsec; bigmsec = GetTickCount64(); #else xtn_t* xtn = (xtn_t*)hcl_getxtn(hcl); hcl_uint64_t bigsec, bigmsec; DWORD msec; msec = GetTickCount(); /* this can sustain for 49.7 days */ if (msec < xtn->tc_last) { /* i assume the difference is never bigger than 49.7 days */ /*diff = (HCL_TYPE_MAX(DWORD) - xtn->tc_last) + 1 + msec;*/ xtn->tc_overflow++; bigmsec = ((hcl_uint64_t)HCL_TYPE_MAX(DWORD) * xtn->tc_overflow) + msec; } else bigmsec = msec; xtn->tc_last = msec; #endif bigsec = HCL_MSEC_TO_SEC(bigmsec); bigmsec -= HCL_SEC_TO_MSEC(bigsec); HCL_INIT_NTIME(now, bigsec, HCL_MSEC_TO_NSEC(bigmsec)); #elif defined(__OS2__) xtn_t* xtn = (xtn_t*)hcl_getxtn(hcl); hcl_uint64_t bigsec, bigmsec; ULONG msec; /* TODO: use DosTmrQueryTime() and DosTmrQueryFreq()? */ DosQuerySysInfo (QSV_MS_COUNT, QSV_MS_COUNT, &msec, HCL_SIZEOF(msec)); /* milliseconds */ /* it must return NO_ERROR */ if (msec < xtn->tc_last) { xtn->tc_overflow++; bigmsec = ((hcl_uint64_t)HCL_TYPE_MAX(ULONG) * xtn->tc_overflow) + msec; } else bigmsec = msec; xtn->tc_last = msec; bigsec = HCL_MSEC_TO_SEC(bigmsec); bigmsec -= HCL_SEC_TO_MSEC(bigsec); HCL_INIT_NTIME (now, bigsec, HCL_MSEC_TO_NSEC(bigmsec)); #elif defined(__DOS__) && (defined(_INTELC32_) || defined(__WATCOMC__)) clock_t c; /* TODO: handle overflow?? */ c = clock (); now->sec = c / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; #if (CLOCKS_PER_SEC == 100) now->nsec = HCL_MSEC_TO_NSEC((c % CLOCKS_PER_SEC) * 10); #elif (CLOCKS_PER_SEC == 1000) now->nsec = HCL_MSEC_TO_NSEC(c % CLOCKS_PER_SEC); #elif (CLOCKS_PER_SEC == 1000000L) now->nsec = HCL_USEC_TO_NSEC(c % CLOCKS_PER_SEC); #elif (CLOCKS_PER_SEC == 1000000000L) now->nsec = (c % CLOCKS_PER_SEC); #else # error UNSUPPORTED CLOCKS_PER_SEC #endif #elif defined(macintosh) UnsignedWide tick; hcl_uint64_t tick64; Microseconds (&tick); tick64 = *(hcl_uint64_t*)&tick; HCL_INIT_NTIME (now, HCL_USEC_TO_SEC(tick64), HCL_USEC_TO_NSEC(tick64)); #elif defined(HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME) && defined(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) struct timespec ts; clock_gettime (CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts); HCL_INIT_NTIME(now, ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_nsec); #elif defined(HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME) && defined(CLOCK_REALTIME) struct timespec ts; clock_gettime (CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts); HCL_INIT_NTIME(now, ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_nsec); #else struct timeval tv; gettimeofday (&tv, HCL_NULL); HCL_INIT_NTIME(now, tv.tv_sec, HCL_USEC_TO_NSEC(tv.tv_usec)); #endif } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- * SLEEPING * ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ #if defined(__DOS__) # if defined(_INTELC32_) void _halt_cpu (void); # elif defined(__WATCOMC__) void _halt_cpu (void); # pragma aux _halt_cpu = "hlt" # endif #endif static void vm_sleep (hcl_t* hcl, const hcl_ntime_t* dur) { #if defined(_WIN32) xtn_t* xtn = (xtn_t*)hcl_getxtn(hcl); if (xtn->waitable_timer) { LARGE_INTEGER li; li.QuadPart = -(HCL_SECNSEC_TO_NSEC(dur->sec, dur->nsec) / 100); /* in 100 nanoseconds */ if(SetWaitableTimer(xtn->waitable_timer, &li, 0, HCL_NULL, HCL_NULL, FALSE) == FALSE) goto normal_sleep; WaitForSingleObject(xtn->waitable_timer, INFINITE); } else { normal_sleep: /* fallback to normal Sleep() */ Sleep (HCL_SECNSEC_TO_MSEC(dur->sec,dur->nsec)); } #elif defined(__OS2__) /* TODO: in gui mode, this is not a desirable method??? * this must be made event-driven coupled with the main event loop */ DosSleep (HCL_SECNSEC_TO_MSEC(dur->sec,dur->nsec)); #elif defined(macintosh) /* TODO: ... */ #elif defined(__DOS__) && (defined(_INTELC32_) || defined(__WATCOMC__)) clock_t c; c = clock (); c += dur->sec * CLOCKS_PER_SEC; #if (CLOCKS_PER_SEC == 100) c += HCL_NSEC_TO_MSEC(dur->nsec) / 10; #elif (CLOCKS_PER_SEC == 1000) c += HCL_NSEC_TO_MSEC(dur->nsec); #elif (CLOCKS_PER_SEC == 1000000L) c += HCL_NSEC_TO_USEC(dur->nsec); #elif (CLOCKS_PER_SEC == 1000000000L) c += dur->nsec; #else # error UNSUPPORTED CLOCKS_PER_SEC #endif /* TODO: handle clock overvlow */ /* TODO: check if there is abortion request or interrupt */ while (c > clock()) { _halt_cpu(); } #else #if defined(HAVE_NANOSLEEP) struct timespec ts; ts.tv_sec = dur->sec; ts.tv_nsec = dur->nsec; nanosleep (&ts, HCL_NULL); #elif defined(HAVE_USLEEP) usleep (HCL_SECNSEC_TO_USEC(dur->sec, dur->nsec)); #else # error UNSUPPORT SLEEP #endif #endif } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- * SHARED LIBRARY HANDLING * ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ #if defined(USE_LTDL) # define sys_dl_error() lt_dlerror() # define sys_dl_open(x) lt_dlopen(x) # define sys_dl_openext(x) lt_dlopenext(x) # define sys_dl_close(x) lt_dlclose(x) # define sys_dl_getsym(x,n) lt_dlsym(x,n) #elif defined(USE_DLFCN) # define sys_dl_error() dlerror() # define sys_dl_open(x) dlopen(x,RTLD_NOW) # define sys_dl_openext(x) dlopen(x,RTLD_NOW) # define sys_dl_close(x) dlclose(x) # define sys_dl_getsym(x,n) dlsym(x,n) #elif defined(USE_WIN_DLL) # define sys_dl_error() win_dlerror() # define sys_dl_open(x) LoadLibraryExA(x, MOO_NULL, 0) # define sys_dl_openext(x) LoadLibraryExA(x, MOO_NULL, 0) # define sys_dl_close(x) FreeLibrary(x) # define sys_dl_getsym(x,n) GetProcAddress(x,n) #elif defined(USE_MACH_O_DYLD) # define sys_dl_error() mach_dlerror() # define sys_dl_open(x) mach_dlopen(x) # define sys_dl_openext(x) mach_dlopen(x) # define sys_dl_close(x) mach_dlclose(x) # define sys_dl_getsym(x,n) mach_dlsym(x,n) #endif #if defined(USE_WIN_DLL) static const char* win_dlerror (void) { /* TODO: handle wchar_t, moo_ooch_t etc? */ static char buf[256]; DWORD rc; rc = FormatMessageA ( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, GetLastError(), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), buf, MOO_COUNTOF(buf), MOO_NULL ); while (rc > 0 && buf[rc - 1] == '\r' || buf[rc - 1] == '\n') { buf[--rc] = '\0'; } return buf; } #elif defined(USE_MACH_O_DYLD) static const char* mach_dlerror_str = ""; static void* mach_dlopen (const char* path) { NSObjectFileImage image; NSObjectFileImageReturnCode rc; void* handle; mach_dlerror_str = ""; if ((rc = NSCreateObjectFileImageFromFile(path, &image)) != NSObjectFileImageSuccess) { switch (rc) { case NSObjectFileImageFailure: case NSObjectFileImageFormat: mach_dlerror_str = "unable to crate object file image"; break; case NSObjectFileImageInappropriateFile: mach_dlerror_str = "inappropriate file"; break; case NSObjectFileImageArch: mach_dlerror_str = "incompatible architecture"; break; case NSObjectFileImageAccess: mach_dlerror_str = "inaccessible file"; break; default: mach_dlerror_str = "unknown error"; break; } return HCL_NULL; } handle = (void*)NSLinkModule(image, path, NSLINKMODULE_OPTION_PRIVATE | NSLINKMODULE_OPTION_RETURN_ON_ERROR); NSDestroyObjectFileImage (image); return handle; } static HCL_INLINE void mach_dlclose (void* handle) { mach_dlerror_str = ""; NSUnLinkModule (handle, NSUNLINKMODULE_OPTION_NONE); } static HCL_INLINE void* mach_dlsym (void* handle, const char* name) { mach_dlerror_str = ""; return (void*)NSAddressOfSymbol(NSLookupSymbolInModule(handle, name)); } static const char* mach_dlerror (void) { int err_no; const char* err_file; NSLinkEditErrors err; if (mach_dlerror_str[0] == '\0') NSLinkEditError (&err, &err_no, &err_file, &mach_dlerror_str); return mach_dlerror_str; } #endif static void* dl_open (hcl_t* hcl, const hcl_ooch_t* name, int flags) { #if defined(USE_LTDL) || defined(USE_DLFCN) || defined(USE_MACH_O_DYLD) hcl_bch_t stabuf[128], * bufptr; hcl_oow_t ucslen, bcslen, bufcapa; void* handle; #if defined(HCL_OOCH_IS_UCH) if (hcl_convootobcstr(hcl, name, &ucslen, HCL_NULL, &bufcapa) <= -1) return HCL_NULL; /* +1 for terminating null. but it's not needed because HCL_COUNTOF(HCL_DEFAULT_PFMODPREFIX) * and HCL_COUNTOF(HCL_DEFAULT_PFMODPOSTIFX) include the terminating nulls. Never mind about * the extra 2 characters. */ #else bufcapa = hcl_count_bcstr(name); #endif bufcapa += HCL_COUNTOF(HCL_DEFAULT_PFMODDIR) + HCL_COUNTOF(HCL_DEFAULT_PFMODPREFIX) + HCL_COUNTOF(HCL_DEFAULT_PFMODPOSTFIX) + 1; if (bufcapa <= HCL_COUNTOF(stabuf)) bufptr = stabuf; else { bufptr = (hcl_bch_t*)hcl_allocmem(hcl, bufcapa * HCL_SIZEOF(*bufptr)); if (!bufptr) return HCL_NULL; } if (flags & HCL_VMPRIM_DLOPEN_PFMOD) { hcl_oow_t len, i, xlen, dlen; /* opening a primitive function module - mostly libhcl-xxxx. * if PFMODPREFIX is absolute, never use PFMODDIR */ dlen = IS_PATH_ABSOLUTE(HCL_DEFAULT_PFMODPREFIX)? 0: hcl_copy_bcstr(bufptr, bufcapa, HCL_DEFAULT_PFMODDIR); len = hcl_copy_bcstr(bufptr, bufcapa, HCL_DEFAULT_PFMODPREFIX); len += dlen; bcslen = bufcapa - len; #if defined(HCL_OOCH_IS_UCH) hcl_convootobcstr(hcl, name, &ucslen, &bufptr[len], &bcslen); #else bcslen = hcl_copy_bcstr(&bufptr[len], bcslen, name); #endif /* length including the directory, the prefix and the name. but excluding the postfix */ xlen = len + bcslen; for (i = len; i < xlen; i++) { /* convert a period(.) to a dash(-) */ if (bufptr[i] == '.') bufptr[i] = '-'; } retry: hcl_copy_bcstr (&bufptr[xlen], bufcapa - xlen, HCL_DEFAULT_PFMODPOSTFIX); /* both prefix and postfix attached. for instance, libhcl-xxx */ handle = sys_dl_openext(bufptr); if (!handle) { HCL_DEBUG3 (hcl, "Unable to open(ext) PFMOD %hs[%js] - %hs\n", &bufptr[dlen], name, sys_dl_error()); if (dlen > 0) { handle = sys_dl_openext(&bufptr[0]); if (handle) goto pfmod_open_ok; HCL_DEBUG3 (hcl, "Unable to open(ext) PFMOD %hs[%js] - %hs\n", &bufptr[0], name, sys_dl_error()); } /* try without prefix and postfix */ bufptr[xlen] = '\0'; handle = sys_dl_openext(&bufptr[len]); if (!handle) { hcl_bch_t* dash; const hcl_bch_t* dl_errstr; dl_errstr = sys_dl_error(); HCL_DEBUG3 (hcl, "Unable to open(ext) PFMOD %hs[%js] - %hs\n", &bufptr[len], name, dl_errstr); hcl_seterrbfmt (hcl, HCL_ESYSERR, "unable to open(ext) PFMOD %js - %hs", name, dl_errstr); dash = hcl_rfind_bchar(bufptr, hcl_count_bcstr(bufptr), '-'); if (dash) { /* remove a segment at the back. * [NOTE] a dash contained in the original name before * period-to-dash transformation may cause extraneous/wrong * loading reattempts. */ xlen = dash - bufptr; goto retry; } } else { HCL_DEBUG3 (hcl, "Opened(ext) PFMOD %hs[%js] handle %p\n", &bufptr[len], name, handle); } } else { pfmod_open_ok: HCL_DEBUG3 (hcl, "Opened(ext) PFMOD %hs[%js] handle %p\n", &bufptr[dlen], name, handle); } } else { /* opening a raw shared object without a prefix and/or a postfix */ #if defined(HCL_OOCH_IS_UCH) bcslen = bufcapa; hcl_convootobcstr(hcl, name, &ucslen, bufptr, &bcslen); #else bcslen = hcl_copy_bcstr(bufptr, bufcapa, name); #endif if (hcl_find_bchar(bufptr, bcslen, '.')) { handle = sys_dl_open(bufptr); if (!handle) { const hcl_bch_t* dl_errstr; dl_errstr = sys_dl_error(); HCL_DEBUG2 (hcl, "Unable to open DL %hs - %hs\n", bufptr, dl_errstr); hcl_seterrbfmt (hcl, HCL_ESYSERR, "unable to open DL %js - %hs", name, dl_errstr); } else HCL_DEBUG2 (hcl, "Opened DL %hs handle %p\n", bufptr, handle); } else { handle = sys_dl_openext(bufptr); if (!handle) { const hcl_bch_t* dl_errstr; dl_errstr = sys_dl_error(); HCL_DEBUG2 (hcl, "Unable to open(ext) DL %hs - %s\n", bufptr, dl_errstr); hcl_seterrbfmt (hcl, HCL_ESYSERR, "unable to open(ext) DL %js - %hs", name, dl_errstr); } else HCL_DEBUG2 (hcl, "Opened(ext) DL %hs handle %p\n", bufptr, handle); } } if (bufptr != stabuf) hcl_freemem (hcl, bufptr); return handle; #else /* TODO: support various platforms */ /* TODO: implemenent this */ HCL_DEBUG1 (hcl, "Dynamic loading not implemented - cannot open %js\n", name); hcl_seterrbfmt (hcl, HCL_ENOIMPL, "dynamic loading not implemented - cannot open %js", name); return HCL_NULL; #endif } static void dl_close (hcl_t* hcl, void* handle) { #if defined(USE_LTDL) || defined(USE_DLFCN) || defined(USE_MACH_O_DYLD) HCL_DEBUG1 (hcl, "Closed DL handle %p\n", handle); sys_dl_close (handle); #else /* TODO: implemenent this */ HCL_DEBUG1 (hcl, "Dynamic loading not implemented - cannot close handle %p\n", handle); #endif } static void* dl_getsym (hcl_t* hcl, void* handle, const hcl_ooch_t* name) { #if defined(USE_LTDL) || defined(USE_DLFCN) || defined(USE_MACH_O_DYLD) hcl_bch_t stabuf[64], * bufptr; hcl_oow_t bufcapa, ucslen, bcslen, i; const hcl_bch_t* symname; void* sym; #if defined(HCL_OOCH_IS_UCH) if (hcl_convootobcstr(hcl, name, &ucslen, HCL_NULL, &bcslen) <= -1) return HCL_NULL; #else bcslen = hcl_count_bcstr (name); #endif if (bcslen >= HCL_COUNTOF(stabuf) - 2) { bufcapa = bcslen + 3; bufptr = (hcl_bch_t*)hcl_allocmem(hcl, bufcapa * HCL_SIZEOF(*bufptr)); if (!bufptr) return HCL_NULL; } else { bufcapa = HCL_COUNTOF(stabuf); bufptr = stabuf; } bcslen = bufcapa - 1; #if defined(HCL_OOCH_IS_UCH) hcl_convootobcstr (hcl, name, &ucslen, &bufptr[1], &bcslen); #else bcslen = hcl_copy_bcstr(&bufptr[1], bcslen, name); #endif /* convert a period(.) to an underscore(_) */ for (i = 1; i <= bcslen; i++) if (bufptr[i] == '.') bufptr[i] = '_'; symname = &bufptr[1]; /* try the name as it is */ sym = sys_dl_getsym(handle, symname); if (!sym) { bufptr[0] = '_'; symname = &bufptr[0]; /* try _name */ sym = sys_dl_getsym(handle, symname); if (!sym) { bufptr[bcslen + 1] = '_'; bufptr[bcslen + 2] = '\0'; symname = &bufptr[1]; /* try name_ */ sym = sys_dl_getsym(handle, symname); if (!sym) { symname = &bufptr[0]; /* try _name_ */ sym = sys_dl_getsym(handle, symname); if (!sym) { const hcl_bch_t* dl_errstr; dl_errstr = sys_dl_error(); HCL_DEBUG3 (hcl, "Failed to get module symbol %js from handle %p - %hs\n", name, handle, dl_errstr); hcl_seterrbfmt (hcl, HCL_ENOENT, "unable to get module symbol %hs - %hs", symname, dl_errstr); } } } } if (sym) HCL_DEBUG3 (hcl, "Loaded module symbol %js from handle %p - %hs\n", name, handle, symname); if (bufptr != stabuf) hcl_freemem (hcl, bufptr); return sym; #else /* TODO: IMPLEMENT THIS */ HCL_DEBUG2 (hcl, "Dynamic loading not implemented - Cannot load module symbol %js from handle %p\n", name, handle); hcl_seterrbfmt (hcl, HCL_ENOIMPL, "dynamic loading not implemented - Cannot load module symbol %js from handle %p", name, handle); return HCL_NULL; #endif }