package hcl /* #include <hcl.h> #include <hcl-utl.h> #include <stdlib.h> // for extern int hcl_go_cci_handler (hcl_t* hcl, hcl_io_cmd_t cmd, void* arg); extern int hcl_go_udi_handler (hcl_t* hcl, hcl_io_cmd_t cmd, void* arg); extern int hcl_go_udo_handler (hcl_t* hcl, hcl_io_cmd_t cmd, void* arg); int hcl_cci_handler_for_go (hcl_t* hcl, hcl_io_cmd_t cmd, void* arg) { return hcl_go_cci_handler(hcl, cmd, arg); } int hcl_udi_handler_for_go (hcl_t* hcl, hcl_io_cmd_t cmd, void* arg) { return hcl_go_udi_handler(hcl, cmd, arg); } int hcl_udo_handler_for_go (hcl_t* hcl, hcl_io_cmd_t cmd, void* arg) { return hcl_go_udo_handler(hcl, cmd, arg); } */ import "C" import ( "bufio" "fmt" "io" "os" "runtime" "unsafe" ) type CciImpl interface { Open(g *HCL, name string) (int, error) Close(fd int) Read(fd int, buf []rune) (int, error) } type UdiImpl interface { Open(g *HCL) error Close() Read(buf []rune) (int, error) } type UdoImpl interface { Open(g *HCL) error Close() Write(data []rune) error WriteBytes(data []byte) error Flush() error } type HCL struct { c *C.hcl_t inst_no int io struct { cci CciImpl cci_main string udi UdiImpl udo UdoImpl } } type Ext struct { inst_no int } type BitMask C.hcl_bitmask_t const TRAIT_LANG_ENABLE_BLOCK BitMask = C.HCL_TRAIT_LANG_ENABLE_BLOCK const TRAIT_LANG_ENABLE_EOL BitMask = C.HCL_TRAIT_LANG_ENABLE_EOL var inst_table InstanceTable func deregister_instance(g *HCL) { if g.inst_no >= 0 { inst_table.delete_instance(g.inst_no) g.inst_no = -1 } } func New() (*HCL, error) { var c *C.hcl_t var g *HCL var ext *Ext var errnum C.hcl_errnum_t c = C.hcl_openstd(C.hcl_oow_t(unsafe.Sizeof(*ext)), &errnum) if c == nil { var buf [64]C.hcl_uch_t var ptr *C.hcl_uch_t var err error ptr = C.hcl_errnum_to_errucstr(errnum, &buf[0], C.hcl_oow_t(cap(buf))) err = fmt.Errorf("%s", string(ucstr_to_rune_slice(ptr))) return nil, err } ext = (*Ext)(unsafe.Pointer(C.hcl_getxtn(c))) g = &HCL{c: c, inst_no: -1} runtime.SetFinalizer(g, deregister_instance) g.inst_no = inst_table.add_instance(c, g) ext.inst_no = g.inst_no return g, nil } func (hcl *HCL) Close() { C.hcl_close(hcl.c) deregister_instance(hcl) } func (hcl *HCL) GetTrait() BitMask { var x var log_mask BitMask = 0 x = C.hcl_getoption(hcl.c, C.HCL_TRAIT, unsafe.Pointer(&log_mask)) if x <= -1 { // this must not happen panic(fmt.Errorf("unable to get log mask - %s", hcl.get_errmsg())) } return log_mask } func (hcl *HCL) SetTrait(log_mask BitMask) { var x x = C.hcl_setoption(hcl.c, C.HCL_TRAIT, unsafe.Pointer(&log_mask)) if x <= -1 { // this must not happen panic(fmt.Errorf("unable to set log mask - %s", hcl.get_errmsg())) } } func (hcl *HCL) GetLogMask() BitMask { var x var log_mask BitMask = 0 x = C.hcl_getoption(hcl.c, C.HCL_LOG_MASK, unsafe.Pointer(&log_mask)) if x <= -1 { // this must not happen panic(fmt.Errorf("unable to get log mask - %s", hcl.get_errmsg())) } return log_mask } func (hcl *HCL) SetLogMask(log_mask BitMask) { var x x = C.hcl_setoption(hcl.c, C.HCL_LOG_MASK, unsafe.Pointer(&log_mask)) if x <= -1 { // this must not happen panic(fmt.Errorf("unable to set log mask - %s", hcl.get_errmsg())) } } func (hcl *HCL) GetLogTarget() string { var x var tgt *C.char x = C.hcl_getoption(hcl.c, C.HCL_LOG_TARGET_BCSTR, unsafe.Pointer(&tgt)) if x <= -1 { // this must not happen panic(fmt.Errorf("unable to set log target - %s", hcl.get_errmsg())) } return C.GoString(tgt) } func (hcl *HCL) SetLogTarget(target string) { var x var tgt *C.char tgt = C.CString(target) // TODO: need error check? defer x = C.hcl_setoption(hcl.c, C.HCL_LOG_TARGET_BCSTR, unsafe.Pointer(tgt)) if x <= -1 { // this must not happen panic(fmt.Errorf("unable to set log target - %s", hcl.get_errmsg())) } } func (hcl *HCL) Ignite(memsize uintptr) error { var x x = C.hcl_ignite(hcl.c, C.hcl_oow_t(memsize)) if x <= -1 { return fmt.Errorf("unable to ignite - %s", hcl.get_errmsg()) } return nil } func (hcl *HCL) AddBuiltinPrims() error { var x x = C.hcl_addbuiltinprims(hcl.c) if x <= -1 { return fmt.Errorf("unable to add built-in primitives - %s", hcl.get_errmsg()) } return nil } // the name of the main cci stream is required because: // - the main stream is not handled by this IO handler // - the feeder must read the main stream and pass data. // - the inclusion of another file from the main stream requires the path information of the main strea. func (hcl *HCL) AttachCCIO(cci CciImpl, main_cci_name string) error { var x var old_cci CciImpl var old_cci_name string old_cci = old_cci_name = = cci = main_cci_name x = C.hcl_attachccio(hcl.c, C.hcl_io_impl_t(C.hcl_cci_handler_for_go)) if x <= -1 { // restore the io handler set due to attachment failure = old_cci_name = old_cci return fmt.Errorf("unable to attach source input stream handler - %s", hcl.get_errmsg()) } return nil } func (hcl *HCL) AttachUDIO(udi UdiImpl, udo UdoImpl) error { var x var os UdiImpl var op UdoImpl os = op = = udi = udo x = C.hcl_attachudio(hcl.c, C.hcl_io_impl_t(C.hcl_udi_handler_for_go), C.hcl_io_impl_t(C.hcl_udo_handler_for_go)) if x <= -1 { //restore the io handlers set due to attachment failure = os = op return fmt.Errorf("unable to attach user data stream handlers - %s", hcl.get_errmsg()) } return nil } func (hcl *HCL) BeginFeed() error { var x x = C.hcl_beginfeed(hcl.c, nil) if x <= -1 { return fmt.Errorf("unable to begin feeding - %s", hcl.get_errmsg()) } return nil } func (hcl *HCL) EndFeed() error { var x x = C.hcl_endfeed(hcl.c) if x <= -1 { return fmt.Errorf("unable to end feeding - %s", hcl.get_errmsg()) } return nil } func (hcl *HCL) FeedString(str string) error { var x var q []C.hcl_uch_t q = string_to_uchars(str) x = C.hcl_feed(hcl.c, &q[0], C.hcl_oow_t(len(q))) if x <= -1 { return fmt.Errorf("unable to feed string - %s", hcl.get_errmsg()) } return nil } func (hcl *HCL) FeedRunes(str []rune) error { var x var q []C.hcl_uch_t q = rune_slice_to_uchars(str) x = C.hcl_feed(hcl.c, &q[0], C.hcl_oow_t(len(q))) if x <= -1 { return fmt.Errorf("unable to feed runes - %s", hcl.get_errmsg()) } return nil } func (hcl *HCL) FeedFromReader(rdr io.Reader) error { var err error var n int var x var buf [1024]byte for { n, err = rdr.Read(buf[:]) if err == io.EOF { break } else if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to read bytes - %s", err.Error()) } x = C.hcl_feedbchars(hcl.c, (*C.hcl_bch_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])), C.hcl_oow_t(n)) if x <= -1 { return fmt.Errorf("unable to feed bytes - %s", hcl.get_errmsg()) } } return nil } func (hcl *HCL) FeedFromFile(file string) error { var f *os.File var err error f, err = os.Open(file) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to open %s - %s", file, err.Error()) } defer f.Close() return hcl.FeedFromReader(bufio.NewReader(f)) } func (hcl *HCL) Execute() error { var x C.hcl_oop_t x = C.hcl_execute(hcl.c) if x == nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to execute - %s", hcl.get_errmsg()) } // TODO: wrap C.hcl_oop_t in a go type // and make this function to return 'x' in the wrapper return nil } func (hcl *HCL) Decode() error { var x x = C.hcl_decode(hcl.c, C.hcl_getcode(hcl.c), 0, C.hcl_getbclen(hcl.c)) if x <= -1 { return fmt.Errorf("unable to decode byte codes - %s", hcl.get_errmsg()) } return nil } func (hcl *HCL) get_errmsg() string { return C.GoString(C.hcl_geterrbmsg(hcl.c)) } func (hcl *HCL) set_errmsg(num C.hcl_errnum_t, msg string) { var ptr *C.char ptr = C.CString(msg) defer C.hcl_seterrbmsg(hcl.c, num, ptr) } func ucstr_to_rune_slice(str *C.hcl_uch_t) []rune { return uchars_to_rune_slice(str, uintptr(C.hcl_count_ucstr(str))) } func uchars_to_rune_slice(str *C.hcl_uch_t, len uintptr) []rune { var res []rune var i uintptr var ptr uintptr // TODO: proper encoding... ptr = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(str)) res = make([]rune, len) for i = 0; i < len; i++ { res[i] = rune(*(*C.hcl_uch_t)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr))) ptr += unsafe.Sizeof(*str) } return res } func string_to_uchars(str string) []C.hcl_uch_t { var r []rune var c []C.hcl_uch_t var i int // TODO: proper encoding r = []rune(str) c = make([]C.hcl_uch_t, len(r), len(r)) for i = 0; i < len(r); i++ { c[i] = C.hcl_uch_t(r[i]) } return c } func rune_slice_to_uchars(r []rune) []C.hcl_uch_t { var c []C.hcl_uch_t var i int // TODO: proper encoding c = make([]C.hcl_uch_t, len(r), len(r)) for i = 0; i < len(r); i++ { c[i] = C.hcl_uch_t(r[i]) } return c } func c_to_go(c *C.hcl_t) *HCL { var ext *Ext var inst Instance ext = (*Ext)(unsafe.Pointer(C.hcl_getxtn(c))) inst = inst_table.slot_to_instance(ext.inst_no) return inst.g }