AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = nostdinc ## the attempt to compose a proper procedure using a regular compiler failed. ## e.g ./configure GOC=opt/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/ ## while go.m4 is included in autoconf 2.71, the support for the go language ## is very limited and the go language itself is pursuing the module based builder. ## ## the following is to trick autoconf/automake as if it's building go files with ## a real compiler whereas the actual building is done thru `go build` bin_PROGRAMS = hclgo hclgo_SOURCES = \ pkg/hcl.go \ pkg/cb.go \ pkg/inst.go \ main.go \ go.mod hclgo_DEPENDENCIES = hclgo.bin ## let the linker to move hclgo.bin to the actual target hclgo_LINK = mv -f hclgo.bin hclgo$(EXEEXT) || echo "FAILED TO LINK" hclgo.bin: cp -pf $(srcdir)/go.mod $(builddir)/go.mod >/dev/null 2>&1 || true chmod u+w $(builddir)/go.mod ## with `make distcheck`, the echo's redirection to the file fails without this permission change sed -ri "/^[[:space:]]*replace[[:space:]]+cfg[[:space:]]*=>/d" $(builddir)/go.mod echo -e "\nreplace cfg => $(abs_builddir)/cfg" >> $(builddir)/go.mod [ -f $(srcdir)/go.sum ] && cp -pf $(srcdir)/go.sum $(builddir)/go.sum >/dev/null 2>&1 || true go build -C $(srcdir) -x -o $(abs_builddir)/hclgo.bin -modfile $(abs_builddir)/go.mod go clean -C $(srcdir) -x -modfile $(abs_builddir)/go.mod ## the go to o recipe is fake to deceive make .go.o: echo $< > $@ .mod.o: echo $< > $@ clean-local: rm -rf $(abs_builddir)/go.mod $(abs_builddir)/go.sum