fun Number: + (oprnd) { return (+ self oprnd) } fun Number: - (oprnd) { return (- self oprnd) } fun Number: * (oprnd) { return (* self oprnd) } fun Number: / (oprnd) { return (/ self oprnd) } fun Number: > (oprnd) { return (> self oprnd) } fun Number: < (oprnd) { return (< self oprnd) } fun Number: >= (oprnd) { return (>= self oprnd) } fun Number: <= (oprnd) { return (<= self oprnd) } fun Number: == (oprnd) { return (== self oprnd) } fun Number: ~= (oprnd) { return (~= self oprnd) } ## -------------------------------------------------------------- set t ( class { var x fun(#ci) make() { x := 1234; return self; }; fun get-x() { return x }; } ); set X t; if (nqv? t X) { printf "ERROR: t must point to X\n" } \ else { printf "OK: t points to X\n" }; set t ((t:make):get-x); if (nqv? t 1234) { printf "ERROR: t must be 1234\n" } \ else { printf "OK: t is %d\n" t }; j := #{ ((X:make):get-x): 9999, 4512: ((X: make): get-x) }; v := (dic.get j 1234); if (nqv? v 9999) { printf "ERROR: v is not 9999\n" } \ else { printf "OK: value is %d\n" v }; v := (dic.get j 4512); if (nqv? v 1234) { printf "ERROR: v is not 1234\n" } \ else { printf "OK: value is %d\n" v }; ## -------------------------------------------------------------- class X0 { var a b c d fun(#ci) new() { return self; } fun x() { a := 20 ; self.b:=(a + 10); c := (b + 20) printf "%d %d %d\n" self.a self.b self.c return (+ self.a self.b self.c) } fun y() { self.d := (fun(k) { return (k + 1) }) return self.d } }; a := (X0:new); v := (a:x) if (nqv? v 100) { printf "ERROR: v is not 100\n" } \ else { printf "OK: value is %d\n" v } v := ((a:y) 20); if (nqv? v 21) { printf "ERROR: v is not 21\n" } \ else { printf "OK: value is %d\n" v } ## -------------------------------------------------------------- class X1 { var a b c fun(#classinst) new () { self.a := 20 return self } fun getA() { return self.a } fun make(t a b) { | v | v := 50 if (t > 5) { fun X1:get_j() { return (((1 + t) + a) + (b + v)) } } else { fun X1:get_j() { return ((2 * (t + a)) + (b + v)) } } return self } } fun X1:get_a() { return (self:getA) } v := ((X1:new):get_a) if (nqv? v 20) { printf "ERROR: v is not 20 - %d\n" v } \ else { printf "OK: value is %d\n" v } v := (((X1:new):make 5 6 7):get_j) if (nqv? v 79) { printf "ERROR: v is not 79 - %d\n" v } \ else { printf "OK: value is %d\n" v } v := (((X1:new):make 6 6 7):get_j) if (nqv? v 70) { printf "ERROR: v is not 70 - %d\n" v } \ else { printf "OK: value is %d\n" v } ## -------------------------------------------------------------- class F { var j t } class X2 { var a b c fun(#classinst) new () { | j | self.a := 20 j := (self.a * 2) fun(#class) F:get_x() { return (j * j) } return self } } X2:new v := (F:get_x) if (nqv? v 1600) { printf "ERROR: v is not 1600 - %d\n" v } \ else { printf "OK: value is %d\n" v } ## -------------------------------------------------------------- class X3 { fun(#ci) new (a b) { fun X3:sum() { return (fun(j) { return (j + (a + b)) }) } return self; } } v := (((X3:new 10 2):sum) 23) if (nqv? v 35) { printf "ERROR: v is not 35 - %d\n" v } \ else { printf "OK: value is %d\n" v } ## -------------------------------------------------------------- class X4 { fun(#class) t() { | X5 | class X5 { ## this X5 isn't the local variable X4 fun(#class) t() { X6 := (class { fun(#class) t() { | X7 | X7 := (class { ## this X4 is the local variable X4 fun(#class) t() { return 60 } }) return 40 } }) return 20; } } return 30 } } v := (X4:t) if (nqv? v 30) { printf "ERROR: v is not 30 - %d\n" v } \ else { printf "OK: value is %d\n" v } v := (X5:t) if (nqv? v 20) { printf "ERROR: v is not 20 - %d\n" v } \ else { printf "OK: value is %d\n" v } v := (X6:t) if (nqv? v 40) { printf "ERROR: v is not 40 - %d\n" v } \ else { printf "OK: value is %d\n" v } v := (X6:t) if (nqv? v 40) { printf "ERROR: v is not 40 - %d\n" v } \ else { printf "OK: value is %d\n" v } v := { X5:t; (X6:t) + 10 } if (nqv? v 50) { printf "ERROR: v is not 50 - %d\n" v } \ else { printf "OK: value is %d\n" v } ## -------------------------------------------------------------- class X10 { var x fun(#ci) make() { x := 1234; return self; }; fun get-x() { return x }; } X11 := (class:X10 { }) v := (X11:make) v := (v:get-x) if (== v 1234) { printf "OK: v is %d\n" v } \ else {printf "ERROR: v is %d, not 1234\n" v }