with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation; with system.address_image; with ada.text_io; package body H3.Strings is BUFFER_ALIGN: constant := 16; function To_Character_Array (Str: in Elastic_String) return Character_Array is begin return Str.Buffer.Slot(Str.Buffer.Slot'First .. Str.Buffer.Last); end To_Character_Array; -- return the buffer capacity excluding the terminator function Get_Capacity (Str: in Elastic_String) return System_Size is begin return Str.Buffer.Slot'Length - 1; end Get_Capacity; -- return the buffer capacity including the terminator function Get_Hard_Capacity (Str: in Elastic_String) return System_Size is begin return Str.Buffer.Slot'Length; end Get_Hard_Capacity; pragma inline (Get_Hard_Capacity); function Get_Length (Str: in Elastic_String) return System_Size is begin return 1 + Str.Buffer.Last - Str.Buffer.Slot'First; end Get_Length; function Get_First_Index (Str: in Elastic_String) return System_Size is begin return Str.Buffer.Slot'First; end Get_First_Index; function Get_Last_Index (Str: in Elastic_String) return System_Size is begin return Str.Buffer.Last; end Get_Last_Index; function Get_Item (Str: in Elastic_String; Pos: in System_Index) return Character_Type is begin return Str.Buffer.Slot(Pos); end Get_Item; -- unsafe as it exposes the internal buffer which can go away. -- assume the system address is equal to the thin pointer in size. function Get_Slot_Pointer (Str: in Elastic_String) return Thin_Character_Array_Pointer is A: System.Address := Str.Buffer.Slot(Str.Buffer.Slot'First)'Address; P: Thin_Character_Array_Pointer; for P'Address use A'Address; pragma Import (Ada, P); begin return P; end Get_Slot_Pointer; function Is_Shared(Str: in Elastic_String) return Standard.Boolean is begin return Str.Buffer /= Empty_Buffer'Access and then Str.Buffer.Refs > 1; end Is_Shared; procedure Free_Buffer (Str: in out Elastic_String) is begin if Str.Buffer /= Empty_Buffer'Access then declare procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation(Buffer_Record, Buffer_Pointer); begin Free (Str.Buffer); end; end if; end Free_Buffer; procedure Ref_Buffer (Buf: in out Buffer_Pointer) is begin if Buf /= Empty_Buffer'Access then Buf.Refs := Buf.Refs + 1; end if; end Ref_Buffer; procedure Unref_Buffer (Buf: in out Buffer_Pointer) is begin if Buf /= Empty_Buffer'Access then if Buf.Refs = 1 then declare procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation(Buffer_Record, Buffer_Pointer); begin Free (Buf); end; Buf := Empty_Buffer'Access; else Buf.Refs := Buf.Refs - 1; end if; end if; end Unref_Buffer; function New_Buffer_Container (Hard_Capa: in System_Size) return Elastic_String is Tmp: Elastic_String; begin Tmp.Buffer := new Buffer_Record(Hard_Capa); Tmp.Buffer.Refs := 1; return Tmp; end New_Buffer_Container; procedure Prepare_Buffer (Str: in out Elastic_String) is Tmp: Elastic_String; begin if Str.Buffer /= Empty_Buffer'Access then if Is_Shared(Str) then -- The code like this doesn't work correctly in terms of finalization. -- The buffer pointer held inside a finalization controlled record must be -- manipluated through the record itself. otherwise, the Adjust and Finalize -- calls goes incompatible with the reference counting implementation. -- It is because finalization is set on the record rather than the buffer pointer. --Tmp: Buffer_Pointer; --Tmp := new Buffer_Record(Get_Hard_Capacity(Str)); --Tmp.Slot := Str.Buffer.Slot; --Tmp.Last := Str.Buffer.Last; --Tmp.Refs := 1; --Unref_Buffer (Str.Buffer); --Str.Buffer := Tmp; Tmp := Str; Str := New_Buffer_Container(Get_Hard_Capacity(Str)); Str.Buffer.Slot := Tmp.Buffer.Slot; Str.Buffer.Last := Tmp.Buffer.Last; end if; end if; end Prepare_Buffer; -- prepare the buffer for writing procedure Prepare_Buffer (Str: in out Elastic_String; Req_Hard_Capa: in System_Size) is Tmp: Elastic_String; First, Last: System_Size; Hard_Capa: System_Size; begin First := Get_First_Index(Str); Last := Get_Last_Index(Str); if Str.Buffer /= Empty_Buffer'Access and then Is_Shared(Str) then if Req_Hard_Capa < Get_Hard_Capacity(Str) then Hard_Capa := Get_Hard_Capacity(Str); else Hard_Capa := Req_Hard_Capa; end if; Tmp := New_Buffer_Container(Hard_Capa); Tmp.Buffer.Slot(First .. Last + 1) := Str.Buffer.Slot(First .. Last + 1); Tmp.Buffer.Last := Last; Str := Tmp; else if Req_Hard_Capa > Get_Hard_Capacity(Str) then Tmp := Str; Str := New_Buffer_Container(Req_Hard_Capa); Str.Buffer.Slot(First .. Last + 1) := Tmp.Buffer.Slot(First .. Last + 1); Str.Buffer.Last := Last; end if; end if; end Prepare_Buffer; procedure Clear (Str: in out Elastic_String) is begin Prepare_Buffer (Str); Str.Buffer.Last := Get_First_Index(Str) - 1; end Clear; procedure Purge (Str: in out Elastic_String) is begin Unref_Buffer (Str.Buffer); Str.Buffer := Empty_Buffer'Access; end Purge; -- TODO: operator "&" procedure Append (Str: in out Elastic_String; V: in Character_Array) is begin if V'Length > 0 then Prepare_Buffer (Str, H3.Align(Get_Length(Str) + V'Length + 1, BUFFER_ALIGN)); Str.Buffer.Slot(Str.Buffer.Last + 1 .. Str.Buffer.Last + V'Length) := V; Str.Buffer.Last := Str.Buffer.Last + V'Length; Str.Buffer.Slot(Str.Buffer.Last + 1) := Null_Character; end if; end Append; procedure Append (Str: in out Elastic_String; V: in Character_Type) is Tmp: Character_Array(1 .. 1) := (1 => V); begin Append (Str, Tmp); end Append; procedure Delete (Str: in out Elastic_String; Pos: in System_Index; Length: in System_Length) is begin null; end Delete; -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Controlled Management -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Initialize (Str: in out Elastic_String) is begin null; end Initialize; procedure Adjust (Str: in out Elastic_String) is begin Ref_Buffer (Str.Buffer); end Adjust; procedure Finalize (Str: in out Elastic_String) is begin Unref_Buffer (Str.Buffer); end Finalize; end H3.Strings;