/* * $Id$ * Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Chung, Hyung-Hwan. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef _HCL_H_ #define _HCL_H_ #include #include #include #include /* TODO: move this macro out to the build files.... */ #define HCL_INCLUDE_COMPILER /* ========================================================================== */ typedef struct hcl_mod_t hcl_mod_t; /* ========================================================================== */ /** * The hcl_errnum_t type defines the error codes. */ enum hcl_errnum_t { HCL_ENOERR, /**< no error */ HCL_EGENERIC, /**< generic error */ HCL_ENOIMPL, /**< not implemented */ HCL_ESYSERR, /**< subsystem error */ HCL_EINTERN, /**< internal error */ HCL_ESYSMEM, /**< insufficient system memory */ HCL_EOOMEM, /**< insufficient object memory */ HCL_ETYPE, /**< invalid class/type */ HCL_EINVAL, /**< invalid parameter or data */ HCL_ENOENT, /**< data not found */ HCL_EEXIST, /**< existing/duplicate data */ HCL_EBUSY, HCL_EACCES, HCL_EPERM, HCL_ENOTDIR, HCL_EINTR, HCL_EPIPE, HCL_EAGAIN, HCL_EBADHND, HCL_EFRMFLOOD, /**< too many frames */ HCL_EMSGRCV, /**< mesasge receiver error */ HCL_EMSGSND, /**< message sending error. even doesNotUnderstand: is not found */ HCL_ENUMARGS, /**< wrong number of arguments */ HCL_ERANGE, /**< range error. overflow and underflow */ HCL_EBCFULL, /**< byte-code full */ HCL_EDFULL, /**< dictionary full */ HCL_EPFULL, /**< processor full */ HCL_EFINIS, /**< unexpected end of data/input/stream/etc */ HCL_EFLOOD, /**< too many items/data */ HCL_EDIVBY0, /**< divide by zero */ HCL_EIOERR, /**< I/O error */ HCL_EECERR, /**< encoding conversion error */ HCL_EBUFFULL, /**< buffer full */ HCL_ESYNERR, /**< syntax error */ HCL_ECALL, /**< runtime error - cannot call */ HCL_ECALLARG, /**< runtime error - wrong number of arguments to call */ HCL_ECALLRET, /**< runtime error - wrong number of return variables to call */ HCL_ESEMFLOOD, /**< runtime error - too many semaphores */ HCL_EEXCEPT /**< runtime error - exception not handled */ }; typedef enum hcl_errnum_t hcl_errnum_t; enum hcl_synerrnum_t { HCL_SYNERR_NOERR, HCL_SYNERR_INTERN, /* internal error */ HCL_SYNERR_CNODE, /* unexpected compiler node */ HCL_SYNERR_ILCHR, /* illegal character */ HCL_SYNERR_ILTOK, /* invalid token */ HCL_SYNERR_CMTNC, /* comment not closed */ HCL_SYNERR_STRCHRNC, /* string/character not closed */ HCL_SYNERR_HASHLIT, /* wrong hashed literal */ HCL_SYNERR_CHARLIT, /* wrong character literal */ HCL_SYNERR_NUMLIT , /* invalid numeric literal */ HCL_SYNERR_NUMRANGE, /* number range error */ HCL_SYNERR_ERRLIT, /* wrong error literal */ HCL_SYNERR_SMPTRLIT, /* wrong smptr literal */ HCL_SYNERR_MSEGIDENT, /* wrong multi-segment identifier */ HCL_SYNERR_RADIX, /* invalid radix for a numeric literal */ HCL_SYNERR_EOF, /* sudden end of input */ HCL_SYNERR_LPAREN, /* ( expected */ HCL_SYNERR_RPAREN, /* ) expected */ HCL_SYNERR_RBRACK, /* ] expected */ HCL_SYNERR_RBRACE, /* } expected */ HCL_SYNERR_VBAR, /* | expected */ HCL_SYNERR_STRING, /* string expected */ HCL_SYNERR_BYTERANGE, /* byte too small or too large */ HCL_SYNERR_NESTING, /* nesting level too deep */ HCL_SYNERR_COMMA, /* , expected */ HCL_SYNERR_VBARBANNED, /* | disallowed */ HCL_SYNERR_DOTBANNED, /* . disallowed */ HCL_SYNERR_COMMABANNED, /* , disallowed */ HCL_SYNERR_COLONBANNED, /* : disallowed */ HCL_SYNERR_COMMANOVALUE, /* no value after , */ HCL_SYNERR_COLONNOVALUE, /* no value after : */ HCL_SYNERR_NOSEP, /* no seperator between array/dictionary elements */ HCL_SYNERR_INCLUDE, /* #include error */ HCL_SYNERR_ELLIPSISBANNED, /* ... disallowed */ HCL_SYNERR_TRPCOLONSBANNED, /* ::: disallowed */ HCL_SYNERR_LOOPFLOOD, /* loop body too big */ HCL_SYNERR_IFFLOOD, /* if body too big */ HCL_SYNERR_BLKFLOOD, /* lambda block too big */ HCL_SYNERR_BLKDEPTH, /* lambda block too deep */ HCL_SYNERR_ARGNAMELIST, /* argument name list expected */ HCL_SYNERR_ARGNAME, /* argument name expected */ HCL_SYNERR_ARGNAMEDUP, /* duplicate argument name */ HCL_SYNERR_VARNAME, /* variable name expected */ HCL_SYNERR_ARGCOUNT, /* wrong number of arguments */ HCL_SYNERR_ARGFLOOD, /* too many arguments defined */ HCL_SYNERR_VARFLOOD, /* too many variables defined */ HCL_SYNERR_VARDCLBANNED, /* variable declaration disallowed */ HCL_SYNERR_VARNAMEDUP, /* duplicate variable name */ HCL_SYNERR_BANNEDVARNAME, /* disallowed varible name */ HCL_SYNERR_BANNEDARGNAME, /* disallowed argument name */ HCL_SYNERR_BANNED, /* prohibited */ HCL_SYNERR_ELIF, /* elif without if */ HCL_SYNERR_ELSE, /* else without if */ HCL_SYNERR_BREAK, /* break outside loop */ HCL_SYNERR_CALLABLE, /* invalid callable */ HCL_SYNERR_UNBALKV, /* unbalanced key/value pair */ HCL_SYNERR_UNBALPBB, /* unbalanced parenthesis/brace/bracket */ HCL_SYNERR_EMPTYXLIST /* empty x-list */ }; typedef enum hcl_synerrnum_t hcl_synerrnum_t; enum hcl_option_t { HCL_TRAIT, HCL_LOG_MASK, HCL_LOG_MAXCAPA, HCL_LOG_TARGET, HCL_SYMTAB_SIZE, /* default system table size */ HCL_SYSDIC_SIZE, /* default system dictionary size */ HCL_PROCSTK_SIZE, /* default process stack size */ HCL_MOD_INCTX }; typedef enum hcl_option_t hcl_option_t; /* [NOTE] ensure that it is a power of 2 */ #define HCL_LOG_CAPA_ALIGN 512 enum hcl_option_dflval_t { HCL_DFL_LOG_MAXCAPA = HCL_LOG_CAPA_ALIGN * 16, HCL_DFL_SYMTAB_SIZE = 5000, HCL_DFL_SYSDIC_SIZE = 5000, HCL_DFL_PROCSTK_SIZE = 5000 }; typedef enum hcl_option_dflval_t hcl_option_dflval_t; enum hcl_trait_t { #if defined(HCL_BUILD_DEBUG) HCL_TRAIT_DEBUG_GC = (1u << 0), HCL_TRAIT_DEBUG_BIGINT = (1u << 1), #endif HCL_TRAIT_INTERACTIVE = (1u << 7), /* perform no garbage collection when the heap is full. * you still can use hcl_gc() explicitly. */ HCL_TRAIT_NOGC = (1u << 8), /* wait for running process when exiting from the main method */ HCL_TRAIT_AWAIT_PROCS = (1u << 9) }; typedef enum hcl_trait_t hcl_trait_t; /* ========================================================================= * SPECIALIZED OOP TYPES * ========================================================================= */ /* hcl_oop_t defined in hcl-cmn.h * hcl_obj_t defined further down */ /* these are more specialized types for hcl_obj_t */ typedef struct hcl_obj_oop_t hcl_obj_oop_t; typedef struct hcl_obj_char_t hcl_obj_char_t; typedef struct hcl_obj_byte_t hcl_obj_byte_t; typedef struct hcl_obj_halfword_t hcl_obj_halfword_t; typedef struct hcl_obj_word_t hcl_obj_word_t; /* these are more specialized types for hcl_oop_t */ typedef struct hcl_obj_oop_t* hcl_oop_oop_t; typedef struct hcl_obj_char_t* hcl_oop_char_t; typedef struct hcl_obj_byte_t* hcl_oop_byte_t; typedef struct hcl_obj_halfword_t* hcl_oop_halfword_t; typedef struct hcl_obj_word_t* hcl_oop_word_t; #define HCL_OOP_BITS (HCL_SIZEOF_OOP_T * HCL_BITS_PER_BYTE) /* ========================================================================= * BIGINT TYPES AND MACROS * ========================================================================= */ #if defined(HCL_ENABLE_FULL_LIW) && (HCL_SIZEOF_UINTMAX_T > HCL_SIZEOF_OOW_T) # define HCL_USE_OOW_FOR_LIW #endif #if defined(HCL_USE_OOW_FOR_LIW) typedef hcl_oow_t hcl_liw_t; /* large integer word */ typedef hcl_ooi_t hcl_lii_t; typedef hcl_uintmax_t hcl_lidw_t; /* large integer double word */ typedef hcl_intmax_t hcl_lidi_t; # define HCL_SIZEOF_LIW_T HCL_SIZEOF_OOW_T # define HCL_SIZEOF_LIDW_T HCL_SIZEOF_UINTMAX_T # define HCL_LIW_BITS HCL_OOW_BITS # define HCL_LIDW_BITS (HCL_SIZEOF_UINTMAX_T * HCL_BITS_PER_BYTE) typedef hcl_oop_word_t hcl_oop_liword_t; # define HCL_OBJ_TYPE_LIWORD HCL_OBJ_TYPE_WORD #else typedef hcl_oohw_t hcl_liw_t; typedef hcl_oohi_t hcl_lii_t; typedef hcl_oow_t hcl_lidw_t; typedef hcl_ooi_t hcl_lidi_t; # define HCL_SIZEOF_LIW_T HCL_SIZEOF_OOHW_T # define HCL_SIZEOF_LIDW_T HCL_SIZEOF_OOW_T # define HCL_LIW_BITS HCL_OOHW_BITS # define HCL_LIDW_BITS HCL_OOW_BITS typedef hcl_oop_halfword_t hcl_oop_liword_t; # define HCL_OBJ_TYPE_LIWORD HCL_OBJ_TYPE_HALFWORD #endif /* ========================================================================= * HEADER FOR GC IMPLEMENTATION * ========================================================================= */ typedef struct hcl_gchdr_t hcl_gchdr_t; struct hcl_gchdr_t { hcl_gchdr_t* next; }; /* The size of hcl_gchdr_t must be aligned to HCL_SIZEOF_OOP_T */ /* ========================================================================= * OBJECT STRUCTURE * ========================================================================= */ enum hcl_obj_type_t { HCL_OBJ_TYPE_OOP, HCL_OBJ_TYPE_CHAR, HCL_OBJ_TYPE_BYTE, HCL_OBJ_TYPE_HALFWORD, HCL_OBJ_TYPE_WORD /* HCL_OBJ_TYPE_UINT8, HCL_OBJ_TYPE_UINT16, HCL_OBJ_TYPE_UINT32, */ /* NOTE: you can have HCL_OBJ_SHORT, HCL_OBJ_INT * HCL_OBJ_LONG, HCL_OBJ_FLOAT, HCL_OBJ_DOUBLE, etc * type type field being 6 bits long, you can have up to 64 different types. HCL_OBJ_TYPE_SHORT, HCL_OBJ_TYPE_INT, HCL_OBJ_TYPE_LONG, HCL_OBJ_TYPE_FLOAT, HCL_OBJ_TYPE_DOUBLE */ }; typedef enum hcl_obj_type_t hcl_obj_type_t; /* ========================================================================= * Object header structure * * _flags: * type: the type of a payload item. * one of HCL_OBJ_TYPE_OOP, HCL_OBJ_TYPE_CHAR, * HCL_OBJ_TYPE_BYTE, HCL_OBJ_TYPE_HALFWORD, HCL_OBJ_TYPE_WORD * unit: the size of a payload item in bytes. * extra: 0 or 1. 1 indicates that the payload contains 1 more * item than the value of the size field. used for a * terminating null in a variable-char object. internel * use only. * kernel: 0 - ordinary object. * 1 - kernel object. can survive hcl_reset(). * 2 - kernel object. can survive hcl_reset(). * a symbol object with 2 in the kernel bits cannot be assigned a * value with the 'set' special form. * moved: 0 or 1. used by GC. internal use only. * ngc: 0 or 1, used by GC. internal use only. * trailer: 0 or 1. indicates that there are trailing bytes * after the object payload. internal use only. * * _size: the number of payload items in an object. * it doesn't include the header size. * * The total number of bytes occupied by an object can be calculated * with this fomula: * sizeof(hcl_obj_t) + ALIGN((size + extra) * unit), sizeof(hcl_oop_t)) * * If the type is known to be not HCL_OBJ_TYPE_CHAR, you can assume that * 'extra' is 0. So you can simplify the fomula in such a context. * sizeof(hcl_obj_t) + ALIGN(size * unit), sizeof(hcl_oop_t)) * * The ALIGN() macro is used above since allocation adjusts the payload * size to a multiple of sizeof(hcl_oop_t). it assumes that sizeof(hcl_obj_t) * is a multiple of sizeof(hcl_oop_t). See the HCL_BYTESOF() macro. * * Due to the header structure, an object can only contain items of * homogeneous data types in the payload. * * It's actually possible to split the size field into 2. For example, * the upper half contains the number of oops and the lower half contains * the number of bytes/chars. This way, a variable-byte class or a variable-char * class can have normal instance variables. On the contrary, the actual byte * size calculation and the access to the payload fields become more complex. * Therefore, i've dropped the idea. * ========================================================================= */ #define HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_TYPE_BITS 6 #define HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_UNIT_BITS 5 #define HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_EXTRA_BITS 1 #define HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_KERNEL_BITS 2 #define HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_MOVED_BITS 2 #define HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_NGC_BITS 1 #define HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_TRAILER_BITS 1 #define HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_SYNCODE_BITS 4 #define HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_BRAND_BITS 6 #define HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_TYPE_SHIFT (HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_UNIT_BITS + HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_UNIT_SHIFT) #define HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_UNIT_SHIFT (HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_EXTRA_BITS + HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_EXTRA_SHIFT) #define HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_EXTRA_SHIFT (HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_KERNEL_BITS + HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_KERNEL_SHIFT) #define HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_KERNEL_SHIFT (HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_MOVED_BITS + HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_MOVED_SHIFT) #define HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_MOVED_SHIFT (HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_NGC_BITS + HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_NGC_SHIFT) #define HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_NGC_SHIFT (HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_TRAILER_BITS + HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_TRAILER_SHIFT) #define HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_TRAILER_SHIFT (HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_SYNCODE_BITS + HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_SYNCODE_SHIFT) #define HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_SYNCODE_SHIFT (HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_BRAND_BITS + HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_BRAND_SHIFT) #define HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_BRAND_SHIFT (0) #define HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_TYPE(oop) HCL_GETBITS(hcl_oow_t, (oop)->_flags, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_TYPE_SHIFT, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_TYPE_BITS) #define HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_UNIT(oop) HCL_GETBITS(hcl_oow_t, (oop)->_flags, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_UNIT_SHIFT, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_UNIT_BITS) #define HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_EXTRA(oop) HCL_GETBITS(hcl_oow_t, (oop)->_flags, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_EXTRA_SHIFT, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_EXTRA_BITS) #define HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_KERNEL(oop) HCL_GETBITS(hcl_oow_t, (oop)->_flags, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_KERNEL_SHIFT, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_KERNEL_BITS) #define HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_MOVED(oop) HCL_GETBITS(hcl_oow_t, (oop)->_flags, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_MOVED_SHIFT, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_MOVED_BITS) #define HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_NGC(oop) HCL_GETBITS(hcl_oow_t, (oop)->_flags, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_NGC_SHIFT, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_NGC_BITS) #define HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_TRAILER(oop) HCL_GETBITS(hcl_oow_t, (oop)->_flags, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_TRAILER_SHIFT, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_TRAILER_BITS) #define HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_SYNCODE(oop) HCL_GETBITS(hcl_oow_t, (oop)->_flags, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_SYNCODE_SHIFT, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_SYNCODE_BITS) #define HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_BRAND(oop) HCL_GETBITS(hcl_oow_t, (oop)->_flags, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_BRAND_SHIFT, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_BRAND_BITS) #define HCL_OBJ_SET_FLAGS_TYPE(oop,v) HCL_SETBITS(hcl_oow_t, (oop)->_flags, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_TYPE_SHIFT, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_TYPE_BITS, v) #define HCL_OBJ_SET_FLAGS_UNIT(oop,v) HCL_SETBITS(hcl_oow_t, (oop)->_flags, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_UNIT_SHIFT, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_UNIT_BITS, v) #define HCL_OBJ_SET_FLAGS_EXTRA(oop,v) HCL_SETBITS(hcl_oow_t, (oop)->_flags, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_EXTRA_SHIFT, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_EXTRA_BITS, v) #define HCL_OBJ_SET_FLAGS_KERNEL(oop,v) HCL_SETBITS(hcl_oow_t, (oop)->_flags, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_KERNEL_SHIFT, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_KERNEL_BITS, v) #define HCL_OBJ_SET_FLAGS_MOVED(oop,v) HCL_SETBITS(hcl_oow_t, (oop)->_flags, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_MOVED_SHIFT, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_MOVED_BITS, v) #define HCL_OBJ_SET_FLAGS_NGC(oop,v) HCL_SETBITS(hcl_oow_t, (oop)->_flags, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_NGC_SHIFT, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_NGC_BITS, v) #define HCL_OBJ_SET_FLAGS_TRAILER(oop,v) HCL_SETBITS(hcl_oow_t, (oop)->_flags, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_TRAILER_SHIFT, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_TRAILER_BITS, v) #define HCL_OBJ_SET_FLAGS_SYNCODE(oop,v) HCL_SETBITS(hcl_oow_t, (oop)->_flags, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_SYNCODE_SHIFT, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_SYNCODE_BITS, v) #define HCL_OBJ_SET_FLAGS_BRAND(oop,v) HCL_SETBITS(hcl_oow_t, (oop)->_flags, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_BRAND_SHIFT, HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_BRAND_BITS, v) #define HCL_OBJ_GET_SIZE(oop) ((oop)->_size) #define HCL_OBJ_GET_CLASS(oop) ((oop)->_class) #define HCL_OBJ_SET_SIZE(oop,v) ((oop)->_size = (v)) #define HCL_OBJ_SET_CLASS(oop,c) ((oop)->_class = (c)) /* [NOTE] this macro doesn't include the size of the trailer */ #define HCL_OBJ_BYTESOF(oop) ((HCL_OBJ_GET_SIZE(oop) + HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_EXTRA(oop)) * HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_UNIT(oop)) #define HCL_OBJ_IS_OOP_POINTER(oop) (HCL_OOP_IS_POINTER(oop) && (HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_TYPE(oop) == HCL_OBJ_TYPE_OOP)) #define HCL_OBJ_IS_CHAR_POINTER(oop) (HCL_OOP_IS_POINTER(oop) && (HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_TYPE(oop) == HCL_OBJ_TYPE_CHAR)) #define HCL_OBJ_IS_BYTE_POINTER(oop) (HCL_OOP_IS_POINTER(oop) && (HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_TYPE(oop) == HCL_OBJ_TYPE_BYTE)) #define HCL_OBJ_IS_HALFWORD_POINTER(oop) (HCL_OOP_IS_POINTER(oop) && (HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_TYPE(oop) == HCL_OBJ_TYPE_HALFWORD)) #define HCL_OBJ_IS_WORD_POINTER(oop) (HCL_OOP_IS_POINTER(oop) && (HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_TYPE(oop) == HCL_OBJ_TYPE_WORD)) /* [NOTE] this macro doesn't check the range of the actual value. * make sure that the value of each bit fields given falls within the * possible range of the defined bits */ #define HCL_OBJ_MAKE_FLAGS(t,u,e,k,m,g,r,b) ( \ (((hcl_oow_t)(t)) << HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_TYPE_SHIFT) | \ (((hcl_oow_t)(u)) << HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_UNIT_SHIFT) | \ (((hcl_oow_t)(e)) << HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_EXTRA_SHIFT) | \ (((hcl_oow_t)(k)) << HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_KERNEL_SHIFT) | \ (((hcl_oow_t)(m)) << HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_MOVED_SHIFT) | \ (((hcl_oow_t)(g)) << HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_NGC_SHIFT) | \ (((hcl_oow_t)(r)) << HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_TRAILER_SHIFT) | \ (((hcl_oow_t)(b)) << HCL_OBJ_FLAGS_BRAND_SHIFT) \ ) #define HCL_OBJ_HEADER \ hcl_oow_t _flags; \ hcl_oow_t _size; \ hcl_oop_t _class struct hcl_obj_t { HCL_OBJ_HEADER; }; struct hcl_obj_oop_t { HCL_OBJ_HEADER; hcl_oop_t slot[1]; }; struct hcl_obj_char_t { HCL_OBJ_HEADER; hcl_ooch_t slot[1]; }; struct hcl_obj_byte_t { HCL_OBJ_HEADER; hcl_oob_t slot[1]; }; struct hcl_obj_halfword_t { HCL_OBJ_HEADER; hcl_oohw_t slot[1]; }; struct hcl_obj_word_t { HCL_OBJ_HEADER; hcl_oow_t slot[1]; }; #define HCL_OBJ_GET_OOP_SLOT(oop) (((hcl_oop_oop_t)(oop))->slot) #define HCL_OBJ_GET_CHAR_SLOT(oop) (((hcl_oop_char_t)(oop))->slot) #define HCL_OBJ_GET_BYTE_SLOT(oop) (((hcl_oop_byte_t)(oop))->slot) #define HCL_OBJ_GET_HALFWORD_SLOT(oop) (((hcl_oop_halfword_t)(oop))->slot) #define HCL_OBJ_GET_WORD_SLOT(oop) (((hcl_oop_word_t)(oop))->slot) #define HCL_OBJ_GET_LIWORD_SLOT(oop) (((hcl_oop_liword_t)(oop))->slot) #define HCL_OBJ_GET_OOP_PTR(oop,idx) (&(((hcl_oop_oop_t)(oop))->slot)[idx]) #define HCL_OBJ_GET_CHAR_PTR(oop,idx) (&(((hcl_oop_char_t)(oop))->slot)[idx]) #define HCL_OBJ_GET_BYTE_PTR(oop,idx) (&(((hcl_oop_byte_t)(oop))->slot)[idx]) #define HCL_OBJ_GET_HALFWORD_PTR(oop,idx) (&(((hcl_oop_halfword_t)(oop))->slot)[idx]) #define HCL_OBJ_GET_WORD_PTR(oop,idx) (&(((hcl_oop_word_t)(oop))->slot)[idx]) #define HCL_OBJ_GET_LIWORD_PTR(oop,idx) (&(((hcl_oop_liword_t)(oop))->slot)[idx]) #define HCL_OBJ_GET_OOP_VAL(oop,idx) ((((hcl_oop_oop_t)(oop))->slot)[idx]) #define HCL_OBJ_GET_CHAR_VAL(oop,idx) ((((hcl_oop_char_t)(oop))->slot)[idx]) #define HCL_OBJ_GET_BYTE_VAL(oop,idx) ((((hcl_oop_byte_t)(oop))->slot)[idx]) #define HCL_OBJ_GET_HALFWORD_VAL(oop,idx) ((((hcl_oop_halfword_t)(oop))->slot)[idx]) #define HCL_OBJ_GET_WORD_VAL(oop,idx) ((((hcl_oop_word_t)(oop))->slot)[idx]) #define HCL_OBJ_GET_LIWORD_VAL(oop,idx) ((((hcl_oop_liword_t)(oop))->slot)[idx]) #define HCL_OBJ_SET_OOP_VAL(oop,idx,val) ((((hcl_oop_oop_t)(oop))->slot)[idx] = (val)) #define HCL_OBJ_SET_CHAR_VAL(oop,idx,val) ((((hcl_oop_char_t)(oop))->slot)[idx] = (val)) #define HCL_OBJ_SET_BYTE_VAL(oop,idx,val) ((((hcl_oop_byte_t)(oop))->slot)[idx] = (val)) #define HCL_OBJ_SET_HALFWORD_VAL(oop,idx,val) ((((hcl_oop_halfword_t)(oop))->slot)[idx] = (val)) #define HCL_OBJ_SET_WORD_VAL(oop,idx,val) ((((hcl_oop_word_t)(oop))->slot)[idx] = (val)) #define HCL_OBJ_SET_LIWORD_VAL(oop,idx,val) ((((hcl_oop_liword_t)(oop))->slot)[idx] = (val)) typedef struct hcl_trailer_t hcl_trailer_t; struct hcl_trailer_t { hcl_oow_t size; hcl_oob_t slot[1]; }; #define HCL_OBJ_GET_TRAILER_BYTE(oop) ((hcl_oob_t*)&((hcl_oop_oop_t)oop)->slot[HCL_OBJ_GET_SIZE(oop) + 1]) #define HCL_OBJ_GET_TRAILER_SIZE(oop) ((hcl_oow_t)((hcl_oop_oop_t)oop)->slot[HCL_OBJ_GET_SIZE(oop)]) #define HCL_PRIM_NUM_WORDS 4 typedef struct hcl_prim_t hcl_prim_t; typedef struct hcl_prim_t* hcl_oop_prim_t; struct hcl_prim_t { HCL_OBJ_HEADER; hcl_oow_t impl; hcl_oow_t min_nargs; hcl_oow_t max_nargs; hcl_oow_t mod; }; #define HCL_CONS_NAMED_INSTVARS 2 typedef struct hcl_cons_t hcl_cons_t; typedef struct hcl_cons_t* hcl_oop_cons_t; struct hcl_cons_t { HCL_OBJ_HEADER; hcl_oop_t car; hcl_oop_t cdr; }; #define HCL_DIC_NAMED_INSTVARS 2 typedef struct hcl_dic_t hcl_dic_t; typedef struct hcl_dic_t* hcl_oop_dic_t; struct hcl_dic_t { HCL_OBJ_HEADER; hcl_oop_t tally; /* SmallInteger */ hcl_oop_oop_t bucket; /* Array */ }; #define HCL_FPDEC_NAMED_INSTVARS 2 typedef struct hcl_fpdec_t hcl_fpdec_t; typedef struct hcl_fpdec_t* hcl_oop_fpdec_t; struct hcl_fpdec_t { HCL_OBJ_HEADER; hcl_oop_t value; /* smooi or bigint */ hcl_oop_t scale; /* smooi, positive */ }; /* the first byte after the main payload is the trailer size * the code bytes are placed after the trailer size. * * code bytes -> ((hcl_oob_t*)&((hcl_oop_oop_t)m)->slot[HCL_OBJ_GET_SIZE(m) + 1]) or * ((hcl_oob_t*)&((hcl_oop_function_t)m)->literal_frame[HCL_OBJ_GET_SIZE(m) + 1 - HCL_METHOD_NAMED_INSTVARS]) * size -> ((hcl_oow_t)((hcl_oop_oop_t)m)->slot[HCL_OBJ_GET_SIZE(m)])*/ #define HCL_FUNCTION_GET_CODE_BYTE(m) HCL_OBJ_GET_TRAILER_BYTE(m) #define HCL_FUNCTION_GET_CODE_SIZE(m) HCL_OBJ_GET_TRAILER_SIZE(m) #define HCL_FUNCTION_NAMED_INSTVARS 3 /* this excludes literal frames and byte codes */ typedef struct hcl_function_t hcl_function_t; typedef struct hcl_function_t* hcl_oop_function_t; #define HCL_BLOCK_NAMED_INSTVARS 3 typedef struct hcl_block_t hcl_block_t; typedef struct hcl_block_t* hcl_oop_block_t; #define HCL_CONTEXT_NAMED_INSTVARS 7 typedef struct hcl_context_t hcl_context_t; typedef struct hcl_context_t* hcl_oop_context_t; #define HCL_CALL_FLAG_VA (1 << 0) struct hcl_function_t { HCL_OBJ_HEADER; hcl_oop_t tmpr_mask; /* smooi */ hcl_oop_context_t home; /* home context. nil for the initial function */ hcl_oop_t dbgi; /* byte array containing debug information. nil if not available */ /* == variable indexed part == */ hcl_oop_t literal_frame[1]; /* it stores literals. it may not exist */ /* after the literal frame comes the actual byte code */ }; /* hcl_function_t copies the byte codes and literal frames into itself * hlc_block_t contains minimal information(ip) for referening byte codes * and literal frames available in home->origin. */ struct hcl_block_t { HCL_OBJ_HEADER; hcl_oop_t tmpr_mask; /* smooi */ hcl_oop_context_t home; /* home context */ hcl_oop_t ip; /* smooi. instruction pointer where the byte code begins in home->origin */ }; struct hcl_context_t { HCL_OBJ_HEADER; /* SmallInteger */ hcl_oop_t req_nrets; /* SmallInteger. */ hcl_oop_t tmpr_mask; /* SmallInteger, instruction pointer */ hcl_oop_t ip; /* it points to the active context at the moment when * this context object has been activated. a new method context * is activated as a result of normal message sending and a block * context is activated when it is sent 'value'. it's set to * nil if a block context created hasn't received 'value'. */ hcl_oop_context_t sender; /* context or nil */ /* it points to the receiver of the message for a method context. * a block context points to a block object and a function context * points to a function object */ hcl_oop_t receiver_or_base; /* when used as a base, it's either a block or a function */ /* it is set to nil for a method context. * for a block context, it points to the active context at the * moment the block context was created. that is, it points to * a method context where the base block has been defined. * an activated block context copies this field from the base block context. */ hcl_oop_context_t home; /* context or nil */ /* a function context is created with itself in this field. The function * context creation is based on a function object(initial or lambda/defun). * * a block context is created over a block object. it stores * a function context points to itself in this field. a block context * points to the function context where it is created. another block context * created within the block context also points to the same function context. * * take note of the following points: * ctx->origin: function context * ctx->origin->receiver_or_base: actual function containing byte codes pertaining to ctx. * * a base of a block context is a block object but ctx->origin is guaranteed to be * a function context. so its base is also a function object all the time. */ hcl_oop_context_t origin; /* variable indexed part */ hcl_oop_t slot[1]; /* arguments, return variables, local variables, other arguments, etc */ }; #define HCL_PROCESS_NAMED_INSTVARS 15 typedef struct hcl_process_t hcl_process_t; typedef struct hcl_process_t* hcl_oop_process_t; #define HCL_SEMAPHORE_NAMED_INSTVARS 11 typedef struct hcl_semaphore_t hcl_semaphore_t; typedef struct hcl_semaphore_t* hcl_oop_semaphore_t; #define HCL_SEMAPHORE_GROUP_NAMED_INSTVARS 8 typedef struct hcl_semaphore_group_t hcl_semaphore_group_t; typedef struct hcl_semaphore_group_t* hcl_oop_semaphore_group_t; struct hcl_process_t { HCL_OBJ_HEADER; hcl_oop_context_t initial_context; hcl_oop_context_t current_context; hcl_oop_t id; /* SmallInteger */ hcl_oop_t state; /* SmallInteger */ hcl_oop_t sp; /* stack pointer. SmallInteger */ hcl_oop_t st; /* stack top */ hcl_oop_t exsp; /* exception stack pointer. SmallInteger */ hcl_oop_t exst; /* exception stack top */ hcl_oop_t clsp; /* class stack pointer */ hcl_oop_t clst; /* class stack top */ struct { hcl_oop_process_t prev; hcl_oop_process_t next; } ps; /* links to use with the process scheduler */ struct { hcl_oop_process_t prev; hcl_oop_process_t next; } sem_wait; /* links to use with a semaphore */ hcl_oop_t sem; /* nil, semaphore, or semaphore group */ /* == variable indexed part == */ hcl_oop_t slot[1]; /* process stack */ /* after the process stack comes the exception stack. * the exception stack is composed of instruction pointers and some context values. * the instruction pointers are OOPs of small integers. safe without GC. * the context values must be referenced by the active call chain. GC doesn't need to scan this area. * If this assumption is not correct, GC code must be modified. * so the garbage collector is free to ignore the exception stack */ }; enum hcl_semaphore_subtype_t { HCL_SEMAPHORE_SUBTYPE_TIMED = 0, HCL_SEMAPHORE_SUBTYPE_IO = 1 }; typedef enum hcl_semaphore_subtype_t hcl_semaphore_subtype_t; enum hcl_semaphore_io_type_t { HCL_SEMAPHORE_IO_TYPE_INPUT = 0, HCL_SEMAPHORE_IO_TYPE_OUTPUT = 1 }; typedef enum hcl_semaphore_io_type_t hcl_semaphore_io_type_t; enum hcl_semaphore_io_mask_t { HCL_SEMAPHORE_IO_MASK_INPUT = (1 << 0), HCL_SEMAPHORE_IO_MASK_OUTPUT = (1 << 1), HCL_SEMAPHORE_IO_MASK_HANGUP = (1 << 2), HCL_SEMAPHORE_IO_MASK_ERROR = (1 << 3) }; typedef enum hcl_semaphore_io_mask_t hcl_semaphore_io_mask_t; struct hcl_semaphore_t { HCL_OBJ_HEADER; /* [IMPORTANT] make sure that the position of 'waiting' in hcl_semaphore_t * must be exactly the same as its position in hcl_semaphore_group_t */ struct { hcl_oop_process_t first; hcl_oop_process_t last; } waiting; /* list of processes waiting on this semaphore */ /* [END IMPORTANT] */ hcl_oop_t count; /* SmallInteger */ /* nil for normal. SmallInteger if associated with * timer(HCL_SEMAPHORE_SUBTYPE_TIMED) or IO(HCL_SEMAPHORE_SUBTYPE_IO). */ hcl_oop_t subtype; union { struct { hcl_oop_t index; /* index to the heap that stores timed semaphores */ hcl_oop_t ftime_sec; /* firing time */ hcl_oop_t ftime_nsec; /* firing time */ } timed; struct { hcl_oop_t index; /* index to sem_io_tuple */ hcl_oop_t handle; hcl_oop_t type; /* SmallInteger */ } io; } u; hcl_oop_t signal_action; hcl_oop_semaphore_group_t group; /* nil or belonging semaphore group */ struct { hcl_oop_semaphore_t prev; hcl_oop_semaphore_t next; } grm; /* group membership chain */ }; #define HCL_SEMAPHORE_GROUP_SEMS_UNSIG 0 #define HCL_SEMAPHORE_GROUP_SEMS_SIG 1 struct hcl_semaphore_group_t { HCL_OBJ_HEADER; /* [IMPORTANT] make sure that the position of 'waiting' in hcl_semaphore_group_t * must be exactly the same as its position in hcl_semaphore_t */ struct { hcl_oop_process_t first; hcl_oop_process_t last; } waiting; /* list of processes waiting on this semaphore group */ /* [END IMPORTANT] */ struct { hcl_oop_semaphore_t first; hcl_oop_semaphore_t last; } sems[2]; /* sems[0] - unsignaled semaphores, sems[1] - signaled semaphores */ hcl_oop_t sem_io_count; /* the number of io semaphores in the group */ hcl_oop_t sem_count; /* the total number of semaphores in the group */ }; #define HCL_PROCESS_SCHEDULER_NAMED_INSTVARS 8 typedef struct hcl_process_scheduler_t hcl_process_scheduler_t; typedef struct hcl_process_scheduler_t* hcl_oop_process_scheduler_t; struct hcl_process_scheduler_t { HCL_OBJ_HEADER; hcl_oop_process_t active; /* pointer to an active process in the runnable process list */ hcl_oop_t total_count; /* smooi, total number of processes - runnable/running/suspended */ struct { hcl_oop_t count; /* smooi, the number of runnable/running processes */ hcl_oop_process_t first; /* runnable process list */ hcl_oop_process_t last; /* runnable process list */ } runnable; struct { hcl_oop_t count; /* smooi, the number of suspended processes */ hcl_oop_process_t first; /* suspended process list */ hcl_oop_process_t last; /* suspended process list */ } suspended; }; #define HCL_CLASS_NAMED_INSTVARS 7 typedef struct hcl_class_t hcl_class_t; typedef struct hcl_class_t* hcl_oop_class_t; struct hcl_class_t { HCL_OBJ_HEADER; /* === the following five fields must be in sync with hcl_methowner_t === */ /* [0] - instance methods, MethodDictionary * [1] - class methods, MethodDictionary */ hcl_oop_dic_t mthdic[2]; /* ===================================================================== */ hcl_oop_t superclass; hcl_oop_t nivars; /* smooi. */ hcl_oop_t ncvars; /* smooi. */ hcl_oop_char_t ivarnames; hcl_oop_char_t cvarnames; /* indexed part afterwards */ hcl_oop_t cvar[1]; /* class variables. */ }; #if 0 struct hcl_class_t { HCL_OBJ_HEADER; /* === the following five fields must be in sync with hcl_methowner_t === */ hcl_oop_char_t name; /* Symbol */ /* [0] - instance methods, MethodDictionary * [1] - class methods, MethodDictionary */ hcl_oop_dic_t mthdic[2]; hcl_oop_nsdic_t nsup; /* pointer to the upper namespace */ hcl_oop_nsdic_t nsdic; /* dictionary used for namespacing - may be nil when there are no subitems underneath */ /* ===================================================================== */ hcl_oop_t spec; /* SmallInteger. instance specification */ hcl_oop_t selfspec; /* SmallInteger. specification of the class object itself */ hcl_oop_t superclass; /* Another class */ hcl_oop_t subclasses; /* Array of subclasses */ hcl_oop_t modname; /* Symbol if importing a module. nil if not. */ /* == NEVER CHANGE THIS ORDER OF 3 ITEMS BELOW == */ hcl_oop_char_t ivars; /* String */ hcl_oop_char_t civars; /* String */ hcl_oop_char_t cvars; /* String */ /* == NEVER CHANGE THE ORDER OF 3 ITEMS ABOVE == */ #if 0 hcl_oop_char_t pooldics; /* String - pool dictionaries imported */ hcl_oop_t trsize; /* trailer size for new instances */ hcl_oop_t trgc; /* trailer gc callback */ /* [0] - initial values for instance variables of new instances * [1] - initial values for class instance variables */ hcl_oop_t initv[2]; #endif /* indexed part afterwards */ hcl_oop_t cvar[1]; /* class instance variables and class variables. */ }; #endif /** * The HCL_BRANDOF() macro return the brand of an object including a numeric * object encoded into a pointer. */ #define HCL_BRANDOF(hcl,oop) \ (HCL_OOP_GET_TAG(oop)? ((hcl)->tagged_brands[HCL_OOP_GET_TAG(oop)]): HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_BRAND(oop)) /** * The HCL_BYTESOF() macro returns the size of the payload of * an object in bytes. If the pointer given encodes a numeric value, * it returns the size of #hcl_oow_t in bytes. */ #define HCL_BYTESOF(hcl,oop) \ (HCL_OOP_IS_NUMERIC(oop)? HCL_SIZEOF(hcl_oow_t): HCL_OBJ_BYTESOF(oop)) /** * The HCL_ISTYPEOF() macro is a safe replacement for HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_TYPE() */ #define HCL_ISTYPEOF(hcl,oop,type) \ (!HCL_OOP_IS_NUMERIC(oop) && HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_TYPE(oop) == (type)) /* ========================================================================= * HEAP * ========================================================================= */ typedef struct hcl_heap_t hcl_heap_t; struct hcl_heap_t { hcl_uint8_t* base; /* start of a heap */ hcl_oow_t size; hcl_xma_t* xma; hcl_mmgr_t xmmgr; }; /* ========================================================================= * VM LOGGING * ========================================================================= */ enum hcl_log_mask_t { HCL_LOG_DEBUG = (1u << 0), HCL_LOG_INFO = (1u << 1), HCL_LOG_WARN = (1u << 2), HCL_LOG_ERROR = (1u << 3), HCL_LOG_FATAL = (1u << 4), HCL_LOG_UNTYPED = (1u << 6), /* only to be used by HCL_DEBUGx() and HCL_INFOx() */ HCL_LOG_COMPILER = (1u << 7), HCL_LOG_VM = (1u << 8), HCL_LOG_MNEMONIC = (1u << 9), /* bytecode mnemonic */ HCL_LOG_GC = (1u << 10), HCL_LOG_IC = (1u << 11), /* instruction cycle, fetch-decode-execute */ HCL_LOG_PRIMITIVE = (1u << 12), HCL_LOG_APP = (1u << 13), /* hcl applications, set by hcl logging primitive */ HCL_LOG_APP_X1 = (1u << 14), /* more hcl applications, you can choose to use one of APP_X? randomly */ HCL_LOG_APP_X2 = (1u << 15), HCL_LOG_APP_X3 = (1u << 16), HCL_LOG_ALL_LEVELS = (HCL_LOG_DEBUG | HCL_LOG_INFO | HCL_LOG_WARN | HCL_LOG_ERROR | HCL_LOG_FATAL), HCL_LOG_ALL_TYPES = (HCL_LOG_UNTYPED | HCL_LOG_COMPILER | HCL_LOG_VM | HCL_LOG_MNEMONIC | HCL_LOG_GC | HCL_LOG_IC | HCL_LOG_PRIMITIVE | HCL_LOG_APP | HCL_LOG_APP_X1 | HCL_LOG_APP_X2 | HCL_LOG_APP_X3), HCL_LOG_STDOUT = (1u << 20), /* write log messages to stdout without timestamp. HCL_LOG_STDOUT wins over HCL_LOG_STDERR. */ HCL_LOG_STDERR = (1u << 21), /* write log messages to stderr without timestamp. */ HCL_LOG_PREFER_JSON = (1u << 30) /* write a object in the json format. don't set this explicitly. use %J instead */ }; typedef enum hcl_log_mask_t hcl_log_mask_t; /* all bits must be set to get enabled */ #define HCL_LOG_ENABLED(hcl,mask) (((hcl)->option.log_mask & (mask)) == (mask)) #define HCL_LOG0(hcl,mask,fmt) do { if (HCL_LOG_ENABLED(hcl,mask)) hcl_logbfmt(hcl, mask, fmt); } while(0) #define HCL_LOG1(hcl,mask,fmt,a1) do { if (HCL_LOG_ENABLED(hcl,mask)) hcl_logbfmt(hcl, mask, fmt, a1); } while(0) #define HCL_LOG2(hcl,mask,fmt,a1,a2) do { if (HCL_LOG_ENABLED(hcl,mask)) hcl_logbfmt(hcl, mask, fmt, a1, a2); } while(0) #define HCL_LOG3(hcl,mask,fmt,a1,a2,a3) do { if (HCL_LOG_ENABLED(hcl,mask)) hcl_logbfmt(hcl, mask, fmt, a1, a2, a3); } while(0) #define HCL_LOG4(hcl,mask,fmt,a1,a2,a3,a4) do { if (HCL_LOG_ENABLED(hcl,mask)) hcl_logbfmt(hcl, mask, fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4); } while(0) #define HCL_LOG5(hcl,mask,fmt,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) do { if (HCL_LOG_ENABLED(hcl,mask)) hcl_logbfmt(hcl, mask, fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5); } while(0) #define HCL_LOG6(hcl,mask,fmt,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6) do { if (HCL_LOG_ENABLED(hcl,mask)) hcl_logbfmt(hcl, mask, fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6); } while(0) #define HCL_LOG7(hcl,mask,fmt,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7) do { if (HCL_LOG_ENABLED(hcl,mask)) hcl_logbfmt(hcl, mask, fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7); } while(0) #if defined(HCL_BUILD_RELEASE) /* [NOTE] * get rid of debugging message totally regardless of * the log mask in the release build. */ # define HCL_DEBUG0(hcl,fmt) # define HCL_DEBUG1(hcl,fmt,a1) # define HCL_DEBUG2(hcl,fmt,a1,a2) # define HCL_DEBUG3(hcl,fmt,a1,a2,a3) # define HCL_DEBUG4(hcl,fmt,a1,a2,a3,a4) # define HCL_DEBUG5(hcl,fmt,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) # define HCL_DEBUG6(hcl,fmt,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6) # define HCL_DEBUG7(hcl,fmt,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7) #else # define HCL_DEBUG0(hcl,fmt) HCL_LOG0(hcl, HCL_LOG_DEBUG | HCL_LOG_UNTYPED, fmt) # define HCL_DEBUG1(hcl,fmt,a1) HCL_LOG1(hcl, HCL_LOG_DEBUG | HCL_LOG_UNTYPED, fmt, a1) # define HCL_DEBUG2(hcl,fmt,a1,a2) HCL_LOG2(hcl, HCL_LOG_DEBUG | HCL_LOG_UNTYPED, fmt, a1, a2) # define HCL_DEBUG3(hcl,fmt,a1,a2,a3) HCL_LOG3(hcl, HCL_LOG_DEBUG | HCL_LOG_UNTYPED, fmt, a1, a2, a3) # define HCL_DEBUG4(hcl,fmt,a1,a2,a3,a4) HCL_LOG4(hcl, HCL_LOG_DEBUG | HCL_LOG_UNTYPED, fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4) # define HCL_DEBUG5(hcl,fmt,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) HCL_LOG5(hcl, HCL_LOG_DEBUG | HCL_LOG_UNTYPED, fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) # define HCL_DEBUG6(hcl,fmt,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6) HCL_LOG6(hcl, HCL_LOG_DEBUG | HCL_LOG_UNTYPED, fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) # define HCL_DEBUG7(hcl,fmt,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7) HCL_LOG6(hcl, HCL_LOG_DEBUG | HCL_LOG_UNTYPED, fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) #endif #define HCL_INFO0(hcl,fmt) HCL_LOG0(hcl, HCL_LOG_INFO | HCL_LOG_UNTYPED, fmt) #define HCL_INFO1(hcl,fmt,a1) HCL_LOG1(hcl, HCL_LOG_INFO | HCL_LOG_UNTYPED, fmt, a1) #define HCL_INFO2(hcl,fmt,a1,a2) HCL_LOG2(hcl, HCL_LOG_INFO | HCL_LOG_UNTYPED, fmt, a1, a2) #define HCL_INFO3(hcl,fmt,a1,a2,a3) HCL_LOG3(hcl, HCL_LOG_INFO | HCL_LOG_UNTYPED, fmt, a1, a2, a3) #define HCL_INFO4(hcl,fmt,a1,a2,a3,a4) HCL_LOG4(hcl, HCL_LOG_INFO | HCL_LOG_UNTYPED, fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4) #define HCL_INFO5(hcl,fmt,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) HCL_LOG5(hcl, HCL_LOG_INFO | HCL_LOG_UNTYPED, fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) #define HCL_INFO6(hcl,fmt,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6) HCL_LOG6(hcl, HCL_LOG_INFO | HCL_LOG_UNTYPED, fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) #define HCL_INFO7(hcl,fmt,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7) HCL_LOG6(hcl, HCL_LOG_INFO | HCL_LOG_UNTYPED, fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) /* ========================================================================= * VIRTUAL MACHINE PRIMITIVES * ========================================================================= */ typedef void* (*hcl_alloc_heap_t) ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oow_t* size /* [IN] requested size, [OUT] allocated size */ ); typedef void (*hcl_free_heap_t) ( hcl_t* hcl, void* ptr ); typedef void (*hcl_log_write_t) ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_bitmask_t mask, const hcl_ooch_t* msg, hcl_oow_t len ); typedef hcl_errnum_t (*hcl_syserrstrb_t) ( hcl_t* hcl, int syserr_type, int syserr_code, hcl_bch_t* buf, hcl_oow_t len ); typedef hcl_errnum_t (*hcl_syserrstru_t) ( hcl_t* hcl, int syserr_type, int syserr_code, hcl_uch_t* buf, hcl_oow_t len ); typedef void (*hcl_assertfail_t) ( hcl_t* hcl, const hcl_bch_t* expr, const hcl_bch_t* file, hcl_oow_t line ); enum hcl_vmprim_dlopen_flag_t { HCL_VMPRIM_DLOPEN_PFMOD = (1 << 0) }; typedef enum hcl_vmprim_dlopen_flag_t hcl_vmprim_dlopen_flag_t; typedef void (*hcl_vmprim_dlstartup_t) ( hcl_t* hcl ); typedef void (*hcl_vmprim_dlcleanup_t) ( hcl_t* hcl ); typedef void* (*hcl_vmprim_dlopen_t) ( hcl_t* hcl, const hcl_ooch_t* name, int flags ); typedef void (*hcl_vmprim_dlclose_t) ( hcl_t* hcl, void* handle ); typedef void* (*hcl_vmprim_dlgetsym_t) ( hcl_t* hcl, void* handle, const hcl_ooch_t* name ); typedef void (*hcl_vmprim_gettime_t) ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_ntime_t* now ); typedef int (*hcl_vmprim_muxadd_t) ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_ooi_t io_handle, hcl_ooi_t masks ); typedef int (*hcl_vmprim_muxmod_t) ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_ooi_t io_handle, hcl_ooi_t masks ); typedef int (*hcl_vmprim_muxdel_t) ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_ooi_t io_handle ); typedef void (*hcl_vmprim_muxwait_cb_t) ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_ooi_t io_handle, hcl_ooi_t masks ); typedef void (*hcl_vmprim_muxwait_t) ( hcl_t* hcl, const hcl_ntime_t* duration, hcl_vmprim_muxwait_cb_t muxwcb ); typedef int (*hcl_vmprim_sleep_t) ( hcl_t* hcl, const hcl_ntime_t* duration ); struct hcl_vmprim_t { /* The alloc_heap callback function is called very earlier * before hcl is fully initialized. so few features are availble * in this callback function. If it's not provided, the default * implementation is used. */ hcl_alloc_heap_t alloc_heap; /* optional */ /* If you customize the heap allocator by providing the alloc_heap * callback, you should implement the heap freer. otherwise the default * implementation doesn't know how to free the heap allocated by * the allocator callback. */ hcl_free_heap_t free_heap; /* optional */ hcl_log_write_t log_write; /* required */ hcl_syserrstrb_t syserrstrb; /* one of syserrstrb or syserrstru required */ hcl_syserrstru_t syserrstru; hcl_assertfail_t assertfail; hcl_vmprim_dlstartup_t dl_startup; /* optional */ hcl_vmprim_dlcleanup_t dl_cleanup; /* optional */ hcl_vmprim_dlopen_t dl_open; /* required */ hcl_vmprim_dlclose_t dl_close; /* required */ hcl_vmprim_dlgetsym_t dl_getsym; /* requried */ hcl_vmprim_gettime_t vm_gettime; /* required */ hcl_vmprim_muxadd_t vm_muxadd; hcl_vmprim_muxdel_t vm_muxdel; hcl_vmprim_muxmod_t vm_muxmod; hcl_vmprim_muxwait_t vm_muxwait; hcl_vmprim_sleep_t vm_sleep; /* required */ }; typedef struct hcl_vmprim_t hcl_vmprim_t; /* ========================================================================= * IO MANIPULATION * ========================================================================= */ enum hcl_iocmd_t { HCL_IO_OPEN, HCL_IO_CLOSE, HCL_IO_READ, HCL_IO_WRITE, HCL_IO_FLUSH }; typedef enum hcl_iocmd_t hcl_iocmd_t; struct hcl_ioloc_t { hcl_oow_t line; /**< line */ hcl_oow_t colm; /**< column */ const hcl_ooch_t* file; /**< file specified in #include */ }; typedef struct hcl_ioloc_t hcl_ioloc_t; struct hcl_iolxc_t { hcl_ooci_t c; /**< character */ hcl_ioloc_t l; /**< location */ }; typedef struct hcl_iolxc_t hcl_iolxc_t; typedef struct hcl_ioinarg_t hcl_ioinarg_t; struct hcl_ioinarg_t { /** * [IN] I/O object name. * It is #HCL_NULL for the main stream and points to a non-NULL string * for an included stream. */ const hcl_ooch_t* name; /** * [OUT] I/O handle set by a handler. * The source stream handler can set this field when it opens a stream. * All subsequent operations on the stream see this field as set * during opening. */ void* handle; /** * [OUT] place data here for #HCL_IO_READ */ hcl_ooch_t buf[2048]; /* TODO: resize this if necessary */ /** * [OUT] place the number of characters read here for #HCL_IO_READ */ hcl_oow_t xlen; /** * [IN] points to the data of the includer. It is #HCL_NULL for the * main stream. */ hcl_ioinarg_t* includer; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------- from here down, internal use only -------------------*/ struct { hcl_oow_t pos; hcl_oow_t len; int state; } b; hcl_oow_t line; hcl_oow_t colm; hcl_ooci_t nl; hcl_iolxc_t lxc; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ }; typedef struct hcl_iooutarg_t hcl_iooutarg_t; struct hcl_iooutarg_t { /** * [OUT] I/O handle set by a handler. * The source stream handler can set this field when it opens a stream. * All subsequent operations on the stream see this field as set * during opening. */ void* handle; /** * [IN] the pointer to the beginning of the character string * to write */ hcl_ooch_t* ptr; /** * [IN] total number of characters to write */ hcl_oow_t len; /** * [OUT] place the number of characters written here for HCL_IO_WRITE */ hcl_oow_t xlen; }; /** * The hcl_ioimpl_t type defines a callback function prototype * for I/O operations. */ typedef int (*hcl_ioimpl_t) ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_iocmd_t cmd, void* arg /* hcl_ioinarg_t* or hcl_iooutarg_t* */ ); /* ========================================================================= * CALLBACK MANIPULATION * ========================================================================= */ typedef void (*hcl_cb_opt_set_t) (hcl_t* hcl, hcl_option_t id, const void* val); typedef void (*hcl_cb_fini_t) (hcl_t* hcl); typedef void (*hcl_cb_gc_t) (hcl_t* hcl); typedef int (*hcl_cb_vm_startup_t) (hcl_t* hcl); typedef void (*hcl_cb_vm_cleanup_t) (hcl_t* hcl); typedef void (*hcl_cb_vm_checkbc_t) (hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oob_t bcode); typedef struct hcl_cb_t hcl_cb_t; struct hcl_cb_t { hcl_cb_opt_set_t opt_set; hcl_cb_gc_t gc; hcl_cb_fini_t fini; hcl_cb_vm_startup_t vm_startup; hcl_cb_vm_cleanup_t vm_cleanup; hcl_cb_vm_checkbc_t vm_checkbc; /* private below */ hcl_cb_t* prev; hcl_cb_t* next; }; /* ========================================================================= * PRIMITIVE FUNCTIONS * ========================================================================= */ enum hcl_pfrc_t { HCL_PF_FAILURE = -1, HCL_PF_SUCCESS = 0 }; typedef enum hcl_pfrc_t hcl_pfrc_t; typedef hcl_pfrc_t (*hcl_pfimpl_t) ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_mod_t* mod, hcl_ooi_t nargs ); enum hcl_pfbase_type_t { HCL_PFBASE_FUNC = 0, HCL_PFBASE_VAR = 1, HCL_PFBASE_CONST = 2 }; typedef enum hcl_pfbase_type_t hcl_pfbase_type_t; typedef struct hcl_pfbase_t hcl_pfbase_t; struct hcl_pfbase_t { hcl_pfbase_type_t type; hcl_pfimpl_t handler; hcl_oow_t minargs; hcl_oow_t maxargs; }; typedef struct hcl_pfinfo_t hcl_pfinfo_t; struct hcl_pfinfo_t { hcl_ooch_t mthname[32]; hcl_pfbase_t base; }; /* ========================================================================= * PRIMITIVE MODULE MANIPULATION * ========================================================================= */ #define HCL_MOD_NAME_LEN_MAX 120 typedef int (*hcl_mod_load_t) ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_mod_t* mod ); typedef hcl_pfbase_t* (*hcl_mod_query_t) ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_mod_t* mod, const hcl_ooch_t* name, hcl_oow_t namelen ); typedef void (*hcl_mod_unload_t) ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_mod_t* mod ); typedef void (*hcl_mod_gc_t) ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_mod_t* mod ); struct hcl_mod_t { /* input */ hcl_ooch_t name[HCL_MOD_NAME_LEN_MAX + 1]; void* inctx; /* user-defined data - the module intializer shoudl fill in the following fields. */ hcl_mod_query_t query; hcl_mod_unload_t unload; hcl_mod_gc_t gc; void* ctx; }; struct hcl_mod_data_t { void* handle; hcl_rbt_pair_t* pair; /* internal backreference to hcl->modtab */ hcl_mod_t mod; }; typedef struct hcl_mod_data_t hcl_mod_data_t; struct hcl_sem_tuple_t { hcl_oop_semaphore_t sem[2]; /* [0] input, [1] output */ hcl_ooi_t handle; /* io handle */ hcl_ooi_t mask; }; typedef struct hcl_sem_tuple_t hcl_sem_tuple_t; /* ========================================================================= * HCL VM * ========================================================================= */ typedef struct hcl_synerr_t hcl_synerr_t; struct hcl_synerr_t { hcl_synerrnum_t num; hcl_ioloc_t loc; struct { hcl_ooch_t val[256]; hcl_oow_t len; } tgt; }; typedef struct hcl_dbgi_t hcl_dbgi_t; struct hcl_dbgi_t { const hcl_ooch_t* fname; /* file name */ hcl_oow_t sline; /* source line in the file */ }; #if defined(HCL_INCLUDE_COMPILER) typedef struct hcl_compiler_t hcl_compiler_t; typedef struct hcl_cnode_t hcl_cnode_t; enum hcl_compile_flag_t { /* clear byte codes at the beginnign of hcl_compile() */ HCL_COMPILE_CLEAR_CODE = (1 << 0), /* clear the top-level function block at the end of hcl_compile() */ HCL_COMPILE_CLEAR_FNBLK = (1 << 1) }; typedef enum hcl_compile_flag_t hcl_compile_flag_t; #endif #define HCL_ERRMSG_CAPA (2048) struct hcl_t { hcl_oow_t _instsize; hcl_mmgr_t* _mmgr; hcl_cmgr_t* _cmgr; hcl_errnum_t errnum; struct { union { hcl_ooch_t ooch[HCL_ERRMSG_CAPA]; hcl_bch_t bch[HCL_ERRMSG_CAPA]; hcl_uch_t uch[HCL_ERRMSG_CAPA]; } tmpbuf; hcl_ooch_t buf[HCL_ERRMSG_CAPA]; hcl_oow_t len; } errmsg; int shuterr; struct { hcl_bitmask_t trait; hcl_bitmask_t log_mask; hcl_oow_t log_maxcapa; hcl_ooch_t* log_target; #if defined(HCL_OOCH_IS_UCH) hcl_bch_t* log_targetx; #else hcl_uch_t* log_targetx; #endif hcl_oow_t dfl_symtab_size; hcl_oow_t dfl_sysdic_size; hcl_oow_t dfl_procstk_size; void* mod_inctx; #if defined(HCL_BUILD_DEBUG) /* set automatically when trait is set */ hcl_oow_t karatsuba_cutoff; #endif } option; hcl_vmprim_t vmprim; hcl_oow_t vm_checkbc_cb_count; hcl_cb_t* cblist; hcl_rbt_t modtab; /* primitive module table */ struct { hcl_ooch_t* ptr; hcl_oow_t len; hcl_oow_t capa; hcl_bitmask_t last_mask; hcl_bitmask_t default_type_mask; } log; /* ========================= */ hcl_heap_t* heap; /* ========================= */ hcl_oop_t _nil; /* pointer to the nil object */ hcl_oop_t _true; hcl_oop_t _false; hcl_oop_t _and; /* symbol */ hcl_oop_t _break; /* symbol */ hcl_oop_t _catch; /* symbol */ hcl_oop_t _continue; /* symbol */ hcl_oop_t _defclass; /* symbol */ hcl_oop_t _defun; /* symbol */ hcl_oop_t _do; /* symbol */ hcl_oop_t _elif; /* symbol */ hcl_oop_t _else; /* symbol */ hcl_oop_t _if; /* symbol */ hcl_oop_t _lambda; /* symbol */ hcl_oop_t _or; /* symbol */ hcl_oop_t _return; /* symbol */ hcl_oop_t _return_from_home; /* symbol */ hcl_oop_t _set; /* symbol */ hcl_oop_t _set_r; /* symbol */ hcl_oop_t _throw; /* symbol */ hcl_oop_t _try; /* symbol */ hcl_oop_t _until; /* symbol */ hcl_oop_t _while; /* symbol */ hcl_oop_dic_t symtab; /* system-wide symbol table. */ hcl_oop_dic_t sysdic; /* system dictionary. */ hcl_oop_process_scheduler_t processor; /* instance of ProcessScheduler */ hcl_oop_process_t nil_process; /* instance of Process */ /* ============================================================================= */ /* pending asynchronous semaphores */ hcl_oop_semaphore_t* sem_list; hcl_oow_t sem_list_count; hcl_oow_t sem_list_capa; /* semaphores sorted according to time-out. * organize entries using heap as the earliest entry * needs to be checked first */ hcl_oop_semaphore_t* sem_heap; hcl_oow_t sem_heap_count; hcl_oow_t sem_heap_capa; /* semaphores for I/O handling. plain array */ /*hcl_oop_semaphore_t* sem_io;*/ hcl_sem_tuple_t* sem_io_tuple; hcl_oow_t sem_io_tuple_count; hcl_oow_t sem_io_tuple_capa; hcl_oow_t sem_io_count; hcl_oow_t sem_io_wait_count; /* number of processes waiting on an IO semaphore */ hcl_ooi_t* sem_io_map; hcl_oow_t sem_io_map_capa; /* ============================================================================= */ hcl_oop_t* proc_map; hcl_oow_t proc_map_capa; hcl_oow_t proc_map_used; hcl_ooi_t proc_map_free_first; hcl_ooi_t proc_map_free_last; /* 2 tag bits(lo) + 2 extended tag bits(hi). not all slots are used * because the 2 high extended bits are used only if the low tag bits * are 3 */ int tagged_brands[16]; hcl_oop_t* volat_stack[256]; /* stack for temporaries */ hcl_oow_t volat_count; /* == EXECUTION REGISTERS == */ hcl_oop_function_t initial_function; hcl_oop_context_t initial_context; /* fake initial context */ hcl_oop_context_t active_context; hcl_oop_function_t active_function; hcl_oob_t* active_code; hcl_ooi_t sp; hcl_ooi_t ip; int no_proc_switch; /* process switching disabled */ int proc_switched; /* TODO: this is temporary. implement something else to skip immediate context switching */ int switch_proc; int abort_req; hcl_ntime_t exec_start_time; hcl_ntime_t exec_end_time; hcl_oop_t last_retv; /* == END EXECUTION REGISTERS == */ /* == BIGINT CONVERSION == */ struct { int safe_ndigits; hcl_oow_t multiplier; } bigint[37]; struct { struct { hcl_ooch_t* ptr; hcl_oow_t capa; hcl_oow_t len; } xbuf; struct { hcl_liw_t* ptr; hcl_oow_t capa; } t; } inttostr; /* == END BIGINT CONVERSION == */ struct { struct { hcl_ooch_t* ptr; hcl_oow_t capa; hcl_oow_t len; } xbuf; /* buffer to support sprintf */ } sprintf; struct { struct { hcl_oob_t* ptr; /* byte code array */ hcl_oow_t len; hcl_oow_t capa; } bc; struct { hcl_oop_oop_t arr; /* literal array - not part of object memory */ hcl_oow_t len; } lit; /* the cumulative number of temporaries collected at the global(top-level) level */ hcl_oow_t ngtmprs; /* array that holds the location of the byte code emitted */ hcl_dbgi_t* dbgi; } code; /* == PRINTER == */ struct { struct { void* ptr; hcl_oow_t capa; hcl_oow_t size; } s; hcl_oop_t e; /* top entry being printed */ } p; /* == PRINTER == */ struct { hcl_gchdr_t* b; /* object blocks allocated */ struct { hcl_gchdr_t* curr; hcl_gchdr_t* prev; } ls; hcl_oow_t bsz; /* total size of object blocks allocated */ hcl_oow_t threshold; int lazy_sweep; struct { hcl_oop_t* ptr; hcl_oow_t capa; hcl_oow_t len; hcl_oow_t max; } stack; struct { hcl_ntime_t alloc; hcl_ntime_t mark; hcl_ntime_t sweep; } stat; } gci; #if defined(HCL_INCLUDE_COMPILER) hcl_compiler_t* c; #endif }; /* TODO: stack bound check when pushing */ #define HCL_STACK_PUSH(hcl,v) \ do { \ if ((hcl)->sp >= HCL_OOP_TO_SMOOI((hcl)->processor->active->st)) \ { \ hcl_seterrbfmt (hcl, HCL_EOOMEM, "process stack overflow"); \ (hcl)->abort_req = -1; \ } \ (hcl)->sp = (hcl)->sp + 1; \ (hcl)->processor->active->slot[(hcl)->sp] = v; \ } while (0) #define HCL_STACK_GET(hcl,v_sp) ((hcl)->processor->active->slot[v_sp]) #define HCL_STACK_SET(hcl,v_sp,v_obj) ((hcl)->processor->active->slot[v_sp] = v_obj) #define HCL_STACK_GETTOP(hcl) HCL_STACK_GET(hcl, (hcl)->sp) #define HCL_STACK_SETTOP(hcl,v_obj) HCL_STACK_SET(hcl, (hcl)->sp, v_obj) #define HCL_STACK_POP(hcl) ((hcl)->sp = (hcl)->sp - 1) #define HCL_STACK_POPS(hcl,count) ((hcl)->sp = (hcl)->sp - (count)) #define HCL_STACK_ISEMPTY(hcl) ((hcl)->sp <= -1) /* get the stack pointer of the argument at the given index */ #define HCL_STACK_GETARGSP(hcl,nargs,idx) ((hcl)->sp - ((nargs) - (idx) - 1)) /* get the argument at the given index */ #define HCL_STACK_GETARG(hcl,nargs,idx) HCL_STACK_GET(hcl, (hcl)->sp - ((nargs) - (idx) - 1)) /* get the receiver of a message */ #define HCL_STACK_GETRCV(hcl,nargs) HCL_STACK_GET(hcl, (hcl)->sp - nargs) /* you can't access arguments and receiver after this macro. * also you must not call this macro more than once */ #define HCL_STACK_SETRET(hcl,nargs,retv) \ do { \ HCL_STACK_POPS(hcl, nargs); \ HCL_STACK_SETTOP(hcl, (retv)); \ } while(0) #define HCL_STACK_SETRETTOERRNUM(hcl,nargs) HCL_STACK_SETRET(hcl, nargs, HCL_ERROR_TO_OOP(hcl->errnum)) #define HCL_STACK_SETRETTOERROR(hcl,nargs,ec) HCL_STACK_SETRET(hcl, nargs, HCL_ERROR_TO_OOP(ec)) /* ========================================================================= * HCL ASSERTION * ========================================================================= */ #if defined(HCL_BUILD_RELEASE) # define HCL_ASSERT(hcl,expr) ((void)0) #else # define HCL_ASSERT(hcl,expr) ((void)((expr) || ((hcl)->vmprim.assertfail (hcl, #expr, __FILE__, __LINE__), 0))) #endif /* ========================================================================= * HCL COMMON OBJECTS * ========================================================================= */ enum hcl_brand_t { HCL_BRAND_SMOOI = 1, /* never used as a small integer is encoded in an object pointer */ HCL_BRAND_SMPTR, HCL_BRAND_ERROR, HCL_BRAND_CHARACTER, HCL_BRAND_NIL, HCL_BRAND_TRUE, HCL_BRAND_FALSE, HCL_BRAND_PBIGINT, /* positive big integer */ HCL_BRAND_NBIGINT, /* negative big integer */ HCL_BRAND_CONS, HCL_BRAND_ARRAY, HCL_BRAND_BYTE_ARRAY, HCL_BRAND_SYMBOL_ARRAY, /* special. internal use only */ HCL_BRAND_SYMBOL, HCL_BRAND_STRING, HCL_BRAND_DIC, HCL_BRAND_FPDEC, /* fixed-point decimal */ HCL_BRAND_PRIM, HCL_BRAND_FUNCTION, HCL_BRAND_BLOCK, HCL_BRAND_CONTEXT, HCL_BRAND_PROCESS, HCL_BRAND_PROCESS_SCHEDULER, HCL_BRAND_SEMAPHORE, HCL_BRAND_SEMAPHORE_GROUP, HCL_BRAND_CLASS, HCL_BRAND_INSTANCE }; typedef enum hcl_brand_t hcl_brand_t; enum hcl_syncode_t { /* SYNCODE 0 means it's not a syncode object. so it begins with 1 */ /* these enumerators can be set in the SYNCODE flags for a symbol */ HCL_SYNCODE_AND = 1, HCL_SYNCODE_BREAK, HCL_SYNCODE_CATCH, HCL_SYNCODE_CONTINUE, HCL_SYNCODE_DEFCLASS, HCL_SYNCODE_DEFUN, HCL_SYNCODE_DO, HCL_SYNCODE_ELIF, HCL_SYNCODE_ELSE, HCL_SYNCODE_IF, HCL_SYNCODE_LAMBDA, HCL_SYNCODE_OR, HCL_SYNCODE_RETURN, HCL_SYNCODE_RETURN_FROM_HOME, HCL_SYNCODE_SET, HCL_SYNCODE_SET_R, HCL_SYNCODE_THROW, HCL_SYNCODE_TRY, HCL_SYNCODE_UNTIL, HCL_SYNCODE_WHILE }; typedef enum hcl_syncode_t hcl_syncode_t; enum hcl_concode_t { /* these can be set in the SYNCODE flags for a cons cell */ HCL_CONCODE_XLIST = 0, /* () - executable list */ HCL_CONCODE_ARRAY, /* [] */ HCL_CONCODE_BYTEARRAY, /* #[] */ HCL_CONCODE_DIC, /* {} */ HCL_CONCODE_QLIST, /* #() - data list */ HCL_CONCODE_VLIST /* | | - symbol list */ }; typedef enum hcl_concode_t hcl_concode_t; #define HCL_IS_NIL(hcl,v) (v == (hcl)->_nil) #define HCL_IS_TRUE(hcl,v) (v == (hcl)->_true) #define HCL_IS_FALSE(hcl,v) (v == (hcl)->_false) #define HCL_IS_SYMBOL(hcl,v) (HCL_OOP_IS_POINTER(v) && HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_BRAND(v) == HCL_BRAND_SYMBOL) #define HCL_IS_SYMBOL_ARRAY(hcl,v) (HCL_OOP_IS_POINTER(v) && HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_BRAND(v) == HCL_BRAND_SYMBOL_ARRAY) #define HCL_IS_CONTEXT(hcl,v) (HCL_OOP_IS_POINTER(v) && HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_BRAND(v) == HCL_BRAND_CONTEXT) #define HCL_IS_FUNCTION(hcl,v) (HCL_OOP_IS_POINTER(v) && HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_BRAND(v) == HCL_BRAND_FUNCTION) #define HCL_IS_BLOCK(hcl,v) (HCL_OOP_IS_POINTER(v) && HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_BRAND(v) == HCL_BRAND_BLOCK) #define HCL_IS_PROCESS(hcl,v) (HCL_OOP_IS_POINTER(v) && HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_BRAND(v) == HCL_BRAND_PROCESS) #define HCL_IS_CONS(hcl,v) (HCL_OOP_IS_POINTER(v) && HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_BRAND(v) == HCL_BRAND_CONS) #define HCL_IS_CONS_CONCODED(hcl,v,concode) (HCL_IS_CONS(hcl,v) && HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_SYNCODE(v) == (concode)) #define HCL_IS_ARRAY(hcl,v) (HCL_OOP_IS_POINTER(v) && HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_BRAND(v) == HCL_BRAND_ARRAY) #define HCL_IS_BYTEARRAY(hcl,v) (HCL_OOP_IS_POINTER(v) && HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_BRAND(v) == HCL_BRAND_BYTE_ARRAY) #define HCL_IS_DIC(hcl,v) (HCL_OOP_IS_POINTER(v) && HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_BRAND(v) == HCL_BRAND_DIC) #define HCL_IS_PRIM(hcl,v) (HCL_OOP_IS_POINTER(v) && HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_BRAND(v) == HCL_BRAND_PRIM) #define HCL_IS_PBIGINT(hcl,v) (HCL_OOP_IS_POINTER(v) && HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_BRAND(v) == HCL_BRAND_PBIGINT) #define HCL_IS_NBIGINT(hcl,v) (HCL_OOP_IS_POINTER(v) && HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_BRAND(v) == HCL_BRAND_NBIGINT) #define HCL_IS_BIGINT(hcl,v) (HCL_OOP_IS_POINTER(v) && (HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_BRAND(v) == HCL_BRAND_PBIGINT || HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_BRAND(v) == HCL_BRAND_NBIGINT)) #define HCL_IS_STRING(hcl,v) (HCL_OOP_IS_POINTER(v) && HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_BRAND(v) == HCL_BRAND_STRING) #define HCL_IS_FPDEC(hcl,v) (HCL_OOP_IS_POINTER(v) && HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_BRAND(v) == HCL_BRAND_FPDEC) #define HCL_IS_PROCESS(hcl,v) (HCL_OOP_IS_POINTER(v) && HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_BRAND(v) == HCL_BRAND_PROCESS) #define HCL_IS_SEMAPHORE(hcl,v) (HCL_OOP_IS_POINTER(v) && HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_BRAND(v) == HCL_BRAND_SEMAPHORE) #define HCL_IS_SEMAPHORE_GROUP(hcl,v) (HCL_OOP_IS_POINTER(v) && HCL_OBJ_GET_FLAGS_BRAND(v) == HCL_BRAND_SEMAPHORE_GROUP) #define HCL_CONS_CAR(v) (((hcl_cons_t*)(v))->car) #define HCL_CONS_CDR(v) (((hcl_cons_t*)(v))->cdr) typedef int (*hcl_dic_walker_t) ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oop_dic_t dic, hcl_oop_cons_t pair, void* ctx ); #if defined(__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif HCL_EXPORT hcl_t* hcl_open ( hcl_mmgr_t* mmgr, hcl_oow_t xtnsize, const hcl_vmprim_t* vmprim, hcl_errnum_t* errnum ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_t* hcl_openstdwithmmgr ( hcl_mmgr_t* mmgr, hcl_oow_t xtnsize, hcl_errnum_t* errnum ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_t* hcl_openstd ( hcl_oow_t xtnsize, hcl_errnum_t* errnum ); HCL_EXPORT void hcl_close ( hcl_t* vm ); HCL_EXPORT int hcl_init ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_mmgr_t* mmgr, const hcl_vmprim_t* vmprim ); HCL_EXPORT void hcl_fini ( hcl_t* hcl ); /** * The hcl_reset() function some internal states back to the initial state. * The affected internal states include byte code buffer, literal frame, * ordinary global variables. You should take extra precaution as it is * a risky function. For instance, a global variable inserted manually * with hcl_putatsysdic() gets deleted if the kernel bit is not set on * the variable symbol. */ HCL_EXPORT void hcl_reset ( hcl_t* hcl ); HCL_EXPORT void hcl_setinloc ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oow_t line, hcl_oow_t colm ); #if defined(HCL_HAVE_INLINE) static HCL_INLINE void* hcl_getxtn (hcl_t* hcl) { return (void*)((hcl_uint8_t*)hcl + hcl->_instsize); } static HCL_INLINE hcl_mmgr_t* hcl_getmmgr (hcl_t* hcl) { return hcl->_mmgr; } static HCL_INLINE hcl_cmgr_t* hcl_getcmgr (hcl_t* hcl) { return hcl->_cmgr; } static HCL_INLINE void hcl_setcmgr (hcl_t* hcl, hcl_cmgr_t* cmgr) { hcl->_cmgr = cmgr; } static HCL_INLINE hcl_errnum_t hcl_geterrnum (hcl_t* hcl) { return hcl->errnum; } #else # define hcl_getxtn(hcl) ((void*)((hcl_uint8_t*)hcl + ((hcl_t*)hcl)->_instsize)) # define hcl_getmmgr(hcl) (((hcl_t*)(hcl))->_mmgr) # define hcl_getcmgr(hcl) (((hcl_t*)(hcl))->_cmgr) # define hcl_setcmgr(hcl,cmgr) (((hcl_t*)(hcl))->_cmgr = (cmgr)) # define hcl_geterrnum(hcl) (((hcl_t*)(hcl))->errnum) #endif HCL_EXPORT void hcl_seterrnum ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_errnum_t errnum ); HCL_EXPORT void hcl_seterrwithsyserr ( hcl_t* hcl, int syserr_type, int syserr_code ); void hcl_seterrbfmtwithsyserr ( hcl_t* hcl, int syserr_type, int syserr_code, const hcl_bch_t* fmt, ... ); void hcl_seterrufmtwithsyserr ( hcl_t* hcl, int syserr_type, int syserr_code, const hcl_uch_t* fmt, ... ); HCL_EXPORT void hcl_seterrbfmt ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_errnum_t errnum, const hcl_bch_t* fmt, ... ); HCL_EXPORT void hcl_seterrufmt ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_errnum_t errnum, const hcl_uch_t* fmt, ... ); HCL_EXPORT void hcl_seterrbfmtv ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_errnum_t errnum, const hcl_bch_t* fmt, va_list ap ); HCL_EXPORT void hcl_seterrufmtv ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_errnum_t errnum, const hcl_uch_t* fmt, va_list ap ); HCL_EXPORT const hcl_ooch_t* hcl_geterrstr ( hcl_t* hcl ); HCL_EXPORT const hcl_ooch_t* hcl_geterrmsg ( hcl_t* hcl ); HCL_EXPORT const hcl_ooch_t* hcl_backuperrmsg ( hcl_t* hcl ); HCL_EXPORT const hcl_ooch_t* hcl_errnum_to_errstr ( hcl_errnum_t errnum ); /** * The hcl_getoption() function gets the value of an option * specified by \a id into the buffer pointed to by \a value. * * \return 0 on success, -1 on failure */ HCL_EXPORT int hcl_getoption ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_option_t id, void* value ); /** * The hcl_setoption() function sets the value of an option * specified by \a id to the value pointed to by \a value. * * \return 0 on success, -1 on failure */ HCL_EXPORT int hcl_setoption ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_option_t id, const void* value ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_cb_t* hcl_regcb ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_cb_t* tmpl ); HCL_EXPORT void hcl_deregcb ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_cb_t* cb ); /** * The hcl_gc() function performs garbage collection. * It is not affected by #HCL_TRAIT_NOGC. */ HCL_EXPORT void hcl_gc ( hcl_t* hcl, int full ); /** * The hcl_moveoop() function is used to move a live object to a new * location in hcl_gc(). When hcl_gc() invokes registered gc callbacks, * you may call this function to protect extra objects you might have * allocated manually. */ hcl_oop_t hcl_moveoop ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oop_t oop ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_oop_t hcl_shallowcopy ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oop_t oop ); /** * The hcl_ignite() function creates key initial objects. */ HCL_EXPORT int hcl_ignite ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oow_t heapsize ); HCL_EXPORT int hcl_addbuiltinprims ( hcl_t* hcl ); /** * The hcl_execute() function executes an activated context. */ HCL_EXPORT hcl_oop_t hcl_execute ( hcl_t* hcl ); HCL_EXPORT void hcl_abort ( hcl_t* hcl ); #if defined(HCL_HAVE_INLINE) static HCL_INLINE void hcl_switchprocess (hcl_t* hcl) { hcl->switch_proc = 1; } #else # define hcl_switchprocess(hcl) ((hcl)->switch_proc = 1) #endif HCL_EXPORT int hcl_attachio ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_ioimpl_t reader, hcl_ioimpl_t printer ); HCL_EXPORT void hcl_detachio ( hcl_t* hcl ); HCL_EXPORT void hcl_flushio ( hcl_t* hcl ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_cnode_t* hcl_read ( hcl_t* hcl ); HCL_EXPORT void hcl_freecnode ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_cnode_t* cnode ); HCL_EXPORT int hcl_print ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oop_t obj ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_ooi_t hcl_proutbfmt ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_bitmask_t mask, const hcl_bch_t* fmt, ... ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_ooi_t hcl_proutufmt ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_bitmask_t mask, const hcl_uch_t* fmt, ... ); #if defined(HCL_INCLUDE_COMPILER) HCL_EXPORT int hcl_compile ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_cnode_t* obj, int flags ); #endif /** * The hcl_decode() function decodes instructions from the position * \a start to the position \a end - 1, and prints the decoded instructions * in the textual form. */ HCL_EXPORT int hcl_decode ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oow_t start, hcl_oow_t end ); #if defined(HCL_HAVE_INLINE) static HCL_INLINE hcl_oow_t hcl_getbclen (hcl_t* hcl) { return hcl->code.bc.len; } static HCL_INLINE hcl_oow_t hcl_getlflen (hcl_t* hcl) { return hcl->code.lit.len; } static HCL_INLINE hcl_ooi_t hcl_getip (hcl_t* hcl) { return hcl->ip; } #else # define hcl_getbclen(hcl) ((hcl)->code.bc.len) # define hcl_getlflen(hcl) ((hcl)->code.lit.len) # define hcl_getip(hcl) ((hcl)->ip) #endif /* if you should read charcters from the input stream before hcl_read(), * you can call hcl_readchar() */ HCL_EXPORT hcl_iolxc_t* hcl_readchar ( hcl_t* hcl ); /* If you use hcl_readchar() to read the input stream, you may use * hcl_unreadchar() to put back characters read for hcl_readchar() * to return before reading the stream again. */ HCL_EXPORT int hcl_unreadchar ( hcl_t* hcl, const hcl_iolxc_t* c ); /* ========================================================================= * SYNTAX ERROR HANDLING * ========================================================================= */ HCL_EXPORT void hcl_getsynerr ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_synerr_t* synerr ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_synerrnum_t hcl_getsynerrnum ( hcl_t* hcl ); HCL_EXPORT void hcl_setsynerrbfmt ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_synerrnum_t num, const hcl_ioloc_t* loc, const hcl_oocs_t* tgt, const hcl_bch_t* msgfmt, ... ); HCL_EXPORT void hcl_setsynerrufmt ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_synerrnum_t num, const hcl_ioloc_t* loc, const hcl_oocs_t* tgt, const hcl_uch_t* msgfmt, ... ); #if defined(HCL_HAVE_INLINE) static HCL_INLINE void hcl_setsynerr (hcl_t* hcl, hcl_synerrnum_t num, const hcl_ioloc_t* loc, const hcl_oocs_t* tgt) { hcl_setsynerrbfmt (hcl, num, loc, tgt, HCL_NULL); } #else # define hcl_setsynerr(hcl,num,loc,tgt) hcl_setsynerrbfmt(hcl,num,loc,tgt,HCL_NULL) #endif /* ========================================================================= * TEMPORARY OOP MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS * ========================================================================= */ HCL_EXPORT void hcl_pushvolat ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oop_t* oop_ptr ); HCL_EXPORT void hcl_popvolat ( hcl_t* hcl ); HCL_EXPORT void hcl_popvolats ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oow_t count ); /* ========================================================================= * SYSTEM MEMORY MANAGEMENT FUCNTIONS VIA MMGR * ========================================================================= */ HCL_EXPORT void* hcl_allocmem ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oow_t size ); HCL_EXPORT void* hcl_callocmem ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oow_t size ); HCL_EXPORT void* hcl_reallocmem ( hcl_t* hcl, void* ptr, hcl_oow_t size ); HCL_EXPORT void hcl_freemem ( hcl_t* hcl, void* ptr ); /* ========================================================================= * PRIMITIVE FUNCTION MANIPULATION * ========================================================================= */ HCL_EXPORT hcl_pfbase_t* hcl_findpfbase ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_pfinfo_t* pfinfo, hcl_oow_t pfcount, const hcl_ooch_t* name, hcl_oow_t namelen ); /* ========================================================================= * LOGGING * ========================================================================= */ HCL_EXPORT hcl_ooi_t hcl_logbfmt ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_bitmask_t mask, const hcl_bch_t* fmt, ... ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_ooi_t hcl_logbfmtv ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_bitmask_t mask, const hcl_bch_t* fmt, va_list ap ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_ooi_t hcl_logufmt ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_bitmask_t mask, const hcl_uch_t* fmt, ... ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_ooi_t hcl_logufmtv ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_bitmask_t mask, const hcl_uch_t* fmt, va_list ap ); #if defined(HCL_OOCH_IS_UCH) # define hcl_logoofmt hcl_logufmt # define hcl_logoofmtv hcl_logufmtv #else # define hcl_logoofmt hcl_logbfmt # define hcl_logoofmtv hcl_logbfmtv #endif HCL_EXPORT hcl_ooi_t hcl_prbfmt ( hcl_t* hcl, const hcl_bch_t* fmt, ... ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_ooi_t hcl_prbfmtv ( hcl_t* hcl, const hcl_bch_t* fmt, va_list ap ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_ooi_t hcl_prufmt ( hcl_t* hcl, const hcl_uch_t* fmt, ... ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_ooi_t hcl_prufmtv ( hcl_t* hcl, const hcl_uch_t* fmt, va_list ap ); #if defined(HCL_OOCH_IS_UCH) # define hcl_proofmt hcl_prufmt # define hcl_proofmtv hcl_prufmtv #else # define hcl_proofmt hcl_prbfmt # define hcl_proofmtv hcl_prbfmtv #endif /* ========================================================================= * STRING FORMATTING * ========================================================================= */ HCL_EXPORT hcl_oow_t hcl_vfmttoucstr ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_uch_t* buf, hcl_oow_t bufsz, const hcl_uch_t* fmt, va_list ap ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_oow_t hcl_fmttoucstr ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_uch_t* buf, hcl_oow_t bufsz, const hcl_uch_t* fmt, ... ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_oow_t hcl_vfmttobcstr ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_bch_t* buf, hcl_oow_t bufsz, const hcl_bch_t* fmt, va_list ap ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_oow_t hcl_fmttobcstr ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_bch_t* buf, hcl_oow_t bufsz, const hcl_bch_t* fmt, ... ); #if defined(HCL_OOCH_IS_UCH) # define hcl_vfmttooocstr hcl_vfmttoucstr # define hcl_fmttooocstr hcl_fmttoucstr #else # define hcl_vfmttooocstr hcl_vfmttobcstr # define hcl_fmttooocstr hcl_fmttobcstr #endif /* ========================================================================= * OBJECT MANAGEMENT * ========================================================================= */ HCL_EXPORT hcl_oop_t hcl_makenil ( hcl_t* hcl ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_oop_t hcl_maketrue ( hcl_t* hcl ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_oop_t hcl_makefalse ( hcl_t* hcl ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_oop_t hcl_makecons ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oop_t car, hcl_oop_t cdr ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_oop_t hcl_makearray ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oow_t size, int ngc ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_oop_t hcl_makebytearray ( hcl_t* hcl, const hcl_oob_t* ptr, hcl_oow_t len ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_oop_t hcl_makestring ( hcl_t* hcl, const hcl_ooch_t* ptr, hcl_oow_t len, int ngc ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_oop_t hcl_makefpdec ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oop_t value, hcl_ooi_t scale ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_oop_t hcl_makedic ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oow_t inisize /* initial bucket size */ ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_oop_t hcl_makecontext ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_ooi_t ntmprs ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_oop_t hcl_makeclass ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oop_t superclass, hcl_ooi_t nivars, hcl_ooi_t ncvars ); HCL_EXPORT void hcl_freengcobj ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oop_t obj ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_oop_t hcl_makengcbytearray ( hcl_t* hcl, const hcl_oob_t* ptr, hcl_oow_t len ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_oop_t hcl_remakengcbytearray ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oop_t obj, hcl_oow_t newsz ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_oop_t hcl_makengcarray ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oow_t len ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_oop_t hcl_remakengcarray ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oop_t obj, hcl_oow_t newsz ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_oop_t hcl_makeprim ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_pfimpl_t primimpl, hcl_oow_t minargs, hcl_oow_t maxargs, hcl_mod_t* mod ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_oop_t hcl_makebigint ( hcl_t* hcl, int brand, const hcl_liw_t* ptr, hcl_oow_t len ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_oop_t hcl_oowtoint ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oow_t w ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_oop_t hcl_ooitoint ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_ooi_t i ); HCL_EXPORT int hcl_inttooow ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oop_t x, hcl_oow_t* w ); HCL_EXPORT int hcl_inttoooi ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oop_t x, hcl_ooi_t* i ); #if (HCL_SIZEOF_UINTMAX_T == HCL_SIZEOF_OOW_T) # define hcl_inttouintmax hcl_inttooow # define hcl_inttointmax hcl_inttoooi # define hcl_uintmaxtoint hcl_oowtoint # define hcl_intmaxtoint hcl_ooitoint #else HCL_EXPORT hcl_oop_t hcl_intmaxtoint ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_intmax_t i ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_oop_t hcl_uintmaxtoint ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_uintmax_t i ); HCL_EXPORT int hcl_inttouintmax ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oop_t x, hcl_uintmax_t* w ); HCL_EXPORT int hcl_inttointmax ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oop_t x, hcl_intmax_t* i ); #endif /* ========================================================================= * CONS OBJECT UTILITIES * ========================================================================= */ HCL_EXPORT hcl_oow_t hcl_countcons ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oop_t cons ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_oop_t hcl_getlastconscdr ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oop_t cons ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_oop_t hcl_reversecons ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oop_t cons ); /* ========================================================================= * DICTIONARY ACCESS FUNCTIONS * ========================================================================= */ HCL_EXPORT hcl_oop_cons_t hcl_putatsysdic ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oop_t key, hcl_oop_t value ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_oop_cons_t hcl_getatsysdic ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oop_t key ); hcl_oop_cons_t hcl_lookupsysdicforsymbol ( hcl_t* hcl, const hcl_oocs_t* name ); hcl_oop_cons_t hcl_lookupsysdicforsymbol_noseterr ( hcl_t* hcl, const hcl_oocs_t* name ); HCL_EXPORT int hcl_zapatsysdic ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oop_t key ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_oop_cons_t hcl_putatdic ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oop_dic_t dic, hcl_oop_t key, hcl_oop_t value ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_oop_cons_t hcl_getatdic ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oop_dic_t dic, hcl_oop_t key ); HCL_EXPORT int hcl_zapatdic ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oop_dic_t dic, hcl_oop_t key ); HCL_EXPORT int hcl_walkdic ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oop_dic_t dic, hcl_dic_walker_t walker, void* ctx ); /* ========================================================================= * OBJECT HASHING AND COMPARISION * ========================================================================= */ HCL_EXPORT int hcl_hashobj ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oop_t obj, hcl_oow_t* xhv ); HCL_EXPORT int hcl_equalobjs ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oop_t rcv, hcl_oop_t arg ); /* ========================================================================= * STRING ENCODING CONVERSION * ========================================================================= */ #if defined(HCL_OOCH_IS_UCH) # define hcl_convootobchars(hcl,oocs,oocslen,bcs,bcslen) hcl_convutobchars(hcl,oocs,oocslen,bcs,bcslen) # define hcl_convbtooochars(hcl,bcs,bcslen,oocs,oocslen) hcl_convbtouchars(hcl,bcs,bcslen,oocs,oocslen) # define hcl_convootobcstr(hcl,oocs,oocslen,bcs,bcslen) hcl_convutobcstr(hcl,oocs,oocslen,bcs,bcslen) # define hcl_convbtooocstr(hcl,bcs,bcslen,oocs,oocslen) hcl_convbtoucstr(hcl,bcs,bcslen,oocs,oocslen) #else # define hcl_convootouchars(hcl,oocs,oocslen,ucs,ucslen) hcl_convbtouchars(hcl,oocs,oocslen,ucs,ucslen) # define hcl_convutooochars(hcl,ucs,ucslen,oocs,oocslen) hcl_convutobchars(hcl,ucs,ucslen,oocs,oocslen) # define hcl_convootoucstr(hcl,oocs,oocslen,ucs,ucslen) hcl_convbtoucstr(hcl,oocs,oocslen,ucs,ucslen) # define hcl_convutooocstr(hcl,ucs,ucslen,oocs,oocslen) hcl_convutobcstr(hcl,ucs,ucslen,oocs,oocslen) #endif HCL_EXPORT int hcl_convbtouchars ( hcl_t* hcl, const hcl_bch_t* bcs, hcl_oow_t* bcslen, hcl_uch_t* ucs, hcl_oow_t* ucslen ); HCL_EXPORT int hcl_convutobchars ( hcl_t* hcl, const hcl_uch_t* ucs, hcl_oow_t* ucslen, hcl_bch_t* bcs, hcl_oow_t* bcslen ); /** * The hcl_convbtoucstr() function converts a null-terminated byte string * to a wide string. */ HCL_EXPORT int hcl_convbtoucstr ( hcl_t* hcl, const hcl_bch_t* bcs, hcl_oow_t* bcslen, hcl_uch_t* ucs, hcl_oow_t* ucslen ); /** * The hcl_convutobcstr() function converts a null-terminated wide string * to a byte string. */ HCL_EXPORT int hcl_convutobcstr ( hcl_t* hcl, const hcl_uch_t* ucs, hcl_oow_t* ucslen, hcl_bch_t* bcs, hcl_oow_t* bcslen ); #if defined(HCL_OOCH_IS_UCH) # define hcl_dupootobcharswithheadroom(hcl,hrb,oocs,oocslen,bcslen) hcl_duputobcharswithheadroom(hcl,hrb,oocs,oocslen,bcslen) # define hcl_dupbtooocharswithheadroom(hcl,hrb,bcs,bcslen,oocslen) hcl_dupbtoucharswithheadroom(hcl,hrb,bcs,bcslen,oocslen) # define hcl_dupootobchars(hcl,oocs,oocslen,bcslen) hcl_duputobchars(hcl,oocs,oocslen,bcslen) # define hcl_dupbtooochars(hcl,bcs,bcslen,oocslen) hcl_dupbtouchars(hcl,bcs,bcslen,oocslen) # define hcl_dupootobcstrwithheadroom(hcl,hrb,oocs,bcslen) hcl_duputobcstrwithheadroom(hcl,hrb,oocs,bcslen) # define hcl_dupbtooocstrwithheadroom(hcl,hrb,bcs,oocslen) hcl_dupbtoucstrwithheadroom(hcl,hrb,bcs,oocslen) # define hcl_dupootobcstr(hcl,oocs,bcslen) hcl_duputobcstr(hcl,oocs,bcslen) # define hcl_dupbtooocstr(hcl,bcs,oocslen) hcl_dupbtoucstr(hcl,bcs,oocslen) # define hcl_dupootoucstr(hcl,oocs,ucslen) hcl_dupucstr(hcl,oocs,ucslen) # define hcl_duputooocstr(hcl,ucs,oocslen) hcl_dupucstr(hcl,ucs,oocslen) #else # define hcl_dupootoucharswithheadroom(hcl,hrb,oocs,oocslen,ucslen) hcl_dupbtoucharswithheadroom(hcl,hrb,oocs,oocslen,ucslen) # define hcl_duputooocharswithheadroom(hcl,hrb,ucs,ucslen,oocslen) hcl_duputobcharswithheadroom(hcl,hrb,ucs,ucslen,oocslen) # define hcl_dupootouchars(hcl,oocs,oocslen,ucslen) hcl_dupbtouchars(hcl,oocs,oocslen,ucslen) # define hcl_duputooochars(hcl,ucs,ucslen,oocslen) hcl_duputobchars(hcl,ucs,ucslen,oocslen) # define hcl_dupootoucstrwithheadroom(hcl,hrb,oocs,ucslen) hcl_dupbtoucstrwithheadroom(hcl,hrb,oocs,ucslen) # define hcl_duputooocstrwithheadroom(hcl,hrb,ucs,oocslen) hcl_duputobcstrwithheadroom(hcl,hrb,ucs,oocslen) # define hcl_dupootoucstr(hcl,oocs,ucslen) hcl_dupbtoucstr(hcl,oocs,ucslen) # define hcl_duputooocstr(hcl,ucs,oocslen) hcl_duputobcstr(hcl,ucs,oocslen) # define hcl_dupootobcstr(hcl,oocs,bcslen) hcl_dupbcstr(hcl,oocs,bcslen) # define hcl_dupbtooocstr(hcl,bcs,oocslen) hcl_dupbcstr(hcl,bcs,oocslen) #endif HCL_EXPORT hcl_uch_t* hcl_dupbtoucharswithheadroom ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oow_t headroom_bytes, const hcl_bch_t* bcs, hcl_oow_t bcslen, hcl_oow_t* ucslen ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_bch_t* hcl_duputobcharswithheadroom ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oow_t headroom_bytes, const hcl_uch_t* ucs, hcl_oow_t ucslen, hcl_oow_t* bcslen ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_uch_t* hcl_dupbtouchars ( hcl_t* hcl, const hcl_bch_t* bcs, hcl_oow_t bcslen, hcl_oow_t* ucslen ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_bch_t* hcl_duputobchars ( hcl_t* hcl, const hcl_uch_t* ucs, hcl_oow_t ucslen, hcl_oow_t* bcslen ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_uch_t* hcl_dupbtoucstrwithheadroom ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oow_t headroom_bytes, const hcl_bch_t* bcs, hcl_oow_t* ucslen ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_bch_t* hcl_duputobcstrwithheadroom ( hcl_t* hcl, hcl_oow_t headroom_bytes, const hcl_uch_t* ucs, hcl_oow_t* bcslen ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_uch_t* hcl_dupbtoucstr ( hcl_t* hcl, const hcl_bch_t* bcs, hcl_oow_t* ucslen /* optional: length of returned string */ ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_bch_t* hcl_duputobcstr ( hcl_t* hcl, const hcl_uch_t* ucs, hcl_oow_t* bcslen /* optional: length of returned string */ ); #if defined(HCL_OOCH_IS_UCH) # define hcl_dupoochars(hcl,oocs,oocslen) hcl_dupuchars(hcl,oocs,oocslen) # define hcl_dupoocstr(hcl,oocs,oocslen) hcl_dupucstr(hcl,oocs,oocslen) #else # define hcl_dupoochars(hcl,oocs,oocslen) hcl_dupbchars(hcl,oocs,oocslen) # define hcl_dupoocstr(hcl,oocs,oocslen) hcl_dupbcstr(hcl,oocs,oocslen) #endif HCL_EXPORT hcl_uch_t* hcl_dupuchars ( hcl_t* hcl, const hcl_uch_t* ucs, hcl_oow_t ucslen ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_bch_t* hcl_dupbchars ( hcl_t* hcl, const hcl_bch_t* bcs, hcl_oow_t bcslen ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_uch_t* hcl_dupucstr ( hcl_t* hcl, const hcl_uch_t* ucs, hcl_oow_t* ucslen ); HCL_EXPORT hcl_bch_t* hcl_dupbcstr ( hcl_t* hcl, const hcl_bch_t* bcs, hcl_oow_t* bcslen ); /* ========================================================================= * ASSERTION SUPPORT * ========================================================================= */ HCL_EXPORT void hcl_assertfailed ( hcl_t* hcl, const hcl_bch_t* expr, const hcl_bch_t* file, hcl_oow_t line ); #if defined(__cplusplus) } #endif #endif