with H2.Wide; with H2.Slim; with H2.Pool; with Storage; with Slim_Stream; with Wide_Stream; with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Wide_Text_IO; with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation; with H2.OS; with H2.IO; use type H2.System_Length; with Interfaces.C; procedure scheme is package Stream renames Wide_Stream; package Scheme renames H2.Wide.Scheme; --package Stream renames Slim_Stream; --package Scheme renames H2.Slim.Scheme; Pool: aliased Storage.Global_Pool; SI: Scheme.Interpreter_Record; I: Scheme.Object_Pointer; O: Scheme.Object_Pointer; --String: aliased S.Object_String := "(car '(1 2 3))"; String: aliased constant Scheme.Object_Character_Array := "((lambda (x y) (+ x y)) 9 7)"; String_Stream: Stream.String_Input_Stream_Record (String'Unchecked_Access); --String_Stream: Stream.String_Input_Stream_Record := (Len => String'Length, Str => String, Pos => 0); --File_Name: aliased S.Object_Character_Array := "test.adb"; File_Name: aliased constant Scheme.Object_Character_Array := "시험.scm"; --File_Stream: Stream.File_Stream_Record (File_Name'Unchecked_Access); --File_Stream: Stream.File_Stream_Record := (Name => File_Name'Unchecked_Access); File_Stream: Stream.File_Stream_Record; --procedure h2init; --pragma Import (C, h2init, "h2init"); begin --h2init; declare package OS is new H2.OS ( H2.Slim.Character, H2.Wide.Character, H2.Slim.String, H2.Wide.String, H2.Wide.Utf8.To_Unicode_String, H2.Wide.Utf8.From_Unicode_String); package File renames OS.File; F: File.File_Pointer; FL: File.Flag_Record; Length: H2.System_Length; Buffer: H2.System_Byte_Array (50 .. 100); begin --OS.File.Set_Flag_Bits (FL, OS.File.FLAG_WRITE); File.Set_Flag_Bits (FL, File.FLAG_READ); File.Open (F, H2.Wide.String'("/etc/passwd"), FL); File.Read (F, Buffer, Length); File.Close (F); File.Write (OS.File.Get_Stdout, Buffer(Buffer'First .. Buffer'First + Length - 1), Length); end; declare package IO is new H2.IO ( H2.Slim.Character, H2.Wide.Character, H2.Slim.String, H2.Wide.String, H2.Wide.Utf8.To_Unicode_String, H2.Wide.Utf8.From_Unicode_String, H2.Wide.Utf8.Sequence_Length); package File renames IO.File; F, F2: File.File_Record; FL: File.Flag_Record; Buffer: H2.Slim.String (1 .. 200); BufferW: H2.Wide.String (1 .. 50); IL, OL: H2.System_Length; begin --File.Open (F, H2.Slim.String'("/etc/passwd"), FL); --File.Read (F, Buffer, Length); --Ada.Text_IO.PUt_Line (Standard.String(Buffer(Buffer'First .. Buffer'First + Length - 1))); --File.Read (F, Buffer, Length); --Ada.Text_IO.PUt (Standard.String(Buffer(Buffer'First .. Buffer'First + Length - 1))); --File.Close (F); ada.text_io.put_line ("------------------"); File.Set_Flag_Bits (FL, File.FLAG_READ); File.Set_Flag_Bits (FL, File.FLAG_NONBLOCK); File.Open (F, H2.Slim.String'("/tmp/xxx"), FL); File.Clear_Flag_Bits (FL, FL.Bits); File.Set_Flag_Bits (FL, File.FLAG_WRITE); File.Set_Flag_Bits (FL, File.FLAG_CREATE); File.Set_Flag_Bits (FL, File.FLAG_TRUNCATE); File.Open (F2, H2.Wide.String'("/tmp/yyy"), FL); loop File.Read (F, Buffer, IL); --File.Read (F, BufferW, IL); exit when IL <= 0; File.Write_Line (F2, Buffer(Buffer'First .. Buffer'First + IL - 1), OL); pragma Assert (IL = OL); --Ada.Text_IO.PUt (Standard.String(Buffer(Buffer'First .. Buffer'First + IL - 1))); --Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Put_Line (Standard.Wide_String(BufferW(BufferW'First .. BufferW'First + IL - 1))); end loop; File.Write (F2, H2.Wide.String'("나는 피리부는 사나이 정말로 멋있는 사나이"), OL); File.Write_Line (F2, H2.Wide.String'("이세상에 문디없어면 무슨재미로 너도 나도 만세."), OL); File.Close (F2); File.Close (F); end; declare LC_ALL : constant Interfaces.C.int := 0; procedure setlocale ( category : Interfaces.C.int; locale : Interfaces.C.char_array); pragma Import (C, setlocale); Empty : aliased Interfaces.C.char_array := (0 => Interfaces.C.nul); begin setlocale (LC_ALL, Empty); end; Scheme.Open (SI, 2_000_000, Pool'Unchecked_Access); --Scheme.Open (SI, null); -- Specify the named stream handler Scheme.Set_Option (SI, (Scheme.Stream_Option, Stream.Allocate_Stream'Access, Stream.Deallocate_Stream'Access) ); Scheme.Set_Option (SI, (Scheme.Trait_Option, Scheme.No_Optimization)); File_Stream.Name := File_Name'Unchecked_Access; begin Scheme.Set_Input_Stream (SI, File_Stream); -- specify main input stream --Schee.Set_Input_Stream (SI, String_Stream); exception when others => Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Cannot open Input Stream"); end; --Scheme.Set_Output_Stream (SI, Stream); -- specify main output stream. Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("-------------------------------------------"); Scheme.Run_Loop (SI, I); Scheme.Print (SI, I); Scheme.Close (SI); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("BYE..."); end scheme;