with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation; package body H3.MM is procedure Create (R: in out Ref_Counted) is begin Finalize (R); R.Data := new Ref_Counted_Record; R.Data.Ref_Count := 1; --System.Atomic_Counters.Initialize (R.Data.Ref_Count); -- initialize to 1 end Create; procedure Create (R: in out Ref_Counted; V: in Item_Type) is begin Create (R); R.Data.Item := V; end Create; function Get_Item_Pointer (R: in out Ref_Counted) return Item_Pointer is begin if R.Data /= null then return R.Data.Item'Access; else return null; end if; end Get_Item_Pointer; function Is_Shared (R: in Ref_Counted) return Standard.Boolean is begin --return R.Data /= null and then not System.Atomic_Counters.Is_One(R.Data.Ref_Count); return R.Data /= null and then R.Data.Ref_Count > 1; end Is_Shared; procedure Initialize (R: in out Ref_Counted) is begin R.Data := null; end Initialize; procedure Adjust (R: in out Ref_Counted) is begin if R.Data /= null then R.Data.Ref_Count := R.Data.Ref_Count + 1; --System.Atomic_Counters.Increment (R.Data.Ref_Count); end if; end Adjust; procedure Finalize (R: in out Ref_Counted) is procedure Dealloc is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation(Ref_Counted_Record, Ref_Counted_Pointer); begin if R.Data /= null then --if System.Atomic_Counters.Decrement(R.Data.Ref_Count) then -- -- The reference count reached 0 -- Dealloc (R.Data); -- -- R.DAta must be null here --end if; if R.Data.Ref_Count = 1 then Dealloc (R.Data); else R.Data.Ref_Count := R.Data.Ref_Count - 1; end if; end if; end Finalize; end H3.MM;