{- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2021, Daan Leijen This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT License. A copy of the license can be found in the "LICENSE" file at the root of this distribution. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -} import System.Console.Isocline import Data.List (isPrefixOf) import Data.Char import Control.Monad( when ) main :: IO () main = do styleDef "kbd" "gray underline" -- define a style styleDef "ic-prompt" "#00A060" -- or redefine a system style putFmtLn welcome setHistory "history.txt" 200 -- history enableAutoTab True -- complete as far as possible interaction where welcome = "\n[b]Isocline[/b] sample program:\n" ++ "- Type 'exit' to quit. (or use [kbd]ctrl-d[/]).\n" ++ "- Press [kbd]F1[/] for help on editing commands.\n" ++ "- Use [kbd]shift-tab[/] for multiline input. (or [kbd]ctrl-enter[/], or [kbd]ctrl-j[/])\n" ++ "- Type 'p' (or 'id', 'f', or 'h') followed by tab for completion.\n" ++ "- Type 'fun' or 'int' to see syntax highlighting\n" ++ "- Use [kbd]ctrl-r[/] to search the history.\n" interaction :: IO () interaction = do s <- readlineEx "hαskell" (Just completer) (Just highlighter) putStrLn $ unlines ["--------",s,"--------"] if (s == "" || s == "exit") then return () else interaction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tab Completion ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- completer :: CompletionEnv -> String -> IO () completer compl input = do completeFileName compl input Nothing [".","/usr/local"] [] {-any extension-} completeWord compl input Nothing wordCompletions wordCompletions :: String -> [Completion] wordCompletions input0 = let input = map toLower input0 in -- simple completion based on available words (completionsFor input ["print","printer","println","printsln","prompt"]) ++ -- with display versus replacement (if (input == "id") then map (\(d,r) -> Completion r d "") $ -- Completion replacement display help [ ("D — (x) => x", "(x) => x") , ("Haskell — \\x -> x", "\\x -> x") , ("Idris — \\x => x", "\\x => x") , ("Ocaml — fun x -> x", "fun x -> x") , ("Koka — fn(x) x", "fn(x) x") , ("Rust — |x| x", "|x| x") ] else []) ++ -- add many hello isocline completions; we should generate these lazily! (if (not (null input) && input `isPrefixOf` "hello_isocline_") then map (\i -> completion ("hello_isocline_" ++ show i)) [1..100000] else []) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Syntax highlighting -- uses a simple tokenizer but a full fledged one probably needs -- Parsec or regex's for syntax highlighting ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- highlighter :: String -> Fmt highlighter input = tokenize input where tokenize [] = [] tokenize s@('/':'/':_) -- comment = let (t,ds) = span (/='\n') s in style "#408700" (plain t) ++ tokenize ds tokenize s@(c:cs) | isAlpha c = let (t,ds) = span isAlpha s in (if (t `elem` ["fun","struct","var","val"]) then style "keyword" t -- builtin style else if (t `elem` ["return","if","then","else"]) then style "control" t -- builtin style else if (t `elem` ["int","double","char","void"]) then style "#00AFAF" t -- or use specific colors else plain t) -- never lose input, all original characters must be present! ++ tokenize ds | isDigit c = let (t,ds) = span isDigit s in style "number" t ++ tokenize ds | otherwise = plain [c] ++ tokenize cs -- never lose input