implemented some functions for Elastic_String
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
with ada.text_io;
package body H3.Strings is
BUFFER_ALIGN: constant := 16;
type Shift_Direction is (SHIFT_LEFT, SHIFT_RIGHT);
function To_Character_Array (Str: in Elastic_String) return Character_Array is
return Str.Buffer.Slot(Str.Buffer.Slot'First .. Str.Buffer.Last);
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ package body H3.Strings is
end Prepare_Buffer;
-- prepare the buffer for writing
procedure Prepare_Buffer (Str: in out Elastic_String; Req_Hard_Capa: in System_Size; Shift_Pos: in System_Size := 0; Shift_Size: in System_Size := 0) is
procedure Prepare_Buffer (Str: in out Elastic_String; Req_Hard_Capa: in System_Size; Shift_Pos: in System_Size := 0; Shift_Size: in System_Size := 0; Shift_Dir: in Shift_Direction := Shift_Right) is
Tmp: Elastic_String;
First, Last: System_Size;
Hard_Capa: System_Size;
@ -136,28 +136,6 @@ package body H3.Strings is
First := Get_First_Index(Str);
Last := Get_Last_Index(Str);
-- if Str.Buffer /= Empty_Buffer'Access and then Is_Shared(Str) then
-- if Req_Hard_Capa < Get_Hard_Capacity(Str) then
-- Hard_Capa := Get_Hard_Capacity(Str);
-- else
-- Hard_Capa := Req_Hard_Capa;
-- end if;
-- Tmp := New_Buffer_Container(Hard_Capa);
-- Tmp.Buffer.Slot(First .. Last + 1) := Str.Buffer.Slot(First .. Last + 1);
-- Tmp.Buffer.Last := Last;
-- Str := Tmp;
-- else
-- if Req_Hard_Capa > Get_Hard_Capacity(Str) then
-- Tmp := Str;
-- Str := New_Buffer_Container(Req_Hard_Capa);
-- Str.Buffer.Slot(First .. Last + 1) := Tmp.Buffer.Slot(First .. Last + 1);
-- Str.Buffer.Last := Last;
-- end if;
-- end if;
if Str.Buffer /= Empty_Buffer'Access and then Is_Shared(Str) then
if Req_Hard_Capa < Get_Hard_Capacity(Str) then
Hard_Capa := Get_Hard_Capacity(Str);
@ -175,27 +153,38 @@ package body H3.Strings is
elsif Shift_Pos > 0 then
Tmp := Str;
-- no shift, no change in the buffer
end if;
end if;
if Shift_Pos > 0 then
if Shift_Pos <= 0 then
-- no shift is required. copy the entire string including th
Str.Buffer.Slot(First .. Last + 1) := Tmp.Buffer.Slot(First .. Last + 1);
Str.Buffer.Last := Last;
end if;
-- it is an internal function. perform no sanity check.
-- if Shift_Pos or Shift_Size is beyond the allocated capacity,
-- it will end up in an exception.
if Shift_Dir = SHIFT_LEFT then
Mid: System_Size := Shift_Pos - Shift_Size;
Str.Buffer.Slot(First .. Mid) := Tmp.Buffer.Slot(First .. Mid);
Str.Buffer.Slot(Mid + 1 .. Last - Shift_Size + 1) := Tmp.Buffer.Slot(Shift_Pos + 1 .. Last + 1);
Str.Buffer.Last := Last - Shift_Size;
Str.Buffer.Slot(First .. Shift_Pos - 1) := Tmp.Buffer.Slot(First .. Shift_Pos - 1);
ada.text_io.put_line ("Shift_Pos " & Shift_Pos'Img);
ada.text_io.put_line ("Shift_Size " & Shift_Size'Img);
ada.text_io.put_line ("Last " & Last'Img);
ada.text_io.put_line ("Capa " & Get_Hard_Capacity(Tmp)'Img);
Str.Buffer.Slot(Shift_Pos + Shift_Size .. Last + Shift_Size + 1) := Tmp.Buffer.Slot(Shift_Pos .. Last + 1);
Str.Buffer.Last := Last + Shift_Size;
Str.Buffer.Slot(First .. Last + 1) := Tmp.Buffer.Slot(First .. Last + 1);
Str.Buffer.Last := Last;
end if;
end Prepare_Buffer;
@ -211,51 +200,117 @@ package body H3.Strings is
Str.Buffer := Empty_Buffer'Access;
end Purge;
-- TODO: operator "&"
procedure Insert (Str: in out Elastic_String; Pos: in System_Index; V: in Character_Type; Repeat: in System_Size := 1) is
Act_Pos: System_Index := Pos;
Act_Inc: System_Size := Repeat;
if Act_Pos > Str.Buffer.Last then
Act_Pos := Str.Buffer.Last + 1;
end if;
Prepare_Buffer (Str, H3.Align(Get_Length(Str) + Act_Inc + 1, BUFFER_ALIGN), Act_Pos, Act_Inc);
Str.Buffer.Slot(Act_Pos .. Act_Pos + Act_Inc - 1) := (others => V);
end Insert;
procedure Insert (Str: in out Elastic_String; Pos: in System_Index; V: in Character_Array) is
Act_Pos: System_Index := Pos;
if Act_Pos > Str.Buffer.Last then
Act_Pos := Str.Buffer.Last + 1;
end if;
Prepare_Buffer (Str, H3.Align(Get_Length(Str) + V'Length + 1, BUFFER_ALIGN), Act_Pos, V'Length);
Str.Buffer.Slot(Act_Pos .. Act_Pos + V'Length - 1) := V;
end Insert;
-- TODO: operator "&" that returns a new Elastic_String
procedure Append (Str: in out Elastic_String; V: in Character_Type; Repeat: in System_Size := 1) is
Insert (Str, Get_Last_Index(Str) + 1, V, Repeat);
end Append;
procedure Append (Str: in out Elastic_String; V: in Character_Array) is
if V'Length > 0 then
Prepare_Buffer (Str, H3.Align(Get_Length(Str) + V'Length + 1, BUFFER_ALIGN));
Str.Buffer.Slot(Str.Buffer.Last + 1 .. Str.Buffer.Last + V'Length) := V;
Str.Buffer.Last := Str.Buffer.Last + V'Length;
Str.Buffer.Slot(Str.Buffer.Last + 1) := Null_Character;
Insert (Str, Get_Last_Index(Str) + 1, V);
end Append;
procedure Prepend (Str: in out Elastic_String; V: in Character_Type; Repeat: in System_Size := 1) is
Insert (Str, Get_First_Index(Str), V, Repeat);
end Prepend;
procedure Prepend (Str: in out Elastic_String; V: in Character_Array) is
Insert (Str, Get_First_Index(Str), V);
end Prepend;
procedure Replace (Str: in out Elastic_String; From_Pos: in System_Index; To_Pos: in System_Size; V: in Character_Type; Repeat: in System_Size := 1) is
Act_To_Pos, Repl_Len: System_Size;
if From_Pos <= To_Pos and then From_Pos <= Str.Buffer.Last then
Act_To_Pos := To_Pos;
if Act_To_Pos > Str.Buffer.Last then
Act_To_Pos := Str.Buffer.Last;
end if;
end Append;
procedure Append (Str: in out Elastic_String; V: in Character_Type) is
Tmp: Character_Array(1 .. 1) := (1 => V);
Append (Str, Tmp);
end Append;
procedure Delete (Str: in out Elastic_String; Pos: in System_Index; Length: in System_Size) is
if Pos <= Str.Buffer.Last then
Prepare_Buffer (Str);
Repl_Len := Act_To_Pos - From_Pos + 1;
if Repeat < Repl_Len then
Prepare_Buffer (Str, Get_Hard_Capacity(Str), Act_To_Pos, Repl_Len - Repeat, SHIFT_LEFT);
Act_To_Pos := From_Pos + Repeat - 1;
elsif Repeat > Repl_Len then
Prepare_Buffer (Str, Get_Hard_Capacity(Str), From_Pos, Repeat - Repl_Len, SHIFT_RIGHT);
Act_To_Pos := From_Pos + Repeat - 1;
raise Standard.Constraint_Error;
Prepare_Buffer (Str);
end if;
Str.Buffer.Slot(From_Pos .. Act_To_Pos) := (others => V);
end if;
end Replace;
procedure Replace (Str: in out Elastic_String; From_Pos: in System_Index; To_Pos: in System_Size; V: in Character_Array) is
Act_To_Pos, Repl_Len: System_Size;
if From_Pos <= To_Pos and then From_Pos <= Str.Buffer.Last then
Act_To_Pos := To_Pos;
if Act_To_Pos > Str.Buffer.Last then
Act_To_Pos := Str.Buffer.Last;
end if;
Repl_Len := Act_To_Pos - From_Pos + 1;
if V'Length < Repl_Len then
Prepare_Buffer (Str, Get_Hard_Capacity(Str), Act_To_Pos, Repl_Len - V'Length, SHIFT_LEFT);
Act_To_Pos := From_Pos + V'Length - 1;
elsif V'Length > Repl_Len then
Prepare_Buffer (Str, Get_Hard_Capacity(Str), From_Pos, V'Length - Repl_Len, SHIFT_RIGHT);
Act_To_Pos := From_Pos + V'Length - 1;
Prepare_Buffer (Str);
end if;
Str.Buffer.Slot(From_Pos .. Act_To_Pos) := V;
end if;
end Replace;
procedure Delete (Str: in out Elastic_String; From_Pos: in System_Index; To_Pos: in System_Size) is
Act_To_Pos: System_Size;
if From_Pos <= To_Pos and then From_Pos <= Str.Buffer.Last then
Act_To_Pos := To_Pos;
if Act_To_Pos > Str.Buffer.Last then
Act_To_Pos := Str.Buffer.Last;
end if;
Prepare_Buffer (Str, Get_Hard_Capacity(Str), Act_To_Pos, Act_To_Pos - From_Pos + 1, SHIFT_LEFT);
end if;
end Delete;
procedure Insert (Str: in out Elastic_String; Pos: in System_Index; New_Char: in Character_Type) is
function "=" (Str: in Elastic_String; Str2: in Elastic_String) return Standard.Boolean is
if Pos <= Str.Buffer.Last then
ada.text_io.put_line ( "INSERT ");
Prepare_Buffer (Str, H3.Align(Get_Length(Str) + 1, BUFFER_ALIGN), Pos, 1);
Str.Buffer.Slot(Pos) := New_Char;
end if;
end Insert;
return Str.Buffer = Str2.Buffer or else Str.Buffer.Slot(Get_First_Index(Str) .. Get_Last_Index(Str)) = Str2.Buffer.Slot(Get_First_Index(Str2) .. Get_Last_Index(Str2));
end "=";
procedure Replace (Str: in out Elastic_String; Pos: in System_Index; New_Char: in Character_Type) is
function "=" (Str: in Elastic_String; Str2: in Character_Array) return Standard.Boolean is
if Pos <= Str.Buffer.Last then
Prepare_Buffer (Str);
Str.Buffer.Slot(Pos) := New_Char;
-- raise Index_Error;
raise Standard.Constraint_Error;
end if;
end Replace;
return Str.Buffer.Slot(Get_First_Index(Str) .. Get_Last_Index(Str)) = Str2;
end "=";
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Controlled Management
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ with Ada.Finalization;
--type Character_Type is private;
type Character_Type is (<>);
Null_Character: Character_Type;
Terminator: Character_Type;
package H3.Strings is
type Elastic_String is private;
@ -42,11 +42,22 @@ package H3.Strings is
procedure Purge (Str: in out Elastic_String);
procedure Clear (Str: in out Elastic_String);
procedure Append (Str: in out Elastic_String; V: in Character_Array);
procedure Append (Str: in out Elastic_String; V: in Character_Type);
procedure Insert (Str: in out Elastic_String; Pos: in System_Index; V: in Character_Type; Repeat: in System_Size := 1);
procedure Insert (Str: in out Elastic_String; Pos: in System_Index; V: in Character_Array);
procedure Insert (Str: in out Elastic_String; Pos: in System_Index; New_Char: in Character_Type);
procedure Replace (Str: in out Elastic_String; Pos: in System_Index; New_Char: in Character_Type);
procedure Append (Str: in out Elastic_String; V: in Character_Type; Repeat: in System_Size := 1);
procedure Append (Str: in out Elastic_String; V: in Character_Array);
procedure Prepend (Str: in out Elastic_String; V: in Character_Type; Repeat: in System_Size := 1);
procedure Prepend (Str: in out Elastic_String; V: in Character_Array);
procedure Replace (Str: in out Elastic_String; From_Pos: in System_Index; To_Pos: in System_Size; V: in Character_Type; Repeat: in System_Size := 1);
procedure Replace (Str: in out Elastic_String; From_Pos: in System_Index; To_Pos: in System_Size; V: in Character_Array);
procedure Delete (Str: in out Elastic_String; From_Pos: in System_Index; To_Pos: in System_Size);
function "=" (Str: in Elastic_String; Str2: in Elastic_String) return Standard.Boolean;
function "=" (Str: in Elastic_String; Str2: in Character_Array) return Standard.Boolean;
type Buffer_Record(Capa: System_Size) is limited record
@ -58,7 +69,7 @@ private
type Buffer_Pointer is access all Buffer_Record;
--Empty_Buffer: aliased Buffer_Record(1);
Empty_Buffer: aliased Buffer_Record := (Capa => 1, Refs => 0, Slot => (1 => Null_Character), Last => 0);
Empty_Buffer: aliased Buffer_Record := (Capa => 1, Refs => 0, Slot => (1 => Terminator), Last => 0);
type Elastic_String is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with record
Buffer: Buffer_Pointer := Empty_Buffer'Access;
@ -49,6 +49,22 @@ procedure hello is
SS: S.Elastic_String;
procedure print_string_info (Str: in S.Elastic_String; Name: in Standard.String) is
len: H3.System_Size;
capa: H3.System_Size;
first: H3.System_Size;
last: H3.System_Size;
len := S.Get_Length(Str);
capa := S.Get_Capacity(Str);
first := S.Get_First_Index(Str);
last := S.Get_Last_Index(Str);
Ada.Text_IO.Put (Name & " len:" & len'Img & " capa:" & capa'Img & " first:" & first'img & " last:" & last'img & " => ");
Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Put_line (Standard.Wide_String(S.To_Character_Array(Str)));
pragma Assert (S.Get_Item(Str, S.Get_Last_Index(Str) + 1) = Wide_Character'Val(0));
end print_string_info;
TTT: H3.System_Size := H3.System_Size'Last;
@ -103,81 +119,235 @@ begin
str: S.Elastic_String;
str2: S.Elastic_String;
len: H3.System_Size;
capa: H3.System_Size;
first: H3.System_Size;
last: H3.System_Size;
len := S.Get_Length(Str);
capa := S.Get_Capacity(Str);
first := S.Get_First_Index(Str);
last := S.Get_Last_Index(Str);
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("length=>" & len'Img & " Capacity=>" & capa'Img & " First=>" & first'img & " Last=>" & last'img);
S.Append(Str, "Hello, world");
len := S.Get_Length(Str);
capa := S.Get_Capacity(Str);
first := S.Get_First_Index(Str);
last := S.Get_Last_Index(Str);
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("length=>" & len'Img & " Capacity=>" & capa'Img & " First=>" & first'img & " Last=>" & last'img);
print_string_info (Str, "Str");
pragma Assert (S.Get_Length(Str) = 0);
pragma Assert (S.Get_First_Index(Str) = 1);
pragma Assert (S.Get_Last_Index(Str) = 0);
S.Append(Str, "Hello, world!");
print_string_info (Str, "Str");
pragma Assert (S.Get_Length(Str) = 13);
pragma Assert (S.Get_First_Index(Str) = 1);
pragma Assert (S.Get_Last_Index(Str) = 13);
S.Append(Str, "");
len := S.Get_Length(Str);
capa := S.Get_Capacity(Str);
first := S.Get_First_Index(Str);
last := S.Get_Last_Index(Str);
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("length=>" & len'Img & " Capacity=>" & capa'Img & " First=>" & first'img & " Last=>" & last'img);
print_string_info (Str, "Str");
pragma Assert (S.Get_Length(Str) = 13);
pragma Assert (S.Get_First_Index(Str) = 1);
pragma Assert (S.Get_Last_Index(Str) = 13);
-- S.Append(Str, "donkey");
len := S.Get_Length(Str);
capa := S.Get_Capacity(Str);
first := S.Get_First_Index(Str);
last := S.Get_Last_Index(Str);
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("length=>" & len'Img & " Capacity=>" & capa'Img & " First=>" & first'img & " Last=>" & last'img);
S.Append(Str, ' ', 0);
print_string_info (Str, "Str");
pragma Assert (S.Get_Length(Str) = 13);
pragma Assert (S.Get_First_Index(Str) = 1);
pragma Assert (S.Get_Last_Index(Str) = 13);
S.Prepend(Str, ' ', 0);
print_string_info (Str, "Str");
pragma Assert (S.Get_Length(Str) = 13);
pragma Assert (S.Get_First_Index(Str) = 1);
pragma Assert (S.Get_Last_Index(Str) = 13);
S.Append(Str, ' ', 2);
print_string_info (Str, "Str");
pragma Assert (S.Get_Length(Str) = 15);
pragma Assert (S.Get_First_Index(Str) = 1);
pragma Assert (S.Get_Last_Index(Str) = 15);
S.Append(Str, "donkey");
print_string_info (Str, "Str");
pragma Assert (S.Get_Length(Str) = 21);
pragma Assert (S.Get_First_Index(Str) = 1);
pragma Assert (S.Get_Last_Index(Str) = 21);
S.Prepend(Str, "Oh! ");
print_string_info (Str, "Str");
pragma Assert (S.Get_Length(Str) = 25);
pragma Assert (S.Get_First_Index(Str) = 1);
pragma Assert (S.Get_Last_Index(Str) = 25);
arr: constant S.Character_Array := S.To_Character_Array(str);
-- unsafe way to access the internal buffer.
arr: constant S.Character_Array := S.To_Character_Array(Str);
Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Put ("[");
Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Put ("STR[1] => [");
for i in arr'Range loop
Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Put (arr(i));
end loop;
Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Put_Line ("]");
Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Put ("PRINTING AGAIN [");
Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Put ("STR[2] => [");
for i in S.Get_First_Index(Str) .. S.Get_Last_Index(Str) loop
Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Put (S.Get_Item(Str, i));
end loop;
Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Put_Line ("]");
Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Put ("STR[3] => [");
Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Put (Standard.Wide_String(arr));
Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Put_Line ("]");
-- unsafe way to access the internal buffer.
S.Append (Str, 'X');
pragma Assert (S."="(Str, "Oh! Hello, world! donkey"));
S.Append (Str, '>');
print_string_info (Str, "Str");
pragma Assert (S.Get_Length(Str) = 26);
pragma Assert (S.Get_First_Index(Str) = 1);
pragma Assert (S.Get_Last_Index(Str) = 26);
pragma Assert (S."="(Str, "Oh! Hello, world! donkey>"));
S.Append (Str, "donkeyX");
print_string_info (Str, "Str");
pragma Assert (S.Get_Length(Str) = 33);
pragma Assert (S.Get_First_Index(Str) = 1);
pragma Assert (S.Get_Last_Index(Str) = 33);
pragma Assert (S."="(Str, "Oh! Hello, world! donkey>donkeyX"));
S.Append (Str, "ABCDE");
print_string_info (Str, "Str");
pragma Assert (S.Get_Length(Str) = 38);
pragma Assert (S.Get_First_Index(Str) = 1);
pragma Assert (S.Get_Last_Index(Str) = 38);
pragma Assert (S."="(Str, "Oh! Hello, world! donkey>donkeyXABCDE"));
Str2 := Str;
S.Append (Str2, "EXTRA");
print_string_info (Str2, "Str2");
pragma Assert (S.Get_Length(Str2) = 43);
pragma Assert (S.Get_First_Index(Str2) = 1);
pragma Assert (S.Get_Last_Index(Str2) = 43);
pragma Assert (S."="(Str2, "Oh! Hello, world! donkey>donkeyXABCDEEXTRA"));
pragma Assert (S.Get_Length(Str) = 38);
pragma Assert (S.Get_First_Index(Str) = 1);
pragma Assert (S.Get_Last_Index(Str) = 38);
pragma Assert (S."="(Str, "Oh! Hello, world! donkey>donkeyXABCDE"));
print_string_info (Str2, "Str2");
pragma Assert (S.Get_Length(Str2) = 91);
pragma Assert (S.Get_First_Index(Str2) = 1);
pragma Assert (S.Get_Last_Index(Str2) = 91);
pragma Assert (S."="(Str2, "Oh! Hello, world! donkey>donkeyXABCDEEXTRA THIS IS FANTASTIC ELASTIC STRING WRITTEN FOR H3"));
pragma Assert (S.Get_Length(Str) = 38);
pragma Assert (S.Get_First_Index(Str) = 1);
pragma Assert (S.Get_Last_Index(Str) = 38);
pragma Assert (S."="(Str, "Oh! Hello, world! donkey>donkeyXABCDE"));
S.Replace (Str2, 1, 1, 'Q');
print_string_info (Str2, "Str2");
pragma Assert (S.Get_Length(Str2) = 91);
pragma Assert (S.Get_First_Index(Str2) = 1);
pragma Assert (S.Get_Last_Index(Str2) = 91);
pragma Assert (S."="(Str2, "Qh! Hello, world! donkey>donkeyXABCDEEXTRA THIS IS FANTASTIC ELASTIC STRING WRITTEN FOR H3"));
S.Replace (Str2, 1, 'Q');
S.Insert (Str2, 1, 'B');
S.Insert (Str2, 1, 'A');
print_string_info (Str2, "Str2");
pragma Assert (S.Get_Length(Str2) = 92);
pragma Assert (S.Get_First_Index(Str2) = 1);
pragma Assert (S.Get_Last_Index(Str2) = 92);
pragma Assert (S."="(Str2, "BQh! Hello, world! donkey>donkeyXABCDEEXTRA THIS IS FANTASTIC ELASTIC STRING WRITTEN FOR H3"));
S.Insert (Str2, 1, 'A', 3);
print_string_info (Str2, "Str2");
pragma Assert (S.Get_Length(Str2) = 95);
pragma Assert (S.Get_First_Index(Str2) = 1);
pragma Assert (S.Get_Last_Index(Str2) = 95);
pragma Assert (S."="(Str2, "AAABQh! Hello, world! donkey>donkeyXABCDEEXTRA THIS IS FANTASTIC ELASTIC STRING WRITTEN FOR H3"));
S.Insert (Str2, 3, 'C', 2);
print_string_info (Str2, "Str2");
pragma Assert (S.Get_Length(Str2) = 97);
pragma Assert (S.Get_First_Index(Str2) = 1);
pragma Assert (S.Get_Last_Index(Str2) = 97);
pragma Assert (S."="(Str2, "AACCABQh! Hello, world! donkey>donkeyXABCDEEXTRA THIS IS FANTASTIC ELASTIC STRING WRITTEN FOR H3"));
S.Insert (Str2, 5, "");
print_string_info (Str2, "Str2");
pragma Assert (S.Get_Length(Str2) = 97);
pragma Assert (S.Get_First_Index(Str2) = 1);
pragma Assert (S.Get_Last_Index(Str2) = 97);
pragma Assert (S."="(Str2, "AACCABQh! Hello, world! donkey>donkeyXABCDEEXTRA THIS IS FANTASTIC ELASTIC STRING WRITTEN FOR H3"));
S.Insert (Str2, S.Get_Last_Index(Str2) + 1, "");
print_string_info (Str2, "Str2");
pragma Assert (S.Get_Length(Str2) = 97);
pragma Assert (S.Get_First_Index(Str2) = 1);
pragma Assert (S.Get_Last_Index(Str2) = 97);
pragma Assert (S."="(Str2, "AACCABQh! Hello, world! donkey>donkeyXABCDEEXTRA THIS IS FANTASTIC ELASTIC STRING WRITTEN FOR H3"));
S.Insert (Str2, S.Get_Last_Index(Str2) + 1, " => ABCDEF");
print_string_info (Str2, "Str2");
pragma Assert (S.Get_Length(Str2) = 107);
pragma Assert (S.Get_First_Index(Str2) = 1);
pragma Assert (S.Get_Last_Index(Str2) = 107);
pragma Assert (S."="(Str2, "AACCABQh! Hello, world! donkey>donkeyXABCDEEXTRA THIS IS FANTASTIC ELASTIC STRING WRITTEN FOR H3 => ABCDEF"));
--S.Replace (Str2, 10000, 'Q'); -- constraint error
S.Prepend (Str2, '>', 3);
print_string_info (Str2, "Str2");
pragma Assert (S.Get_Length(Str2) = 110);
pragma Assert (S.Get_First_Index(Str2) = 1);
pragma Assert (S.Get_Last_Index(Str2) = 110);
pragma Assert (S."="(Str2, ">>>AACCABQh! Hello, world! donkey>donkeyXABCDEEXTRA THIS IS FANTASTIC ELASTIC STRING WRITTEN FOR H3 => ABCDEF"));
S.Delete (Str2, 1, 3);
print_string_info (Str2, "Str2");
pragma Assert (S.Get_Length(Str2) = 107);
pragma Assert (S.Get_First_Index(Str2) = 1);
pragma Assert (S.Get_Last_Index(Str2) = 107);
pragma Assert (S."="(Str2, "AACCABQh! Hello, world! donkey>donkeyXABCDEEXTRA THIS IS FANTASTIC ELASTIC STRING WRITTEN FOR H3 => ABCDEF"));
S.Delete (Str2, S.Get_Last_Index(Str2) - 9, S.Get_Last_Index(Str2));
print_string_info (Str2, "Str2");
pragma Assert (S.Get_Length(Str2) = 97);
pragma Assert (S.Get_First_Index(Str2) = 1);
pragma Assert (S.Get_Last_Index(Str2) = 97);
pragma Assert (S."="(Str2, "AACCABQh! Hello, world! donkey>donkeyXABCDEEXTRA THIS IS FANTASTIC ELASTIC STRING WRITTEN FOR H3"));
S.Delete (Str2, 5, 9);
print_string_info (Str2, "Str2");
pragma Assert (S.Get_Length(Str2) = 92);
pragma Assert (S.Get_First_Index(Str2) = 1);
pragma Assert (S.Get_Last_Index(Str2) = 92);
pragma Assert (S."="(Str2, "AACC Hello, world! donkey>donkeyXABCDEEXTRA THIS IS FANTASTIC ELASTIC STRING WRITTEN FOR H3"));
S.Replace (Str2, 1, 5, "");
print_string_info (Str2, "Str2");
pragma Assert (S.Get_Length(Str2) = 87);
pragma Assert (S.Get_First_Index(Str2) = 1);
pragma Assert (S.Get_Last_Index(Str2) = 87);
pragma Assert (S."="(Str2, "Hello, world! donkey>donkeyXABCDEEXTRA THIS IS FANTASTIC ELASTIC STRING WRITTEN FOR H3"));
S.Replace (Str2, 8, 12, "cougar");
print_string_info (Str2, "Str2");
pragma Assert (S.Get_Length(Str2) = 88);
pragma Assert (S.Get_First_Index(Str2) = 1);
pragma Assert (S.Get_Last_Index(Str2) = 88);
pragma Assert (S."="(Str2, "Hello, cougar! donkey>donkeyXABCDEEXTRA THIS IS FANTASTIC ELASTIC STRING WRITTEN FOR H3"));
S.Replace (Str2, S.Get_Last_Index(Str2) - 1, S.Get_Last_Index(Str2) + 100, "HH");
print_string_info (Str2, "Str2");
pragma Assert (S.Get_Length(Str2) = 88);
pragma Assert (S.Get_First_Index(Str2) = 1);
pragma Assert (S.Get_Last_Index(Str2) = 88);
pragma Assert (S."="(Str2, "Hello, cougar! donkey>donkeyXABCDEEXTRA THIS IS FANTASTIC ELASTIC STRING WRITTEN FOR HH"));
S.Replace (Str2, 8, 13, "bee");
print_string_info (Str2, "Str2");
pragma Assert (S.Get_Length(Str2) = 85);
pragma Assert (S.Get_First_Index(Str2) = 1);
pragma Assert (S.Get_Last_Index(Str2) = 85);
pragma Assert (S."="(Str2, "Hello, bee! donkey>donkeyXABCDEEXTRA THIS IS FANTASTIC ELASTIC STRING WRITTEN FOR HH"));
arr: constant S.Thin_Character_Array_Pointer := S.Get_Slot_Pointer(Str);
arr2: constant S.Thin_Character_Array_Pointer := S.Get_Slot_Pointer(Str2);
use type H3.System_Word;
Ada.Assertions.Assert (S.Get_Length(Str) = 25, "invalid string length");
Ada.Assertions.Assert (S.Get_Length(Str2) = 78, "invalid string length");
len := S.Get_Length(Str);
capa := S.Get_Capacity(Str);
first := S.Get_First_Index(Str);
last := S.Get_Last_Index(Str);
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("STR length=>" & len'Img & " Capacity=>" & capa'Img & " First=>" & first'img & " Last=>" & last'img);
print_string_info (Str, "Str");
Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Put ("STR(By-Pointer) [");
for i in S.Get_First_Index(Str) .. S.Get_Last_Index(Str) + 1 loop -- this must loop to the terminating null.
@ -185,11 +355,7 @@ begin
end loop;
Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Put_Line ("]");
len := S.Get_Length(Str2);
capa := S.Get_Capacity(Str2);
first := S.Get_First_Index(Str2);
last := S.Get_Last_Index(Str2);
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("STR2 length=>" & len'Img & " Capacity=>" & capa'Img & " First=>" & first'img & " Last=>" & last'img);
print_string_info (Str2, "Str2");
Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Put ("Str2(By-Pointer) ["); -- this must loop to the terminating null.
for i in S.Get_First_Index(Str2) .. S.Get_Last_Index(Str2) + 1 loop
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