changed types of some variables from hcl_oow_t to hcl_ooi_t
attempted to add the builtin printf function
This commit is contained in:
@ -956,7 +956,7 @@ struct hcl_t
#if defined(HCL_BUILD_DEBUG)
#if defined(HCL_BUILD_DEBUG)
/* set automatically when trait is set */
/* set automatically when trait is set */
int karatsuba_cutoff;
hcl_oow_t karatsuba_cutoff;
} option;
} option;
@ -718,3 +718,673 @@ void hcl_seterrufmtv (hcl_t* hcl, hcl_errnum_t errnum, const hcl_uch_t* fmt, va_
_errufmtv (hcl, fmt, &fo, ap);
_errufmtv (hcl, fmt, &fo, ap);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#if 0
static int put_formatted_chars (hcl_t* hcl, int mask, const hcl_ooch_t ch, hcl_oow_t len)
/* TODO: better error handling, buffering.
* should buffering be done by the printer callback? */
hcl_ooi_t n;
hcl_ooch_t str[256];
hcl_oow_t seglen, i;
while (len > 0)
seglen = (len > HCL_COUNTOF(str))? len = HCL_COUNTOF(str): len;
for (i = 0; i < seglen; i++) str[i] = ch;
hcl->c->outarg.ptr = str;
hcl->c->outarg.len = seglen;
n = hcl->c->printer(hcl, HCL_IO_WRITE, &hcl->c->outarg);
if (n <= -1) return -1;
if (n == 0) return 0; /* eof. stop printign */
len -= seglen;
return 1; /* success */
static int put_formatted_string (hcl_t* hcl, int mask, const hcl_ooch_t* ptr, hcl_oow_t len)
/* TODO: better error handling, buffering
* should be done by the printer callback? */
hcl_ooi_t n;
hcl->c->outarg.ptr = (hcl_ooch_t*)ptr;
hcl->c->outarg.len = len;
n = hcl->c->printer(hcl, HCL_IO_WRITE, &hcl->c->outarg);
if (n <= -1) return -1;
if (n == 0) return 0; /* eof. stop printing */
return 1; /* success */
#define PRINT_OOCH(c,n) do { \
if (n > 0) { \
int xx; \
if ((xx = put_formatted_chars(hcl, data->mask, c, n)) <= -1) goto oops; \
if (xx == 0) goto done; \
data->count += n; \
} \
} while (0)
#define PRINT_OOCS(ptr,len) do { \
if (len > 0) { \
int xx; \
if ((xx = put_formatted_string(hcl, data->mask, ptr, len)) <= -1) goto oops; \
if (xx == 0) goto done; \
data->count += len; \
} \
} while (0)
static HCL_INLINE int print_formatted (hcl_t* hcl, hcl_ooi_t nargs, hcl_fmtout_t* data)
hcl_oop_char_t fmtoop;
hcl_ooi_t i;
const fmtchar_t* percent;
const fmtchar_t* checkpoint;
hcl_bch_t nbuf[MAXNBUF], bch;
const hcl_bch_t* nbufp;
int n, base, neg, sign;
hcl_ooi_t tmp, width, precision;
hcl_ooch_t ch, padc;
fmtchar_t fch;
int lm_flag, lm_dflag, flagc, numlen;
hcl_uintmax_t num = 0;
int stop = 0;
hcl_ooch_t* fmt, * fmtend;
hcl_bch_t* (*sprintn) (hcl_bch_t* nbuf, hcl_uintmax_t num, int base, hcl_ooi_t* lenp);
fmtoop = (hcl_oop_char_t)HCL_STACK_GETARG(hcl, nargs, 0);
HCL_ASSERT (hcl, HCL_IS_STRING(hcl, fmtoop));
fmt = HCL_OBJ_GET_CHAR_SLOT(fmtoop);
fmtend = fmt + HCL_OBJ_GET_SIZE(fmtoop);
data->count = 0;
while (1)
checkpoint = fmt;
while ((ch = *fmt++) != '%' || stop)
if (ch == '\0')
PRINT_OOCS (checkpoint, fmt - checkpoint - 1);
goto done;
PRINT_OOCS (checkpoint, fmt - checkpoint - 1);
percent = fmt - 1;
padc = ' ';
width = 0; precision = 0;
neg = 0; sign = 0;
lm_flag = 0; lm_dflag = 0; flagc = 0;
sprintn = sprintn_lower;
switch (ch = *fmt++)
case '%': /* %% */
bch = ch;
goto print_lowercase_c;
/* flag characters */
case '.':
if (flagc & FLAGC_DOT) goto invalid_format;
flagc |= FLAGC_DOT;
goto reswitch;
case '#':
if (flagc & (FLAGC_WIDTH | FLAGC_DOT | FLAGC_LENMOD)) goto invalid_format;
flagc |= FLAGC_SHARP;
goto reswitch;
case ' ':
if (flagc & (FLAGC_WIDTH | FLAGC_DOT | FLAGC_LENMOD)) goto invalid_format;
flagc |= FLAGC_SPACE;
goto reswitch;
case '+': /* place sign for signed conversion */
if (flagc & (FLAGC_WIDTH | FLAGC_DOT | FLAGC_LENMOD)) goto invalid_format;
flagc |= FLAGC_SIGN;
goto reswitch;
case '-': /* left adjusted */
if (flagc & (FLAGC_WIDTH | FLAGC_DOT | FLAGC_LENMOD)) goto invalid_format;
if (flagc & FLAGC_DOT)
goto invalid_format;
if (flagc & FLAGC_ZEROPAD)
padc = ' ';
flagc &= ~FLAGC_ZEROPAD;
goto reswitch;
case '*': /* take the length from the parameter */
if (flagc & FLAGC_DOT)
if (flagc & (FLAGC_STAR2 | FLAGC_PRECISION)) goto invalid_format;
flagc |= FLAGC_STAR2;
precision = va_arg(ap, hcl_ooi_t); /* this deviates from the standard printf that accepts 'int' */
if (precision < 0)
/* if precision is less than 0,
* treat it as if no .precision is specified */
flagc &= ~FLAGC_DOT;
precision = 0;
if (flagc & (FLAGC_STAR1 | FLAGC_WIDTH)) goto invalid_format;
flagc |= FLAGC_STAR1;
width = va_arg(ap, hcl_ooi_t); /* it deviates from the standard printf that accepts 'int' */
if (width < 0)
if (flagc & FLAGC_LEFTADJ)
flagc &= ~FLAGC_LEFTADJ;
width = -width;
goto reswitch;
case '0': /* zero pad */
if (flagc & FLAGC_LENMOD) goto invalid_format;
if (!(flagc & (FLAGC_DOT | FLAGC_LEFTADJ)))
padc = '0';
goto reswitch;
/* end of flags characters */
case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
if (flagc & FLAGC_LENMOD) goto invalid_format;
for (n = 0;; ++fmt)
n = n * 10 + ch - '0';
ch = *fmt;
if (ch < '0' || ch > '9') break;
if (flagc & FLAGC_DOT)
if (flagc & FLAGC_STAR2) goto invalid_format;
precision = n;
if (flagc & FLAGC_STAR1) goto invalid_format;
width = n;
flagc |= FLAGC_WIDTH;
goto reswitch;
#if 0
case 'n': /* number of characters printed so far */
if (lm_flag & LF_J) /* j */
*(va_arg(ap, hcl_intmax_t*)) = data->count;
else if (lm_flag & LF_Z) /* z */
*(va_arg(ap, hcl_ooi_t*)) = data->count;
else if (lm_flag & LF_Q) /* ll */
*(va_arg(ap, long long int*)) = data->count;
else if (lm_flag & LF_L) /* l */
*(va_arg(ap, long int*)) = data->count;
else if (lm_flag & LF_H) /* h */
*(va_arg(ap, short int*)) = data->count;
else if (lm_flag & LF_C) /* hh */
*(va_arg(ap, char*)) = data->count;
else if (flagc & FLAGC_LENMOD)
goto invalid_format;
*(va_arg(ap, int*)) = data->count;
/* signed integer conversions */
case 'd':
case 'i': /* signed conversion */
base = 10;
sign = 1;
goto handle_sign;
/* end of signed integer conversions */
/* unsigned integer conversions */
case 'o':
base = 8;
goto handle_nosign;
case 'u':
base = 10;
goto handle_nosign;
case 'X':
sprintn = sprintn_upper;
case 'x':
base = 16;
goto handle_nosign;
case 'b':
base = 2;
goto handle_nosign;
/* end of unsigned integer conversions */
#if 0
case 'p': /* pointer */
base = 16;
if (width == 0) flagc |= FLAGC_SHARP;
else flagc &= ~FLAGC_SHARP;
num = (hcl_uintptr_t)va_arg(ap, void*);
goto number;
case 'c':
/* zeropad must not take effect for 'c' */
if (flagc & FLAGC_ZEROPAD) padc = ' ';
if (lm_flag & LF_L) goto uppercase_c;
#if defined(HCL_OOCH_IS_UCH)
if (lm_flag & LF_J) goto uppercase_c;
//bch = HCL_SIZEOF(hcl_bch_t) < HCL_SIZEOF(int)? va_arg(ap, int): va_arg(ap, hcl_bch_t);
arg = HCL_STACK_GETARG(hcl, nargs, cur_arg);
if (HCL_OOP_IS_CHAR(arg))
/* precision 0 doesn't kill the letter */
if (!(flagc & FLAGC_LEFTADJ) && width > 0) PRINT_OOCH (padc, width);
PRINT_OOCH (bch, 1);
if ((flagc & FLAGC_LEFTADJ) && width > 0) PRINT_OOCH (padc, width);
case 'C':
hcl_uch_t ooch;
/* zeropad must not take effect for 'C' */
if (flagc & FLAGC_ZEROPAD) padc = ' ';
if (lm_flag & LF_H) goto lowercase_c;
#if defined(HCL_OOCH_IS_BCH)
if (lm_flag & LF_J) goto lowercase_c;
ooch = HCL_SIZEOF(hcl_uch_t) < HCL_SIZEOF(int)? va_arg(ap, int): va_arg(ap, hcl_uch_t);
/* precision 0 doesn't kill the letter */
if (!(flagc & FLAGC_LEFTADJ) && width > 0) PRINT_OOCH (padc, width);
PRINT_OOCH (ooch, 1);
if ((flagc & FLAGC_LEFTADJ) && width > 0) PRINT_OOCH (padc, width);
case 's':
const hcl_bch_t* bsp;
hcl_oow_t bslen, slen;
/* zeropad must not take effect for 'S' */
if (flagc & FLAGC_ZEROPAD) padc = ' ';
if (lm_flag & LF_L) goto uppercase_s;
#if defined(HCL_OOCH_IS_UCH)
if (lm_flag & LF_J) goto uppercase_s;
bsp = va_arg (ap, hcl_bch_t*);
if (bsp == HCL_NULL) bsp = bch_nullstr;
#if defined(HCL_OOCH_IS_UCH)
/* get the length */
for (bslen = 0; bsp[bslen]; bslen++);
if (hcl_convbtooochars(hcl, bsp, &bslen, HCL_NULL, &slen) <= -1) goto oops;
/* slen holds the length after conversion */
n = slen;
if ((flagc & FLAGC_DOT) && precision < slen) n = precision;
width -= n;
if (!(flagc & FLAGC_LEFTADJ) && width > 0) PRINT_OOCH (padc, width);
hcl_ooch_t conv_buf[32];
hcl_oow_t conv_len, src_len, tot_len = 0;
while (n > 0)
HCL_ASSERT (hcl, bslen > tot_len);
src_len = bslen - tot_len;
conv_len = HCL_COUNTOF(conv_buf);
/* this must not fail since the dry-run above was successful */
hcl_convbtooochars (hcl, &bsp[tot_len], &src_len, conv_buf, &conv_len);
tot_len += src_len;
if (conv_len > n) conv_len = n;
PRINT_OOCS (conv_buf, conv_len);
n -= conv_len;
if ((flagc & FLAGC_LEFTADJ) && width > 0) PRINT_OOCH (padc, width);
if (flagc & FLAGC_DOT)
for (n = 0; n < precision && bsp[n]; n++);
for (n = 0; bsp[n]; n++);
width -= n;
if (!(flagc & FLAGC_LEFTADJ) && width > 0) PRINT_OOCH (padc, width);
PRINT_OOCS (bsp, n);
if ((flagc & FLAGC_LEFTADJ) && width > 0) PRINT_OOCH (padc, width);
case 'S':
const hcl_uch_t* usp;
hcl_oow_t uslen, slen;
/* zeropad must not take effect for 's' */
if (flagc & FLAGC_ZEROPAD) padc = ' ';
if (lm_flag & LF_H) goto lowercase_s;
#if defined(HCL_OOCH_IS_UCH)
if (lm_flag & LF_J) goto lowercase_s;
usp = va_arg (ap, hcl_uch_t*);
if (usp == HCL_NULL) usp = uch_nullstr;
#if defined(HCL_OOCH_IS_BCH)
/* get the length */
for (uslen = 0; usp[uslen]; uslen++);
if (hcl_convutooochars(hcl, usp, &uslen, HCL_NULL, &slen) <= -1) goto oops;
/* slen holds the length after conversion */
n = slen;
if ((flagc & FLAGC_DOT) && precision < slen) n = precision;
width -= n;
if (!(flagc & FLAGC_LEFTADJ) && width > 0) PRINT_OOCH (padc, width);
hcl_ooch_t conv_buf[32];
hcl_oow_t conv_len, src_len, tot_len = 0;
while (n > 0)
HCL_ASSERT (hcl, uslen > tot_len);
src_len = uslen - tot_len;
conv_len = HCL_COUNTOF(conv_buf);
/* this must not fail since the dry-run above was successful */
hcl_convutooochars (hcl, &usp[tot_len], &src_len, conv_buf, &conv_len);
tot_len += src_len;
if (conv_len > n) conv_len = n;
PRINT_OOCS (conv_buf, conv_len);
n -= conv_len;
if ((flagc & FLAGC_LEFTADJ) && width > 0) PRINT_OOCH (padc, width);
if (flagc & FLAGC_DOT)
for (n = 0; n < precision && usp[n]; n++);
for (n = 0; usp[n]; n++);
width -= n;
if (!(flagc & FLAGC_LEFTADJ) && width > 0) PRINT_OOCH (padc, width);
PRINT_OOCS (usp, n);
if ((flagc & FLAGC_LEFTADJ) && width > 0) PRINT_OOCH (padc, width);
case 'O': /* object - ignore precision, width, adjustment */
if (hcl_outfmtobj(hcl, data->mask, va_arg(ap, hcl_oop_t), outbfmt) <= -1) goto oops;
sign = 0;
if (lm_flag & LF_J)
#if defined(__GNUC__) && \
/* GCC-compiled binaries crashed when getting hcl_uintmax_t with va_arg.
* This is just a work-around for it */
int i;
for (i = 0, num = 0; i < HCL_SIZEOF(hcl_uintmax_t) / HCL_SIZEOF(hcl_oow_t); i++)
#if defined(HCL_ENDIAN_BIG)
num = num << (8 * HCL_SIZEOF(hcl_oow_t)) | (va_arg (ap, hcl_oow_t));
register int shift = i * HCL_SIZEOF(hcl_oow_t);
hcl_oow_t x = va_arg (ap, hcl_oow_t);
num |= (hcl_uintmax_t)x << (shift * 8);
num = va_arg (ap, hcl_uintmax_t);
#if 0
else if (lm_flag & LF_T)
num = va_arg (ap, hcl_ptrdiff_t);
else if (lm_flag & LF_Z)
num = va_arg (ap, hcl_oow_t);
else if (lm_flag & LF_Q)
num = va_arg (ap, unsigned long long int);
else if (lm_flag & (LF_L | LF_LD))
num = va_arg (ap, unsigned long int);
else if (lm_flag & LF_H)
num = (unsigned short int)va_arg (ap, int);
else if (lm_flag & LF_C)
num = (unsigned char)va_arg (ap, int);
num = va_arg (ap, unsigned int);
goto number;
if (lm_flag & LF_J)
#if defined(__GNUC__) && \
/* GCC-compiled binraries crashed when getting hcl_uintmax_t with va_arg.
* This is just a work-around for it */
int i;
for (i = 0, num = 0; i < HCL_SIZEOF(hcl_intmax_t) / HCL_SIZEOF(hcl_oow_t); i++)
#if defined(HCL_ENDIAN_BIG)
num = num << (8 * HCL_SIZEOF(hcl_oow_t)) | (va_arg (ap, hcl_oow_t));
register int shift = i * HCL_SIZEOF(hcl_oow_t);
hcl_oow_t x = va_arg (ap, hcl_oow_t);
num |= (hcl_uintmax_t)x << (shift * 8);
num = va_arg (ap, hcl_intmax_t);
#if 0
else if (lm_flag & LF_T)
num = va_arg(ap, hcl_ptrdiff_t);
else if (lm_flag & LF_Z)
num = va_arg (ap, hcl_ooi_t);
else if (lm_flag & LF_Q)
num = va_arg (ap, long long int);
else if (lm_flag & (LF_L | LF_LD))
num = va_arg (ap, long int);
else if (lm_flag & LF_H)
num = (short int)va_arg (ap, int);
else if (lm_flag & LF_C)
num = (char)va_arg (ap, int);
num = va_arg (ap, int);
if (sign && (hcl_intmax_t)num < 0)
neg = 1;
num = -(hcl_intmax_t)num;
nbufp = sprintn (nbuf, num, base, &tmp);
if ((flagc & FLAGC_SHARP) && num != 0)
if (base == 8) tmp++;
else if (base == 16) tmp += 2;
if (neg) tmp++;
else if (flagc & FLAGC_SIGN) tmp++;
else if (flagc & FLAGC_SPACE) tmp++;
numlen = (int)((const hcl_bch_t*)nbufp - (const hcl_bch_t*)nbuf);
if ((flagc & FLAGC_DOT) && precision > numlen)
/* extra zeros for precision specified */
tmp += (precision - numlen);
if (!(flagc & FLAGC_LEFTADJ) && !(flagc & FLAGC_ZEROPAD) && width > 0 && (width -= tmp) > 0)
PRINT_OOCH (padc, width);
width = 0;
if (neg) PRINT_OOCH ('-', 1);
else if (flagc & FLAGC_SIGN) PRINT_OOCH ('+', 1);
else if (flagc & FLAGC_SPACE) PRINT_OOCH (' ', 1);
if ((flagc & FLAGC_SHARP) && num != 0)
if (base == 2)
PRINT_OOCH ('0', 1);
PRINT_OOCH ('b', 1);
if (base == 8)
PRINT_OOCH ('0', 1);
else if (base == 16)
PRINT_OOCH ('0', 1);
PRINT_OOCH ('x', 1);
if ((flagc & FLAGC_DOT) && precision > numlen)
/* extra zeros for precision specified */
PRINT_OOCH ('0', precision - numlen);
if (!(flagc & FLAGC_LEFTADJ) && width > 0 && (width -= tmp) > 0)
PRINT_OOCH (padc, width);
while (*nbufp) PRINT_OOCH (*nbufp--, 1); /* output actual digits */
if ((flagc & FLAGC_LEFTADJ) && width > 0 && (width -= tmp) > 0)
PRINT_OOCH (padc, width);
#if defined(FMTCHAR_IS_OOCH)
PRINT_OOCS (percent, fmt - percent);
while (percent < fmt) PRINT_OOCH (*percent++, 1);
#if defined(FMTCHAR_IS_OOCH)
PRINT_OOCS (percent, fmt - percent);
while (percent < fmt) PRINT_OOCH (*percent++, 1);
* Since we ignore an formatting argument it is no
* longer safe to obey the remaining formatting
* arguments as the arguments will no longer match
* the format specs.
stop = 1;
return 0;
return -1;
@ -98,7 +98,9 @@ static int logfmtv (hcl_t* hcl, const fmtchar_t* fmt, hcl_fmtout_t* data, va_lis
int n, base, neg, sign;
int n, base, neg, sign;
hcl_ooi_t tmp, width, precision;
hcl_ooi_t tmp, width, precision;
hcl_ooch_t ch, padc;
hcl_ooch_t ch, padc;
#if !defined(FMTCHAR_IS_OOCH)
fmtchar_t fch;
fmtchar_t fch;
int lm_flag, lm_dflag, flagc, numlen;
int lm_flag, lm_dflag, flagc, numlen;
hcl_uintmax_t num = 0;
hcl_uintmax_t num = 0;
int stop = 0;
int stop = 0;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in New Issue
Block a user