changed bigint division algorithm and finished the primitive bigint.to_string function

This commit is contained in:
hyung-hwan 2014-03-07 17:58:01 +00:00
parent 47c6711337
commit 57f8b64c2b
3 changed files with 452 additions and 142 deletions

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@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ with H2.Pool;
separate (H2.Scheme) separate (H2.Scheme)
-- The code here assumes that Half_Word_Slot'First is 1.
-- The code breaks if you change the array range to something else,
package body Bigint is package body Bigint is
use type System.Bit_Order; use type System.Bit_Order;
@ -36,6 +39,12 @@ package body Bigint is
--for Word_Record'Bit_Order use System.High_Order_First; --for Word_Record'Bit_Order use System.High_Order_First;
--for Word_Record'Bit_Order use System.Low_Order_First; --for Word_Record'Bit_Order use System.Low_Order_First;
type Object_Bit is mod 2 ** 1;
--for Object_Bit'Size use 1;
type Half_Word_Bit_Array is array(1 .. Half_Word_Bits) of Object_Bit;
pragma Pack (Half_Word_Bit_Array);
for Half_Word_Bit_Array'Size use Half_Word_Bits;
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Get_Low (W: in Object_Word) return Object_Half_Word is function Get_Low (W: in Object_Word) return Object_Half_Word is
@ -63,6 +72,61 @@ package body Bigint is
return W; return W;
end Make_Word; end Make_Word;
function Decode_To_Word (X: in Object_Pointer;
Word: access Object_Word;
Sign: access Object_Sign) return Standard.Boolean is
if Is_Integer(X) then
I: Object_Integer := Pointer_To_Integer(X);
if I < 0 then
-- Convert the negative number to a positive word.
Word.all := Object_Word(-(I + 1)) + 1;
Sign.all := Negative_Sign;
Word.all := Object_Word(I);
Sign.all := Positive_Sign;
end if;
case X.Size is
when 1 =>
Word.all := Object_Word(X.Half_Word_Slot(1));
when 2 =>
Word.all := Make_Word(X.Half_Word_Slot(1), X.Half_Word_Slot(2));
when others =>
return Standard.False;
end case;
Sign.all := X.Sign;
end if;
return Standard.True;
end Decode_To_Word;
procedure Convert_Word_To_Text (Word: in Object_Word;
Radix: in Object_Radix;
Buffer: in out Object_Character_Array;
Length: out Object_Size) is
V: Object_Word;
W: Object_Word := Word;
Len: Object_Size := 0;
V := W rem Object_Word(Radix);
if V in 0 .. 9 then
Buffer(Buffer'First + Len) := Object_Character'Val(Object_Character'Pos(Ch.Zero) + V);
Buffer(Buffer'First + Len) := Object_Character'Val(Object_Character'Pos(Ch.UC_A) + V - 10);
end if;
Len := Len + 1;
W := W / Object_Word(Radix);
exit when W <= 0;
end loop;
Length := Len;
end Convert_Word_To_Text;
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Is_Less_Unsigned_Array (X: in Object_Half_Word_Array; function Is_Less_Unsigned_Array (X: in Object_Half_Word_Array;
@ -75,7 +139,7 @@ package body Bigint is
return XS < YS; return XS < YS;
end if; end if;
for I in reverse X'Range loop for I in reverse 1 .. XS loop
if X(I) /= Y(I) then if X(I) /= Y(I) then
return X(I) < Y(I); return X(I) < Y(I);
end if; end if;
@ -136,17 +200,33 @@ package body Bigint is
return Z; return Z;
end Copy_Upto; end Copy_Upto;
function Count_Effective_Slots (X: in Object_Pointer) return Half_Word_Object_Size is function Count_Effective_Array_Slots (X: in Object_Half_Word_Array;
pragma Inline (Count_Effective_Slots); XS: in Half_Word_Object_Size) return Half_Word_Object_Size is
pragma Inline (Count_Effective_Array_Slots);
Last: Half_Word_Object_Size := 1; Last: Half_Word_Object_Size := 1;
begin begin
for I in reverse 1 .. X.Size loop for I in reverse 1 .. XS loop
if X.Half_Word_Slot(I) /= 0 then if X(I) /= 0 then
Last := I; Last := I;
exit; exit;
end if; end if;
end loop; end loop;
return Last; return Last;
end Count_Effective_Array_Slots;
function Count_Effective_Slots (X: in Object_Pointer) return Half_Word_Object_Size is
pragma Inline (Count_Effective_Slots);
--Last: Half_Word_Object_Size := 1;
return Count_Effective_Array_Slots (X.Half_Word_Slot, X.Size);
--for I in reverse 1 .. X.Size loop
-- if X.Half_Word_Slot(I) /= 0 then
-- Last := I;
-- exit;
-- end if;
--end loop;
--return Last;
end Count_Effective_Slots; end Count_Effective_Slots;
function Normalize (Interp: access Interpreter_Record; function Normalize (Interp: access Interpreter_Record;
@ -252,6 +332,126 @@ package body Bigint is
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Half_Word_Bit_Position (Pos: in Standard.Positive) return Standard.Natural is
pragma Inline (Half_Word_Bit_Position);
return (Pos * Little_Endian) + ((Half_Word_Bits - Pos + 1) * Big_Endian);
end Half_Word_Bit_Position;
function Get_Half_Word_Bit (X: in Object_Half_Word;
Pos: in Standard.Positive) return Object_Bit is
pragma Inline (Get_Half_Word_Bit);
BA: Half_Word_Bit_Array;
for BA'Address use X'Address;
return BA(Half_Word_Bit_Position(Pos));
end Get_Half_Word_Bit;
procedure Set_Half_Word_Bit (X: in out Object_Half_Word;
Pos: in Standard.Positive;
Bit: in Object_Bit) is
pragma Inline (Set_Half_Word_Bit);
BA: Half_Word_Bit_Array;
for BA'Address use X'Address;
BA(Half_Word_Bit_Position(Pos)) := Bit;
end Set_Half_Word_Bit;
function Shift_Half_Word_Left (W: in Object_Half_Word;
Bits: in Standard.Natural) return Object_Half_Word is
pragma Inline (Shift_Half_Word_Left);
--if Bits >= W'Size then
-- return 0;
--end if;
return W * (2 ** Bits);
end Shift_Half_Word_Left;
function Shift_Half_Word_Right (W: in Object_Half_Word;
Bits: in Standard.Natural) return Object_Half_Word is
pragma Inline (Shift_Half_Word_Right);
if Bits >= W'Size then
-- prevent divide-by-zero in case 2 ** Bits becomes 0
-- for overflow.
return 0;
end if;
return W / (2 ** Bits);
end Shift_Half_Word_Right;
procedure Shift_Left_Unsigned_Array (X: in out Object_Half_Word_Array;
XS: in Half_Word_Object_Size;
Bits: in Object_Size) is
Word_Shifts: Object_Size; -- half-word shift count
Bit_Shifts: Standard.Natural; -- bit shift count
Bit_Shifts_Right: Standard.Natural;
SI: Half_Word_Object_Size;
-- This function doesn't grow/shrink the array. Shifting is performed
-- within the given array size only.
-- Get how many half-words to shift.
Word_Shifts := Bits / Half_Word_Bits;
if Word_Shifts >= XS then
X(1 .. XS) := (others => 0);
end if;
-- Get how many remaining bits to shift
Bit_Shifts := Standard.Natural(Bits rem Half_Word_Bits);
Bit_Shifts_Right := Half_Word_Bits - Bit_Shifts;
-- Shift words and bits
SI := XS - Word_Shifts;
X(XS) := Shift_Half_Word_Left(X(SI), Bit_Shifts);
for DI in reverse Object_Size(Word_Shifts) + 1 .. XS - 1 loop
SI := DI - Word_Shifts; -- Source Index
X(DI + 1) := X(DI + 1) or Shift_Half_Word_Right(X(SI), Bit_Shifts_Right);
X(DI) := Shift_Half_Word_Left(X(SI), Bit_Shifts);
end loop;
-- Fill the remaining part with zeros
X(1 .. Object_Size(Word_Shifts)) := (others => 0);
end Shift_Left_Unsigned_Array;
procedure Shift_Right_Unsigned_Array (X: in out Object_Half_Word_Array;
XS: in Half_Word_Object_Size;
Bits: in Object_Size) is
Word_Shifts: Object_Size; -- half-word shift count
Bit_Shifts: Standard.Natural; -- bit shift count
Bit_Shifts_Left: Standard.Natural;
SI: Half_Word_Object_Size;
-- This function doesn't grow/shrink the array. Shifting is performed
-- within the given array size only.
-- Get how many half-words to shift.
Word_Shifts := Bits / Half_Word_Bits;
if Word_Shifts >= XS then
X(1 .. XS) := (others => 0);
end if;
-- Get how many remaining bits to shift
Bit_Shifts := Standard.Natural(Bits rem Half_Word_Bits);
Bit_Shifts_Left := Half_Word_Bits - Bit_Shifts;
-- Shift words and bits
SI := 1 + Word_Shifts;
X(1) := Shift_Half_Word_Right(X(SI), Bit_Shifts);
for DI in 2 .. XS - 1 loop
SI := DI + Word_Shifts; -- Source Index
X(DI - 1) := X(DI - 1) or Shift_Half_Word_Right(X(SI), Bit_Shifts_Left);
X(DI) := Shift_Half_Word_Right(X(SI), Bit_Shifts);
end loop;
-- Fill the remaining part with zeros
X(XS - Half_Word_Object_Size(Word_Shifts) + 1 .. XS) := (others => 0);
end Shift_Right_Unsigned_Array;
procedure Add_Unsigned_Array (X: in Object_Half_Word_Array; procedure Add_Unsigned_Array (X: in Object_Half_Word_Array;
XS: in Half_Word_Object_Size; XS: in Half_Word_Object_Size;
Y: in Object_Half_Word_Array; Y: in Object_Half_Word_Array;
@ -309,7 +509,6 @@ package body Bigint is
Borrowed_Word: constant Object_Word := Object_Word(Object_Half_Word'Last) + 1; Borrowed_Word: constant Object_Word := Object_Word(Object_Half_Word'Last) + 1;
Borrow: Object_Half_Word := 0; Borrow: Object_Half_Word := 0;
begin begin
pragma Assert (not Is_Less_Unsigned_Array(X, XS, Y, YS)); -- The caller must ensure that X >= Y pragma Assert (not Is_Less_Unsigned_Array(X, XS, Y, YS)); -- The caller must ensure that X >= Y
for I in 1 .. YS loop for I in 1 .. YS loop
@ -344,9 +543,6 @@ package body Bigint is
A: aliased Object_Pointer := X; A: aliased Object_Pointer := X;
B: aliased Object_Pointer := Y; B: aliased Object_Pointer := Y;
Z: Object_Pointer; Z: Object_Pointer;
W: Object_Word;
Borrowed_Word: constant Object_Word := Object_Word(Object_Half_Word'Last) + 1;
Borrow: Object_Half_Word := 0;
begin begin
pragma Assert (not Is_Less_Unsigned(A, B)); -- The caller must ensure that X >= Y pragma Assert (not Is_Less_Unsigned(A, B)); -- The caller must ensure that X >= Y
@ -418,6 +614,36 @@ package body Bigint is
return Z; return Z;
end Multiply_Unsigned; end Multiply_Unsigned;
procedure Divide_Unsigned_Array (X: in Object_Half_Word_Array;
XS: in Half_Word_Object_Size;
Y: in out Object_Half_Word_Array;
YS: in Half_Word_Object_Size;
Q: in out Object_Half_Word_Array;
R: in out Object_Half_Word_Array) is
Bits: constant Object_Size := XS * Half_Word_Bits;
Word_Pos: Object_Size;
Bit_Pos: Standard.Positive;
RS: Half_Word_Object_Size;
Q := (others => 0);
R := (others => 0);
for I in reverse 1 .. Bits loop
Word_Pos := (I - 1) / Half_Word_Bits + 1;
Bit_Pos := Standard.Positive((I - 1) rem Half_Word_Bits + 1);
Shift_Left_Unsigned_Array (R, XS, 1);
Set_Half_Word_Bit (R(1), 1, Get_Half_Word_Bit(X(Word_Pos), Bit_Pos));
RS := Count_Effective_Array_Slots (R, XS);
if not Is_Less_Unsigned_Array(R, RS, Y, YS) then
Subtract_Unsigned_Array (R, RS, Y, YS, R);
Set_Half_Word_Bit (Q(Word_Pos), Bit_Pos, 1);
end if;
end loop;
end Divide_Unsigned_Array;
procedure Divide_Unsigned (Interp: in out Interpreter_Record; procedure Divide_Unsigned (Interp: in out Interpreter_Record;
X: in Object_Pointer; X: in Object_Pointer;
Y: in Object_Pointer; Y: in Object_Pointer;
@ -425,6 +651,32 @@ package body Bigint is
R: out Object_Pointer) is R: out Object_Pointer) is
A: aliased Object_Pointer := X; A: aliased Object_Pointer := X;
B: aliased Object_Pointer := Y; B: aliased Object_Pointer := Y;
C: aliased Object_Pointer;
D: aliased Object_Pointer;
pragma Assert (not Is_Less_Unsigned(A, B)); -- The caller must ensure that X >= Y
Push_Top (Interp, A'Unchecked_Access);
Push_Top (Interp, B'Unchecked_Access);
Push_Top (Interp, C'Unchecked_Access);
Push_Top (Interp, D'Unchecked_Access);
C := Make_Bigint(Interp.Self, Size => A.Size);
D := Make_Bigint(Interp.Self, Size => A.Size);
Pop_Tops (Interp, 4);
Divide_Unsigned_Array (A.Half_Word_Slot, A.Size, B.Half_Word_Slot, B.Size, C.Half_Word_Slot, D.Half_Word_Slot);
Q := C;
R := D;
end Divide_Unsigned;
procedure Divide_Unsigned_2 (Interp: in out Interpreter_Record;
X: in Object_Pointer;
Y: in Object_Pointer;
Q: out Object_Pointer;
R: out Object_Pointer) is
A: aliased Object_Pointer := X;
B: aliased Object_Pointer := Y;
Quo: aliased Object_Pointer; Quo: aliased Object_Pointer;
Dend: aliased Object_Pointer; -- Dividend Dend: aliased Object_Pointer; -- Dividend
@ -460,6 +712,7 @@ package body Bigint is
Sor.Half_Word_Slot(1 + Diff .. B.Size + Diff) := B.Half_Word_Slot; Sor.Half_Word_Slot(1 + Diff .. B.Size + Diff) := B.Half_Word_Slot;
for I in reverse B.Size .. A.Size loop for I in reverse B.Size .. A.Size loop
-- TODO: Optimize the alogrighm further. the adjustment loop may take very long.
if not Is_Less_Unsigned_Array(Dend.Half_Word_Slot, Dend_Size, Sor.Half_Word_Slot, Sor_Size) then if not Is_Less_Unsigned_Array(Dend.Half_Word_Slot, Dend_Size, Sor.Half_Word_Slot, Sor_Size) then
if Dend_Size > Sor_Size then if Dend_Size > Sor_Size then
-- Take the 2 high digits from the dividend and -- Take the 2 high digits from the dividend and
@ -485,18 +738,17 @@ package body Bigint is
Multiply_Unsigned_Array (Cand, Cand_Size, Sor.Half_Word_Slot, Sor_Size, Tmp.Half_Word_Slot); Multiply_Unsigned_Array (Cand, Cand_Size, Sor.Half_Word_Slot, Sor_Size, Tmp.Half_Word_Slot);
Tmp_Size := Count_Effective_Slots(Tmp); Tmp_Size := Count_Effective_Slots(Tmp);
-- Check if the dividend is less than the multiplication result. Dividend < Tmp -- Adjust down the guess while the dividend is less than the multiplication result.
if Is_Less_Unsigned_Array(Dend.Half_Word_Slot, Dend_Size, Tmp.Half_Word_Slot, Tmp_Size) then while Is_Less_Unsigned_Array(Dend.Half_Word_Slot, Dend_Size, Tmp.Half_Word_Slot, Tmp_Size) loop
-- If so, decrement the candidate by 1. Cand(1) := Cand(1) - 1;
Quo.Half_Word_Slot(I - B.Size + 1) := Cand(1) - 1;
-- Tmp := Tmp - Divisor -- Tmp := Tmp - Divisor
Subtract_Unsigned_Array (Tmp.Half_Word_Slot, Tmp_Size, Sor.Half_Word_Slot, Sor_Size, Tmp.Half_Word_Slot); Subtract_Unsigned_Array (Tmp.Half_Word_Slot, Tmp_Size, Sor.Half_Word_Slot, Sor_Size, Tmp.Half_Word_Slot);
Tmp_Size := Count_Effective_Slots(Tmp); Tmp_Size := Count_Effective_Slots(Tmp);
else end loop;
-- If not, the candidate is the right guess.
-- Set the guess to the quotient.
Quo.Half_Word_Slot(I - B.Size + 1) := Cand(1); Quo.Half_Word_Slot(I - B.Size + 1) := Cand(1);
end if;
-- Dividend := Dividend - Tmp -- Dividend := Dividend - Tmp
Subtract_Unsigned_Array (Dend.Half_Word_Slot, Dend_Size, Tmp.Half_Word_Slot, Tmp_Size, Dend.Half_Word_Slot); Subtract_Unsigned_Array (Dend.Half_Word_Slot, Dend_Size, Tmp.Half_Word_Slot, Tmp_Size, Dend.Half_Word_Slot);
@ -512,7 +764,7 @@ package body Bigint is
Q := Quo; Q := Quo;
R := Dend; R := Dend;
end Divide_Unsigned; end Divide_Unsigned_2;
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -617,7 +869,7 @@ package body Bigint is
Divide_Integers (Interp, A, B, Q); Divide_Integers (Interp, A, B, Q);
if Q /= null then if Q /= null then
-- remainder operation must succeed if division was ok. -- Remainder operation must succeed if division was ok.
R := Integer_To_Pointer(Pointer_To_Integer(A) rem Pointer_To_Integer(B)); R := Integer_To_Pointer(Pointer_To_Integer(A) rem Pointer_To_Integer(B));
return; return;
end if; end if;
@ -658,38 +910,70 @@ package body Bigint is
procedure To_String (Interp: in out Interpreter_Record; procedure To_String (Interp: in out Interpreter_Record;
X: in Object_Pointer; X: in Object_Pointer;
Radix: in Object_Half_Word; -- TODO define the radix type to a subtype range 2 .. 32 Radix: in Object_Radix;
Z: out Object_Pointer) is Z: out Object_Pointer) is
W: aliased Object_Word;
Sign: aliased Object_Sign;
-- Perform simple conversion if the object can be decoded
-- to a single word.
if Decode_To_Word(X, W'Access, Sign'Access) then
-- Use a static buffer for simple conversion as the largest
-- size is known. The largest buffer is required for radix 2.
-- For a binary conversion(radix 2), the number of bits is
-- the maximum number of digits that can be produced. +1 is
-- needed for the sign.
Buf: Object_Character_Array (1 .. Object_Word'Size + 1);
Len: Object_Size;
Convert_Word_To_Text (W, Radix, Buf, Len);
if Sign = Negative_Sign then
Len := Len + 1;
Buf(Len) := Ch.Minus_Sign;
end if;
Z := Make_String(Interp.Self, Source => Buf(1 .. Len), Invert => Standard.True);
end if;
-- Otherwise, do it in the hard way.
A: aliased Object_Pointer; A: aliased Object_Pointer;
B: aliased Object_Pointer; B: aliased Object_Pointer;
R: aliased Object_Pointer; R: aliased Object_Pointer;
W, V: Object_Word; Q: aliased Object_Pointer;
V: Object_Word;
Radlen: Object_Size; -- Maxiumum length of each word conversion
Totlen: Object_Size := 0; -- Length of total conversion
Seglen: Object_Size; -- Length of each word conversion
AS: Half_Word_Object_Size;
Sign: Object_Sign; -- TODO: optimize the buffer size depending on the radix value.
Radlen: Object_Word; subtype Static_Buffer is Object_Character_Array (1 .. 16 * Half_Word_Bits + 1);
Seglen: Object_Word; subtype Dynamic_Buffer is Object_Character_Array (1 .. X.Size * Half_Word_Bits + 1);
type Static_Buffer_Pointer is access all Static_Buffer;
-- TODO: estimate the length of the character array and create a temporary string object instead of this array. type Dynamic_Buffer_Pointer is access all Dynamic_Buffer;
QQQ: Object_Character_Array (1.. X.Size * Object_Half_Word'Size); package Pool is new H2.Pool (Dynamic_Buffer, Dynamic_Buffer_Pointer, Interp.Storage_Pool);
QL: Character_Object_Size := 0; Static_Buf: aliased Static_Buffer;
Dynamic_Buf: Dynamic_Buffer_Pointer;
Buf: Thin_Object_Character_Array_Pointer;
begin begin
if Is_Integer(X) then if X.Size <= 16 then
-- TODO: change this declare
ada.text_io.put_line(Object_Integer'Image(Pointer_To_Integer(X))); function Conv is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Static_Buffer_Pointer, Thin_Object_Character_Array_Pointer);
return; begin
end if; Buf := Conv(Static_Buf'Access);
if X.Size <= 2 then
--TODO: sign;
if X.Size = 2 then
W := Make_Word(X.Half_Word_Slot(1), X.Half_Word_Slot(2));
else else
W := Object_Word(X.Half_Word_Slot(1)); -- TODO: move this dynamic buffer to Interpreter_Record and let it sustained during the lifetime of Interpreer
end if; declare
function Conv is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Dynamic_Buffer_Pointer, Thin_Object_Character_Array_Pointer);
ada.text_io.put_line(Object_Word'Image(W)); begin
return; Dynamic_Buf := Pool.Allocate;
Buf := Conv(Dynamic_Buf);
end if; end if;
-- Find the largest multiple of Radix that is less than or -- Find the largest multiple of Radix that is less than or
@ -709,68 +993,77 @@ package body Bigint is
W := V; W := V;
end loop; end loop;
Push_Top (Interp, Q'Unchecked_Access);
Push_Top (Interp, R'Unchecked_Access); Push_Top (Interp, R'Unchecked_Access);
Push_Top (Interp, B'Unchecked_Access); Push_Top (Interp, B'Unchecked_Access);
Push_Top (Interp, A'Unchecked_Access); Push_Top (Interp, A'Unchecked_Access);
-- Clone the value to convert
A := Copy_Upto(Interp.Self, X, X.Size); A := Copy_Upto(Interp.Self, X, X.Size);
-- Create a block divisor using the value gotten above.
B := Make_Bigint(Interp.Self, Size => 2); B := Make_Bigint(Interp.Self, Size => 2);
B.Half_Word_Slot(1) := Get_Low(W); B.Half_Word_Slot(1) := Get_Low(W);
B.Half_Word_Slot(2) := Get_High(W); B.Half_Word_Slot(2) := Get_High(W);
-- Remember the sign to produce the sign symbol later
Sign := A.Sign; Sign := A.Sign;
A.Sign := Positive_Sign; A.Sign := Positive_Sign;
AS := A.Size;
Q := Make_Bigint(Interp.Self, Size => A.Size);
R := Make_Bigint(Interp.Self, Size => A.Size);
loop loop
if Is_Less_Unsigned(B, A) then -- Get a word block to convert
Divide_Unsigned (Interp, A, B, A, R); if Is_Less_Unsigned_Array (B.Half_Word_Slot, B.Size, A.Half_Word_Slot, AS) then
A := Copy_Upto(Interp.Self, A, Count_Effective_Slots(A)); -- partial normalization Divide_Unsigned_Array (A.Half_Word_Slot, AS, B.Half_Word_Slot, B.Size, Q.Half_Word_Slot, R.Half_Word_Slot);
A.Half_Word_Slot := Q.Half_Word_Slot;
AS := Count_Effective_Slots(A);
else else
R := A; R := A; -- The last block
end if; end if;
-- Translate up to 2 half-words to a full word.
if R.Size = 1 then if R.Size = 1 then
W := Object_Word(R.Half_Word_Slot(1)); W := Object_Word(R.Half_Word_Slot(1));
else else
W := Make_Word(R.Half_Word_Slot(1), R.Half_Word_Slot(2)); W := Make_Word(R.Half_Word_Slot(1), R.Half_Word_Slot(2));
end if; end if;
Seglen := 0; Convert_Word_To_Text (W, Radix, Buf(Totlen + 1 .. Buf'Last), Seglen);
loop Totlen := Totlen + Seglen;
V := W rem Object_Word(Radix);
Seglen := Seglen + 1;
QL := QL + 1;
if V in 0 .. 9 then
QQQ(QL) := Object_Character'Val(Object_Character'Pos(Ch.Zero) + V);
QQQ(QL) := Object_Character'Val(Object_Character'Pos(Ch.UC_A) + V - 10);
end if;
W := W / Object_Word(Radix);
exit when W = 0;
end loop;
exit when R = A; -- Reached the last block exit when R = A; -- Reached the last block
-- Fill with zeros if it's not the last block -- Fill unfilled leading digits with zeros if it's not the last block
for I in Seglen + 1 .. Radlen loop for I in Seglen + 1 .. Radlen loop
QL := QL + 1; Totlen := Totlen + 1;
QQQ(QL) := Object_Character'Val(Object_Character'Pos(Ch.Zero)); Buf(Totlen) := Object_Character'Val(Object_Character'Pos(Ch.Zero));
end loop; end loop;
end loop; end loop;
Pop_Tops (Interp, 4);
if Sign = Negative_Sign then if Sign = Negative_Sign then
Ada.Text_IO.Put ('-'); Totlen := Totlen + 1;
Buf(Totlen) := Ch.Minus_Sign;
end if; end if;
for I in reverse 1 .. QL loop
Ada.Text_IO.Put (Standard.Character'Val(Object_Character'Pos(QQQ(I))));
end loop;
Pop_Tops (Interp, 3); Z := Make_String(Interp.Self, Source => Buf(1 .. Totlen), Invert => Standard.True);
-- TODO: if Dynamic_Buf /= null then
--Z := Make_String_Object (...); Pool.Deallocate (Dynamic_Buf);
end if;
when others =>
if Dynamic_Buf /= null then
Pool.Deallocate (Dynamic_Buf);
end if;
end To_String; end To_String;
procedure From_String (Interp: in out Interpreter_Record; procedure From_String (Interp: in out Interpreter_Record;

View File

@ -1068,18 +1068,27 @@ end if;
end Allocate_Character_Object; end Allocate_Character_Object;
function Allocate_Character_Object (Interp: access Interpreter_Record; function Allocate_Character_Object (Interp: access Interpreter_Record;
Source: in Object_Character_Array) return Object_Pointer is Source: in Object_Character_Array;
Invert: in Standard.Boolean) return Object_Pointer is
Result: Object_Pointer; Result: Object_Pointer;
begin begin
if Source'Length > Character_Object_Size'Last then if Source'Length > Character_Object_Size'Last then
raise Size_Error; raise Size_Error;
end if; end if;
Result := Allocate_Character_Object (Interp, Character_Object_Size'(Source'Length)); Result := Allocate_Character_Object (Interp, Size => Character_Object_Size'(Source'Length));
if Invert then
for I in Source'Range loop
Result.Character_Slot(Result.Character_Slot'Last - (I - Source'First)) := Source(I);
end loop;
Result.Character_Slot := Source; Result.Character_Slot := Source;
end if;
return Result; return Result;
end Allocate_Character_Object; end Allocate_Character_Object;
function Allocate_Byte_Object (Interp: access Interpreter_Record; function Allocate_Byte_Object (Interp: access Interpreter_Record;
Size: in Byte_Object_Size) return Object_Pointer is Size: in Byte_Object_Size) return Object_Pointer is
@ -1294,14 +1303,16 @@ end if;
end Is_String; end Is_String;
function Make_String (Interp: access Interpreter_Record; function Make_String (Interp: access Interpreter_Record;
Source: in Object_Character_Array) return Object_Pointer is Source: in Object_Character_Array;
Invert: in Standard.Boolean := Standard.False) return Object_Pointer is
Result: Object_Pointer; Result: Object_Pointer;
begin begin
Result := Allocate_Character_Object(Interp, Source); Result := Allocate_Character_Object(Interp, Source, Invert);
Result.Tag := String_Object; Result.Tag := String_Object;
return Result; return Result;
end Make_String; end Make_String;
function Is_Symbol (Source: in Object_Pointer) return Standard.Boolean is function Is_Symbol (Source: in Object_Pointer) return Standard.Boolean is
pragma Inline (Is_Symbol); pragma Inline (Is_Symbol);
begin begin
@ -1310,7 +1321,8 @@ end if;
end Is_Symbol; end Is_Symbol;
function Make_Symbol (Interp: access Interpreter_Record; function Make_Symbol (Interp: access Interpreter_Record;
Source: in Object_Character_Array) return Object_Pointer is Source: in Object_Character_Array;
Invert: in Standard.Boolean := Standard.False) return Object_Pointer is
Ptr: aliased Object_Pointer; Ptr: aliased Object_Pointer;
begin begin
-- TODO: the current linked list implementation isn't efficient. -- TODO: the current linked list implementation isn't efficient.
@ -1337,7 +1349,7 @@ end if;
end loop; end loop;
-- Create a symbol object -- Create a symbol object
Ptr := Allocate_Character_Object(Interp, Source); Ptr := Allocate_Character_Object(Interp, Source, Invert);
Ptr.Tag := Symbol_Object; Ptr.Tag := Symbol_Object;
-- Make Ptr safe from GC -- Make Ptr safe from GC
@ -2664,18 +2676,18 @@ Push_Top (Interp, B'Unchecked_Access);
--for I in 1 .. 11 loop --for I in 1 .. 11 loop
--A := Bigint.Add(Interp.Self, A, B); --A := Bigint.Add(Interp.Self, A, B);
--end loop; --end loop;
A := Make_Bigint(Interp.Self, Value => 16#FFFF_00000001#); A := Make_Bigint(Interp.Self, Value => Object_Integer'Last - 16#FFFF#);
--B := Make_Bigint(Interp.Self, Value => 16#FFFF_0000000F#); --B := Make_Bigint(Interp.Self, Value => 16#FFFF_0000000F#);
B := Make_Bigint(Interp.Self, Value => 16#FFFFFF_00000001#); B := Make_Bigint(Interp.Self, Value => Object_Integer'Last);
B.sign := Negative_Sign; B.sign := Negative_Sign;
A := Make_Bigint(Interp.Self, Size => 4); A := Make_Bigint(Interp.Self, Size => 10);
A.Half_Word_Slot(4) := 16#11FFFFFF#; A.Half_Word_Slot(10) := Object_Half_Word'Last;
Bigint.Multiply(Interp, A, integer_to_pointer(2), A); Bigint.Multiply(Interp, A, integer_to_pointer(2), A);
Bigint.Add(Interp, A, A, A); Bigint.Add(Interp, A, A, A);
B := Make_Bigint(Interp.Self, Size => 4); B := Make_Bigint(Interp.Self, Size => 4);
B.Half_Word_Slot(4) := 16#22FFFFFF#; B.Half_Word_Slot(4) := Object_Half_Word'Last / 2;
Bigint.Subtract(Interp, B, integer_to_pointer(1), B); Bigint.Subtract(Interp, B, integer_to_pointer(1), B);
--A := Bigint.Divide(Interp, A, integer_to_pointer(0)); --A := Bigint.Divide(Interp, A, integer_to_pointer(0));
@ -2691,6 +2703,8 @@ ada.text_io.put ("Q => "); print (interp, Q);
ada.text_io.put ("R => "); print (interp, R); ada.text_io.put ("R => "); print (interp, R);
bigint.to_string (interp, r, 16,r); bigint.to_string (interp, r, 16,r);
--bigint.to_string (interp, integer_to_pointer(-2), 10, r);
print (interp, r);
--bigint.to_string (interp, r, 10, r); --bigint.to_string (interp, r, 10, r);
end; end;

View File

@ -473,12 +473,13 @@ package H2.Scheme is
procedure Pop_Tops (Interp: in out Interpreter_Record; procedure Pop_Tops (Interp: in out Interpreter_Record;
Count: in Object_Size); Count: in Object_Size);
function Make_String (Interp: access Interpreter_Record; function Make_String (Interp: access Interpreter_Record;
Source: in Object_Character_Array) return Object_Pointer; Source: in Object_Character_Array;
Invert: in Standard.Boolean := Standard.False) return Object_Pointer;
function Make_Symbol (Interp: access Interpreter_Record; function Make_Symbol (Interp: access Interpreter_Record;
Source: in Object_Character_Array) return Object_Pointer; Source: in Object_Character_Array;
Invert: in Standard.Boolean := Standard.False) return Object_Pointer;
function Make_Bigint (Interp: access Interpreter_Record; function Make_Bigint (Interp: access Interpreter_Record;
Size: in Half_Word_Object_Size) return Object_Pointer; Size: in Half_Word_Object_Size) return Object_Pointer;
@ -596,6 +597,8 @@ private
package Bigint is package Bigint is
subtype Object_Radix is Object_Word range 2 .. 36;
function Get_Low (W: Object_Word) return Object_Half_Word; function Get_Low (W: Object_Word) return Object_Half_Word;
function Get_High (W: Object_Word) return Object_Half_Word; function Get_High (W: Object_Word) return Object_Half_Word;
function Make_Word (L: Object_Half_Word; function Make_Word (L: Object_Half_Word;
@ -628,7 +631,7 @@ private
procedure To_String (Interp: in out Interpreter_Record; procedure To_String (Interp: in out Interpreter_Record;
X: in Object_Pointer; X: in Object_Pointer;
Radix: in Object_Half_Word; Radix: in Object_Radix;
Z: out Object_Pointer); Z: out Object_Pointer);
end Bigint; end Bigint;