updated the main hcl main loop to start implementing the feed-based reader

This commit is contained in:
hyung-hwan 2022-07-18 10:28:36 +00:00
parent 60c9fe8ac9
commit 173e2e1a06

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@ -678,6 +678,221 @@ static void print_synerr (hcl_t* hcl)
hcl_logbfmt (hcl, HCL_LOG_STDERR, "\n");
static int main_loop (hcl_t* hcl, xtn_t* xtn, int cflags, int verbose)
while (1)
hcl_cnode_t* obj;
int n;
static int count = 0;
if (count %5 == 0) hcl_reset (hcl);
obj = hcl_read(hcl);
if (!obj)
if (hcl->errnum == HCL_EFINIS)
/* end of input */
else if (hcl->errnum == HCL_ESYNERR)
print_synerr (hcl);
if (xtn->reader_istty && hcl_getsynerrnum(hcl) != HCL_SYNERR_EOF)
/* TODO: drain remaining data in the reader including the actual inputstream and buffered data in hcl */
hcl_logbfmt (hcl, HCL_LOG_STDERR, "ERROR: cannot read object - [%d] %js\n", hcl_geterrnum(hcl), hcl_geterrmsg(hcl));
goto oops;
if (verbose) hcl_prbfmt (hcl, "\n"); /* flush the output buffer by hcl_print above */
n = hcl_compile(hcl, obj, cflags);
hcl_freecnode (hcl, obj); /* not needed any more */
if (n <= -1)
if (hcl->errnum == HCL_ESYNERR)
print_synerr (hcl);
hcl_logbfmt (hcl, HCL_LOG_STDERR, "ERROR: cannot compile object - [%d] %js\n", hcl_geterrnum(hcl), hcl_geterrmsg(hcl));
/* carry on? */
if (!xtn->reader_istty) goto oops;
else if (xtn->reader_istty)
/* interactive mode */
hcl_oop_t retv;
hcl_decode (hcl, 0, hcl_getbclen(hcl));
HCL_LOG0 (hcl, HCL_LOG_MNEMONIC, "------------------------------------------\n");
g_hcl = hcl;
/*setup_tick ();*/
retv = hcl_execute(hcl);
/* flush pending output data in the interactive mode(e.g. printf without a newline) */
hcl_flushio (hcl);
if (!retv)
hcl_logbfmt (hcl, HCL_LOG_STDERR, "ERROR: cannot execute - [%d] %js\n", hcl_geterrnum(hcl), hcl_geterrmsg(hcl));
/* print the result in the interactive mode regardless 'verbose' */
hcl_logbfmt (hcl, HCL_LOG_STDOUT, "%O\n", retv); /* TODO: show this go to the output handler?? */
* print the value of ERRSTR.
hcl_oop_cons_t cons = hcl_getatsysdic(hcl, xtn->sym_errstr);
if (cons)
HCL_ASSERT (hcl, HCL_IS_CONS(hcl, cons));
HCL_ASSERT (hcl, HCL_CONS_CAR(cons) == xtn->sym_errstr);
hcl_print (hcl, HCL_CONS_CDR(cons));
g_hcl = HCL_NULL;
if (!xtn->reader_istty && hcl_getbclen(hcl) > 0)
hcl_oop_t retv;
hcl_decode (hcl, 0, hcl_getbclen(hcl));
HCL_LOG2 (hcl, HCL_LOG_MNEMONIC, "BYTECODES bclen = > %zu lflen => %zu\n", hcl_getbclen(hcl), hcl_getlflen(hcl));
g_hcl = hcl;
/*setup_tick ();*/
retv = hcl_execute(hcl);
if (!retv)
hcl_logbfmt (hcl, HCL_LOG_STDERR, "ERROR: cannot execute - [%d] %js\n", hcl_geterrnum(hcl), hcl_geterrmsg(hcl));
else if (verbose)
hcl_logbfmt (hcl, HCL_LOG_STDERR, "EXECUTION OK - EXITED WITH %O\n", retv);
g_hcl = HCL_NULL;
/*hcl_dumpsymtab (hcl);*/
return 0;
return -1;
static int feed_loop (hcl_t* hcl, xtn_t* xtn, int cflags, int verbose)
#define FEED_READ_BUF_SIZE (10) /* TOOD: change the buffer size */
hcl_bch_t buf[FEED_READ_BUF_SIZE];
hcl_oow_t len = 0;
#if defined(__DOS__) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__OS2__)
fp = fopen(xtn->read_path, "rb");
fp = fopen(xtn->read_path, "r");
if (!fp)
hcl_logbfmt (hcl, HCL_LOG_STDERR, "ERROR: unable to open %hs\n", xtn->read_path);
return -1;
while (1)
hcl_oow_t n;
n = fread(&buf[len], 1, HCL_COUNTOF(buf) - len, fp);
if (n > 0)
int x;
#if defined(HCL_OOCH_IS_UCH)
hcl_ooch_t oobuf[FEED_READ_BUF_SIZE]; /* the wide character strings can't be longer than the byte strings */
hcl_oow_t iilen = len + n;
hcl_oow_t oolen = HCL_COUNTOF(oobuf);
if ((x = hcl_convbtooochars(hcl, buf, &iilen, oobuf, &oolen)) <= -1)
if (x != -3) /* incomplete sequence */
hcl_logbfmt (hcl, HCL_LOG_STDERR, "ERROR: inconvertable data on %hs - %js\n", xtn->read_path, hcl_geterrmsg(hcl));
goto oops;
len = len + n - iilen; /* residue length after conversion */
if (len > 0) memmove (buf, &buf[iilen], len);
hcl_logbfmt (hcl, HCL_LOG_STDERR, "FEEDIONG [%.*js] iilen = %d, oolen => %d, remlen =%d\n", oolen, oobuf, (int)iilen, (int)oolen, (int)len);
x = hcl_feed(hcl, oobuf, oolen);
x = hcl_feed(hcl, buf, n);
/* 'len' must remain 0 all the time */
/* the compiler must be invoked whenever feed() sees a complete object */
if (x <= -1)
if (hcl->errnum == HCL_ESYNERR) print_synerr (hcl);
else hcl_logbfmt (hcl, HCL_LOG_STDERR, "ERROR: cannot feed - [%d] %js\n", hcl_geterrnum(hcl), hcl_geterrmsg(hcl));
goto oops; /* TODO: proceed or just exit? */
if (feof(fp))
if (len > 0)
/* eof detected, but the input is not complete. there must be some trailing garbage */
hcl_logbfmt (hcl, HCL_LOG_STDERR, "ERROR: garbage data on %hs\n", xtn->read_path);
goto oops;
if (ferror(fp))
hcl_logbfmt (hcl, HCL_LOG_STDERR, "ERROR: unable to read %hs - %hs\n", xtn->read_path, strerror(errno));
goto oops;
hcl_endfeed (hcl);
fclose (fp);
/* TODO: execute code? */
if (hcl_getbclen(hcl) > 0)
return 0;
hcl_endfeed (hcl);
if (fp) fclose (fp);
return -1;
#define DEFAULT_HEAPSIZE 512000ul
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
@ -699,7 +914,7 @@ int main (int argc, char* argv[])
static hcl_bopt_t opt =
@ -707,6 +922,7 @@ int main (int argc, char* argv[])
hcl_oow_t heapsize = DEFAULT_HEAPSIZE;
int cflags;
int verbose = 0;
int experimental = 0;
#if defined(HCL_BUILD_DEBUG)
const char* dbgopt = HCL_NULL;
@ -730,6 +946,10 @@ int main (int argc, char* argv[])
logopt = opt.arg;
case 'x':
experimental = 1;
case 'v':
verbose = 1;
@ -866,139 +1086,18 @@ int main (int argc, char* argv[])
hcl_setoption (hcl, HCL_TRAIT, &trait);
cflags = 0;
if (xtn->reader_istty) cflags = HCL_COMPILE_CLEAR_CODE | HCL_COMPILE_CLEAR_FNBLK;
#if 0
hcl_oow_t slen;
hcl_ooch_t* scr = hcl_dupbtooocstr(hcl, "(:::::..##..|,:{{}}..\n....)(#(#[", &slen);
if (hcl_feed (hcl, scr, slen) <= -1)
if (hcl->errnum == HCL_ESYNERR) print_synerr (hcl);
else hcl_logbfmt (hcl, HCL_LOG_STDERR, "ERROR: cannot feed - [%d] %js\n", hcl_geterrnum(hcl), hcl_geterrmsg(hcl));
hcl_endfeed (hcl);
hcl_close (hcl);
return 0;
while (1)
if (experimental)
hcl_cnode_t* obj;
int n;
static int count = 0;
if (count %5 == 0) hcl_reset (hcl);
obj = hcl_read(hcl);
if (!obj)
if (hcl->errnum == HCL_EFINIS)
/* end of input */
else if (hcl->errnum == HCL_ESYNERR)
print_synerr (hcl);
if (xtn->reader_istty && hcl_getsynerrnum(hcl) != HCL_SYNERR_EOF)
/* TODO: drain remaining data in the reader including the actual inputstream and buffered data in hcl */
/* this is to test the 'feed'-based reader */
if (feed_loop(hcl, xtn, cflags, verbose) <= -1) goto oops;
hcl_logbfmt (hcl, HCL_LOG_STDERR, "ERROR: cannot read object - [%d] %js\n", hcl_geterrnum(hcl), hcl_geterrmsg(hcl));
goto oops;
if (verbose) hcl_prbfmt (hcl, "\n"); /* flush the output buffer by hcl_print above */
n = hcl_compile(hcl, obj, cflags);
hcl_freecnode (hcl, obj); /* not needed any more */
if (n <= -1)
if (hcl->errnum == HCL_ESYNERR)
print_synerr (hcl);
hcl_logbfmt (hcl, HCL_LOG_STDERR, "ERROR: cannot compile object - [%d] %js\n", hcl_geterrnum(hcl), hcl_geterrmsg(hcl));
/* carry on? */
if (!xtn->reader_istty) goto oops;
else if (xtn->reader_istty)
/* interactive mode */
hcl_oop_t retv;
hcl_decode (hcl, 0, hcl_getbclen(hcl));
HCL_LOG0 (hcl, HCL_LOG_MNEMONIC, "------------------------------------------\n");
g_hcl = hcl;
/*setup_tick ();*/
retv = hcl_execute(hcl);
/* flush pending output data in the interactive mode(e.g. printf without a newline) */
hcl_flushio (hcl);
if (!retv)
hcl_logbfmt (hcl, HCL_LOG_STDERR, "ERROR: cannot execute - [%d] %js\n", hcl_geterrnum(hcl), hcl_geterrmsg(hcl));
/* print the result in the interactive mode regardless 'verbose' */
hcl_logbfmt (hcl, HCL_LOG_STDOUT, "%O\n", retv); /* TODO: show this go to the output handler?? */
* print the value of ERRSTR.
hcl_oop_cons_t cons = hcl_getatsysdic(hcl, xtn->sym_errstr);
if (cons)
HCL_ASSERT (hcl, HCL_IS_CONS(hcl, cons));
HCL_ASSERT (hcl, HCL_CONS_CAR(cons) == xtn->sym_errstr);
hcl_print (hcl, HCL_CONS_CDR(cons));
g_hcl = HCL_NULL;
if (!xtn->reader_istty && hcl_getbclen(hcl) > 0)
hcl_oop_t retv;
hcl_decode (hcl, 0, hcl_getbclen(hcl));
HCL_LOG2 (hcl, HCL_LOG_MNEMONIC, "BYTECODES bclen = > %zu lflen => %zu\n", hcl_getbclen(hcl), hcl_getlflen(hcl));
g_hcl = hcl;
/*setup_tick ();*/
retv = hcl_execute(hcl);
if (!retv)
hcl_logbfmt (hcl, HCL_LOG_STDERR, "ERROR: cannot execute - [%d] %js\n", hcl_geterrnum(hcl), hcl_geterrmsg(hcl));
else if (verbose)
hcl_logbfmt (hcl, HCL_LOG_STDERR, "EXECUTION OK - EXITED WITH %O\n", retv);
g_hcl = HCL_NULL;
/*hcl_dumpsymtab (hcl);*/
if (main_loop(hcl, xtn, cflags, verbose) <= -1) goto oops;
set_signal_to_default (SIGINT);