32 lines
668 B
32 lines
668 B
## there are 8 local temporaries variables in the top-level context
## the 8 temporaries defined inside the block expression are parked
## at the top-level context. 'a' assigned before the block expression
## is a global variable.
a := 1234
| a b c d |
| e f g h |
a := 10
b := 20
c := 30
d := 40
e := 50
f := 60
g := 70
h := 80
if (/= a 10) { print "ERROR: a inside the block expression is not 10\n" } \
else { printf "OK: %d\n" a };
a := (a + 1)
c := (sprintf "%d" a)
if (/= a 1235) { printf "ERROR: a is not 1235\n" } \
else { printf "OK: %d\n" a };
if (nql? c "1235") { printf "ERROR: c is not \"1235\"\n" } \
else { printf "OK: %s\n" c };