b72110af74integrated some test files to automakehyung-hwan2020-04-14 14:02:04 +00:00
ef9db73f19fixed a bug in handling a reference value in hawk::call()hyung-hwan2020-04-14 11:45:52 +00:00
c7961f84d2some sample code to mod-mysql.c added a test script file t/h-001.hawk. there is still a reference handling bug regarding hawk::call()hyung-hwan2020-04-14 07:40:30 +00:00
11fe4e17adfixed a bug where a reference value was passed to a user-defined function. a reference value should have been evaluated to a non-reference value before given to a user-defined function. it's a new bug introduced over a few previous commits done to support hawk::call()hyung-hwan2020-04-14 06:47:46 +00:00
f827a94d64work in progress - debugging reference evaluation issueshyung-hwan2020-04-14 06:02:55 +00:00
a8afcca04esimplified hawk::call(). fixed a bug in copying a value for a reference upon returning from a function in hawk_rtx_evalcall(). it was unable to handle the case where a reference variable is not updated in the called functionhyung-hwan2020-04-13 08:41:16 +00:00
6664621a45fixed an initialization bug in mod-math.chyung-hwan2020-04-12 19:05:15 +00:00
e4de922f7dtouched up stack management code added hawk::call()hyung-hwan2020-04-12 18:23:44 +00:00
9eb3c4fc42enhanced a function caller to take a string and find a function to execute ithyung-hwan2020-04-09 12:56:47 +00:00
9328a49cb1added hawk_rtx_valtofun() and changed the asort implementation to use ithyung-hwan2020-04-08 17:07:19 +00:00
d9ffad1227renamed hawk_rtx_cleario() to hawk_rtx_clearallios(). added hawk_rtx_flushallios(). revised hawk_rtx_loop() and hawk_rtx_callfun() to call hawk_rtx_flushallios() instead of hawk_rtx_clearallios(). changed the io handler to discard unflushed data if flushing fails in std.chyung-hwan2020-04-08 10:23:31 +00:00
a23eeee168added true multidimensional map support for the for-in statement and the binary in operatorhyung-hwan2020-04-07 16:16:48 +00:00
ca1877d412call-by-reference handling with a true multidimensional maphyung-hwan2020-04-04 17:40:56 +00:00
6cd9cafd33added hawk-map.h which uses either htb or rbt depending on HAWK_MAP_IS_HTB or HAWK_MAP_IS_RBT the hawk's map value is now dependent on the above change. at compile time, you can choose HTB or RBT. fixed a bug of not resetting FNR in the standard console read handlershyung-hwan2020-03-15 17:39:15 +00:00
4121ef9b3fenhanced hawk_unescape_bcstr() to convert \uXXXX and \UXXXXXXXX to utf8 sequenceshyung-hwan2020-03-14 06:09:59 +00:00
c2162bd12benhanced hawk_rtx_match() to handle mbs fixed bugs in hawk_rtx_getrefval() and hawk_rtx_getrefvaltype() for HAWK_VAL_REF_POShyung-hwan2020-03-10 15:17:21 +00:00
bae06804efadded hawk_rtx_matchvalwithucs() and hawk_rtx_matchvalwithbcs() renamed hawk_rtx_matchval() to hawk_rtx_matchvalwithoocs() updated code concerning the call to hawk_rtx_setrefval()hyung-hwan2020-03-10 08:36:31 +00:00
f0d588414eadded %u to printf changed %c with an empty string to '\0' in printf fixed the execution behavior of double patterned action block(e.g. /a/,/b/) fixed a bug in NF=value assignment handling fixed a bug when assigning NF with a large number than the current number of records fixed a bug in converting multidimensional array index to a stringhyung-hwan2020-03-08 15:04:47 +00:00
ea20bde917updated open handling in standard console and file handlershyung-hwan2020-03-05 15:11:55 +00:00
75cb22aaecrenamed hawk_setgblbyname() to hawk_setgbltostrbyname()hyung-hwan2020-03-05 09:04:14 +00:00
b7d29ffc86added hawk_isvalidident() & hawk_setgblbyname(). fixed the standard console input handler to process special arguments of the var=val formathyung-hwan2020-03-05 06:33:58 +00:00
e8e5aa7935fixed a bug handling -v in bin/main.chyung-hwan2020-03-04 13:59:03 +00:00
7980e12999changed the unary bitwise negation operator to a single tilde which overlaps with the regex match operatorhyung-hwan2020-03-04 09:54:38 +00:00
916da0fd59fixed wrong error handling in bin/mani.chyung-hwan2020-03-04 09:25:17 +00:00
2ce27360d5set the initial value of FS to a single space letterhyung-hwan2020-03-04 06:34:23 +00:00