318 lines
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318 lines
15 KiB
; default site language
default_site_language = "english"
; default site name
default_site_name = "@PACKAGE@"
; database settings
; database_driver: mysql, mysqli, postgre, oci8
; == MySQL ==
; database_hostname = "localhost"
; database_port = ""
; database_username = "codepot"
; database_password = "codepot"
; database_name = "codepot"
; database_driver = "mysql"
; database_prefix = ""
; == PostgresSQL ==
; database_hostname = ""
; database_port = ""
; database_username = "codepot"
; database_password = "codepot"
; database_name = "codepot"
; database_driver = "postgre"
; database_prefix = ""
; == Oracle
; database_hostname = "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(COMMUNITY=tcp.world)(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST="
; database_port = ""
; database_username = "scott"
; database_password = "tiger"
; database_name = ""
; database_driver = "oci8"
; database_prefix = "cpot_"
database_hostname = "localhost"
database_port = ""
database_username = ""
database_password = ""
database_name = ""
database_driver = ""
database_prefix = ""
; ldap settings
; The userid format and the password format can contain
; ${userid} and ${password} to represent the actual user ID
; and the password respectively.
; If ldap_auth_mode is 1, authentication is performed by binding to
; a LDAP server specified using ldap_userid_format as a binddn and
; ldap_password_format as a password.
; If ldap_auth_mode is 2, it finds a binddn by searching a subtree
; under ldap_userid_search_base using ldap_userid_search_filter
; after having bound with ldap_admin_binddn and ldap_admin_password.
; The binddn found is used for subsequent binding for authentication.
; ldap_userid_format is unused in this mode.
ldap_server_uri = "ldap://"
ldap_server_protocol_version = "3"
ldap_auth_mode = 2
ldap_userid_format = "cn=${userid},ou=users,dc=codepot,dc=org"
ldap_password_format = "${password}"
ldap_admin_binddn = "cn=admin,dc=codepot,dc=org"
ldap_admin_password = "admin-password"
ldap_userid_search_filter = "(uid=${userid})"
ldap_userid_search_base = "ou=users,dc=codepot,dc=org"
ldap_mail_attribute_name = ""
; default langage to use. set it to 'auto' to detect it automatically.
; available languages are:
; english, korean, indonesian
language = "auto"
; Name of the index page. If you want to hide the index page name from
; the URL by rewriting it (e.g. mod_rewrite), you have to change this
; properly to match the rewriting rule
index_page = "index.php"
; When set to yes, viewing pages require a user to sign in.
singin_compulsory = "no"
; When set to yes, non-http access is diverted to https using
; the base URL specified in https_base_url. api calls are not affected.
; change api_base_url to force https api calls instead.
https_compulsory = "no"
https_url = "https://${SERVER_NAME}${REQUEST_URI}"
; API base URL (Deprecated as of v0.1.2. Not useful anymore)
api_base_url = ""
; Command-separated list of subversion base URLs
; This URL depends on the webdav configuration for subversion repository.
; If you have your repository enabled with SSL under /svn, you can set this to
; https://${SERVER_NAME}/svn.
; You may specify multiple URLs separated with a comma as shown below:
; "http://${SERVER_NAME}/svn, https://${SERVER_NAME}/svn"
; All specified URLs are shown in the repository list of the project overview
; page.
; You may use various items available in $_SERVER when composing the URL.
; For example, ${HTTP_HOST} maps to $_SERVER{'HTTP_HOST'}.
; Additionally, $_SERVER{'REQUEST_PROTOCOL'} added by config/config.php
; can be referenced with ${REQUEST_PROTOCOL} and it is resolved to either
; http or https.
;svn_base_url = "${REQUEST_PROTOCOL}://${SERVER_NAME}:${SERVER_PORT}/svn"
svn_base_url = "${REQUEST_PROTOCOL}://${HTTP_HOST}/svn"
; Login model to use. LdapLoginModel or DbLoginModel.
;login_model = "LdapLoginModel"
login_model = "DbLoginModel"
; Comma separated list of system administrator IDs
; sysadmin_userids = "tom, dick, jane"
sysadmin_userids = ""
; Maximum file upload size in Kbytes. You may have to adjust PHP settings
; for a large value to work.
max_upload_size = "10000"
; Maximum number of latest projects to show in the front page
max_latest_projects = "10"
; Maximum number of projects to show
max_projects_per_page = "100"
; Maximum number of issues to show
max_issues_per_page = "50"
; Maximum number of log entries to show per details page
max_logs_per_page = "50"
; Maximum number of log entries to show in the front page
max_logs_in_site_home = "20"
; Maximum number of log entries to show in the project home page
max_logs_in_project_home = "10"
; directory to accomodate subversion repositories
svnrepo_dir = "@DEPOTDIR@/svnrepo"
; directory to store uploaded files
file_dir = "@DEPOTDIR@/files"
; directory to store issue attachments
issue_file_dir = "@DEPOTDIR@/issuefiles"
; directory to store wiki attachments
attachment_dir = "@DEPOTDIR@/attachments"
; directory to store user icons
usericon_dir = "@DEPOTDIR@/usericons"
; log threshold
; 0 = Disables logging, Error logging TURNED OFF
; 1 = Error Messages (including PHP errors)
; 2 = Debug Messages
; 3 = Informational Messages
; 4 = All Messages
log_threshold = 0
; When yes, a project member can delete a non-empty project containing
; wiki pages, file uploads, etc. An empty project can be deleted any time
; regardless of this option. A system administrator(sysadmin_userids) is
; allowed to delete a non-empty project also regardless of this option.
force_project_delete = "no"
; When yes, a codepot page can use set_time_limit() to adjust the maximum
; execution time to override the global value. For example, the code search
; page can take very long if the code repository is very large. You can
; set this item to yes to allow such a page to complete its processing.
allow_set_time_limit = "no"
; When yes, a user must sign in to be able to search code.
; When no, an anonymous user can search code.
signin_for_code_search = "yes"
; customized footer
; Leave this empty for the default footer message. You can use a HTML tag as
; well as a plain text. For example,
; footer = "<u>Code Repository</u>"
footer = ""
; CLOC command
; Full path to the CLOC command
cloc_command_path = "@CFGDIR@/cloc.pl"
; List of README files to show in the code folder view.
; The first file found is shown. You can specify multiple file name
; separated by a comma.
code_folder_readme = "README.wiki,README.txt,README"
; Email address to use when sending notification emails
email_sender = ""
; Send notification upon a new commit if yes
commit_notification = "yes"
; Send commit review notification if yes
commit_review_notification = "yes"
; URL to include when sending a commit notification message.
; You can specify multiple urls. in fact, it's a free text.
; Replacement is performed for ${REV}, ${AUTHOR}, ${PROJECTID}.
commit_notification_url = ""
; Codepot sets this revision property to assign a tag to a specific revision.
svn_tag_property = "codepot:tag"
; Subversion read access is limited to the specified user type. The types
; include anonymous, authenticated, member. This applies to a public project
; only. Write access to any projects and read access to a non-public project
; require membership regardless of this item.
svn_read_access = "member"
; The length of a commit message must be as long as this value.
svn_min_commit_message_length = "0"
; Operations on the files under one of svn_restricted_topdirs
; are limited. The value can be separated by a comma.
; To allow 1 subdirectory under the tags directory, set the followings:
; svn_restricted_topdirs = "tags"
; svn_restriction_allowed_subdir_depth_min = "0"
; svn_restriction_allowed_subdir_depth_max = "1"
svn_restricted_topdirs = ""
svn_restriction_allowed_subdir_depth_min = "0"
svn_restriction_allowed_subdir_depth_max = "0"
; Command separated list of user names who can execute /usr/sbin/codepot-user.
; Set it to an empty string to allow all users.
codepot_user_executor = "root"