231 lines
5.1 KiB
231 lines
5.1 KiB
use strict;
use Config::Simple;
use DBI;
use File::Basename;
#use SVN::Core;
#use SVN::Repos;
#use SVN::Fs;
my $CFG_FILE = '@CFGDIR@/codepot.ini';
my $REPOFS = $ARGV[0];
my $REPOBASE = basename($REPOFS);
my $USER = $ARGV[2];
my $PROPNAME = $ARGV[3];
my $ACTION = $ARGV[4];
my $QC = '';
sub get_config
my $cfg = new Config::Simple();
if (!$cfg->read ($CFG_FILE))
return undef;
my $config = {
database_hostname => $cfg->param ("database_hostname"),
database_port => $cfg->param ("database_port"),
database_username => $cfg->param ("database_username"),
database_password => $cfg->param ("database_password"),
database_name => $cfg->param ("database_name"),
database_driver => $cfg->param ("database_driver"),
database_prefix => $cfg->param ("database_prefix"),
svn_min_commit_message_length => $cfg->param ('svn_min_commit_message_length')
return $config;
sub open_database
my ($cfg) = @_;
my $dbtype = $cfg->{database_driver};
my $dbname = $cfg->{database_name};
my $dbhost = $cfg->{database_hostname};
my $dbport = $cfg->{database_port};
if ($dbtype eq 'postgre') { $dbtype = 'Pg'; }
elsif ($dbtype eq 'oci8') { $dbtype = 'Oracle'; }
elsif ($dbtype eq 'mysqli') { $dbtype = 'mysql'; }
my $dbstr;
my $dbuser;
my $dbpass;
if ($dbtype eq 'Oracle')
$QC = '"';
$dbstr = "DBI:$dbtype:";
$dbuser = $cfg->{database_username} . '/' . $cfg->{database_password} . '@' . $dbhost;
$dbpass = '';
$dbstr = "DBI:$dbtype:database=$dbname;";
if (length($dbhost) > 0) { $dbstr .= "host=$dbhost;"; }
if (length($dbport) > 0) { $dbstr .= "port=$dbport;"; }
$dbuser = $cfg->{database_username};
$dbpass = $cfg->{database_password};
my $dbh = DBI->connect(
$dbstr, $dbuser, $dbpass,
{ RaiseError => 0, PrintError => 0, AutoCommit => 0 }
return $dbh;
sub close_database
my ($dbh) = @_;
$dbh->disconnect ();
sub is_project_member
my ($dbh, $prefix, $projectid, $userid) = @_;
my $query = $dbh->prepare ("SELECT ${QC}projectid${QC} FROM ${QC}${prefix}project_membership${QC} WHERE ${QC}userid${QC}=? AND ${QC}projectid${QC}=?");
if (!$query || !$query->execute ($userid, $projectid))
return (-1, $dbh->errstr());
my @row = $query->fetchrow_array;
$query->finish ();
return (((scalar(@row) > 0)? 1: 0), undef);
#sub check_commit_message
# my ($minlen, $newmsg) = @_;
# my $pool = SVN::Pool->new(undef);
# my $svn = eval { SVN::Repos::open ($REPOFS, $pool) };
# if (!defined($svn))
# {
# print (STDERR "Cannot open svn - $REPOFS\n");
# return -1; # error
# }
# my $fs = $svn->fs ();
# if (!defined($fs))
# {
# print (STDERR "Cannot open fs - $REPOFS\n");
# return -1; # error
# }
# my $log = $fs->revision_prop ($REVISION, 'svn:log');
# $log =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # trim leading spaces and trailing spaces
# if (length($log) < $minlen)
# {
# print (STDERR "[$log] Commit message too short. must be >= $minlen\n");
# return 0;
# }
# return 1;
my $newauthor = undef;
my $cfg = get_config ();
if (!defined($cfg))
print (STDERR "Cannot load codepot configuration file\n");
exit (1);
if ($ACTION eq 'D')
if ($PROPNAME eq 'svn:log' || $PROPNAME eq 'svn:author' || $PROPNAME eq 'svn:date')
print (STDERR "Not allowed to delete $PROPNAME\n");
exit (1);
elsif ($ACTION eq 'M' || $ACTION eq 'A')
if ($PROPNAME eq 'svn:author')
$newauthor = do { local $/; <STDIN> }; # read <STDIN> as a whole
$newauthor =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # trim leading spaces and trailing spaces
if ($newauthor eq '')
print (STDERR "Not allowed to empty the author\n");
exit (1);
elsif ($PROPNAME eq 'svn:log')
my $minlen = $cfg->{svn_min_commit_message_length};
my $newmsg = do { local $/; <STDIN> }; # read <STDIN> as a whole
$newmsg =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # trim leading spaces and trailing spaces
if (length($newmsg) < $minlen)
print (STDERR "Commit message too short. must be >= $minlen\n");
exit (1);
my $dbh = open_database ($cfg);
if (!defined($dbh))
printf (STDERR "Cannot open database - %s\n", $DBI::errstr);
exit (1);
my ($member, $errstr) = is_project_member ($dbh, $cfg->{database_prefix}, $REPOBASE, $USER);
if ($member <= -1)
close_database ($dbh);
print (STDERR "Cannot check membership of [$USER] in the $REPOBASE project - $errstr\n");
exit (1);
elsif ($member == 0)
close_database ($dbh);
print (STDERR "[$USER] doesn't belong to the $REPOBASE project\n");
exit (1);
if (defined($newauthor))
# the new author to set must be a member of the project.
my ($member, $errstr) = is_project_member ($dbh, $cfg->{database_prefix}, $REPOBASE, $newauthor);
if ($member <= -1)
close_database ($dbh);
print (STDERR "Cannot check membership of [$newauthor] in the $REPOBASE project - $errstr\n");
exit (1);
elsif ($member == 0)
close_database ($dbh);
print (STDERR "[$newauthor] doesn't belong to the $REPOBASE project\n");
exit (1);
close_database ($dbh);
exit (0);