# This file is not desinged to be used in conjuntion with other AAA providers.
# This file requires to be used alone as shown below for apache httpd2.
# You may change AuthName or SVNParentPath.
# DAV svn
# SVNParentPath "/var/lib/codepot/svnrepo"
# PerlAccessHandler Codepot::AccessHandler
# PerlAuthenHandler Codepot::AuthenHandler
# PerlSetEnv CODEPOT_CONFIG_FILE /etc/codepot/codepot.ini
# AuthType Basic
# AuthName "codepot"
# require valid-user
# If you do not move the handler files to the default library directory,
# a switch to indicate the location of the files are needed when loading
# the mod_perl module. Somewhere in your httpd configuration, specify
# the -Mlib switch.
# LoadModule perl_module modules/mod_perl.so
# PerlSwitches -Mlib=/etc/codepot/perl
package Codepot::AccessHandler;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Apache2::Access ();
use Apache2::RequestUtil ();
use Apache2::RequestRec ();
use Apache2::Log;
use APR::Table;
use APR::Base64;
use Config::Simple;
use Net::LDAP;
use URI;
use DBI;
use Digest::SHA1 qw (sha1_hex);
sub get_config
my $cfg = new Config::Simple();
if (!$cfg->read ($ENV{'CODEPOT_CONFIG_FILE'}))
return undef;
my $config = {
login_model => $cfg->param ('login_model'),
ldap_server_uri => $cfg->param('ldap_server_uri'),
ldap_server_protocol_version => $cfg->param('ldap_server_protocol_version'),
ldap_auth_mode => $cfg->param('ldap_auth_mode'),
ldap_userid_format => $cfg->param('ldap_userid_format'),
ldap_password_format => $cfg->param('ldap_password_format'),
ldap_admin_binddn => $cfg->param('ldap_admin_binddn'),
ldap_admin_password => $cfg->param('ldap_admin_password'),
ldap_userid_search_base => $cfg->param('ldap_userid_search_base'),
ldap_userid_search_filter => $cfg->param('ldap_userid_search_filter'),
ldap_insider_attribute_names => $cfg->param('ldap_insider_attribute_names'),
ldap_insider_attribute_value => $cfg->param('ldap_insider_attribute_value'),
database_hostname => $cfg->param('database_hostname'),
database_port => $cfg->param("database_port"),
database_username => $cfg->param('database_username'),
database_password => $cfg->param('database_password'),
database_name => $cfg->param('database_name'),
database_driver => $cfg->param('database_driver'),
database_prefix => $cfg->param('database_prefix'),
svn_read_access => $cfg->param('svn_read_access'),
svn_read_credential => $cfg->param('svn_read_credential')
return $config;
sub format_string
my ($fmt, $userid, $password) = @_;
my $out = $fmt;
$out =~ s/\$\{userid\}/$userid/g;
$out =~ s/\$\{password\}/$password/g;
return $out;
sub authenticate_ldap
my ($r, $cfg, $userid, $password) = @_;
my $binddn;
my $passwd;
my $uri = URI->new ($cfg->{ldap_server_uri});
my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new (
scheme => $uri->scheme,
port => $uri->port,
version => $cfg->{ldap_server_protocol_version}
if (!defined($ldap))
$r->log_error ('Cannot create LDAP');
return -1;
if ($cfg->{ldap_auth_mode} == 2)
my $f_rootdn = format_string ($cfg->{ldap_admin_binddn}, $userid, $password);
my $f_rootpw = format_string ($cfg->{ldap_admin_password}, $userid, $password);
my $f_basedn = format_string ($cfg->{ldap_userid_search_base}, $userid, $password);
my $f_filter = format_string ($cfg->{ldap_userid_search_filter}, $userid, $password);
my $res = $ldap->bind ($f_rootdn, password => $f_rootpw);
if ($res->code != LDAP_SUCCESS)
$r->log_error ("Cannot bind LDAP as $f_rootdn - " . $res->error());
return -1;
$res = $ldap->search (base => $f_basedn, scope => 'sub', filter => $f_filter);
if ($res->code != LDAP_SUCCESS)
return 0;
my $entry = $res->entry(0); # get the first entry only
if (!defined($entry))
return 0;
$binddn = $entry->dn ();
$binddn = format_string ($cfg->{ldap_userid_format}, $userid, $password);
$passwd = format_string ($cfg->{ldap_password_format}, $userid, $password);
my $res = $ldap->bind ($binddn, password => $passwd);
if ($res->code != LDAP_SUCCESS)
#$r->log_error ("Cannot bind LDAP as $binddn - " . $res->error());
return 0;
my $authenticated = 1;
if ($cfg->{ldap_insider_attribute_names} ne '' && $cfg->{ldap_insider_attribute_value} ne '')
my $attr_str = $cfg->{ldap_insider_attribute_names};
$attr_str =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
my @attrs = split(/\s+/, $attr_str);
if (scalar(@attrs) > 0)
#my $f_filter = '(' . $cfg->{ldap_insider_attribute_name} . '=*)';
my $f_filter = '(objectClass=*)';
$res = $ldap->search (base => $binddn, scope => 'base', filter => $f_filter, @attrs);
if ($res->code == LDAP_SUCCESS)
foreach my $entry ($res->entries)
foreach my $a (@attrs)
my @va = $entry->get_value($a);
foreach my $v (@va)
if (lc($v) eq lc($cfg->{ldap_insider_attribute_value}))
$authenticated = 2;
last search_loop;
return $authenticated;
sub authenticate_database
my ($dbh, $prefix, $userid, $password, $qc) = @_;
my $query = $dbh->prepare ("SELECT ${qc}userid${qc},${qc}passwd${qc} FROM ${qc}${prefix}user_account${qc} WHERE ${qc}userid${qc}=? and ${qc}enabled${qc}='Y'");
if (!$query || !$query->execute ($userid))
return (-1, $dbh->errstr());
my @row = $query->fetchrow_array;
$query->finish ();
if (scalar(@row) <= 0) { return (0, undef); }
my $db_pw = $row[1];
if (length($db_pw) < 10) { return (0, undef); }
my $hexsalt = substr ($db_pw, -10);
my $binsalt = pack ('H*', $hexsalt);
my $fmt_pw = '{ssha1}' . sha1_hex ($password . $binsalt) . $hexsalt;
return (($fmt_pw eq $db_pw? 1: 0), undef);
sub open_database
my ($cfg) = @_;
my $dbtype = $cfg->{database_driver};
my $dbname = $cfg->{database_name};
my $dbhost = $cfg->{database_hostname};
my $dbport = $cfg->{database_port};
if ($dbtype eq 'postgre') { $dbtype = 'Pg'; }
elsif ($dbtype eq 'oci8') { $dbtype = 'Oracle'; }
elsif ($dbtype eq 'mysqli') { $dbtype = 'mysql'; }
my $dbstr;
my $dbuser;
my $dbpass;
if ($dbtype eq 'Oracle')
$dbstr = "DBI:$dbtype:";
$dbuser = $cfg->{database_username} . '/' . $cfg->{database_password} . '@' . $dbhost;
$dbpass = '';
$dbstr = "DBI:$dbtype:database=$dbname;";
if (length($dbhost) > 0) { $dbstr .= "host=$dbhost;"; }
if (length($dbport) > 0) { $dbstr .= "port=$dbport;"; }
$dbuser = $cfg->{database_username};
$dbpass = $cfg->{database_password};
my $dbh = DBI->connect(
$dbstr, $dbuser, $dbpass,
{ RaiseError => 0, PrintError => 0, AutoCommit => 0 }
return $dbh;
sub close_database
my ($dbh) = @_;
$dbh->disconnect ();
sub is_project_member
my ($dbh, $prefix, $projectid, $userid, $qc) = @_;
my $query = $dbh->prepare ("SELECT ${qc}projectid${qc} FROM ${qc}${prefix}project_membership${qc} WHERE ${qc}userid${qc}=? AND ${qc}projectid${qc}=?");
if (!$query || !$query->execute ($userid, $projectid))
return (-1, $dbh->errstr());
my @row = $query->fetchrow_array;
$query->finish ();
return (((scalar(@row) > 0)? 1: 0), undef);
sub is_project_public
my ($dbh, $prefix, $projectid, $qc) = @_;
my $query = $dbh->prepare ("SELECT ${qc}public${qc} FROM ${qc}${prefix}project${qc} WHERE ${qc}id${qc}=?");
if (!$query || !$query->execute ($projectid))
return (-1, $dbh->errstr());
my @row = $query->fetchrow_array;
$query->finish ();
return (((scalar(@row) > 0 && $row[0] eq 'Y')? 1: 0), undef);
sub is_read_method
my ($method) = @_;
return $method eq "GET" || $method eq "HEAD" ||
$method eq "OPTIONS" || $method eq "REPORT" ||
$method eq "PROPFIND";
sub __handler
my ($r, $cfg, $dbh) = @_;
my $method = uc($r->method());
my $is_method_r = is_read_method($method);
#my ($empty, $base, $repo, $dummy) = split ('/', $r->uri(), 4);
my @urisegs = split('/', $r->uri());
my $repo = $urisegs[2];
my $author;
my $userid = undef;
my $password = undef;
my $public = undef;
my $member = undef;
my $errmsg = undef;
my $qc = '';
if ($cfg->{database_driver} eq 'oci8') { $qc = '"'; }
if ($r->proxyreq() == Apache2::Const::PROXYREQ_PROXY)
$author = $r->headers_in->{'Proxy-Authorization'};
$author = $r->headers_in->{'Authorization'};
if (defined($author))
my ($rc, $pass) = $r->get_basic_auth_pw ();
if ($rc != Apache2::Const::OK) { return $rc; }
#$author = APR::Base64::decode((split(/ /,$author))[1]);
#($userid,$password) = split(/:/, $author);
$userid = $r->user();
$password = $pass;
if (!defined($userid)) { $userid = ""; }
if (!defined($password)) { $password = ""; }
if ($is_method_r)
($public, $errmsg) = is_project_public($dbh, $cfg->{database_prefix}, $repo, $qc);
if ($public <= -1)
# failed to contact the authentication server
$r->log_error ("Cannot check if a project is public - $errmsg");
return Apache2::Const::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
elsif ($public >= 1)
if (lc($cfg->{svn_read_access}) eq 'anonymous')
# grant an anonymous user the read access.
if (!defined($userid) || $userid eq '')
# httpd 2.4 emits the following message if the user is not set
# AH00027: No authentication done but request not allowed
# without authentication for /xxx/xxx. Authentication not configured?
return Apache2::Const::OK;
elsif (defined($cfg->{svn_read_credential}) && $cfg->{svn_read_credential} ne '')
# security loop hole here.
my ($c_user, $c_pass) = split(/:/, $cfg->{svn_read_credential});
if ($c_user ne '' && $c_pass ne '' && $c_user eq $userid && $c_pass eq $password)
return Apache2::Const::OK;
my $auth = -3;
if ($cfg->{login_model} eq 'LdapLoginModel')
$auth = authenticate_ldap($r, $cfg, $userid, $password);
elsif ($cfg->{login_model} eq 'DbLoginModel')
($auth, $errmsg) = authenticate_database($dbh, $cfg->{database_prefix}, $userid, $password, $qc);
if ($auth <= -1)
$r->log_error ("Database error - $errmsg");
if ($auth <= -1)
# failed to contact the authentication server
return Apache2::Const::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
elsif ($auth == 0)
# authentication denied
$r->note_basic_auth_failure ();
return Apache2::Const::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED;
# authentication successful.
if ($is_method_r && $public >= 1)
if (lc($cfg->{svn_read_access}) eq 'authenticated')
# grant read access to an authenticated user regardless of membership
# this applies to a public project only
return Apache2::Const::OK;
elsif (lc($cfg->{svn_read_access}) eq 'authenticated-insider')
if ($auth >= 2) { return Apache2::Const::OK; }
($member, $errmsg) = is_project_member($dbh, $cfg->{database_prefix}, $repo, $userid, $qc);
if ($member <= -1)
$r->log_error ("Cannot check project membership - $errmsg");
return Apache2::Const::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
elsif ($member == 0)
# access denined
return Apache2::Const::FORBIDDEN;
# the user is a member of project. access granted.
return Apache2::Const::OK;
sub handler: method
my ($class, $r) = @_;
my $res;
my $cfg;
$cfg = get_config ();
if (!defined($cfg))
$r->log_error ('Cannot load configuration');
return Apache2::Const::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
my $dbh = open_database ($cfg);
if (!defined($dbh))
$r->log_error ('Cannot open database - ' . $DBI::errstr);
return Apache2::Const::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
$res = __handler($r, $cfg, $dbh);
close_database ($dbh);
return $res;