enhanced the code folder view to allow renaming
This commit is contained in:
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class Code extends Controller
if (count($import_files) > 0 && $this->subversion->importFiles ($projectid, $path, $login['id'], $post_new_message, $import_files, $this->upload) === FALSE)
$popup_error_message = $this->subversion->import_files_errmsg;
$popup_error_message = $this->subversion->getErrorMessage();
@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ class Code extends Controller
if (count($import_files) > 0 && $this->subversion->importFiles ($projectid, $path, $login['id'], $post_new_message, $import_files, $this->upload) === FALSE)
$status = 'repoerr - ' . $this->subversion->import_files_errmsg;
$status = 'repoerr - ' . $this->subversion->getErrorMessage();
@ -471,7 +471,6 @@ class Code extends Controller
$this->load->model ('ProjectModel', 'projects');
$this->load->model ('SubversionModel', 'subversion');
$this->load->library ('upload');
$login = $this->login->getUser ();
$revision_saved = -1;
@ -512,9 +511,72 @@ class Code extends Controller
if (count($delete_files) > 0 && $this->subversion->deleteFiles ($projectid, $path, $login['id'], $post_delete_message, $delete_files, $this->upload) === FALSE)
if (count($delete_files) > 0 && $this->subversion->deleteFiles ($projectid, $path, $login['id'], $post_delete_message, $delete_files) === FALSE)
$status = 'repoerr - ' . $this->subversion->delete_files_errmsg;
$status = 'repoerr - ' . $this->subversion->getErrorMessage();
$status = 'ok';
$status = 'posterr - invalid post data';
print $status;
function xhr_rename ($projectid = '', $path = '')
$this->load->model ('ProjectModel', 'projects');
$this->load->model ('SubversionModel', 'subversion');
$login = $this->login->getUser ();
$revision_saved = -1;
if ($login['id'] == '')
$status = 'signin';
$path = $this->converter->HexToAscii ($path);
if ($path == '.') $path = ''; /* treat a period specially */
$path = $this->_normalize_path ($path);
$project = $this->projects->get ($projectid);
if ($project === FALSE)
$status = "dberr - failed to get the project {$projectid}";
else if ($project === NULL)
$status = "noent - no such project {$projectid}";
$post_rename_message = $this->input->post('code_rename_message');
$post_rename_file_count = $this->input->post('code_rename_file_count');
if ($post_rename_message !== FALSE && $post_rename_file_count !== FALSE)
$rename_files = array ();
for ($i = 0; $i < $post_rename_file_count; $i++)
$d1 = $this->input->post("code_rename_file_old_$i");
$d2 = $this->input->post("code_rename_file_new_$i");
if (strlen($d1) > 0 && strlen($d2) > 0)
array_push ($rename_files, array($d1, $d2));
if (count($rename_files) > 0 && $this->subversion->renameFiles ($projectid, $path, $login['id'], $post_rename_message, $rename_files) === FALSE)
$status = 'repoerr - ' . $this->subversion->getErrorMessage();
@ -570,7 +632,7 @@ class Code extends Controller
if ($this->subversion->storeFile ($projectid, $path, $login['id'], $message, $text) === FALSE)
$status = 'repoerr - ' . $this->subversion->store_file_errmsg;
$status = 'repoerr - ' . $this->subversion->getErrorMessage();
@ -16,4 +16,5 @@ $lang['CODE_SEARCH_IS_REGEX'] = 'Search string is a regular expression';
$lang['CODE_SEARCH_WILDCARD'] = 'Enter a wildcard pattern';
$lang['CODE_FMT_DELETE_X_SELECTED_FILES'] = 'Delete %d selected file(s)';
$lang['CODE_FMT_RENAME_X_SELECTED_FILES'] = 'Rename %d selected file(s)';
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ $lang['Projects'] = 'Projects';
$lang['Public'] = 'Public';
$lang['Purge'] = 'Purge';
$lang['Recently resolved issues'] = 'Recently resolved issues';
$lang['Rename'] = 'Rename';
$lang['Repository'] = 'Repository';
$lang['Return'] = 'Return';
$lang['Revision'] = 'Revision';
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ $lang['Projects'] = 'Proyek';
$lang['Public'] = 'Public';
$lang['Purge'] = 'Purge';
$lang['Recently resolved issues'] = 'Recently resolved issues';
$lang['Rename'] = 'Rename';
$lang['Return'] = 'Return';
$lang['Repository'] = 'Repository';
$lang['Revision'] = 'Revisi';
@ -16,5 +16,5 @@ $lang['CODE_SEARCH_IS_REGEX'] = '검색어가 정규식입니다';
$lang['CODE_SEARCH_WILDCARD'] = '와일드카드 패턴을 입력하세요';
$lang['CODE_FMT_DELETE_X_SELECTED_FILES'] = '선택된 파일 %d개를 삭제합니다';
$lang['CODE_FMT_RENAME_X_SELECTED_FILES'] = '선택된 파일 %d개의 이름변경';
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ $lang['Projects'] = '프로젝트';
$lang['Public'] = '공개';
$lang['Purge'] = '정화하기';
$lang['Recently resolved issues'] = '최근해결이슈';
$lang['Rename'] = '이름변경';
$lang['Return'] = '복귀';
$lang['Repository'] = '저장소';
$lang['Revision'] = '리비전';
@ -2,6 +2,18 @@
class SubversionModel extends Model
protected $errmsg = '';
function capture_error ($errno, $errmsg)
$this->errmsg = $errmsg;
function getErrorMessage ()
return $this->errmsg;
function SubversionModel ()
parent::Model ();
@ -249,28 +261,10 @@ class SubversionModel extends Model
return $fileinfo;
public $store_file_errmsg = '';
public $import_files_errmsg = '';
public $delete_files_errmsg = '';
function capture_save_error ($errno, $errmsg)
$this->store_file_errmsg = $errmsg;
function capture_import_error ($errno, $errmsg)
$this->import_files_errmsg = $errmsg;
function capture_delete_error ($errno, $errmsg)
$this->delete_files_errmsg = $errmsg;
function storeFile ($projectid, $path, $committer, $commit_message, $text)
$store_file_errmsg = '';
$errmsg = '';
//$url = 'file://'.CODEPOT_SVNREPO_DIR."/{$projectid}/{$path}";
$canon_path = $this->_canonical_path(CODEPOT_SVNREPO_DIR."/{$projectid}/{$path}");
@ -278,7 +272,7 @@ class SubversionModel extends Model
$file_name = basename($canon_path);
$dirurl = 'file://' . $canon_dir;
set_error_handler (array ($this, 'capture_save_error'));
set_error_handler (array ($this, 'capture_error'));
$tfname = @tempnam(__FILE__, 'codepot-store-file-');
restore_error_handler ();
if ($tfname === FALSE)
@ -290,7 +284,7 @@ class SubversionModel extends Model
codepot_delete_files ($actual_tfname, TRUE); // delete the directory in case it exists
/* TODO: optimize it not to get all files... svn_checkout needs to be enhanced???*/
set_error_handler (array ($this, 'capture_save_error'));
set_error_handler (array ($this, 'capture_error'));
if (@svn_auth_set_parameter (SVN_AUTH_PARAM_DEFAULT_USERNAME, $committer) === FALSE ||
@svn_checkout ($dirurl, $actual_tfname, SVN_REVISION_HEAD, SVN_NON_RECURSIVE) === FALSE ||
@file_put_contents ("{$actual_tfname}/{$file_name}", $text) === FALSE ||
@ -310,7 +304,7 @@ class SubversionModel extends Model
function importFiles ($projectid, $path, $committer, $commit_message, $files, $uploader)
$this->import_files_errmsg = '';
$this->errmsg = '';
//$url = 'file://'.CODEPOT_SVNREPO_DIR."/{$projectid}/{$path}";
$full_path = CODEPOT_SVNREPO_DIR."/{$projectid}";
@ -318,7 +312,7 @@ class SubversionModel extends Model
$canon_path = $this->_canonical_path($full_path);
$dirurl = 'file://' . $canon_path;
set_error_handler (array ($this, 'capture_import_error'));
set_error_handler (array ($this, 'capture_error'));
$tfname = @tempnam(__FILE__, 'codepot-import-files-');
restore_error_handler ();
if ($tfname === FALSE)
@ -329,10 +323,9 @@ class SubversionModel extends Model
$actual_tfname = $tfname . '.d';
codepot_delete_files ($actual_tfname, TRUE); // delete the directory in case it exists
mkdir ($actual_tfname);
set_error_handler (array ($this, 'capture_import_error'));
if (@svn_auth_set_parameter (SVN_AUTH_PARAM_DEFAULT_USERNAME, $committer) === FALSE ||
set_error_handler (array ($this, 'capture_error'));
if (@mkdir ($actual_tfname) === FALSE ||
@svn_auth_set_parameter (SVN_AUTH_PARAM_DEFAULT_USERNAME, $committer) === FALSE ||
@svn_checkout ($dirurl, $actual_tfname, SVN_REVISION_HEAD, 0) === FALSE)
restore_error_handler ();
@ -455,9 +448,9 @@ class SubversionModel extends Model
return TRUE;
function deleteFiles ($projectid, $path, $committer, $commit_message, $files, $uploader)
function deleteFiles ($projectid, $path, $committer, $commit_message, $files)
$this->delete_files_errmsg = '';
$this->errmsg = '';
//$url = 'file://'.CODEPOT_SVNREPO_DIR."/{$projectid}/{$path}";
$full_path = CODEPOT_SVNREPO_DIR."/{$projectid}";
@ -465,7 +458,7 @@ class SubversionModel extends Model
$canon_path = $this->_canonical_path($full_path);
$dirurl = 'file://' . $canon_path;
set_error_handler (array ($this, 'capture_delete_error'));
set_error_handler (array ($this, 'capture_error'));
$tfname = @tempnam(__FILE__, 'codepot-delete-files-');
restore_error_handler ();
if ($tfname === FALSE)
@ -476,10 +469,9 @@ class SubversionModel extends Model
$actual_tfname = $tfname . '.d';
codepot_delete_files ($actual_tfname, TRUE); // delete the directory in case it exists
mkdir ($actual_tfname);
set_error_handler (array ($this, 'capture_delete_error'));
if (@svn_auth_set_parameter (SVN_AUTH_PARAM_DEFAULT_USERNAME, $committer) === FALSE ||
set_error_handler (array ($this, 'capture_error'));
if (@mkdir ($actual_tfname) === FALSE ||
@svn_auth_set_parameter (SVN_AUTH_PARAM_DEFAULT_USERNAME, $committer) === FALSE ||
@svn_checkout ($dirurl, $actual_tfname, SVN_REVISION_HEAD, 0) === FALSE)
restore_error_handler ();
@ -515,6 +507,77 @@ class SubversionModel extends Model
return TRUE;
function renameFiles ($projectid, $path, $committer, $commit_message, $files)
$this->errmsg = '';
//$url = 'file://'.CODEPOT_SVNREPO_DIR."/{$projectid}/{$path}";
$full_path = CODEPOT_SVNREPO_DIR."/{$projectid}";
if (strlen($path) > 0) $full_path .= "/{$path}";
$canon_path = $this->_canonical_path($full_path);
$dirurl = 'file://' . $canon_path;
set_error_handler (array ($this, 'capture_error'));
$tfname = @tempnam(__FILE__, 'codepot-rename-files-');
restore_error_handler ();
if ($tfname === FALSE)
return FALSE;
$actual_tfname = $tfname . '.d';
codepot_delete_files ($actual_tfname, TRUE); // delete the directory in case it exists
set_error_handler (array ($this, 'capture_error'));
if (@mkdir ($actual_tfname) === FALSE ||
@svn_auth_set_parameter (SVN_AUTH_PARAM_DEFAULT_USERNAME, $committer) === FALSE ||
@svn_checkout ($dirurl, $actual_tfname, SVN_REVISION_HEAD, 0) === FALSE)
restore_error_handler ();
codepot_delete_files ($actual_tfname, TRUE);
@unlink ($tfname);
return FALSE;
foreach ($files as $f)
$xname = $actual_tfname . '/' . $f[0];
$yname = $actual_tfname . '/' . $f[1];
if ($f[0] == $f[1]) continue;
if (@file_exists($yname))
$this->errmsg = "{$f[1]} already exists";
restore_error_handler ();
codepot_delete_files ($actual_tfname, TRUE);
@unlink ($tfname);
return FALSE;
if (@svn_move ($xname, $yname, TRUE) === FALSE)
restore_error_handler ();
codepot_delete_files ($actual_tfname, TRUE);
@unlink ($tfname);
return FALSE;
if (($result = @svn_commit ($commit_message, $actual_tfname)) === FALSE)
restore_error_handler ();
codepot_delete_files ($actual_tfname, TRUE);
@unlink ($tfname);
return FALSE;
restore_error_handler ();
codepot_delete_files ($actual_tfname, TRUE); // delete the directory in case it exists
@unlink ($tfname);
return TRUE;
function getRevHistory ($projectid, $path, $rev)
//$url = 'file:///'.CODEPOT_SVNREPO_DIR."/{$projectid}/{$path}";
@ -201,6 +201,8 @@ function render_readme()
var new_item_no = 0;
var import_in_progress = false;
var delete_in_progress = false;
var rename_in_progress = false;
var rename_last_input = {};
function get_new_item_html(no, type, name)
@ -212,9 +214,9 @@ $(function () {
<?php if (isset($login['id']) && $login['id'] != ''): ?>
new_item_no = 0;
$('#code_folder_mainarea_new_file_form_item_list').append (get_new_item_html(new_item_no, 'file', 'file'));
$('#code_folder_mainarea_new_dir_form_item_list').append (get_new_item_html(new_item_no, 'text', 'dir'));
$('#code_folder_mainarea_new_empfile_form_item_list').append (get_new_item_html(new_item_no, 'text', 'empfile'));
$('#code_folder_mainarea_new_file_list').append (get_new_item_html(new_item_no, 'file', 'file'));
$('#code_folder_mainarea_new_dir_list').append (get_new_item_html(new_item_no, 'text', 'dir'));
$('#code_folder_mainarea_new_empfile_list').append (get_new_item_html(new_item_no, 'text', 'empfile'));
$("#code_folder_mainarea_new_form_tabs").tabs ();
@ -231,9 +233,9 @@ $(function () {
if (import_in_progress) return;
$('#code_folder_mainarea_new_file_form_item_list').append (get_new_item_html(new_item_no, 'file', 'file'));
$('#code_folder_mainarea_new_dir_form_item_list').append (get_new_item_html(new_item_no, 'text', 'dir'));
$('#code_folder_mainarea_new_empfile_form_item_list').append (get_new_item_html(new_item_no, 'text', 'empfile'));
$('#code_folder_mainarea_new_file_list').append (get_new_item_html(new_item_no, 'file', 'file'));
$('#code_folder_mainarea_new_dir_list').append (get_new_item_html(new_item_no, 'text', 'dir'));
$('#code_folder_mainarea_new_empfile_list').append (get_new_item_html(new_item_no, 'text', 'empfile'));
'<?php print $this->lang->line('OK')?>': function () {
if (import_in_progress) return;
@ -328,8 +330,6 @@ $(function () {
'<?php print $this->lang->line('OK')?>': function () {
if (delete_in_progress) return;
$('#code_folder_mainarea_new_item_count').val (new_item_no + 1);
if (!!window.FormData)
// FormData is supported
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ $(function () {
form_data.append ('code_delete_message', $('#code_folder_mainarea_delete_message').val());
var xi = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < <?php print $file_count; ?>; i++)
for (var i = 1; i <= <?php print $file_count; ?>; i++)
var f = $('#code_folder_mainarea_result_table_file_selector_' + i);
if (f != null && f.is(':checked'))
@ -403,23 +403,152 @@ $(function () {
$('#code_folder_mainarea_rename_form_div').dialog (
title: '<?php print $this->lang->line('rename');?>',
resizable: true,
autoOpen: false,
width: 'auto',
height: 'auto',
modal: true,
buttons: {
'<?php print $this->lang->line('OK')?>': function () {
if (rename_in_progress) return;
if (!!window.FormData)
// FormData is supported
rename_in_progress = true;
var form_data = new FormData();
form_data.append ('code_rename_message', $('#code_folder_mainarea_rename_message').val());
var xi = 0;
for (var i = 1; i <= <?php print $file_count; ?>; i++)
var f = $('#code_folder_mainarea_result_table_file_selector_' + i);
if (f != null && f.is(':checked'))
form_data.append ('code_rename_file_old_' + xi, f.val());
var fx = $('#code_folder_mainarea_rename_file_' + xi);
var fxv = fx != null? fx.val(): '';
form_data.append ('code_rename_file_new_' + xi, fxv);
form_data.append ('code_rename_file_count', xi);
url: codepot_merge_path('<?php print site_url() ?>', '<?php print "/code/xhr_rename/{$project->id}/{$hex_headpath}"; ?>'),
type: 'POST',
data: form_data,
mimeType: 'multipart/form-data',
contentType: false,
processData: false,
cache: false,
success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
rename_in_progress = false;
if (data == 'ok')
// refresh the page to the head revision
$(location).attr ('href', codepot_merge_path('<?php print site_url(); ?>', '<?php print "/code/file/{$project->id}/{$hex_headpath}"; ?>'));
show_alert ('<pre>' + codepot_htmlspecialchars(data) + '</pre>', "<?php print $this->lang->line('Error')?>");
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
rename_in_progress = false;
show_alert ('Failed - ' + errorThrown, "<?php print $this->lang->line('Error')?>");
show_alert ('<pre>NOT SUPPORTED</pre>', "<?php print $this->lang->line('Error')?>");
'<?php print $this->lang->line('Cancel')?>': function () {
if (rename_in_progress) return;
beforeClose: function() {
// if importing is in progress, prevent dialog closing
rename_last_input = {};
var xi = 0;
for (var i = 1; i <= <?php print $file_count; ?>; i++)
var f = $('#code_folder_mainarea_result_table_file_selector_' + i);
if (f != null && f.is(':checked'))
var fx = $('#code_folder_mainarea_rename_file_' + xi);
var fxv = fx != null? fx.val(): '';
rename_last_input[f.val()] = fxv;
return !rename_in_progress;
$('#code_folder_mainarea_new_button').button().click (function() {
$('#code_folder_mainarea_delete_button').button().click (function() {
var xi = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < <?php print $file_count; ?>; i++)
for (var i = 1; i <= <?php print $file_count; ?>; i++)
var f = $('#code_folder_mainarea_result_table_file_selector_' + i);
if (f != null && f.is(':checked')) xi++;
$('#code_folder_mainarea_delete_display_message').text (
$('#code_folder_mainarea_delete_form_div').dialog ('option', 'title',
codepot_sprintf ("<?php print addslashes($this->lang->line('CODE_FMT_DELETE_X_SELECTED_FILES')) ?>", xi)
$('#code_folder_mainarea_rename_button').button().click (function() {
var xi = 0;
for (var i = 1; i <= <?php print $file_count; ?>; i++)
var f = $('#code_folder_mainarea_result_table_file_selector_' + i);
if (f != null && f.is(':checked'))
var li = rename_last_input[f.val()];
if (li == null) li = '';
$('#code_folder_mainarea_rename_file_table').append (
codepot_sprintf ('<tr><td>%s</td><td><input type="text" id="code_folder_mainarea_rename_file_%d" value="%s"/></td></tr>',
codepot_htmlspecialchars(f.val()), xi, codepot_addslashes(li))
$('#code_folder_mainarea_rename_form_div').dialog ('option', 'title',
codepot_sprintf ("<?php print addslashes($this->lang->line('CODE_FMT_RENAME_X_SELECTED_FILES')) ?>", xi)
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($file_count > 0): ?>
@ -699,6 +828,7 @@ $this->load->view (
printf ('<a id="code_folder_mainarea_new_button" href="#">%s</a>', $this->lang->line('New'));
printf ('<a id="code_folder_mainarea_delete_button" href="#">%s</a>', $this->lang->line('Delete'));
printf ('<a id="code_folder_mainarea_rename_button" href="#">%s</a>', $this->lang->line('Rename'));
if ($file_count > 0)
@ -965,13 +1095,13 @@ $this->load->view (
<div id="code_folder_mainarea_new_file_div">
<div><input type='checkbox' id='code_folder_mainarea_new_item_unzip' name='code_folder_new_item_unzip' value='yes'/><?php print $this->lang->line('Unzip a zip file'); ?></div>
<div><ul id='code_folder_mainarea_new_file_form_item_list'></ul></div>
<div><ul id='code_folder_mainarea_new_file_list'></ul></div>
<div id="code_folder_mainarea_new_dir_div">
<div><ul id='code_folder_mainarea_new_dir_form_item_list'></ul></div>
<div><ul id='code_folder_mainarea_new_dir_list'></ul></div>
<div id="code_folder_mainarea_new_empfile_div">
<div><ul id='code_folder_mainarea_new_empfile_form_item_list'></ul></div>
<div><ul id='code_folder_mainarea_new_empfile_list'></ul></div>
@ -979,11 +1109,18 @@ $this->load->view (
<div id="code_folder_mainarea_delete_form_div">
<div><span id='code_folder_mainarea_delete_display_message'></span><br /> </div>
<div><?php print $this->lang->line('Message'); ?>:</div>
<div><textarea type='textarea' id='code_folder_mainarea_delete_message' name='code_folder_delete_message' style='width:100%;' ></textarea></div>
<div id="code_folder_mainarea_rename_form_div">
<div><?php print $this->lang->line('Message'); ?>:</div>
<div><textarea type='textarea' id='code_folder_mainarea_rename_message' name='code_folder_rename_message' style='width:100%;' ></textarea></div>
<div id="code_folder_mainarea_rename_file_div">
<div><table id='code_folder_mainarea_rename_file_table'></table></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<div id='code_folder_mainarea_alert'></div>
@ -382,6 +382,26 @@ function codepot_htmlspecialchars(string, quote_style, charset, double_encode) {
return string;
function codepot_addslashes(str) {
// discuss at: http://phpjs.org/functions/addslashes/
// original by: Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net)
// improved by: Ates Goral (http://magnetiq.com)
// improved by: marrtins
// improved by: Nate
// improved by: Onno Marsman
// improved by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me)
// improved by: Oskar Larsson Högfeldt (http://oskar-lh.name/)
// input by: Denny Wardhana
// example 1: addslashes("kevin's birthday");
// returns 1: "kevin\\'s birthday"
return (str + '')
.replace(/[\\"']/g, '\\$&')
.replace(/\u0000/g, '\\0');
function codepot_ascii_to_hex (x)
var r="";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user